"What was Ben in the hospital for?" Ethan asked with a small smile on his face. I rolled my eyes and squeezed his hand a little tighter.

  Graham looked at him shocked, "You don't know what happened to Ben? Man that was so bad." He ran a hand through his hair frowning slightly and I felt my stomach clench up tight. Ethan had never told me exactly what he did to Ben and to be honest I'm not sure that I wanted to know. "He got attacked, like four guys jumped him and shit he got hurt so bad. I think he broke about ten bones in his body, he was head to toe in bruises, he couldn't walk for ages and was in the hospital for about a week. They still haven't caught the guys who did it, fucking assholes."

  Ethan started laughing quietly, "Four guys?" he asked shaking his head looking amused.

  I felt slightly sick, Ethan had done all of that? I looked at him but he didn't look sorry, I know that he would do it again in a heartbeat. In a strange way I felt a little proud of him, he did all of that for me. He risked getting into trouble for me and I loved him even more for it.

  "Yeah they just jumped him for no reason." Graham said angrily.

  I stood up, I couldn't talk about Ben anymore. He wasn't even here and he was putting a dampener on my whole day, this should be a joyous day, we'd just seen our baby. I shouldn't be sitting here thinking about my sick ass of a brother.

  "I'm sorry I've just remembered I need to go and sort something out for Becca. Ethan can you drive me?" I asked quietly.

  He frowned and nodded looking at me a little concerned. "Sure Lia," he turned to Graham. "It was nice to see you again man, we'll catch up another time." He held out to him and Graham quickly shook it looking a little disappointed.

  "Yeah sure. Congrats about the baby and the engagement and stuff."

  "Bye Graham." I muttered as I gripped Ethan's hand and pulled him away from the table.

  I walked quickly out of the restaurant as Ethan's arm snaked around my waist. "Are you upset with me?" he asked quietly as we walked to the car.

  "No tough guy, I just didn't want to sit there and talk about Ben anymore. I don't ever want to talk about him again." I admitted.

  He seemed to relax a little, "Good, I thought you were freaked out about him being hurt or something. I don't want you to think I'm some kind of thug or something."

  I stopped and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. "I'd never think bad of you. Ever." I said fiercely.

  He smiled his heart stopping smile. "Thanks."

  "Anytime tough guy." I smiled as I kissed his lips softly.

  Chapter 25

  I woke up the following week feeling a little cold. I pulled the blankets up around my chin tighter and moved to snuggle back into Ethan but he wasn't there, I rolled over and cracked open my eyes, my hand searching the bed for him but his side was even colder than mine. He'd been gone a while.

  I sighed and reached for his pillow knowing I would find a note there. My hand closed around the crisp folded piece of paper and I couldn't help but smile, he didn't like to wake me in the morning as he left early for work, so he always left me a note. I flicked on the light and looked at it, it read:


  How is it possible that you look even more beautiful every day? Sorry I had to go. I Love you. Keep my baby warm for me.

  Ethan x

  p.s - 12 days to go.

  I laughed and shook my head, he was so damn sweet! He was like this every day, and at the end of the note there was always a countdown of how many days left until I would become Mrs. Ethan Scott. I bit my lip excited, less than two weeks left now. Ethan had arranged the weekend off of work and had booked us flights to Vegas, he'd set everything up. All I had to get was my outfit, I'd already been shopping with Becca and had bought a gorgeous cream silk dress. It wasn't a wedding dress, more like an evening gown of sorts really, but I was sure that Ethan would love it. It clung to my body and showed off the little arch to my stomach that he loved so much.

  I glanced at the clock and groaned when I realized it was almost time for me to get up anyway. I had to shower and stuff ready for college. I reluctantly dragged myself out of the bed and headed in for a quick shower. After I dried myself I pulled on a pair of leggings and a tank top grabbing one of Ethan's hoodies from his closet and slipping it on over the top. I pulled my wet hair up into a messy top knot and grabbed my cell phone heading out to make breakfast for Andrew. I couldn't really eat breakfast anymore, eating early in the morning made me feel slightly sick but he ate like a horse.

  He was sitting on the sofa when I walked out, he usually got here just before Ethan left at seven then just sat there waiting for me to get up.

  "Hey Preggers." he chirped happily as he spotted me.

  "Morning cheerful." I rolled my eyes and headed to the kitchen. "What do you want to eat?"

  He followed me in there smiling happily, "You don't have to cook for me you know."

  I nodded, I knew I didn't but he was a nice guy and he was here. If Ethan was here I'd want to cook for him so at least I got to feel a little useful making him breakfast. I just hoped that the guy who Ethan was working for took care of him as well as I took care of Andrew. I hated to think of him going hungry because he wasn't here.

  "I know, I don't mind." I shrugged.

  My cell phone beeped in my hand and I snapped it open seeing a new message from Johnny. What on earth is he doing texting me? He wanted nothing to do with me. He made that abundantly clear for the last time I text him to see if he was ok and he told me to leave him alone that he wasn't interested in talking to me. I'd spoken to Chris a few times and he said that Johnny didn't want to see me or even talk about me and was still really hurting over me leaving him for someone else. I held my breath as I opened the message not really wanting to fight with him or anything.

  'Ali, I need to speak to you, please can you come round?' he wrote .

  What the hell? He wanted me to go there and talk to him? Oh my God did he find out about the baby and wants to talk about it? Does he think it's his baby? Holy shit! I knew this day would come when I would have to lie to him but I wasn't just expecting it out of the blue like this. For some reason I thought I would get a bit of notice, or maybe I'd tell him so it would be on my terms when I wanted to do it. I was going to have to lie straight to his face and tell him that the child I was carrying in my stomach wasn't his. How the hell could I do that? Was I strong enough for that?

  Damn I needed Ethan with me!

  I pulled up a new message box and sent him a reply. Maybe I could put it off or something and do it later after I'd given myself a bit of time to think about it and get prepared or something.

  'Sure, I'll come after college.' I sent back.

  Almost immediately my phone beeped again. 'It needs to be now. Please Ali, it's important. Come to the house. Johnny.'

  I groaned and replied that I'd be there within the hour and then looked at Andrew. I couldn't call Ethan and get him to come with me; Johnny would probably go crazy if I turned up to his house with my fiancée, it would kind of be like rubbing it in his face.

  "What's up?" he asked looking at me curiously.

  "Johnny wants to talk to me and has asked me to go to the house."

  He frowned, "Really? Think he's going to ask for another chance?"

  I smiled sadly, maybe, I actually hope that was it. It would be a hell of a lot easier than lying to his face about the baby. "I don't know." I admitted.

  I made some toast and forced some down too as I was already feeling sick with nerves so a little morning sickness on top wouldn't make much difference! When we'd eaten I grabbed my bag that I needed for college and my keys and followed Andrew to his car to go to Johnny's. I hadn't told Ethan that I was going to Johnny's, I don't know if he would like it much but he was twenty minutes away anyway and this would be better if I did it on my own I guess. It wasn't Johnny's fault that I loved someone else so I didn't want to hurt him anymore that I already had by rubbing it in his face.

  When we pulled up
outside his house I felt a little weird, I hadn't been back here for over two months and nothing had changed. The Audi TT that Johnny had bought for me was still sitting in the exact place I parked it, but now it had a huge dent in the side of the door that looked like it had been done on purpose and a smashed windscreen. Hopefully Johnny hadn't hurt himself doing that.

  Andrew looked at me sympathetically as I got out of the car, "You gonna be ok or should I come in?" he asked.

  I shook my head, "I'll be fine, you can just wait here for me." I shrugged.

  Johnny wouldn't hurt me, he used to get rough and had hit me a few times when he was high, but I didn't think he would do that now. He was probably going to be begging me for another shot or something, he wouldn't hurt me. God I hoped so anyway because I would die if something happened to the baby.

  "Ok call me then if there are any problems. The guy who replaced Ethan will be in the house anyway so you don't have anything to worry about, but if you need me then shout. Ok?" he asked taking his cell phone from his pocket and putting it on the dashboard, probably so he could answer quicker if I called. He was pretty organized like that and really good at his job; which is why Ethan trusted him with me I think.

  I headed to the door and stopped, I'd never knocked on this door in my life. Johnny bought this house when we'd been together for two years and actually asked me to move in with him straight away but I was only 17 at the time so it was too fast for me. So he'd given me a key and told me to treat it like a second home, so that's what I did. It felt weird to be knocking on the door now.

  I stood there waiting for a few seconds before a guy I didn't know answered the door, his eyes flicked to me and then to Andrew in the car behind me. He nodded and opened the door further.

  "Aaliyah Jones right?" he smiled and waved me in.

  How the hell did he know who I was? "How do you know that?" I asked nervously as I walked into the house. This guy was a little intimidating, he was huge and probably bigger than any guy I had ever seen in my life. When he wasn't working this guy must have lived at the gym.

  "I've seen the mail and stuff that gets sent. Your picture crops up a lot. Also Johnny has some photos of you around still." He shrugged and nodded towards the lounge. "He's in there."

  "Ok thanks, err..." I trailed off not knowing the guy's name.

  "Kevin." he smiled.

  I smiled back and headed to the lounge feeling my heart crashing in my chest. Please don't let me screw this up, please! I knocked on the door as I opened it and spotted Johnny on the sofa. He was watching TV and turned it off as I walked in. He looked a little tired, his hair had gotten longer but he looked like he was clean today. There was no sign of the slightly lopsided smile or the red eyes; maybe he was trying to clean up his act. I hoped so for his sake.

  "Hey Ali, thanks for coming." He smiled looking a little uncomfortable and still hurt.

  I gulped, damn could I even speak? "Sure, how are you? Ok?" I asked not really knowing what else to say.

  He nodded frowning, "Yeah I'm ok. Come sit down, you want a drink or something?" he patted the sofa next to him so I made my way hesitantly over to sit next to him.

  "I'm fine I just had breakfast." Oh God please get to the point this faking friendliness is killing me!

  Maybe I should bring it up first, maybe he's waiting for me to tell him. I should just open my mouth and say it straight; Ethan and I are getting married in less than two weeks and are having a baby. I opened my mouth but nothing came out.

  He looked slightly nervous and uncomfortable and I felt my insides squirm. "Ok. You're looking well, how's college?" he asked cocking his head to the side and running a hand through his hair making it messier.

  "Johnny, did you really ask me round here to see how my college course was going?" I asked knowing I needed to just do it. This waiting and skirting around the issue was actually painful!

  He smiled and shook his head, "You always were straight to the point. Ok well I guess I should just spit it out huh?" he said. I nodded frowning. "Ben asked me to talk to you, I heard about what went on between you two and how you aren't speaking anymore and he asked me to try and help him sort it out." he said looking uncomfortable.

  Holy shit this was about Ben? He knew about Ben and he wanted to try and help us sort it out? Is he freaking crazy or is he doing this just to try and hurt me like I hurt him? He wasn't that spiteful was he?

  I could barely breathe, "You what?" I asked quietly. I needed to leave before he looked at me with that disgusted look on his face, I didn't want to see that look and feel dirty again. I wouldn't let Johnny make me feel bad about this again, I'd only just started to get over it with Ethan's help, I refused to let someone drag me to that place again.

  "You and Ben had a row with your parents and now neither of you are talking to anyone. Ben just asked me to help you two sort it out. I know you've never really liked him but he's a nice guy Ali, you shouldn't just cut him out like that. He doesn't have anyone now. He's really down."

  "Are you shitting me Johnny? You know what the argument was about, but yet you're still sitting there asking me to give him another chance?" I choked out. I could feel my eyes filling with tears, I needed to leave before I started to cry.

  "About you two buying your parents' house." He looked at me like I was stupid. "It just seems like a stupid thing to argue about and lose your family over Ali."

  What the hell? "Buying my parents' house? I don't want to buy my parents' house! What on earth are you going on about Johnny?" I asked rubbing my temples; I could almost feel the stress headache building up.

  He sighed and shook his head, "Look it just seems stupid. He wants to buy the house and you don't, is it the money or something? I could give you the money if you want so you and Ben could buy it together. When we split up you were entitled to some of my money and stuff. Technically you could have demanded half of everything. I know we weren't married or anything but we were together the whole time I made my money so you're entitled to half of everything. I had it checked out with a lawyer, apparently you were classed as my common-law spouse because of how long we were together. I would have given it to you no questions, you can still have it if you want." He shrugged.

  Damn it he's so freaking adorable when he's clean, but why the hell is he talking about me buying a house? Suddenly it all clicked into place. Ben wouldn't have told him the truth, he would have come up with some stupid excuse as to why we were not talking anymore and then asked Johnny for help in sorting it out.

  I looked at him and shook my head, he really had no idea and I was actually grateful. I didn't want anyone to know about it, not now that it was over. There was no need for anyone to ever know what Ben did to me. "I don't want your money Johnny." I mumbled.

  "I know that Ali but I don't want you to fall out with your family over money if I can help."

  "Johnny it's not that simple." I croaked, my whole throat felt like it was swelling up and I could barely even talk.

  He sighed and shook his head, "Look you two just need to talk it out. I mean he didn't even know we'd split up Ali. He only just found out a couple of days ago from his friend who apparently saw you in a restaurant." He frowned looking a little hurt about it.

  "I haven't spoken to him since we broke up." I whispered.

  "Yeah, listen he just wants to talk to you and try and sort it out." He shrugged looking at me hopefully.

  I shook my head, "Johnny I know you're only trying to help but you don't understand anything about this. I don't want to speak to him, I can't." I looked at him begging him with my eyes to let this go. If he just let this go we could speak properly and maybe try and work towards being friends, I wanted us to be friends he really was a nice guy when he was like this.

  "Yeah he said you'd say that. That's why I asked you to come here today so you two could just sort it out."

  He stood up and headed to the lounge door, I watched him confused. Where on earth was he going?

  He didn't walk out
of the room, he just stopped in the doorway looking towards the kitchen. Then a couple of seconds later he drew back into the room and I felt my heart stop.

  Standing just behind Johnny in the hallway was the person who ruined my childhood and made my life a misery. Ben stood there in the doorway smirking at me whilst Johnny just looked at me hopefully; he really had no idea what the hell he'd done to me.

  Chapter 26

  "Hey Ali." Ben chirped happily as he walked into the lounge as if he owned the place.

  What the hell is he doing here? Shit when Ethan found out he was going to go crazy, he'd probably kill him this time and then I'd be left on my own when he got sent to jail. The thought of Ethan being taken away from me made me feel sick and I felt my stomach lurch slightly as I fought for control. I still hadn't taken a breath and my lungs were starting to burn. I forced myself to take in a ragged breath as I stood up moving slightly so that the sofa was in-between Ben and I making me feel a little more in control.