‘I don’t know if I’ll be able to control myself if I kiss you,’ he whispered. A tiny jolt of electricity shot through my belly and down between my legs.

  ‘I don’t care. I want you to kiss me,’ I said, barely opening my mouth. He opened his eyes and I saw my own reflection in them.

  Kiss me, Mr. La Caz. I want you to kiss me.

  ‘You are brave, Julia,’ he said and moved away, drawing a long rasping breath.

  My mind spun and disappointment swept over me. Then in a fraction of a second, Nathaniel was beside me again, placing his mouth upon mine. He wove his fingers through my hair, drawing me closer to him. My lips parted under his and he deepened the kiss, taking my breath away. His tongue slipped into my mouth. The tingling of magical current travelled up my arms, lifting my skin into tiny goose pimples, and then spread across my neck, tensing the muscles in my core and hips. Then I felt his fangs extend in his mouth. I panicked. He pushed me away.

  I looked at him. His chest was rising and falling, he was drawing long breaths, and his fangs were hidden again. The kiss was mind-blowing and the magic inside me was bursting.

  ‘Have I done something wrong?’ I asked my voice hoarse. He ran his hand through his sandy hair and drank the rest of his whisky.

  ‘No, but until I have you in my bed, this will continue to happen,’ he responded in a husky tone.

  I blushed and sipped some of my cocktail.

  I'm not going to sleep with him tonight. I don’t think that’s a good idea at all, but no one ever in my life created that kind of energy in me.

  ‘I need a minute in the ladies’ room,’ I said and got up. He nodded. My legs were wobbly when I walked and I had on my killer heels. A lot of vampires were staring at me. The bartender was a mermaid, and as I passed through, he shook his head as if he were trying to tell me that I was a fool.

  ‘Julia, what do you think you are doing?’

  I was frozen on the spot as I recognised the voice. I turned around and saw Jasper scowling at me. The tiny voice in my head told me to continue walking and get into the ladies’ room, but I couldn’t move.

  ‘Jasper,’ I gasped.

  ‘What the fuck are you doing here with that vampire?’ he asked, approaching me. His eyes were mad, gleaming with fury like the time he accused me of cheating on him with my work colleague. I stepped back, petrified.

  ‘I told you to leave me alone, Jasper. What is wrong with you? I don’t need to explain myself to you,’ I fumed, clenching my fists.

  ‘Julia, is there a problem?’ Nathaniel asked, appearing next to me.

  Just breathe. He is going to go away.

  ‘What would your father say if he saw you with that bloodsucker?’ ranted Jasper, and a spark of electricity shot through his hair.

  Nathaniel’s eyes narrowed and he stepped towards Jasper. ‘I don’t care who you are or what you are doing here, but this lady is with me. So I suggest you leave. Otherwise, these other vampires and I won’t be so understanding.’

  Nathaniel’s voice was like ice and I felt the presence of a few vampires who drew closer. Just a second ago this floor was empty and now we were surrounded. Jasper looked livid, but he was obviously aware of the threat. He was unpredictable and I knew that he was waiting to pick another fight.

  ‘I’ll get a restraining order if I have to, Jasper. We are not together anymore. Just leave,’ I snapped. My voice was trembling.

  ‘If you traded me for a vampire, then you are a fool. Everyone knows that will never work,’ he barked, but Nathaniel and two other vampires stepped towards him, their faces ashen, fangs extended.

  He might have changed his mind about a fight because he shot Nathaniel a sharp look, turned, and walked away.

  Everyone’s eyes were watching him until he was gone. My heart was beating like crazy and I wanted to run as well. This was so humiliating. My damn stalking ex-boyfriend wizard found me again.

  Chapter twenty-three

  That’s it? Until next time? What’s that even mean? Is he going to see me again or not?

  ‘Are you okay, Julia?’ Nathaniel asked me and cupped my face in his palms. His hazel eyes were studying me carefully. I didn’t want to look at him, but he wasn’t going to let me go until he was sure that I was fine. I was staring at his full soft lips that touched me just a minute ago. I wished that I could lose myself.

  ‘I’m fine,’ I gasped, smiling again. ‘I just need to go to the ladies’ room.’

  When I calmed down and returned, he was waiting for me, ready to leave.

  ‘Are you going to tell me who he was or should we pretend that this didn’t happen?’ he asked.

  If I tell him, then he will run. No one likes a wizard ex-boyfriend who plays well with dark magic.

  ‘I used to date him. He still thinks he can control my life,’ I replied as we were walking back. ‘I need to pay for my drink.’

  ‘I already took care of that.’

  ‘Of course you did, but next time I will pay for my own drink,’ I told him as we reached the bottom floor. I saw a few fairies who were drinking at the bar staring at me.

  ‘Why does he still think he can control you?’ asked Nathaniel, grabbing my elbow.

  Now I regretted that I said anything to him about Jasper. I didn’t want to have this conversation here as a lot of creatures were glancing at us. ‘He’s a wizard who is not afraid to experiment with dark magic and now that he has seen us together, he is going to make my life hell…”

  ‘Nathaniel La Caz, what a surprise!’

  A deep rough voice made Nathaniel lose his focus on me and turn towards a tall vampire who was approaching us. I had no idea who he was, but Nathaniel’s posture tensed and he didn’t let go of me.

  ‘Caleb McGregor,’ he said dryly. The two vampires shook hands, staring at each other with obvious tension that suddenly whipped the air. Nathaniel’s lips twitched.

  ‘I never see you around bars like this. I thought you would be in your office making your next million,’ Caleb said with a hint of sarcasm. He looked unshaven, which was impossible because vampire’s hair didn’t grow. He was handsome with dark smoky hair and olive eyes.

  ‘As you can see, I’m having a quiet drink,’ Nathaniel snapped, looking irritated. ‘And I’m quite busy, if—’

  ‘So who is your beautiful friend? I smell elf blood,’ he cut him off, eyeing me closely.

  ‘I don’t think it’s appropriate to smell anyone if you don’t know them,’ I said loudly, smiling, although I wasn’t really sure what to make of him. I sensed something more than tension between those two vampires. Nathaniel’s eyes flashed with anger.

  Caleb laughed.

  ‘I apologise, Miss—?’

  ‘This is Julia Taylor,’ Nathaniel cut him off. ‘I'm in a hurry, McGregor, so please excuse us.’

  Then La Caz dragged me away with inhuman speed. Once we were outside, I pulled away.

  ‘What was that about? Who was he?’ I asked, puzzled and angry that he manhandled me like that.

  ‘That’s the man who has been trying to make me bankrupt for a long time,’ he responded. His nostrils flared. ‘He isn’t important at the moment. I want to know why your ex-boyfriend was here?’

  I licked my upper lips, feeling the cold breeze on my skin. ‘Jasper is a control freak. We broke up a year ago, but he still doesn’t want to leave me alone. I told him I would get a restraining order,’ I ranted, feeling my good mood fade away. Jasper yet again ruined my evening. I wished he would just disappear.

  ‘I can take care of him. I have money and power. He will never get close to you again.’

  ‘No!’ I protested. ‘He is dangerous and I don’t want you to get involved. I’ll take care of him.’

  ‘I don’t like your way of thinking, Julia,’ he said, still holding me by my elbow. ‘If he threatens you again, he is finished and I don’t care what you think. Now let’s get you home.’

  I wanted to say more to him, but he grabbed my hand, took out his mobile
and told Roberto he was ready. I pursed my lips together, feeling disappointed the evening had to end like this. He proved to be different than I was expecting, but my rational side was advising me to stop this before it was too late.

  Five minutes later, Roberto pulled up on the busy street and we got in.

  ‘Miss Taylor’s apartment,’ ordered Nathaniel.

  My mind was racing. I wasn’t sure what to think and whether I wanted to see him again. I wasn’t one of those girls who were afraid to tell a guy what she wanted.

  Nathaniel leaned forward and whispered in my ear, ‘I'm not going to renew my proposition because you already agreed to it.’

  I dropped my mouth. ‘I told you that I’m not going…’

  ‘You said it when I picked you up from the Christmas party, in the car,’ he said, sounding amused.

  ‘I was drunk and I don’t remember it, so don’t get your hopes up,’ I hissed, putting my hands together.

  ‘I don’t understand why you are fighting this. I can smell when your magic tingles through your skin when I'm close. We should skip this whole dating sequence and just have sex, forget about the bloodsucking,’ he said, not paying much attention to Roberto, who kept a close eye on the road. I blushed.

  ‘I told you that I'm old-fashioned and I don’t do just sex, Nathaniel. I think we both want different things.’

  ‘Sooner or later, you will forget about your silly rules, Julia. I want you and I will have you,’ he said.

  If you want to bet, then I'm up for the challenge. I'm not a sex maniac like someone else here.

  I didn’t know why I didn’t say that out loud. Nathaniel La Caz was handsome and it was obvious that I was attracted to him, but I wasn’t going to become his fuck buddy.

  Roberto pulled in front of my apartment.

  ‘Thank you for the lovely dinner and please say hallo to your father,’ I said, ready to leave. His eyes ignited with desire and I swallowed hard, remembering his kiss.

  ‘Until next time, Julia,’ he said, and then before I knew it, Roberto opened the door for me. If I wanted to keep my dignity, I had to leave.

  That’s it? Until next time? What’s that even mean? Is he going to see me again or not?

  All those questions were swirling in my head when his car drove off. I slammed my door in anger and flopped on the sofa.

  If he was playing hard to get, then we would see who’d win this game. I most certainly wasn’t going to ask him whether we were going to meet again, or call him. Besides, I didn’t even have his number.

  I stripped and had a long shower, washing off this excess magic that I had. My mother always told me I should never run after a guy. If he was interested, he would make an effort. Nathaniel La Caz wanted to have sex with me; he wasn’t interested in an emotional relationship. I touched my lips and gasped. His kiss told me that maybe he wanted something more and I didn’t understand him.

  You won’t get me, Mr. La Caz. Not without a fight.

  Chapter twenty-four

  When she hears what I have to say, she will flip!

  Until Christmas Eve, I was trying to keep myself busy. I went to Pilates twice a day, I relaxed, did my nails, sorted out grocery shopping, paid some bills—and kept thinking about Claudia. But at the end of each evening, I always wound up thinking about Nathaniel. He didn’t even ask for my number or email address, so I wasn’t sure he was going to contact me again.

  On top of that, I was ready to talk to Dad about Jasper; he wasn’t going to leave me alone, so I had to do something. Ella called me a few days later. She asked me to pop over to her house so we could spend Christmas Eve together. This was our little tradition, drinking wine on the day before Christmas. Nicky used to join us, but after she got married, she couldn’t leave her family to get drunk with us.

  On Thursday afternoon, I was sure I wouldn’t hear from Nathaniel La Caz, so I dressed in jeans and a black sparkly top and strolled to Ella’s family home. She still lived with her mother in Bromley. Sometimes I preferred not to worry about magic at all and spend quality time with my human best friend.

  ‘Julia, how nice to see you. How have you been?’ asked Mrs. Jenkins when she opened the door. I smiled as I walked in.

  ‘Busy, Mrs. Jenkins. Work was manic the past few days, so I’m glad to have some time off,’ I replied, walking into the kitchen and smelling the mince pies.

  ‘It’s busy everywhere this time of the year, dear. I’m sure your agency is filled with people who are looking for work. That funny name would catch anyone’s attention.’

  Paranormal Personnel didn’t catch anyone’s attention, but Ella’s mother was a clever woman.

  Ella’s older brother Mathew was munching on freshly made mince pie. Mrs. Jenkins baked a lot, but Ella was more into makeup and hair than getting her hands dirty in the kitchen.

  ‘Julia, take some of these pies upstairs. Ella keeps saying she’s on a diet, but she’s never said no to my pies.’ I took the plate from Ella’s mum and slipped my shoes off. The Jenkins family lived in a traditional detached house. On the way upstairs, there were photographs of Ella and Mathew when they were toddlers.

  I knocked on Ella’s door and entered. She was sitting on the bed, painting her toenails. Her red hair was tied in a messy bun; she was in her dressing robe. Her room reflected her personality. A large dressing table was by the window; piles of clothes and carrier bags were lying everywhere.

  ‘I brought pie,’ I announced, placing a plate in front of her. She looked at me as if I was evil and her nostrils flared.

  ‘I’m on a diet. Mum knows and she wants to make me fat!’ Ella exclaimed, holding the red nail polish. I took off my coat and sat on the chair, staring at her with interest. She screwed the top on the miniature bottle and said, ‘I think I’m in love with him.’

  ‘You are not in love with him. What are you even talking about?’ I asked, folding my arms together. ‘You’ve seen him only a few times; you don’t even know anything about him.’

  Ella pursed her lips, annoyed. ‘Oh Julia, he is handsome, tall, and sexy. He has an amazing job and a good sense of humour. I don’t need to know anything else,’ she said, waving her hand with enthusiasm. ‘And he is a very good kisser.’

  I massaged my skull as she continued to rant about her perfect date. ‘I just don’t want you to be disappointed; you’ve been on so many dates, Ella. For what law firm does he work?’

  ‘I don’t remember. It’s an unusual name. It’s in East London and he is mega rich. He took me to one of the best restaurants in London and the meal was fantastic. When he picked me up from the salon after work, all the girls couldn’t believe it.’

  ‘What’s his name?’

  ‘Daniel Seldon. He keeps texting me and wants to take me out on Boxing Day. Seriously, he is the one I'm going to marry.’ Her eyes sparkled and I rolled mine and sucked the corner of my lips.

  ‘I have wineglasses somewhere here,’ she muttered, looking under the bed. Her T-shirt moved and I shifted closer to see the odd marks on her neck. I froze, staring at her exposed flesh that had two tiny bite wounds, and my intuition told me Ella’s new boyfriend decided to have a bit of fun with her. My heartbeat quickened as I stared at the marks, thinking about my own situation. The man Ella was seeing wasn’t a human or maybe he wasn’t even a solicitor. He was a freaking vampire who drank her blood. Magic boiled inside me. Vampires could turn people into creatures like them, but first that person had to drink the vampire blood in order to be sired.

  Ella handed me a glass.

  ‘Here, my friend, it’s our favourite. Let’s drink to love,’ she said while I gaped at her, unable to make any kind of sound.

  Vampires didn’t get involved in relationships with humans. Paranormal creatures were also part of the government and there were laws and protocols everyone had to follow. The protocol didn’t mention anything about feeding on humans. I knew people with vampire marks, but most of them never even remembered that they had been eaten.

Vampires fed on humans all the time, but all the evidence was closely hidden and all the memories cleared, so no one ever complained. However, I was worried about Ella because she was under the impression that she found her Prince Charming. God, I hated that she got involved with a vampire, especially after what happened to Claudia. I speculated that this all had something to do with Magic Shot and vampires.

  ‘So have you had lunch with this Daniel guy? I was thinking I could meet him?’ I asked, sounding casual. Ella poured me a generous glass of rosé and narrowed her eyes.

  ‘He works a lot, so we never meet in the day. He takes me out often,’ she said after a moment of thinking about my question. ‘We should all have dinner together. Then you could see how sweet he is.’

  ‘That’s a good idea,’ I said, unable to focus on anything other than Ella’s bite marks. I wanted to meet that vampire and tell him what I thought about him. He couldn’t have been looking to have a relationship with Ella. This was simply impossible. If he was going to continue to take blood from Ella, she could be in danger.

  I decided to enjoy my evening. I was going to see my dad tomorrow so I could ask him about this. This had to stop before Ella got emotionally involved with a creature who couldn’t do anything for her. She would not be able to handle the truth.

  We drank, laughed, and ate the mince pies, but in the back of my mind I was still worried about her. In the end, I didn’t tell her about Nathaniel. After all, he was a vampire as well.

  Chapter twenty-five

  It was just one kiss. She wouldn’t recognise a Dhampir through a scent, would she?

  I spent the night in Ella’s room. In the morning, I woke up with a hangover. My best friend was still asleep when I left her house. My parents were waiting for me, as I was late. We were going to my dad’s parents’ for at least three days.

  I had everything I needed with me so it was just a case of jumping into my father’s ten-year-old silver Audi. My grandparents were particular about Christmas. We usually opened presents in the evening and no one could use magic when my mother was in the room.