More of 8 Short Stories for Children

  William's Adventures

  By Anthony Mastro

  Copyright 2015 Anthony Mastro

  Discover other titles by Anthony Mastro

  Eight Short Stories for Children

  Eight More Short Stories for Children

  Table of Contents

  Best Christmas

  Going Fishing

  Going to the Doctor


  Washing the Car

  Going to a Drive-in Movie

  Making Cookies

  Going to the Library

  1812 (A start of a short story for Adults)

  Other books by Anthony Mastro

  William's Adventures

  Best Christmas

  When you are five years old every new adventure is wonderful. For William it is the same going from one to another giving it all he has. almost all the time he is not alone in his adventures. His constant companion is a doll he named Gus. It's a small doll that is made to look like a king with a crown. He named him after the mailman who comes every day to deliver the mail to his house because the doll looks like him.

  William and Gus are never far apart during the day or at night. You can find Gus lying on the pillow next to William's head. Gus came to William as a gift for his fourth birthday from his mother and father. When he opened the box that Gus was in and saw what it was he said, "I want to call him Gus because he looks like Gus." And so the name stuck. The other presents were forgotten and left unopened until later when his mother made him stop playing with Gus to open them.

  When playing cowboys, one of William's favorite games, Gus is always the bad guy and William is the sheriff chasing him. William would catch him every time and then Gus would escape and the game would go on.

  William's father was in the Army and served in faraway places but took the time to call home whenever he could. On one such occasion he told them that he didn't know if he would be home for Christmas and said that he would miss them. William was sad to hear that but with Gus to keep him company he would be all right. After the call he went to his room and sat on the floor with Gus. "You have to be a good boy Gus. Don't worry. I will be home with you for Christmas and we can open our presents together." He said to Gus holding him up with one hand. Of course Gus didn't answer him but William knew that he understood. William's mother was standing near the doorway and heard William talking to Gus and a tear ran down her face thinking of her husband and Christmas.

  The days went by and soon it was almost Thanks Giving. William's mother told him that his grandmother was going to visit them for the holidays. William was very excited to hear that and helped his mother set up the spare bedroom where his grandmother would sleep. He helped her make the bed but soon got tired and went back to playing with Gus in his own room.

  When the day came that his grandmother was to come William and his mother drove to the airport and parked the car in the lot. His mother said to him, "Be careful and stay close to me. There are a lot of people here." William said, "Okay mommy." Then he picked up Gus and said, "Gus, you hold my hand and when we see grandma you better be nice to her." His mother looking in the mirror smiled and said, "You give grandma a big hug and kiss when we see her, Okay?" "I will mommy. " said William.

  William said to his mother, "Dumb buckle me mommy." His mother opened the back door and said, "You mean unbuckle William not dumb buckle." "Oh, yah. That's what I mean." Said William. And his mother unbuckled him and the three of them, Gus included, walked into the terminal building where the bags came in. when the got there William saw his grandmother standing there waiting for her bag. William ran to her and gave her a hug and kiss just like his mother had told him to do. William's mother came and hugged and kissed her mother too. Then they waited for the bag to come. When it came William tried to pick it up but it was too heavy for him so his mother took it and they made their way back to the car.

  The drive home was slow because the traffic was so bad but William played with Gus in the back seat and didn't hear what his mother and grandmother were talking about. William's mother told the grandmother how disappointed she was that William's father would not be home for Christmas. The grandmother said that she understood how she felt and told her, "I can stay till after the New Year if you want." William's mother said, "That will be great. Then we can do the Christmas shopping together and enjoy New Years together." So William's grandmother would stay with them for a whole month.

  On Thanksgiving day the turkey was in the oven and William's mother was very busy in the kitchen. His grandmother went for a walk with William around the block. William played a little in the snow and even tried to make a snow man but there wasn't enough on the ground yet. He left Gus at home. When they came back from the walk William went to his room and said to Gus as he picked him up from the floor, "Did you look out the window Gus? There is snow outside. I tried to make a snow man but there isn't enough. Grandma says that when the snow gets higher she will help me make one. You can come and help too."

  The dinner was very good. William ate two helpings of turkey and stuffing. He didn't care for the red jelly that his mother put on his plate. There was a cake after all the other dishes were put into the sink and William had two pieces too. "This was the best Thanksgiving mommy. I wish daddy could be here with us." His mother looked at him and his grandmother took his mother's hand and they looked at each other and smiled. "Let's clean up mom." She said to the grandmother. So they got up and washed the dishes and put the leftovers away. That night when William said his prayers before bed he included his father as usual but also said that he hoped he had a wonderful Thanksgiving like they had.

  When William woke the next morning and looked out his window he jumped up and down for joy. It had snowed during the night and it was still snowing when they had eaten breakfast. William said to his mother, "Mommy, can I go out and build a snowman?" William's mother said, "Okay but wait for grandma. She wants to help, remember?" William said, "Sure mommy.' And he ran into his room and opened his closet. He took out a snowsuit that his mother bought him last year and started to put it on. His grandmother came in and helped him dress. "Put on your hat so that you won't get cold William. And find your gloves too." She said. When they were both dressed William could hardly wait to go out. He went to the back door and opened it. The steps were covered with snow so his grandmother took a shovel and started to clean them. After the steps were cleaned William and his grandmother went into the yard and started to roll a snowball into a big ball. "That should be big enough for the bottom." His grandmother said. "We have to make two more for the middle and top for his head." She continued. So William started to roll another snowball. When the top two were done and William's grandmother put the head on top William said, "Can I get a hat for him?" "Look at the top of the steps. I put one there with a carrot for his nose." Said his grandmother.

  William went to the steps and found the carrot and hat. He rushed back and gave the hat to his grandmother. She put it on top of the snowman and stuck the carrot into his face. "What should we use for eyes?" she asked William. "I know." Said William, and he went under the porch. "Here grandma." He said as he held out some stones from under the porch. "Those will do just fine." She said. When William and his grandmother were done they stepped back to look at the snowman. "Don't he look great?" William said to her. Then he ran up the steps and opened the door to the kitchen. "M
ommy, come and see our snowman that me and grandma made." He called into the house. His mother came to the door and looked out. "Why that's so wonderful."

  After playing in the snow a while William was getting cold and his grandmother said, "William, I think it's time to go in and get ready for lunch." William wanted to play some more but finally said, "Okay grandma, let's go in." Lunch was waiting for them. His mother had made some tomato soup and a sandwich. "This soup is good mommy." Said William. When they were done William went to the window and looked out at the snowman. "We did a good job didn't we grandma?" he said. "Yes William. We did a fine job." Said his grandma. "I wish that daddy were here to see it." Said William and his mother looked at his grandmother with sad eyes and shook her head.

  Christmas morning came with a fresh coat of snow on the ground and a bright sun shining. William woke up first and ran into the front room to look under the tree. There were lots of presents there and William went to his mothers room and woke her. "Mommy, wake up. Santa was here and left a lot of things for us." He said. His mother got out of bed and put her robe on and followed William out to the front room. She tapped on her mother's door and woke her too. When she got to the front room William was picking up one box after another shaking them to hear if the rattled. "William, open that one first." She said and pointed to a large one still under the tree. "Okay mommy." He answered.

  When William's grand mother came out and sat in an arm chair William's mother gave her a wrapped present to open. She was happy to see a new nightgown, pink and with ruffles. "Thank you dear." She said. After a while William stopped opening the gifts and sat there with a sad face. "What's wrong William." Said his mother. "I thought that daddy would send me a gift." He cried. His mother held back her tears and said, "He is awful busy right now William." In all of the commotion they didn't hear the phone ringing. Finally William heard it and ran to pick it up. "Hello." He said into the phone. "Hi kiddo." Came an answer. "Daddy!" said William. His mother came over and William gave the phone to her. As she was talking to her husband the doorbell rang. "Honey, I heard the doorbell. Go and answer it." Said William's father to his mother. "William, would you answer the door please. Who could be coming this early?" she said to Williams father. William and his grandmother went to the door and opened it to find his father standing there with a big grin and the phone to his ear. "Surprise!" he said and when William's mother saw who it was she dropped the phone and ran to the door. The four of them stood there hugging for the longest time as William said,. "Merry Christmas everyone."