I rang him in the afternoon to tell him and he was actually great about me going out without him which was surprising. "Honestly babe, go out have fun, give me a ring when your done and I'll come and pick you up" he offered. Oh my God is he serious?

  "Really?" I asked shocked.,

  "Really. Give me a call, I can drop your girls home too if you want" he said. Holy crap maybe he is gonna change! I couldn't help but get my hopes up.

  "Great, thanks baby" I said excitedly, he is too sweet.

  "You can thank me later" he said flirtily, I smiled well I would have done that anyway.

  "Well maybe if you're lucky" I said teasingly, I heard him laugh.

  "Ok, you coming home to get ready or going to Becca's?" he asked. I smiled at the word home, he meant his house, I wonder if he even realised he said that.

  "No I'm not going HOME" I said emphasizing the word home.

  He laughed "I meant my house, your second home" he said happily.

  I grinned "I think I'm just gonna get ready at Becca's I bought a new dress so I have it with me" I said and immediately regretted saying it as I planned on changing before he picked me up.

  "Yeah? What's your dress like?" he asked curiously.,

  "Um, it's black, kinda pretty, I'll show you tonight, might even let you take me out of it if you're a good boy" I said changing the subject. God maybe I should just borrow something of Becca's and just take that dress back.

  "Ok beautiful girl, I'll see you tonight then" he said happily.

  "Ok. Oh baby, how did the meeting go?" I asked excitedly.

  "It was great, I think it's gonna happen, I hope so anyway, he's gonna check his schedule and see if it'll work out" he said excitedly.

  "Oh God baby that's awesome, I'm so proud of you" I said excitedly, Rick Montana was a big time producer and if he would produce the next album of the White Chiefs it would be incredible for the band.

  "Thanks babe, I'll see you later then ok, love you" he said happily, I could tell he was excited about the producer.

  "Yeah bye baby, love you too" I said as I snapped my phone shut. I grinned at Becca, "He's being so sweet, honestly, maybe I should have said yes when he asked me last time" I said jokingly. She laughed and we went back to shopping.


  "Ali, you look knock out seriously, you're gonna be fighting them off tonight" Becca said looking me over again as she slipped on her new skirt she bought and picked up her top.

  "Thanks, want a hand getting that over your hair?" I asked nodding at her top.

  "Yeah thanks" she said holding it out to me, we worked her top over her hair and pulled it down.

  Becca looked really good tonight too, she has always been pretty with her blonde curly ringlets and green eyes, but we had clipped them up tonight and she looked really beautiful. She had done my hair too, pulling it up and twisting it at the back of my head curling the loose bits it had taken her almost and hour.

  We stood in front of the mirror and I grimaced at how exposed I looked, "Think I should change?" I asked tugging at the short skirt, she shook her head fiercely.

  "You look incredible, Johnny'll get over it" she said dismissively. I sighed, ok I guess so, it would be too late by the time he see's me anyway.

  "Come on then Bec's, let's go find Sandy a new woman" I said looping my arm through hers and pulling her to the door laughing.

  We got a taxi cab to the bar where we were supposed to be meeting Sandy, Becca was a little jumpy.

  What's wrong with her? She looped her arm through mine and practically dragged me out of the cab laughing.

  "What's the rush?" I asked laughing.

  "I want a drink" she said grinning, I smiled and rolled my eyes letting her drag me to the bar.

  As we walked through the door everyone shouted "Congratulations!" making me jump shocked.

  I looked around as Johnny grabbed me into a big hug, "Shit Johnny, what the hell's this?" I asked looking around at all of our friends, even his parents were standing in the corner. "Oh my God! Is that your parents?" I asked excitedly, he nodded grinning, I pulled away from him and ran up to his Mom grabbing her into a hug laughing.

  "Hi Ali! Long time no see" she chirped.

  I grinned "Hi Mary how are you?" I asked happily, "I'm all the better for hearing that you've agreed to marry my wayward son" she said happily.

  I turned to his step dad "Hey Pete" I said hugging him.

  "Hi hon, you look beautiful" he said grinning happily.

  I shrugged "Just something I threw on" I said casually, God I loved Johnny's parents. From the very first second that I met them they treated me like one of their own, the complete opposite of how my parents treated Johnny of course.

  Johnny wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed the side of my head, "Hey beautiful girl you are looking sexy as hell tonight" he whispered in my ear, I smiled and pressed back into him and relaxed slightly, God I thought he would freak out at this dress.

  "So you two are getting married huh? When's the big day? Are you gonna make me a grandma soon?" Mary asked excitedly looking down at my stomach.

  I laughed and squeezed Johnny's hand. "Not for a while yet, I want to finish college first, so no babies yet I'm afraid, you'll have to wait a few more years" I said grinning.

  She sighed and rolled her eyes, "I'm not getting any younger you know, if your expecting me to be able to run around after grandchildren you'd better hurry up" she said laughing.

  Johnny squeezed my waist, "Stop it Mom, we're just having fun practicing at the moment" he said laughing, I gasped and slapped his hand.

  "Johnny Brent, I do not want to know details of your sex life" Mary said shaking her head but with a small smile on her lips. His parents adored Johnny which was so nice to see, I wished that they were my parents, instead of the so called mother and father I have.

  Becca came over with Sandy and some of my other girlfriends, "The ring! Show us the ring!" Sandy cried holding out her hand for mine. I smiled and put my hand in hers watching her face light up when she caught sight of my very expensive diamond. "Let's go dance" they said pulling me to the dance floor.

  "I'll see you in a bit" I said to his parents, I turned and kissed Johnny on the lips. "Oh and hi baby" I said happily realising I didn't even say hi to him before running off to hug his mom.

  "Hi fiancée" he said winking at me.

  I skipped off and danced a couple of dances with the girls before I spotted my parents over by the bar with Ben. Becca looked in the direction I was looking, "Shit" she mumbled. I glanced over to see Ethan leaning against the wall watching me, holy shit Ethan and my parents are in the same room! I glanced over at Johnny, damn it! If my parents kick off at Ethan, Johnny's gonna know that I know him.

  I walked over to Ethan quickly "You need to leave, please go Ethan please" I begged glancing over to my parents.

  "What? Why?" he asked confused, I grabbed his arm and started pulling him towards the door.

  "Please Ethan, my parents are here! Please go" I begged.

  He glanced over his shoulder and understanding crossed his face, "Right, yeah because of Johnny"

  he said nodding but clearly looking upset.

  "Aaliyah" I heard from behind me, my blood froze in my veins as I turned to see my mother standing there looking like she had a stick shoved up her ass.

  "Hi Mom" I said pushing Ethan towards the door, he turned to leave.

  "Oh my God! Ethan Scott?" she asked shocked.

  He shook his head "No I think your mistaking me for someone else" he said smiling politely as he turned for the door. She looked at me frowning and then took off after him out of the door, fucking hell! I looked round to see Johnny chatting to his friends so I slipped out the door behind them. Oh God this is going to be bad.

  "Ethan" she called as he walked towards his car, he turned and when he realised it was her he started walkin
g again quickly. "Ethan you really are a piece of shit! You get my daughter in trouble then just walk off and leave her, then worm your way back in?" she shouted angrily. He stopped and turned to look at my mother who was glaring at him angrily, Ethan looked confused as hell.

  I ran up and stepped in-between them putting my back to Ethan, "Stop it!" I shouted at my Mom, oh God please don't do this. He won't let it go he'll just keep digging and digging!

  "Why the hell are you protecting him? I mean sure he was a good kid once Aaliyah, but after what he did to you? How the hell can you even talk to him?" she shouted.

  I saw my Dad walk out the door and come over quickly looking at Ethan angrily, "Ethan Scott" he said sneering his name as he got to my mothers side.

  "Please, just leave it" I begged, my Mother shook her head and grabbed my arm pulling me aside making me break the heel of my shoe and fall to the floor scraping my knee and the palms of my hands.

  "Shit, are you ok Lia?" Ethan said as he pulled me up to my feet.

  "Get your scumbag hands off of my daughter" my Mom cried reaching for me again.

  Ethan pulled me close to his side, "Don't touch her" he said angrily, "What the hell is this about?" he asked annoyed.

  I turned to him pleadingly "Please go" I begged trying not to cry, I didn't want him to know, I couldn't have him know.

  "Yeah, leave her again, don't worry we'll sort out your mess again!" my Mom cried angrily.

  I closed my eyes feeling my hatred bubble up inside me, "I told you before it wasn't anything to do with him! Will you just leave Mother? Why the hell are you here anyway? You don't approve of Johnny so why would you come here?" I asked angrily.

  "Nothing to do with him? Right Aaliyah, then enlighten us who was it to do with?" my Dad asked glaring at Ethan who just looked really confused.

  "I told you and you didn't believe me!" I screamed, I could feel angry tears welling in my eyes.

  "You vicious lying little bitch!" my dad shouted as he stepped forward to slap me, just as his hand was a couple of inches from my face Ethan grabbed his wrist twisting his arm behind his back and shoving him roughly face first into the car we were standing next to pinning him there.

  "You ever touch her again I swear I'll kill you" he growled angrily, holy shit! What the hell is he doing?

  Ethan hadn't let go of my father who was now going a little red as his mouth opening and closing as he struggled trying to get free. Holy shit he's gonna kill him.

  "Ethan stop" I cried as I grabbed his shoulder, he immediately let go and stepped back to my side pulling me half a step behind him protectively. My dad was rubbing his wrist as my mother stepped up to him wrapping her arm around him and glaring at Ethan.

  "I told you we should have gone to the police at the time. We could have had him sent down for it, look at what he's just done to you" she cried looking at my father.

  "Just leave! I told you, it wasn't Ethan's baby, for Christ sake, will you just leave!" I screamed the tears falling down my face now. Ethan looked at me shocked, damn it!

  "If you get yourself in trouble again, don't come running to us again Aaliyah, we won't be there this time" my Dad said angrily.

  I saw red, "Really? You won't huh? Not gonna hold my hand and tell me everything's gonna be ok?

  Not gonna tell me you love me no matter what I'd done? Not gonna tell me I'll always be your little girl? No of course you wouldn't, why would I expect that anyway? It didn't happen last time did it?

  You know what, I honestly did love you, you were great parents once" I said angrily.

  "You were the one who got knocked up by her boyfriend at thirteen then made up hideous lies for fuck sake! Do you have any idea how disappointed we are in you Aaliyah? I thought we raised you better than to be a filthy lying little whore" my Mom spat.

  I swallowed "Well obviously you didn't" I said grabbing Ethan's hand and walking away towards the bar, I could hear my Mom crying and my Dad swearing.

  I glanced over my shoulder to see him wrapping his arm around her as she sobbed on his shoulder, he dragged her towards the car. Oh God please leave. Finally he got her to their car and pulled away just as we got to the building. I gulped and looked at Ethan's face, he looked shocked and hurt and confused.

  "I don't suppose we can pretend you didn't hear or see that?" I asked hopefully.

  He frowned "Lia, what the hell was all that? You got pregnant?" he asked shocked.

  I sighed and nodded "Yeah but I can't talk about it so please don't ask me" I begged.

  He wiped some of the tears from my face with his thumbs, "You look so sad Lia, please talk to me, they think it was mine? I mean we never even slept together" he said frowning looking a little puzzled.

  I smiled "Don't worry Ethan we didn't sleep together, you didn't forget" I said chuckling slightly.

  He smiled, "I think I'd remember Lia, trust me I spent long enough dreaming about it" he said smirking at me. I laughed and shook my head, he always did know how to lighten the mood. "Talk to me" he begged stepping close to me, I could feel the heat seeping from his body to mine making my breathing speed and my heart start to race.

  "I can't" I whispered, God this was killing me.

  "Why?" he asked brushing my hair away from my face tenderly.

  "Because you wouldn't believe me, and I can't see that, I can't" I admitted. God I couldn't see that, I had dreamt of telling him for so long, I had threatened to tell him so many times, never once did I doubt that he would believe me. Until now.

  "I'll believe you, I promise Lia" he said taking my hand, I looked into his blue eyes and I could feel the truth bubbling up inside me bursting to come out. If I told him it would be over, he wouldn't let it happen again, he'd take care of it, he'd take care of me. I opened my mouth to tell him when my phone rang, I grabbed it out of my bag, shit it was Johnny. I glanced up at Ethan as I answered the phone.

  "Hey baby" I said straightening my dress quickly.

  "Where the hell are you Ali?" he asked sounding slightly pissed.

  I frowned "I'm in the parking lot, I was just having a row with my parents, I fell over and broke my shoe" I said pulling off my other shoe.

  "Shit! I'll be right out" he said ending the call.

  "Johnny's coming out, leave please" I begged, he nodded and turned and jumped over the railing and hiding round the corner out of sight.

  Johnny came out a couple of seconds later and pulled me into his arms, "Hey, you ok Ali?" he asked holding me tight.

  I nodded and buried my face into his neck, "Yeah I'm ok, we had a big row this time baby, I think that's it now" I admitted, there was no way this was blowing over.

  He smiled sympathetically "What was it about this time?" he asked as he bent down and pressed his shirt to my grazed knee.

  "They don't think we should be getting engaged, I'm a dirty tramp, that sort of thing" I said shrugging, well that was partly true, they didn't think we should be getting married but that wasn't what the row was about.

  "It's ok beautiful girl, now you can move in with me" he said happily as he stood up and took my hands wiping them over with his shirt. I smiled, Johnny had been trying to get me to move in with him for the last year but I didn't want to be stuck in the house with him if things got worse with his drug taking, I guess I had no choice now.

  "Thanks baby" I said pulling him into a hug.

  He grinned "You got another pair of shoes?" he asked looking at my broken heel.

  I shook my head, "No it's ok, I'll go without. It just so happens that my fiancée likes it when I look short" I said teasingly.

  He smiled "Your fiancée likes it when you look anything babe, and by the way, this dress is smokin hot" he said running his hands down my back and slipping his hands under the skirt to grope my ass. "But you know what?" he said as he kissed down the side of my neck, I closed my eyes enjoying the sensation.

  "What baby?" I asked breathily, God he was such a tease.

  "As hot as this dress looks on your body, I kno
w it's gonna look ten times better on OUR bedroom floor" he said sucking on the spot just below my ear making me so hot for him right now.

  I smiled "Our bedroom floor?" I said.

  He smiled against my neck "Mmm Hmm" he mumbled as I gripped my hands into his hair.

  "Well then let's get this damn party out of the way and we'll see how it looks there then baby" I said pulling his head away from my neck and crashing his lips to mine.

  He moaned and pushed me against the wall pressing his body to mine as he ran his hands down my body. Oh shit Ethan can see this! I pushed him back slightly, "Johnny, come on, people have come to congratulate us, let's go see them, I haven't seen your parents in forever" I said grinning as I thought about Mary and Pete.

  He laughed as he took my hand "Ok but we'll pick up from where we left off when we get home" he said happily.

  I smiled over my shoulder as I pulled him into the bar "Definitely" I said flirtily making him moan.

  Chapter 10


  I saw him push her against the wall as he kissed down her neck and I felt sick, God I was so jealous of him it was unreal. And now I find out that she got pregnant when she was thirteen. God I left when she was thirteen and she went straight out and slept with someone else? Did I not mean anything to her at all? Who the hell did she sleep with and why did her parents think the baby was mine? We never even did more than a quick fumble over clothes, I mean we used to make out and stuff but I never wanted to rush her as she was a lot younger than me.

  When I left I was almost sixteen and damn if she was ready for sex I would definitely have been up for that, but she never made any hints that she was ready, but as soon as I left she slept with someone and got pregnant? Shit that hurts so much! And wow her parents are such assholes! I can't believe her Dad went to hit her, if he'd have laid a finger on her I don't think I would have been able to stop myself from beating the life out of him.

  I glanced over to see she was leading Johnny back inside the bar, I really needed to talk to her about this, she would have to talk to me now, there was no getting away from it. Maybe I could talk to Ben see if he knows what's going on with her, who's baby it was. Lia said she told her parents and they didn't believe her and thought it was mine, but I sure as hell know that it wasn't mine. If I'd have known she was pregnant I would never have cut her out like that, I would have been there for her, not like the scumbag father of the child who just let her deal with it on her own!