
  Making Cookies

  William was playing in the yard one day when his mother called to him. "William. Come in. I have something for you." She said. William came into the kitchen and asked, "What do you have for me mommy?" William's mother showed him a cook book. There on the open page were cookies. "Wow mommy. Can I have some of those cookies?" asked William. "First we have to bake them." She said. "Can I help?" asked William again. His mother put her hands on her hips and said, "I guess so." She went to the pantry and took out an apron to wear. "Here" She said to William as she held out another apron to him. William put it on. It was a little too big for him but his mother tied it up so that it fit William better.

  "First we have to measure out the flour. Then we can add the other things to make the cookies." She said to William. William held the flour bag and poured some out into a measuring cup. Some spilled on the table but his mother said, "It's all right William. We can clean up when were finished." After mixing the ingredients she took a spoon and scooping up some of the batter placed some on a cookie sheet. Then she gave William the spoon and said, "Would you like to lick the spoon?" William took the spoon and tasted the batter. It was good so he put the whole spoon into his mouth. "Yummy!" he said. His mother smiled and then put the cookie sheet into the oven. William sat on a chair in front of the oven looking at the baking cookies.

  When the timer bell rang William went and got his mother who was in the laundry room. "The bell rang mommy." He told her. His mother went into the kitchen and took the cookies out of the oven and put them on the counter to cool. "When can I have a cookie mommy?" he asked. His mother said, "When they are cool enough. Maybe in two or three minutes." So William waited in the chair next to the cookies all the while asking his mother again and again, "Now." When the cookies were cool enough William's mother gave him some cookies. "These are great." Said William between bites. By the time he finished the last cookie William was full. "I can't eat anymore." He said to his mother. He took his king doll and went outside to play.


  Going to the Library

  One afternoon William's mother asked him if he would like to go to the library because there was going to be a reading of a book for children that day. "What will they read?" asked William. "I don't know but I bet it will be interesting." She said. After they had some lunch William and his mother drove to the library. William took his mother's hand and they walked into the library. William had never been in the library and looked around at everything. He had brought along his king doll and held it up and said, "Mommy said we have to be real quiet in the library so don't say anything." The doll just looked at him as usual and William's mother laughed at what William said to his doll.

  They walked up to the check-out counter and William's mother said, "Where should we go to hear the children's story time?" the women behind the counter said, "That will be downstairs in the children's section." So William and his mother went down stairs to the children's section. As they walked over to the area where there were some children and mothers already seated William let his mother's hand go and ran over to a boy he knew. "Hi." Said William. The boy stood up and said hi to William and the two sat down in front of the other children. After a while a young women came from behind the counter of the children's section and sat on the chair in front of William. She held up a book and said, "Today I am going to read a story about pirates and buried gold. Can anyone tell me how a pirate looks?" asked the young woman. William put his hand up. "Yes." said the women pointing to William. "He has a cover over his eye and wears a funny hat." Said William. "That's right." She said. "What sound does he make when he is mad?" Again William raised his hand but this time someone else said, "Arrrrr." "You are right again."

  William liked this game and sat down as the young woman started to read the pirate story. All the children were quiet as she read. When the end of the book came she asked some questions to see if they remembered the story. Everyone did and then it was time to go. William took his mother's hand as they walked out to the car. "Mommy, can we come again to the library?" he asked her. "If you behave and keep your room clean we will come again." She said. He could hardly wait to go to the library again. That night when William went to bed he dreamed about pirates and ships. This would be one of William's favorite games to play in his back yard. He was always the captain and his king toy Gus was his helper.