Page 8 of The Red

  pink around the room. "Don’t mind us…”

  The girl in pink tried to untie herself as she walked behind Malcolm, a pretty puppy on a pretty pink leash. But there was nothing for her. He had her trapped.

  "Let me go, beast. Let me go,” she said.

  He spun her around to face him.

  "For the price of a kiss,” he said. "I’ll think about it.”

  "He means it, Pinky,” the girl in blue said. "Better kiss him or you’ll be his pet forever.”

  "Not that,” she said, her cheeks pinking like her name. "Anything but that.”

  She pressed close to him and tilted her face up, closing her eyes. She was the perfect picture of a martyr. Martyr and satyr. Satyr and Martyr. Silly fools, all of them. Malcolm kissed his pink pet on the lips and the girls in blue and yellow clapped wildly and cheered. Mona did too, for no reason she could name other than it seemed to be part of the game. The kiss continued, deepening. Malcolm bent the girl backwards in his lust. He brought his large right hand to her breast and groped it over her gown.

  The girls in blue and yellow booed, but the girl in pink didn’t seem to mind. Malcolm’s erection pressed between her thighs and was swathed in pink fabric. Red against pink. He yanked the bodice of the girl’s dress down, baring her breast. He latched onto the nipple, sucking it into his mouth as the girl trapped in his grasp gave a little cry of pleasure and fear.

  "He’s got her now,” the girl in yellow said. "No getting her out.”

  "I told her to stay at home today,” the blue girl said. "She never listens.”

  "I never listen either,” Mona said, and that made the blue and yellow girls laugh so hard they almost fell over. They took up their ribbons again and skipped in a circle around Malcolm and the pink girl. He had her dress pushed down to her waist now, so that she was naked from the hips up. Her breasts were small and pale and her nipples pink as her gown, and her face was awash in ecstasy as Malcolm licked her little nipples, his hands huge on her tiny waist.

  "He’s not going to let her go until she gives in,” the girl in blue said, taking Mona by the hands and making a bridge with their arms. "Don’t you think?”

  "I’m sure he’ll let her go eventually,” Mona said. "Won’t he?”

  "But she won’t be a water nymph when he’s done with her,” the girl in yellow said. "She’ll be a wet nymph!”

  Even Malcolm stopped fondling Pinky long enough to roar with laughter. They all laughed and the dancing resumed. They whirled and spun and turned and bowed and it seemed Mona would never tire of it. And in the midst of them, Malcolm tore the blonde girl’s pink gown from her body. He turned her around in his arms to take her from behind.

  "I knew it,” the girl in yellow said as she emerged from a spin. "You can’t say I didn’t warn her.”

  Malcolm took his cock in hand and guided it into the girl’s pink hole. All the other girls, Mona too, clapped and cheered as Malcolm pulled his captured nymph’s hips back against him and rutted into her rapidly. Her wrists were still tied in front of her and she held them to her chest. She gave little sounds of pleasure and protests—oh’s and no’s and oh’s again.

  It was a sin to watch and yet impossible to look away. The three free girls huddled together and pointed and giggled behind their hands. Mona felt light as a child, free as a kite. It felt like she’d stumbled into someone else’s erotic dream and since she was there, she might as well play along.

  The pink girl’s face turned red as Malcolm took her even harder from behind. He bent his knees to lower himself a few inches, all the better to ram her deep. His hips undulated obscenely. It seemed his legs were far hairier than Mona remembered and his ears more pointed than ever before. She was dizzy, indeed, from all the laughing and spinning, and she already knew Malcolm could disguise himself in mysterious ways. He made an animalistic sound as he pumped into the girl from behind and the girl let out a girlish whimper. Mona grew wet watching, terribly wet, and she was already eager for her turn with the satyr.

  Malcolm’s muscles were tight all over his body. He was all sweating skin and straining sinew, organ and bone. He yanked the girl in his grip back against his cock one last time. She cried out in her climax and he grunted in his.

  The girl slid off his organ and fell onto the floor on her back.

  "Pinky!” the girl in yellow cried. She dropped to her knees at the pink girl’s side and took the ribbons from her wrist. The girl in blue lifted the pink girl’s pale hand to her lips and kissed it.

  "Are you there?” the girl in blue asked.

  Pinky opened her eyes and raised her head. "He got me.” She gave a pitiful fake cough like a child trying to get out of school for the day.

  "In the heart?” the yellow girl asked, her eyes wide with wonder and concern.

  "Is my heart between my legs?” the girl, Pinky, asked.

  The girls shook their heads.

  "Then that’s not where he got me!” cried Pinky.

  They all laughed again—even Pinky, who was attempting to play dead.

  "Baby Blue…” Pinky said through barely parted lips. Her arm lay over her eyes.

  "Yes, Pinky?” Baby Blue asked.

  "Avenge me…” Pinky said. Her arm fell to the floor and she was gone…for three seconds, until she giggled again.

  "I’ll get him,” Baby Blue said, standing up. "He’ll never see me coming.”

  "Why not?” said the girl in yellow. "Or are you planning on covering his eyes when you come?”

  Malcolm crouched behind his throne, pretending to cower as the nymphs plotted their revenge. His dark eyes shifted left and right like he was waiting for an imminent incoming attack from enemies unknown.

  "You go left,” the girl in yellow said to Mona. "I’ll go right. If he tries to run from Baby Blue, one of us can catch him.”

  "What do we do with him when we catch him?” Mona asked.

  The yellow-gowned nymph shook her head. "I haven’t thought that far ahead. Let’s just get him. One, two, three!”

  The three of them raced to the throne.

  Mona couldn’t wait to get her hands on Malcolm, but he was too fast for her—he spun out of her grasp. He was nearly caught by Baby Blue, but he feinted to the right. Just as the girl in yellow was about to catch him with her ribbon, he clasped her wrist and scooped her up into his arms.

  "Oh no!” Baby Blue cried. "He’s captured Sunshine!”

  "That’s impressive,” Pinky said from the floor.

  "Because she’s so fast?” Baby Blue asked.

  "Because it’s the middle of the night!”

  Baby Blue laughed so hard, Mona had to hold her up. Meanwhile, Malcolm had Sunshine, the girl in the yellow dress, on his lap in the throne again. As she wiggled and struggled, he ripped her dress down to her waist—if Mona had to guess, she’d say the wiggling and the struggling did more harm than good. It certainly made it easier for Malcolm to rip her dress, which may or may not have been Sunshine’s plan all along. Malcolm pulled her bare back against his naked chest and groped her breasts as he bounced her on his knee.

  "Should we try to rescue her?” Baby Blue asked Mona.

  "Don’t try anything,” Sunshine said, her voice quavering as Malcolm bounced her. "You’ll only make it worse for me.”

  "I think she likes it right where she is,” Mona whispered.

  "She does,” Baby Blue whispered back. "But he doesn’t need to know that.”

  Malcolm tore the rest of Sunshine’s gown from her body. The gauzy fabric ripped like paper and gathered at his feet like an offering of gold. He lifted Sunshine by her waist, and when he brought her down again it was to impale her on his cock. She took it all at once, her back arching and head tipping backward. Malcolm put his hand on her neck and whispered into her ear.

  "What do you think he’s saying?” Mona asked Baby Blue.

  "Probably something very important,” Baby Blue said. Then she giggled again and pulled naked Pinky off the floor and to her feet. While Malc
olm dallied with Sunshine in his lap, the three of them would dance. The trio joined hands and spun in circles round the throne. Then they formed a conga line for a few minutes. All the while Malcolm bounced his captive nymph up and down on his lap—lifting her slight weight, holding her in the air and then sliding her down again, impaling her once more and again.

  "Let me go!” Sunshine cried. "I demand you set me free!”

  "Never!” Malcolm said, all satyr now, his legs hairy as a pelt, his ears pointed as knives.

  "Never ever?” Sunshine asked as Malcolm nibbled her neck.

  "Not until you come,” he said.

  She nodded sagely. "Well, I better do that then,” she said. He bounced her harder on his lap, making her breasts jiggle and her hair fly here and there. Malcolm fucked her from underneath, bending his hips into hers and sliding her up and down the length of his cock. Finally, his head fell back and he came a foot out of the chair with Sunshine still attached to him, her hips in his grasp as she came and he came and their cries of pleasure mingled into one.

  Sunshine slid out of Malcolm’s lap, and Mona caught her before she hit the ground.

  "Thank you, lady,” Sunshine said, smiling up at her in gratitude. "He’s a brute, a nasty brute.”

  "That’s not nice,” Malcolm said, a pout on his perfect face. "After all I do for you.”

  "You were very hard on him,” Baby Blue said to Sunshine.

  "I was not hard on him,” said Sunshine. "But he was hard in me!”

  Laughter and exuberance were restored. Mona marveled at their playfulness, their lightness, their airiness. They could have been flying kites for all their frivolity. Who knew orgies could be joyful?

  All four nymphs danced together as Malcolm watched and clapped in time. They linked arms and changed partners, pirouetted and jeté-ed. Only Mona and Baby Blue were still clothed. Sunshine and Pinky were naked as babes in the wood and didn’t seem to mind one bit. The firelight turned Sunshine’s dark skin golden and turned pale Pinky red. They were light and lovely as fairies. All they wanted for was wings.

  "I suppose it’s my turn to face the music,” Baby Blue said as she and Mona joined arms for a set in the center of the circle of trees. "Can’t put it off any longer.”

  "Might as well get it over with,” Mona told her.

  "He’s not bad when you get used to him,” Pinky told her sweetly.

  "No,” Sunshine said. "He’s worse!”

  "Kiss me for luck,” Baby Blue said. All three girls pressed soft kisses on her lips. Baby Blue hung her head and slid her feet across the floor as she neared Malcolm’s throne with visible trepidation.

  "What brings you to me?” Malcolm asked. He crossed a mighty hairy leg over a mighty hair knee. "You have a favor to ask of me?”

  "I do, Sir Satyr.”

  "Name it, girl.”

  "I ask you to ask a favor of me,” Baby Blue said.

  "Very well then. I ask you to favor me with your favors,” Malcolm said. "Will you?”

  She turned around and brought her hands to her mouth. To Mona and Pinky and Sunshine, she whispered, "He’s asked me for my favors. How do I say no?”

  "You just said no!” Sunshine said.

  "Oh, no,” said Baby Blue.

  "You just said it again!” Pinky said.

  "I’d rather hear a yes,” Malcolm said.

  "Yes, what?” Baby Blue said, turning back around.

  "That was definitely a yes,” Malcolm said. "You all heard her say yes, yes?”

  Mona and Pinky and Sunshine nodded. It was true. She had said yes. What could they do?

  Poor Baby Blue. Malcolm bade her to stand before him at his throne and as soon as she did, he tore her dress from her body. Poor Baby Blue. As soon as she was naked, Malcolm took her nipple into his mouth and sucked it while he stroked her between her legs with his fingers. Poor Baby Blue. She had to straddle his lap with her legs trapped by the chair arms so that as soon as he had his cock in her, she wouldn’t be able to run away. Poor Baby Blue. She cried and she cried as he held her by the waist and rocked her on his lap, rocking his organ up into her as he suckled at her breasts. Poor Baby Blue. She came so hard and so loud, it must have hurt her tender throat from groaning that hard.

  "Was it awful?” Sunshine asked as Baby Blue was finally released from Malcolm’s grasp.

  "Was it terrible?” Pinky asked.

  "It was…” Baby Blue said, shaking her head. "It was…big!”

  Then she ran back to the throne and kissed Malcolm on his cheek, stole his laurel crown, and put it on her own head.

  "I am now the queen of this courtyard,” Baby Blue said. "And I say the next sacrifice shall be…”

  She walked to Mona, naked and smiling and serious all at the same time.

  "Yes?” Mona asked.

  "What’s your name?” Baby Blue said.

  "She wears white like the moon,” Sunshine said. "Shall we call her Moona?”

  "That’s silly,” Pinky said. "She’s mad as a loon to be here. Shall we call her Loona?”

  "Those are terrible names,” Baby Blue said. "I like them both!”

  "Call her Moan-a,” Malcolm said, his pronouncement straight from the throne. "And we’ll see if she earns it.”

  "Have you ever had this nymph before, Sir Satyr?” Baby Blue asked Malcolm. He shook his head no.

  "Then she must be washed in our water first,” Pinky said to Baby Blue. "And him too.”

  "I’ll take him,” Sunshine said. "You two take our Moona Loona.”

  The nymphs nodded and shook hands like bankers closing a business deal.

  Pinky and Baby Blue took Mona by her hands and drew her to the center of their little indoor grove. In the background, music played, now softer than before. The girls drew her white nightdress down and off her body. They were puzzled by her bra and panties, but soon enough they were long gone as well. It didn’t feel strange to be naked—Mona had felt far stranger to be the only one clothed.

  On his throne Malcolm watched her intently. Mona would have imagined him done for the night after mounting three young nymphs in a row. But he’d become his character. He was a satyr through and through. His cock, which seemed larger than ever, jutted out, red and proud, from a thatch of thick dark hair. Sunshine knelt at his feet, a large white bowl on the floor and a clay pitcher of water in her hand. She poured the water slowly over Malcolm’s organ, using her free hand to wash it with the water.

  He was being purified for Mona, and she for him.

  Pinky and Baby Blue drew her into in a wide cream-colored basin on the floor. Though she wasn’t tired—she had danced and frolicked for what must have been two hours—she was a little overheated. She welcomed the cool clear water they poured over her from her neck to her knees. Pinky poured and Baby Blue splashed the water over her breasts and down her back, between her legs and behind her knees. Then she held out her hands and Pinky filled them with water that Mona drank greedily. She held out her hands again and Pinky filled them. This time, Mona splashed the cold water on her face.

  Baby Blue intoned a prayer. "We dedicate this girl into the service of whoever it is or whatever it is we want to service on that particular day.”

  "We’re very pious,” Pinky said.

  "Pious, yes,” Malcolm said. "I shall put her on her knees in piety. Won’t I?”

  "Will you?” Sunshine asked, still kneeling at his feet.

  "I will,” he said. "Bring her to me.”

  "She doesn’t want to come to you,” Baby Blue said.

  "Yes, I do,” Mona said.

  Pinky glared at her.

  "Oh, right,” Mona said. "No, I don’t want to go to him. Anything but that.”

  "That’s what I thought,” Baby Blue said. "But you have to. It’s our way.”

  Pinky and Baby Blue escorted her to Malcolm’s throne, all five paces.

  "Whew.” Pinky ran her hand across her forehead. "That was a journey. She put up a fight the entire way.”

  "Sit and re
st a while,” Malcolm said to Pinky and Baby Blue. "You’ve done well. I’ll take her from here.”