Page 22 of Salvation

  Now, he knew that he’d been completely wrong. He’d do anything to take this from her, but there was nothing he could do. He couldn’t even touch her without causing her to moan or scream. He’d seen a lot of wretchedness and death in his extensive life, but he’d never experienced anything like this. Even the one attempt at the change he’d witnessed was nothing compared to this, but then that person hadn’t been Aria, and he hadn’t cared about what they’d endured, or whether they would survive.

  Aria was the strongest person he knew, and she was falling apart before him, swamped within the nightmare he’d created for her. He’d never hated himself more, he didn’t have a clue how to make it better, and at the moment he would have willingly offered up his own life to go back in time and decide against doing this. What had he been thinking?

  He hadn’t, and now she was the one paying for his lack of good judgment. Ashby had once said that eventually he would end up changing her no matter what, that he wouldn’t be able to resist. He didn’t believe that was true, he believed he could have refrained from doing so. However, he couldn’t deny the fact that when she’d agreed to this, a part of him, the darkest and most primeval part had thrilled at the prospect and wouldn’t have been stopped by anything, or anyone.

  It was a piece of himself he didn’t like, but over the past few months he’d come to accept that there was no denying it, or the fact that the person that brought it out, and kept it under control the most, was Aria.

  “How bad is it Braith?”

  He tiredly ran a hand through his sweaty, tangled hair. His muscles were twisted from being tensed at her side all night, he was exhausted from lack of sleep, and yet it should be worse, he should be even more miserable. It was nothing compared to what she was going through. He was barely able to hold Jack’s gaze for more than a moment. “Bad, real bad.”

  Xavier stood behind Jack, his head bowed and his hands enfolded in his voluminous cloak. Jack placed a jug of blood on the kitchen table. “Did you get any sleep?”

  Braith shook his head. “No.”

  “Did she?”

  “She’s sleeping now, but not well.”

  “You should take a break. Why don’t you let us watch over her while you take a shower, maybe a nap?”



  He shook his head as he glanced over his shoulder at the shadowed bedroom. He tried to pick up on some clue that she had awakened and needed him. He wasn’t doing her any good, but he was going to do everything he could for her, especially since any second might be her last. His teeth clenched, his hands tensed around the doorframe, he had to fight the urge to rip something to shreds; he wanted to rip himself to shreds.

  “If she dies…” he broke off as he strained to get the words out. “I would have been the one to kill her.”

  Jack and Xavier exchanged a glance. “You said you could handle this Braith,” Jack said worriedly.

  He shook his head, fighting the urge to start screaming, to destroy everything around him. He’d lost it when she’d left him, but she’d still been alive then. Now he was certain she was dying, that she wouldn’t survive whatever was happening to her body. She was strong, his blood was powerful, but so few made it through and now she was barely clinging to what little fight she had left in her.

  How had he ever believed that he could endure the consequences of this?

  Because he had to, he reminded himself. He simply had to. There were so many lives hanging in the balance now. So much that still needed to be done, so much that he meant to accomplish, and he had promised her that he would survive. So he would somehow, but he would never be the same if she died, never be whole again. She’d entered his life and turned it upside down. He’d had everything he’d ever required since birth, and he had been completely empty until he’d seen her standing on that stage, proud and defiant, even while facing her death. He’d had it all, but he’d had nothing until that moment.

  He would survive without her, but he would never live again. Ashby had been right after all, he realized dully, bloodlinks couldn’t live without each other. They simply existed.

  “I can handle this,” Braith told him.

  Jack folded his arms over his chest and leaned back. “You must feed.”

  “I’ve fed more than well enough,” he muttered.

  He’d more than sated himself on her, and for the first time in months he didn’t feel the clawing thirst for blood in his chest and gut. He’d rather be starving. “You have to keep up your strength.”

  His gaze slid back to his brother. Jack’s eyes were shadowed and dark, his hair tussled and disordered. “Believe me Jack, I’ve had plenty, and I’ve never felt stronger.”

  It was true, she was at her weakest, shattered and tormented, and he was suffused with the power of her blood.

  There was a moment when Jack didn’t seem to comprehend what he was saying, and then his eyes closed and his shoulders slumped. “Yeah, I suppose so. I’ll leave this here for you anyway.”

  A whimper, so soft that he knew Jack and Xavier wouldn’t pick up on it, caught his attention. Braith turned, he was immobile as he waited to see if anything more would follow, but she became quiet once more. “How are things at the palace?” he inquired.

  Jack pulled out a chair and dropped into it. “There are still quarrels but that’s to be expected for awhile.”

  “Yes,” Braith agreed but he was barely paying attention.

  This time the whimper had been louder. He left his brother and Xavier as he made his way to the bedroom. Even though she was incoherent, he’d left the bathroom lantern lit and the door cracked just in case she did wake up. He went to her, knowing better than to touch her as he moved around the bed and knelt before her. She was curled into a ball, her eyes closed and her lips compressed into a thin line. Her hair was lank and damp with sweat as it fell around her unnaturally pale face. He brushed back a piece of her hair and tucked it behind her ear.

  Her eyes flew open, for a moment he was frozen as he gazed at her. His body no longer felt like his own as her normally bright blue eyes shone a vibrant shade of red. “Aria,” he breathed.

  She gazed unseeingly up at him, he had a feeling that she didn’t even know he was there. She turned her face into his wrist, her mouth pressed against it. She moved with startling speed as she opened her mouth and bit down. Braith jerked in surprise as her fangs sank into his vein. He almost instinctively pulled back, but then her deep pulls on his blood sparked something primal and possessive inside of him. This had never happened to him before, he had shared his blood with her, but he’d never actually had another vampire feeding from him, inside of him, draining him. His heart swelled, pleasure and love swamped him, but they were swiftly doused.

  Her torment engulfed him as her mind flowed forward to blend with his. She was new, she had no idea what she was doing to him, but he was ensnared within the agony consuming her, and he allowed himself to be drawn into it. He couldn’t stand the thought of her facing this alone, bearing it all herself.

  He pushed her hair back and nuzzled her temple as tears burned his eyes. “Aria,” he breathed in her ear.

  Movement caught his attention. Jack hovered in the doorway, his eyes troubled and apprehensive. A surge of protection washed over Braith, a low growl escaped him as he waved Jack back. This was their moment alone, and for all he knew it may very well be one of his last with her. He wasn’t going to share it with anyone, especially not his brother. Jack slipped into the shadows, disappearing from view as Aria abruptly released her hold on him.

  A violent scream erupted from her as she fell upon the bed. Braith lurched upward; he lunged for her shoulders but pulled himself back. He ached to touch her, but he didn’t dare when he knew it would only hurt her more.

  Jack reappeared in the doorway, his mouth ajar and his eyes wide. Xavier nervously hovered behind him. “Get out!” Braith roared at them.

  Jack took a step forward before taking a small one back.
“It is almost done, one way or another, it will be done shortly,” Xavier assured him as he pulled Jack away.

  Braith stalked over and slammed the door shut; it did nothing to ease the knot of tension and terror that constricted his chest. He was shaking as Aria began to moan and tears spilled down her face. He curled onto the bed beside her, his two fingers rested lightly on the palm of her extended hand. Her eyes, now their beautiful sparkling blue again, met his for a brief moment. Love shimmered in them before death rose up to drag her back into its overwhelming depths once more.


  Aria woke sluggishly, her eyes barely drifted open before slipping shut again. She ached everywhere; muscles she didn’t even know she had were cramping. Knots twisted through her body as she lay completely still, fearful of moving. Even her eyelashes hurt and felt far too heavy, but it wasn’t the same as the pain she’d been going through for the past few days, weeks, hours...? She didn’t know anymore, she’d lost all track of time.

  “Aria.” The word, breathed so hopefully, held so much love in it that her deadened heart broke. It was different now, completely still, but it was his and always would be. “Aria.”

  “I’m alive,” she whispered.

  His two fingers on her palm twitched a little. Her eyelids fluttered open again to find him lying across from her. He was magnificent, beautiful, and heartbreakingly lost as his gaze searched her face. The world was brighter, he was brighter. The scars around his eyes were more clearly visible; everything was more clearly visible. For the first time she noticed that the beautiful blue band encircling his irises was actually filled with flecks of sapphire and azure that fascinated her.


  Those two fingers were featherlike against her cheek, just barely there, a whisper caress that made her crave more. He was hesitant to touch her though, and she didn’t blame him after the events that had just unfolded. The faintest touch had been too much. It had grated on her nerve endings to the point that it felt like hot coals were continuously being pressed against her skin. She’d been wearing a nightgown but at one point she knew she had ripped it off of herself, unable to take the thin material against her skin anymore. She still felt raw, but it wasn’t anywhere near as bad as it had been.

  “I think I’m ok, I think I made it.”

  He reverently searched her face, he seemed almost afraid to believe that what she was saying was true. He looked nearly as broken and beaten as she felt. Lines that she’d never noticed before were etched into his face, there were dark shadows under his eyes, and his hair was matted to his forehead. They both smelled, she realized dimly, and she almost laughed out loud at the realization. She’d been hideously smelly when he’d first claimed her as his blood slave, and she was just as bad now that he’d claimed her again. This time, forever.

  “How do you feel?” he inquired.

  “Like I died,” she answered honestly.

  His fingers skimmed over her cheeks as he traced a line to her lips. Shock flickered through her as she felt a tingling, prickling sensation in response to his tender prodding at her canines. Amazement filled her when they lengthened and sharpened against his finger. Her gaze flickered to his wrist and the two red marks marring the inside of it.

  She traced the bite mark as she frowned. “Did I do this?”

  “You did.”

  She didn’t know what to make of that, part of her wanted to cry and the other part was strangely titillated. She didn’t recall doing it, but she had a dim memory of something sweet and delicious filling her. She vaguely recalled something that had managed to break through the anguish for just a brief moment, and now she understood why. “Did I hurt you?”

  “Nowhere near as much as I hurt you.”

  “You didn’t do anything I didn’t ask for. We both wanted this.” She managed a wan smile. “And it worked.”

  He still looked as if he wasn’t completely convinced. “It appears to have.” She seized hold of his hand, wincing as the motion made her abused muscles throb. “You’re still in pain,” he accused.

  “I’m sore,” she admitted. “But it’s much better than it was.”

  His hand spread out across her face as he cradled it. “Perhaps a bath….”

  “Sounds incredible,” she agreed eagerly.

  He moved gingerly from the bed, careful not to disturb her as he left the room. She listened as he moved around the attached bathroom, surprised by the intensity of the sounds, the acuteness with which she heard them. She’d been so determined to get it over with, to do it, that she hadn’t thought about what it would be like after. What the world would become to her newly deadened but yet enhanced body. It was as frightening as it was astonishing.

  Water was turned on; she could almost feel the heat of it already blessedly encompassing her tender body. He was back beside her, his eyes troubled as he knelt at her side. “Can I?” he asked as he held his arms out to her.

  Aria remained unmoving as she warily stared at his arms. She desperately longed to be in them, but the memory of the pain was still fresh in her mind. She gathered her courage as she managed a small nod. She braced herself as his arms gingerly slid underneath her. It was a little uncomfortable, but that was swiftly buried beneath the rush of pleasure that flooded her sensitized skin. Her toes curled as she pressed closer to him, mesmerized by the thrill that shot through her at the feel of his bare skin against hers. Skin, she was beginning to realize, that might always feel this electrified by his touch.

  “It’s different,” she breathed. “It’s all so much more… intense.”

  His brow furrowed, he stopped walking to study her. “Is it unpleasant?”

  “No, just somewhat overwhelming. The world is clearer, it’s louder; my skin feels as if lightning bolts are zapping through it. It’s an amazing feeling but it’s, ah it’s…”

  “It’s inhuman,” he supplied.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Is this what you feel like all the time?”

  “I was born this way Aria, I’ve never known anything different. I’ll help you through it though; we will get you through this.”

  “I’ve no doubt,” she replied with a small smile as she wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned her head into the warm hollow of his throat.

  “Can you stand?”

  The question, asked days ago, would have offended her. Now she had to think about it. “I’m not sure,” she hated to admit.

  He sat her on the edge of the tub. Steam rose up around her, warming her as it floated in the air. He knelt before her and reached around to test the heat of the water. His hands rested on her knees as he leaned closer to her. The feel of him enveloped her; it warmed her more than the heat of the bath on her back. He pushed the hair over her shoulders, his fingers lingered upon his marks on her skin. The bites left by his father and brother had faded rapidly during her transition, and were barely visible anymore. She didn’t think she’d even be able to see them anymore if she was still human.

  His hands were gentle as he helped ease her into the tub. A moan of pleasure escaped as she was engulfed in the blessed heat of the water. “We stink,” she mumbled.

  “We do,” he agreed as he grabbed a bar of soap and shampoo from the sink. “It’s been an endless three days.”

  “Is that how long it was?”


  “It seemed like forever.” She swallowed heavily as he came back to her. She watched as he placed the shampoo and soap down and quickly shed his pants. Her mouth went dry as she took in his magnificent, powerful body. He slid into the large tub behind her and his legs clasped hold of her sides. Pulling her into his lap, he rested her back against his chest as he leisurely began to rub and massage her aching muscles. She leaned into him, savoring in the tender way he touched her, and the exciting new way he felt against her skin. He worked steadily over her body, rubbing and kneading her with a tenderness no one else had ever seen from him, or ever would.

  “You stayed with me,” he whisp
ered as his fingers worked over her arms.

  “I told you I would.”

  His hands stopped moving over her as they enfolded her against him. “I was still worried.”

  “I know; so was I,” she admitted.

  He turned her head toward him and nibbled on her lower lip as he kissed her. Heat sizzled through her as a rocking sensation unlike anything she’d ever experienced shot through her. His kisses had always melted her, but this was different, it felt as if she were actually dissolving against him. She needed to feel the reality of the press of his lips against hers, of the warmth of his tongue caressing her mouth. She’d been so frightened she would never feel anything like this again.

  He pulled slowly away, his eyes intense and fiery as they bored into hers. The dark shadow lining his jaw made him appear harder and more dangerous as her fingers trailed over the bristly hairs. He was glorious though, and he was hers, forever.

  Everything she had just endured had been completely worth it.

  His fingers started to work over her muscles again; he washed her hair for her and cleaned the shampoo from it before washing his own, and helping her from the tub. Her legs were shaky, she felt like a newborn colt, and she supposed in some ways she was. She was able to stay on her feet as he towel dried her, wrapped a robe around her, and loosely knotted the belt. “Do you want me to brush your hair for you?”

  Though it sounded appealing, she didn’t like feeling this helpless and needy. “No, I think I can handle it.”

  He nodded, but he stayed within the room, leaning against the counter as he watched her. She felt slightly uncomfortable with his scrutiny. “I’m not going anywhere,” she assured him.

  “I don’t know that yet Aria, not for sure.”

  “I’m sorry for what you went through.”