These Sexy Hunks are Larger Than Life,

  Hard Bodies Who are

  Playing Easy to Get

  From New York Times bestselling author Sherrilyn Kenyon comes "Turn Up the Heat," the story of an average woman who wins the vacation of a lifetime--a trip to Sex Camp. But what Allison George gets is a race for her life with none other than an ex-Mafia hit man who is now being sought by his prior employer. Vince Cappelleti knew the island was a risky proposition, but he'd run out of options. Now the only thing he wants in his sights is Allison, but in order to have a future with her, he must first deal with his past.

  Jaid Black 's sizzling hot "Hunter's Oath" sends grief-stricken Sofia Rowley to the Arctic Circle, where her brother, a U.S. Army officer, was lost in a deadly helicopter crash. She's about to take a shocking journey into a secret underground world where Viking bride-hunters auction off their bounty...and where a strapping warrior vows to make this beautiful Outsider his.

  Possession and passion entwine in Kresley Cole's sultry story, "The Warlord Wants Forever." Nikolai Wroth, a ruthless vampire warlord, searches for his Bride--the one woman who can render him truly alive. When his fevered chase leads to Myst the Coveted, a Valkyrie seductress who craves only freedom, a battle of domination and desire begins. Will the power of her seductive wiles overcome his strength? Or will she surrender and experience the deliciously agonizing lust that Nikolai has endured waiting for his one and only Bride?

  Other Erotica Anthologies from Pocket Books

  Big Guns Out of Uniform

  Four Degrees of Heat

  Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down

  Kiss the Year Goodbye

  POCKET BOOKS, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

  1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  "Turn Up the Heat" copyright (c) 2006 by Sherrilyn Kenyon

  "Hunter's Oath" copyright (c) 2006 by Jaid Black

  "The Warlord Wants Forever" copyright (c) 2006 by Kresley Cole

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  For information address Pocket Books, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available

  ISBN: 1-4165-2724-9

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  Turn Up the Heat

  Sherrilyn Kenyon

  Hunter's Oath

  Jaid Black

  The Warlord Wants Forever

  Kresley Cole

  Turn Up the


  Sherrilyn Kenyon


  V ince Cappelleti had dodged the bullet. Literally. It had cut so close to his head that he'd felt the wind burn all the way down to his DNA.

  Luckily, he possessed reflexes that made lightning look slow--something he could thank Uncle Sam and a childhood spent on the New York City streets for. Not to mention that he'd always been able to think quickly and move his ass when he had to.

  And tonight he'd had to.

  Now there was nowhere to hide where they wouldn't find him. No one he could turn to for fear of betrayal or of them dying because of him.

  Vince was alone. Then again, he'd been that way most of his life.

  He didn't dare go to the authorities--they would only get him killed even faster than taking his chances on the street. Their brand of protection was a joke and all they would do is get in his way and cause a lot more innocent people to die.

  He didn't dare leave the city by car, bus or plane. If he left a trail of any sort, they would find him.

  If he breathed wrong, they would find him.

  Basically, he was screwed, and not in the good way.

  Vince let out a long, tired breath as he leaned against the brick wall and loosened his grip on the .45 that had once again saved his life.

  He'd slipped into the dark alley and escaped the hit men who were hot on his ass. But they would be back. Sooner or later, they would discover his trick and double back to find him.

  He heard a car approaching.

  His heart racing, Vince raised his weapon, ready to do whatever he had to do to survive this night.

  The hiss of rain and the drone of the engine echoed in his ears. It was moving slowly, methodically...looking for him, most likely.

  He aimed for the opening of the alley, lining up for his shot.

  Then he saw the black stretch limo that gleamed in the rain. In this neighborhood, it could be only one person. He smirked at the thought.

  So Gino Martelli had come himself. He was honored. It wasn't often Gino got his hands dirty anymore.

  Fine. Let them have this out then. It was time he and Gino set things right between them.

  Just as Vince was ready to open fire, the door opened.

  Instead of gunshots, he heard a low, deep command. "Get in."

  It took a full ten seconds to register the voice. It was one he hadn't heard in a long time, and it wasn't Gino's.

  Vince glanced around to make sure no one could see him, then he dodged into the car and slammed the door shut behind him.

  Soaking wet from the rain, he threw himself into the long seat that curved around behind where the driver was on the other side of the raised partition.

  "You planning on shooting me?" Z asked.

  Vince glanced down to the gun in his hand. He flipped the safety on and then straightened up in the seat to face the man who had once been his brother-in-law.

  But more than that, Wulfgar Zimmerman had once been his friend. At least as much as a troubled juvenile delinquent and a straight-laced boy genius could be friends.

  "What are you doing here, Z?" he asked.

  "Saving your ass, what else?" He tossed him a towel.

  Vince grabbed the towel and rubbed it against his dripping black hair. "And how did you find my ass?"

  Z smiled at that. "I have my ways."

  Vince glanced around the limo and remembered the kids they had been. Back in the run-down Staten Island neighborhood where they'd grown up, they had only dreamed of ever being inside a car like this. Z had earned his limo through hard work and legal investments.

  Vince had earned his in much less refined and legal ways.

  But he had to admit, he was strangely proud of Z, who had been a scrawny kid. Vince had spent most of their childhood beating the shit out of the other kids who wanted to pick on Z.

  There was no trace of that skinny kid now. Z was one of the richest men in the country. His black Armani power suit and black silk shirt were refined. With long, dark brown hair, a small goatee and a muscular build that would rival his own, Z looked like he could now beat the shit out of anyone dumb enough to cross him.

  Z offered him a silver flask.

  Draping the towel over his shoulder, Vince grabbed it without asking what it was and took a drink to find it contained brandy. The good stuff. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before he took another drink.

  "I moved your mother into my house," Z said. "I've got security guards all over her."

  Vince choked as his stomach sank. "She knows?"

  "No. I told her that I was the one under threat and that since she's my motherin-law someone might hurt her wanting to get to me. She didn't question it."

  She wouldn't. His father had once been a bagman for the family, which meant she was used to
obeying without asking questions.

  Vince was relieved at the news. The last thing on earth he wanted was for his mother to learn the truth about him or, God forbid, be hurt because he was an idiot.

  He narrowed his eyes on Z. "How did you know about me?"

  His bland expression didn't change. "I know everything you've done since you left the Marines, Vince. Everything."

  He expected condemnation from Z, but he didn't get it. Z merely sat there, quietly watching him as his driver moved them through the busy city streets.

  "Did you ever tell Susan?" he asked Z.

  "No. I loved my wife too much for that. It would have killed her to know what her big brother was doing with his life. I let her think you were a legitimate businessman."

  He inclined his head in gratitude. Z had always been a good man. Since Vince's sister Susan had died, Z had spent his life honoring her memory and watching out for Vince's mother. "Thanks, Z. I owe you."

  "No you don't. I owe you for all the years you kept watch over my sisters and Susan...not to mention all the ass-beatings you took on my behalf."

  Vince snorted. "No one ever got the better of me, Wulf. You know that."

  Z smiled in agreement.

  Vince took another swig of brandy, then returned his .45 to his concealed holster. "Where are you taking me anyway?"

  "I have a private plane waiting at the airport. No one but me knows the destination. The pilot has the coordinates in a sealed envelope and he won't open them until after takeoff. Then he'll be routed off for a two-month vacation on an island someplace where no one can find him. Believe me, I'm sending you somewhere safe."

  Vince had a hard time believing that. He knew the people who wanted him dead, and his life didn't lend itself to optimism. "What about Gino?"

  "I'll take care of it."


  "Don't worry. There are things in life a hell of a lot more frightening than cops and death to a man like him."

  Yes, there were. But Vince wasn't stupid enough to believe for one minute that Gino would ever let him go no matter what Z threatened him with.

  Vince knew too much.

  He had done too much.

  Still, this was his best bet for extending his life beyond tonight. So long as he was in New York, his life expectancy was about eight seconds. Here he was in the heart of Gino's territory.

  Anywhere else, and Gino would be at a disadvantage.

  It was a long shot Vince was willing to take.

  Chapter One

  I f there was a Richter scale for erotic experiences, this one would shatter the record.

  Robin Daniels moaned deep in her throat as her lover's hand slid slowly up the inside of her thigh in an electrifying caress that culminated with his long, lean fingers stroking her between her thighs where she was wet and hot, waiting for him. She'd been craving him for weeks now. This man with the perfect male body, killer smile and eyes so green they didn't seem to be real.

  Perfect lips that quirked up with a wicked charm. Lips that did naughty things to her body. She couldn't wait to feel his cock deep and hard inside her. To hold him close while he thrust himself into her over and over until they were both sweaty and spent.

  His touch set her on fire.

  But if either one of them were ever caught during one of their secret meetings, their lives would be over.

  Their love would be over.

  So he came to her at night like some incubus who needed to feed from her body.

  She could deny him nothing. Whatever he asked, she would gladly cede.

  Opening her legs, Robin gave him full access to the part of her that craved him most. The part of her that was aching and wet, desperate for his touch.

  It was an invitation he took boldly as he slid his fingers even deeper inside her, seeking out her warmth and making her body burn with frenzied lust.

  Robin hissed, arching her back. Her breasts tightened, straining against the cotton of her T-shirt.

  "That's it," he said, his voice deep and husky. "Show me how much you want me."

  "I want you, baby," she murmured, barely recognizing her own voice as she took his hard cock into her hand and toyed with the sensitive tip of it.

  Oh yes, he felt good there. She let his wetness coat her fingers while she stroked him, exploring the hard, long length of him. She ran her hungry fingers over the thick, heavy vein, down lower until she could cup his sac in her palm.

  He groaned at her gentle caress.

  She captured his lips with hers, tugging his bottom lip between her teeth as she tasted him fully.

  Before this night was over, she would make him hers for all eternity.

  After tonight, Brendan would never want another woman.

  She was going to ride him until he begged her for mercy....

  "Allison. Cleanup, aisle five."

  Allison George jerked her head up from her book as she heard her name called over the intercom. It wasn't until the manager had repeated his command that she left her dream world completely.

  Damn. She was just getting to the really good part.

  It never failed.

  Sighing, she flipped to the front of the book and looked wistfully at the advertisement.

  What's your fantasy?

  Do you ever dream of getting away from it all? Just for a week or two?

  Have you ever read a romance novel and thought...

  What if?

  Have you ever, just once, wanted to be the heroine in a book and to have the man of your dreams come in and rock your world?

  Your dreams could come true. Enter the Hideaway Heroine Sweepstakes and you too could be headed off to be the heroine in your favorite romance novel. Just send in your name, address and phone number, the title and author of your favorite book and the reason(s) why you need a break from your everyday life.

  Two lucky winners will be selected every three months. No purchase necessary. Enter as many times as you like.

  For more information, please visit

  Good luck!

  Allison ran her hand over the words. Had she ever dreamed of getting away?

  Was Brendan about to give Robin the best sex of her life?

  Was he primo fabuloso?

  Of course she dreamed of getting away. Every minute of every day. Unfortunately, that seemed about as likely as Brendan stepping out of his book and making her his fantasy lover.

  Or of a house landing on top of her evil floor manager during a tornado and putting him out of her misery.

  And speaking of the devil, he was headed straight for her. Allison hid her novel behind her back as her manager came down the book aisle with a stern grimace on his face. At fifty-two with salt and pepper hair, Dan might have been attractive at some point, but the constant disdainful sneer robbed him of any appeal.

  "Allison, there's a toddler who threw up on aisle five. Move your butt. We can't leave it there for someone to step in." He barely looked her way as he went past her.

  Oh yeah, her life was just one great big bowl full of cherries.

  If she was really lucky, maybe on her way home some uninsured driver would plow into her beat-up Dodge Neon and total it while leaving her completely hale and whole enough to walk back to work tomorrow and mop up more vomit. She sighed in disgust.

  Wondering if she had just in fact conjured up another visit from the Bad Luck Fairy, Allison tucked the romance novel into her smock pocket.

  For weeks now she'd been carrying it around, rereading the entry form and debating on whether or not she should enter.

  But why bother?

  No one like her ever won anything anyway. It was always some rich doctor or lawyer. Someone other than her. Someone who didn't really need the money or the break.

  Still that tiny voice in her head kept saying, "Yeah, but maybe this once..."

  She hated that voice. It had gotten her into plenty of trouble in her life.

  Grabbing a broom and the special dry solution she ne
eded to clean up the mess, Allison went to the aisle and tried not to think about just how much she truly hated her job.

  As she worked, a small smile hovered at her lips. Hey look, I'm already Cinderella. All they need to do is send me over to housewares with the fireplaces and have me clean those out and I'm in business.


  She looked up and it took a full second for the voice to register. It was one she hadn't heard in way too long.

  Margaret Dale.

  The two of them had been best friends in high school. And in the ten years since they had graduated, Margaret hadn't changed a bit.

  "Maggie May!" she exclaimed, using her old nickname for her friend.

  The broom forgotten, Allison hugged her tight, grateful to see a friendly face again. "Good Lord, how long has it been?"

  "Six or seven years, at least."

  Allison's eyes teared up as she stepped back. Maggie's elegant blond hair was pulled back in a sleek ponytail. She wore a black pair of slacks and a chic, short-sleeved black sweater. But then Maggie had always looked like some fashion model walking away from a shoot. "You look fantastic!"

  Maggie beamed, until she looked Allison up and down and then the smile faltered. Not in a condescending way, but in a way that said, "I'm sorry I got out and you got trapped in this godforsaken place."

  Allison offered her a joking grin, even though a part of her was mortified at what she knew Maggie saw.

  She stood in front of her elegant friend in her dark blue polyester smock, ill-fitting jeans and faded-out, oversized shirt. Worse, her own frizzy blond hair was in bad need of a trim and deep conditioning. Neither of which she could afford at the moment.

  "I'm sorry about your mom," Margaret said quietly. "Had I known, I would have been here for the funeral."

  Allison patted her arm as her throat tightened. She'd loved her mother more than anything. Ten years ago when she and Maggie had graduated high school, Maggie had gone to the University of Georgia, then moved off to New York after graduation to be an editor. Meanwhile, Allison had stayed home to help her mother, who was dying of cancer. For nine years her mother had fought hard and then last spring, she'd lost the war.

  God, how she missed her. It was still a raw, aching pain inside her. Her mother had been everything to her.

  "I know," she said, rubbing Maggie's arm. "I'm sorry. I didn't even think about sending word to you until after the funeral was over. I just wasn't in my right mind."