When I came back, Ella was already wrapped around a dark-haired man on the dance floor. I decided to step aside and went back to the bar to get another drink. When I came back, Christina was chatting with a tall muscular guy beside our table; there was no sign of Tanya or Melanie. Christina winked at me when I sat by her. Her companion was a bodybuilder, and he stared at Ella’s friend as if he was in bliss.

  Soon my best friend returned, the man she had been dancing with holding her hand. As they approached, the colour drained from my face. Ella’s companion was a vampire; the coldness that evaporated through his skin made me uncomfortable. He was tall, dark, and handsome and I wasn’t surprised Ella couldn’t resist him.

  ‘Julia, this is Daniel,’ Ella said, squeezing his hand.

  ‘Hi,’ I said.

  ‘Any friend of Ella’s is also my friend,’ he said, leaning towards me. I smiled as they sat next to me. The vampire looked interested in my best friend and when Ella was drunk, she talked a lot. I was drinking my cocktail, trying to think whether I knew any spell, but I was never good in casting anything other than my cover charm. The lighting was dim and vampire senses were much better than humans’, so I couldn’t think what to do. Soon Christina vanished with her companion, leaving me alone with Ella and the vampire. Tanya and Melanie came back. Ella started to introduce her new ‘boyfriend’ to them.

  ‘Ladies, I see that you need top-ups of your drinks,’ said Daniel smoothly. I couldn’t guess his age, but I wouldn’t think he was an old vampire. He was wearing an expensive watch. Ella, Melanie, and Tanya giggled.

  ‘Cosmopolitans for all of us, please,’ said Ella.

  ‘And for you, Julia?’ he asked, turning to face me.

  ‘I’m fine for now,’ I replied. He nodded and left us.

  ‘Oh my God, Ella, he is gorgeous,’ squeaked Tanya.

  ‘I’m going to the ladies’ room,’ I said, but no one paid much attention to me as they talked about Daniel. I decided to take matters into my own hands. As I was trying to get through the crowd of people, I started seeing more and more supernatural creatures—mainly vampires, dancing with humans. Vampires normally didn’t hang out at clubs filled with humans. Something wasn’t right here.

  ‘Are you looking for someone?’

  Daniel was standing in front of me, his dark, hungry eyes staring at my neck. I took a deep breath and decided to tell him to go to hell.

  ‘What the fuck do you think you are doing?’ I asked him, keeping my voice hard. He laughed and inhaled my scent.

  This wasn’t good; he was a full-grown vampire. He could feel that I wasn’t human. I had no chance.

  ‘I’m having fun with your friend, Ella.’

  ‘Don’t give me that bullshit, bloodsucker. I saw bite marks on her neck,’ I said, feeling my energy sparkle and the current pass through my skin. I couldn’t lose control here in front of all these humans.

  He narrowed his eyes and licked his upper lip, but he wasn’t afraid of me. ‘Your friend seemed to enjoy my touch.’

  ‘You know the protocol; you can’t date her unless she knows that you’re a vampire. She is my best friend,’ I snarled.

  ‘I don’t care about the protocol. I’m only playing with her. Her blood tastes good,’ he whispered, leaning towards me.

  I clenched my fists. ‘Stay away from her,’ I snapped.

  ‘You can’t tell me what to do. It’s a free country, my dear elf friend, and I can snap your neck in a second and no one will ever find you,’ he said, moving closer to me. Panic rushed through me. My heart tried to gallop out of my chest.

  ‘I wouldn’t do that if I were you. I have a famous dad who is in charge of the Paranormal Unit,’ I said, but my voice was trembling. ‘If you attack me here in front of all these humans, you will die. I know your rules.’

  ‘Don’t dare to threaten me, blondie. I don’t give a fuck about the protocol and right now your scent intoxicates me so much that I'm going to taste your blood,’ he said, moving so close to me I saw my own scared reflection in his dark eyes.

  A bead of sweat rolled down my back. I knew that I couldn’t use my magic here, but somehow I had to defend myself.

  ‘Is there a problem?’ asked someone.

  ‘I suggest you leave; this one is mine,’ barked the vampire, not taking his eyes off me. I sensed another vampire next to me. Then, in a matter of seconds, a white hand clenched around Daniel’s neck and I saw Philip La Caz in front of him.

  Chapter forty-three

  Don’t be an idiot, Julia. Just get back upstairs and call your dad.

  ‘If you don’t want me to kill you right now, then I suggest you leave this lady alone,’ said La Caz Senior, hoarsely. ‘I’m a hundred years older than you.’

  Daniel looked white; panic obscured his face as he choked. I glanced around, but no one was paying any attention to us, or maybe Philip La Caz was able to make humans not notice him when convenient. La Caz slowly released the other vampire. Daniel’s breath came back to him in a painful heave.

  ‘If I see you anywhere near this lady again, I’m going to kill you,’ La Caz Senior snarled, extending his fangs. In the dim light, he looked scary and my brain clamped shut with fear.

  Daniel nodded, aware that the vampire in front of him was much older and stronger. He didn’t have a chance of surviving if he planned to challenge La Caz. He stumbled away, massaging his neck. I exhaled, feeling light-headed.

  ‘Are you all right, Julia?’ asked La Caz Senior.

  ‘Yes, just a little shaken up,’ I gasped.

  His eyes shimmered as he took me by my elbow. ‘What are you doing here talking to that young vampire? He could have drained you and then my only son would suffer forever.’

  ‘He is drinking from my best friend. She’s a human. I was just telling him to stay away from her,’ I explained, breathing in and out. I was feeling dizzy and suddenly exhausted.

  ‘Are you out of your mind? He could have dragged you away from here and killed you!’ he almost shouted he was so upset.

  ‘I was willing to risk it,’ I said.

  ‘Don’t be stupid, Julia. Vampires don’t do what they are told, but he shouldn’t be involved with a human; the protocol is clear. Make sure you keep away from him, because I didn’t like the look on his face. Though I think he understood he has to stay away from you and hopefully your friend. I would love to chat with you more, but I have urgent business I have to deal with, so please keep out of trouble.’

  ‘Yes, thank you for your help,’ I said. He smiled and walked away, leaving me still in shock. I wiped the sweat off my forehead and sighed.

  This was supposed to be a quiet night out.

  When I was calm again, I ordered another shot at the bar. My heartbeat went back to normal, so I decided it was time to find the girls. I hoped Daniel understood Philip’s warning. I was just about to walk towards my table when I saw Caleb McGregor passing through. He kept glancing behind him, walking towards the stairs.

  What the hell is he doing here?

  I didn’t know why, but the tiny voice in my head put two and two together and I let out of a quiet gasp. Nathaniel mentioned that McGregor was trying to ruin his business; what if he was the one doing all the kidnappings? He was a vampire, after all, and he saw me with Nathaniel. I had no idea if whatever my intuition was telling me was right, but I decided to follow him.

  I looked around. The club was crowded, maybe more so than usual. McGregor was wearing a dark navy shirt, holding a mobile phone in his hand. He moved down the stairs like a cat stalking prey on a hunt. We were at the lowest level and soon he vanished behind the doors that were accessible only to employees.

  I stopped, but then I thought about Claudia. This might be a chance to find out who took her and to bring her back. And if I was right and didn’t do anything now, he might slip away.

  I quietly slipped through the door. Soon I found myself in a dark room with stairs that took me farther down. I sucked the corner of my lips and continued walk
ing downstairs. My palms started to sweat when I reached yet another door. I pressed the door handle and realised I couldn’t hear the music here at all. I found myself in another long corridor; the floor was bright white with dim lighting. I took off my heels and moved quietly, stopping when I heard a voice around the corner.

  I held my breath, listening.

  ‘I’m so glad you found another fairy. Her blood is precious,’ said a deep voice. I recognized it as Caleb McGregor’s. He was talking to someone else, and if they moved towards the door, they would find me.

  ‘Let me go,’ squeaked another voice—a woman maybe. She sounded weak and in pain. It wasn’t Claudia, I would have recognised her voice straightaway.

  ‘Tim, knock her out,’ Caleb ordered and then I heard a loud scream. Then silence. Next, I heard a sharp intake of breath; a lump clogged in my throat.

  ‘Take her to the draining room,’ Caleb said. ‘We need as much blood as we can get. La Caz is finished.’

  ‘Yes, sir.’

  My heart was in my throat when I realised that I’d guessed right. Caleb was producing a fake version of Magic Shot—using the blood of elves and fairies. He probably had Claudia. My pulse throbbed as I glanced around, but in this part of the corridor, I was alone. Aside from being half elf, I knew Caleb hated Nathaniel, and at the moment, I was his girlfriend. When I heard the noise of a slamming door, I took a long breath. I had to get back upstairs and call Dad.

  I leaned forward and looked behind the wall. Whoever was there before had disappeared. Another corridor and door were to my right. I thought about that poor fairy who was knocked out and then about the draining room.

  Don’t be an idiot, Julia. Just get back upstairs and call your dad.

  Easier said than done. I couldn’t hesitate any longer, so instead of listening to my inner voice, I entered the first door, straight into darkness. I waited a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the gloom. The only source of light in the room was coming from the back. I saw tables with half-naked bodies lying on them. All of them had tubes attached to their hands where Caleb was draining their blood. My heart started pounding when I saw a movement in the corner and recognised the scent of a giant. He was placing a body on the empty table, muttering to himself.

  And then I saw her! My cousin Claudia was lying on one of the first tables. In the dim light coming from the small lamp above the bed I saw her ashen face. Who knew how long they had been draining her? Tears welled in my eyes and I wondered if she was even alive. I could only hope that if they were still draining her, she was still in this world.

  I didn’t have much time, but reacting to my urge to take her away, I sent her a dose of my magic, so she could walk with me when I was ready to take her out of here. I crept closer to the giant while creating a bolt of energy around my palms. All the fairies and elves in the room looked pale, as the life was slowly being sucked out of them. I stood and concentrated on my task. I was never great with this spell, but I had no choice; I had to do something. The electric current was now blazing down my back; my fingertips buzzed, keeping the bolt of light stronger.

  I don’t remember what happened next but the giant somehow noticed the light behind him and roared, ‘Unleashed elf!’

  He was going to attack me, so I did the only thing that came to my mind. The energy that I had accumulated between my palms swept him off his feet and he flew across the room. He banged his head on the floor and did not get up. I was sure that vampires would soon start rushing through the door. But I had used all my excess magic and wouldn’t be able to produce any more for a while.

  I rushed to Claudia. Her eyes were closed. I touched her neck, searching for a pulse. It was faint, so she was still alive. I started unplugging all the tubes from her veins, tears dripping off my face. I placed my palms on her heart trying to remember the spell that my grandmother taught me. The warm green light evaporated off my palms. My energy flooded through me.

  ‘Come on, wake up! We have to go,’ I whispered after a moment, slapping her gently on her cheek. She stirred and started moaning. She opened her eyes and looked around with fear and confusion.

  ‘Julia, what are doing here, where am I?’ she started asking, widening her blue eyes.

  ‘We have to leave. Now! There is no time.’ I helped her to her feet. She looked light-headed and confused. I managed to hang her arm over my shoulder and drag her across the room. I looked back at the bodies of the others and the blood they were losing second by second. I couldn’t help them; there was no time.

  Claudia was light, but she could hardly walk, and I’d given her some of my power, so I felt weak. I unlocked the door. The corridor was still empty, so we had a chance to walk away unseen.

  ‘I can’t! Please leave me,’ she cried. Her skin was sullen and grey. She had lost a lot of blood.

  ‘We have to go now. There isn’t time,’ I hissed, but I felt the presence of a vampire. I lifted my head. It was Daniel. He was standing a few metres away with an expression of utter contempt on his face.

  ‘I don’t think you’ll be going anywhere,’ he said, approaching me.

  Fuck, he is pissed and I won’t be able to produce any more light. I'm in a right mess.

  Chapter forty-four

  So this is how I would feel if Nathaniel drank from me.

  Claudia slid to the floor and I stood, wiping the sweat off my face. I had nowhere to escape because he was blocking the only way out. His eyes were dark, chilling as the breath of death on my skin. His fangs were out, ready to strike. He smelled my fear and my fairy blood. I tried to call up my energy. My skin started drizzling with light, but this wasn’t enough; I was too weak. My father’s charm wouldn’t start working yet; it was too soon.

  ‘When I started drinking from your fatty friend I had no idea that she even knew you. Then she started talking about La Caz, so I added everything together. That’s why I came back to her. To get to you. You’re a prize Caleb wants badly because of La Caz.’

  Make him talk, distract him and use whatever magic you have left!

  ‘So it was Caleb who sent those giants to kidnap me.’

  ‘Yes. He wanted to have you, so he organised the kidnapping, but some foolish giants failed him. It drove him crazy that La Caz’s business was flourishing. Nothing was going according to plan, so he told me to step in again. Caleb’s production of Magic Shot was going pretty well, and when we started adding fairies’ and elves’ delicious blood, then sales really went up.’

  ‘Stay away!’ I shouted. My hands filled with fire but only for several seconds. I was too worn out and he knew that. My fairy cousin lying on the floor was sobbing. I had to think fast; I peered down the other side of the corridor. I didn’t know where that would take me.

  Would Caleb still be in the building?

  ‘Oh, my sweet Julia, did you think that I would be afraid of old La Caz? He is not here to save you. No one is, and I’m going to enjoy tasting you so much.’

  I decided to do the only thing that was reasonable—I ran. My legs took me away from him very fast, but I didn’t get too far. He was beside me within a second, grabbing my throat and slamming his body into mine. He pinned me to the wall, digging his large hands into my shoulders. He smelled of blood and sex.

  ‘Oh my, you smell delicious,’ he whispered. I felt his erection between my legs and felt instantly sick. He squeezed my neck hard, cutting off the oxygen. He was slowly going to suffocate me if I didn’t get away. ‘You can’t imagine how much I’ll enjoy sucking you off.’

  I cried out when he shoved his hand between my legs. I screamed, but the blackness and panic blinded me. Tears leaked out and I just wanted him to die.

  Then I felt the piercing pain near my throat. He sank his fangs into my neck, drinking my rich blood, indulging himself with my scent. His hand was still between my legs, moving with the rhythm of my pulse. Muscles inside my body clenched with ragged anger. My magic was quiet and lost. He was crushing my energy in pieces. I was hopeless. I couldn’t mov
e or do anything. My brain clamped shut with fear.

  Daddy, where are you?

  No one came. I listened as my heartbeat slowed down. I was drifting into a fog. My body was unresponsive; I shut my eyes, waiting for death and for this pain to end.

  So this is how I would feel if Nathaniel drank from me.

  Then I heard voices, and I fell to the floor, not feeling anything at all. He wasn’t holding me anymore, but every part of my skin burned with fire. I felt as if my whole body was pierced with razors. This pain was unbearable.

  ‘You have a right to remain silent. You have a right to a solicitor; if you can’t afford one, the Paranormal Unit will provide one. Anything that you say or do will be used against you in a court of law, and if you make one move, you son of a bitch, I will rip out your fangs with my bare hands!’

  It was my father’s voice. I opened my eyes. He was gripping the vampire by the throat, and there were other officers around him, shouting. I wanted to move, but dark shadows obscured my vision. I moaned, but my body refused to react.

  ‘Jerry, he is not worth it.’

  ‘C’mon, let him go.’

  ‘A millennium of torture is waiting for you, scum.’

  ‘Taylor, come on, he ain’t worth it,’ said someone else. Finally Dad released his grip and Daniel flopped on the floor, gasping for breath.

  ‘It’s all right, baby girl, I’m here,’ he said, pulling me towards him. He started whispering, and I felt the warm light flowing through me. I couldn’t speak or move. After a long moment, I felt new energy inside me and I stretched my jelly legs, although my flesh was still on fire. The deeper pain was gone and I was safe. My father used his own energy to ease whatever was happening to me, and I gained new power.

  ‘There are elves and fairies inside this room; the vampire was draining them. Claudia, I tried to help her, but she was so weak,’ I said, pointing at the door in front of us. Thick liquid ran down my throat. I was still losing a lot of blood. Two police officers dragged Daniel away. He was trying to shout, but he was knocked down quickly.