Page 22 of Rock Island

clergy and laity, vied with each other for two hundred years to provide victims, and every refinement of legal ingenuity and torture was used in order to increase their number. In 1591, at Nördligen, a girl was tortured twenty-three times before she confessed...Three years later, in the same town, a woman suffered torture fifty-six times without confessing she was a witch...In the north of Italy, the great jurist Alciatus saw 100 witches burnt on one day...In England alone, under the Tudors and the Stuarts, the victims of this superstition amounted to 30,000. Yet, from the appearance of Spee’s Cautio in 1631 to the burning of the last witch in 1783, all sensible men were persuaded that the victims were innocent of the crime for which they suffered intolerable torments and an agonizing death. But those who hunted them out with cunning perseverance, and the inflexible judges who never spared their lives, firmly believed that their execution was pleasing in the sight of God, and that their sin could not be forgiven by men.’

  Can’t you people understand the simplest things? Has satan enslaved your minds so thoroughly that you can not grasp the simplest things? When people, people under the sign of the cross, in former centuries, fell to their knees to worship God, they didn’t actually worship the Creator of the Universe, they worshipped a false god. You see, the Creator of the Universe doesn’t support burning and torturing women accused of witchcraft; He doesn’t support the Inquisition or the African slave trade etc. But the people under the sign of the cross, for century after century, worshipped a false trinity, a false version of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, a false version who did support those evils, therefore, they worshipped a false god, a false trinity, who supported the evil laws of the evil people under the sign of the cross. But the True Father, Son and Holy Spirit did not approve of their evil laws. We’ve been over Revelation 2. 9. We’ve been over the example of the Jews being a synagogue of satan, because they reject Jesus, because they say that Jesus – God the Son – is a false god. And one is obviously in a synagogue of satan if one says that God is a false god. Similarly, when one is in a church which says God favors the Inquisition, and God favors the African slave trade, and God wants women accused of witchcraft tortured and burned etc., etc., then one is not in God’s True Church, but, rather, one is in a satanic church, though it claims to be God’s True Church. This stuff is as simple 2 + 2. It’s simple, easy stuff. If you can’t understand something this simple it is because satan has enslaved your minds so thoroughly that he has destroyed you, or almost.…We’ve been over Revelation 13. 1-8, which mentions the damned worshipping a beast with multiple heads and horns. It’s rather unlikely that people will literally worship some beast which literally has numerous heads and horns, so we’re trying to figure out what this multi-headed beast symbolizes. Whenever people fall to their knees to worship a false god, regardless if it’s Hindu gods or Buddhist gods or Allah or any other false god, and all false gods drag souls down to perdition, then you have to wonder if they are worshipping this multi-headed beast described in Revelation 13. 1-8. We’ve been all through the cross and the crucifix. If you worship a version of Jesus who loves the sign of the cross, but if the True Jesus says you commit sacrilege when you say the sign of the cross is sacred, then you worship a false god, and you have to suspect that whenever you worship a beastly false god who drags people down to perdition that you are also worshipping this multi-headed beast described in Revelation 13. 1-8. So, if you worship a false god who says the cross is sacred, when the True God says the cross symbolizes evil…well, you’re just taking the steps by which you will cast yourself into hell…Everyone knows, that, for century after century, a lot of evil was perpetrated by people the sign of the cross. Of course not every person under the sign of the cross was evil, but the good people under the sign of the cross held communion with the evil people under the sign of the cross, and good Christians fall away from the True Faith when they celebrate communion with evil people. So, don’t celebrate the Eucharist with evil people or you will fall away from the True Faith. What do the Protestants do today? They basically give the Eucharist to anyone who asks to receive it. It hurts a Protestant church’s finances to excommunicate people. The Protestant churches put money above the True Faith. The Protestants don’t obey the Sabbath. The Protestants under the sign of the cross don’t excommunicate Sabbath violators. Half of the Protestants under the sign of the cross today will tell you they don’t need to obey the Sabbath, because “that’s legalism”. Half of the Protestants will tell you they are saved regardless if they obey the Sabbath or not, because “they are born-again”. So the Protestants under the sign of the cross have clearly fallen away from the True Faith. Look at Revelation 14. 12 - ‘here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus’. You’re not keeping the faith of Jesus if you hold communion with Sabbath violators…One could fill a book describing all the ways that the Protestants under the sign of the cross have fallen away from the True Faith: they don’t excommunicate pro-choice people; they don’t excommunicate pro-gay marriage people, they don’t excommunicate anyone! Excommunicating people costs a church money, it’s bad for business, it’s hurts a church’s cash-flow. When a church puts money above all else I dare say it falls away from the True Faith…Some Protestant churches simply capitulate to the anti-Christian Left on the issue of gay marriage, because they don’t like being called ‘haters’ by the anti-Christian Left. You fall away from the True Faith when you support gay marriage. For one reason, you are leading people to perdition, you are teaching an evil doctrine, therefore you are leading people to perdition, when you say or imply that homosexual sex – sodomy - is sanctified in God’s eyes via gay marriage…Sodomy is a sin which leads people straight to perdition, and you commit sacrilege if you say gay marriage transforms sodomy into legal sex, rather as the marriage rite transforms fornication into legal sex between a husband and his wife...The evil of abortion is legal because millions or billions of Protestants and Catholics under the sign of the cross want it legal. And it’s not just the pro-choice Christians who have fallen away. Pro-life people fall away from the True Faith when they refuse to excommunicate pro-choice Christians.’

  English Atheist Guy - ‘You’re just churning out a lot of sectarian voodoo. The stuff that you’re peddling is just worthless speculation built upon a thin tissue of evidence.’

  Me - ‘Let me paraphrase the Bible for you. I’m condensing things now, I’m leaving a lot out. I’m just trying to give you important info, or at least some of the most important info. Ezekiel 20: 24, 25 says:

  “Because they had not executed my judgments, but had despised My statutes and polluted My sabbaths, and their eyes were after their fathers’ idols. Wherefore I gave them also statutes that were not good and judgments whereby they should not live.”

  ‘A big problem with the Old Covenant, the Old Law, the Mosaic Law, is that it commands the children of Israel to execute various people, such as practicing homosexuals - rebellious children, witches, Sabbath violators etc. So that’s a big problem. There’s no sanctified altar and no Temple in Jerusalem, and therefore there are no animal sacrifices, but, nevertheless, the whole Old Covenant system of animal sacrifice is not at all good in the estimation of most people today. Exodus 29. 20 tells us that God wanted the blood of a ram to be placed on the tip of Aaron’s right ear, and on the tips of the right ears of his sons, and on the thumbs of their right hands, and on the big toes of their right feet. This curious little ritual certainly appears to be an example of God mocking man, mocking him because of his incessant rebellions and eternal heart of stone. Yet scripture is clear that even an Old Covenant law of the most frivolous or barbarous aspect must not be discarded until a New Covenant - a Covenant which says the Old Covenant is still eternal yet unobserved in many of its statutes - has been given, for dire curses would crush the children of Israel if they rejected the slightest element of the Old Covenant. “Cursed be thy basket and thy store...”

; ‘We can certainly see that the Old Covenant needed to be amended with a New Law. The Old Law can be put into abeyance so that it is an eternal law, though unobserved, whereas the New Law is both eternal and observed.

  ‘Since the Jews reject Christianity as the new covenant spoken of in Jeremiah 31. 31-34, then, as the Temple has long since been razed, as the daily sacrifices have long since been taken away, as prophecy and vision seem to have long since been sealed, what has become of the true religion? Where is the religion of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Elijah?

  ‘Of course Christianity insists that Christianity is the True Religion, the True Religion of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Christ, who is Jewish, of the tribe of Judah, a direct descendant of David, states at the Last Supper – Matthew 26. 28, Mark 14. 24 and Luke 22. 20 - ‘This cup is My blood of the new covenant…’ These words from Jesus refer to a passage in the Old Testament. Jeremiah 31.