Page 37 of Fear the Worst

  We were looking for not one girl now, but two.

  “Sydney might have gotten a room somewhere else,” I said.

  “Maybe,” Bob said, watching out his side.

  I continued my scan. Bob said, “Take a look behind us. Is that a car back there, with no lights on?”

  I twisted around in my seat, looked out the back window. “Hang on, I’m just waiting for it to go under a streetlight… Yeah. You’re right. Looks like one of those new Chargers. That, or a Magnum. It’s got that big grille, you know?”

  “Yeah,” Bob said, his palms sweaty on the steering wheel. “I think it might have picked us up just after we got back onto the main road.”

  “It’s definitely holding way back.”

  “Covered bridge, dead ahead,” Bob said.

  I turned eyes front. It was odd, as covered bridges went. Only the pedestrian walkway, on the left side, was protected with a roof. The roadway itself was uncovered. In darkness, it was impossible to tell whether anyone was hiding under the covered part.

  “You want I should pull over?” Bob asked.

  “No,” I said. “Not if that other car’s following us. Try to get past it, turn a corner or something, I’ll jump out and run back to the bridge.”

  “Okay,” he said. “Do you know my cell number so you can call me?”

  I took out a pen and wrote it on the back of the note that had been left for Sydney, wrote my own number on a corner of the page, tore it off and handed it to Bob.

  The Mustang rolled over the bridge. The other car, a dark, menacing shadow, was about twenty car lengths back.

  “Okay,” Bob said, “get ready.”

  He made a stop at the sign, turned left and floored it. Then he hit the brakes, and I prepared to jump out and run down between two buildings.

  “Gun!” Bob whispered.

  I nearly fell over reaching back into the car as Bob handed me one of the Rugers. Whether it was the one with one bullet, or the one with three, I had no idea. I tucked it into the back of my pants.

  I scurried off into the shadows as the Mustang pulled away.

  The car with its headlights off slowed at the intersection without signaling or stopping and continued on after Bob. It was a Charger, with tinted windows. I couldn’t tell who was behind the wheel, or whether the driver had company.

  Once that car was a safe distance up the street, I ran across the road and down the other street in the direction of the bridge. All there was to hear was the sound of my shoes hitting the pavement, and my hurried breathing.

  I got to the end of the bridge, entered the covered portion, and waited a moment for my eyes to adjust.

  “Patty?” I called. Not too loud, but loud enough.

  I waited two seconds for anyone to respond.

  “Patty?” I called again.

  “Mr. B.?”

  I could detect movement on the bridge, at the midpoint. I started walking, quickly. “Patty!” I said.

  I thought she might run toward me, but as I approached I could see that she looked frightened, as though she doubted it was really me. But when I got to her, and threw my arms around her, held her next to me, she said, “The fuck are you doing here?”

  “You’re okay,” I said, holding on to her, not wanting to let go. “You’re okay.”

  “Yeah, I’m okay,” she said, and now she was hugging me, too. Her hands touched the gun in the small of my back and pulled away suddenly. “Why wouldn’t I be okay?”

  I let go of her enough to look into her eyes. “I thought you were dead.”

  “Fuck, no, here I am,” she said.

  I gave this girl—this girl I now knew to be my daughter—another hug.

  “What’s the deal, Mr. B.?” she said. “You’re crying.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said. “I’m just glad to find out you’re okay.” I tried to focus. “Everyone’s been worried sick about you. We were thinking the worst.” I thought about Carol Swain, whose level of concern wasn’t exactly off the scale, but she needed to know that her daughter was okay. “You have to call your mother,” I said. “You have to let her know you’re safe.”

  “Yeah, sure,” Patty said, rolling her eyes.

  “You do. But Patty, have you seen Syd?”

  Patty shook her head. “What are you even doing here?” she asked me. “How did you…”

  “What about you?” I asked. I needed to get past my emotional response and ask some questions. “What are you doing here?”

  Patty seemed to be struggling for an answer. “I’m here looking for Sydney.”

  “I figured that,” I said. “But how did you know?”

  “She called me,” Patty said quickly. “She called and told me she was here.”


  “Just, like, yesterday?” Patty said.

  “How is she? Is she okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah, she’s cool, she’s good.”

  I felt relief starting to wash over me, but I still had many questions. “How did you get up here?”

  “I, you know, I hitched. Took a while.”

  “Patty, why didn’t you just tell me? If Syd told you where she was, why didn’t you let me know? I could have brought you up here.”

  Her mouth twitched. “I… I was pissed at you. About the other night. I wanted to make you proud of me. I wanted to bring Syd back myself.”

  “Oh, Patty,” I said. “Is that why you weren’t answering my calls?”

  She nodded. “I wanted to do it myself. Syd got a job up here, and I went there to find her, but she was gone. I was kind of screening my calls. I didn’t feel like talking to anybody.”

  “You left Syd a note,” I said.

  “Yeah, but I guess she didn’t get it.”

  “You left it at the wrong cabin.”


  “How long have you been on this bridge?”

  “Off and on, for hours,” she said.

  “Sydney got scared off,” I told her. “She ran away from the inn. I think she saw one of them, looking for her.”

  Patty looked scared.

  I took hold of her by the shoulders. “This is something you can’t do alone, Patty. These people, the ones who’ve been looking for Syd, they’re very dangerous. They’re killers, Patty. And I think they’re up here right now. There’s been a car following us around.”


  “I’m here with Bob. We started driving up when we learned Sydney was here in Stowe.”

  “How did you know that?”

  “I found out from one of them. Patty, I shot a man tonight. I shot him to find out what he knew. And he told me Sydney was up here.”

  Something Jennings had told me shortly after Bob and I started heading up from Milford came into my head.

  “Patty,” I said. “This call you got from Sydney. Telling you she was up here. You got that when?”

  “Yesterday,” she said.

  “Was that the first call?”


  “Was that the first time she called you? Yesterday?”

  “Yeah, of course,” she said.

  “Because the police, they’ve been looking for you for the last couple of days, and they were checking your cell records.”


  “And they said there were other calls from Stowe. Much earlier ones.”

  “That’s crazy,” she said. “They must have that wrong.”

  “No, I don’t think so.”

  “It doesn’t make any sense,” she insisted.

  “Did Sydney call you before? Has she been keeping in touch with you? You haven’t known all along where she’s been, have you?”

  She opened her mouth, but nothing came out. Not for a second, anyway. “What?” she said. “Are you crazy?”

  “I’m just trying to figure it all out,” I said. “And I can’t figure out why Sydney would call you to come and get her. Why wouldn’t she have called me, or her mother?”

  “I don’t know!” she s
houted. “I don’t know! Shit!”

  “Patty, what’s going on? I need you to be honest with me. I need you to tell me what’s going on.”

  “Honest?” she said. “You want honest? I’ll give you honest. My whole life has been one long fucking joke. It’s been shit, that’s what it’s been.”


  “And you know why? You know whose fault it is?”

  “Patty, this isn’t the time. We have to find out where—”

  “It’s my fucking parents’ fault, for sure, but you know who else? Huh? You know who else? You. That’s who. That’s who’s fucked up my entire life. You.”

  “Patty,” I said again.

  “Because you’re the reason I’m here,” she said. “You’re the reason I exist.”

  I let that one hang out there a minute before I said, “I know.”


  “I know. I saw your mother. I know about the file. You found the file, didn’t you? The detective’s report.”

  She stared at me, stone-faced. “Yeah. I saw it.”

  “You’re my daughter,” I said.

  “Yeah,” she repeated. “Big whoop.”

  “You should have told me. When you met Sydney, when you came to our house, you must have figured it out.”

  “I knew before,” she whispered. “That’s why I got to know her, kind of snuck into that math class. Because I wanted to get to know you. I wanted to know who my real father was. And now I know. I found out the other night. I saw the real you. When you told me you had one daughter and that was enough.”

  “Patty, I didn’t know. If I’d known—”

  “If you’d known, what? What would you have done? You’d have freaked out, that’s what you would have done. And listen, don’t even worry yourself about it. Because I really don’t have any father, okay? All you are is just some guy who had it off with a cup.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said. “You make decisions when you’re young, you never think about the ramifications of—”

  “Oh, fuck off,” she said. But while she sounded angry, I could see, in the limited light, that she was crying.

  “Patty,” I said, “when did Sydney first call you?”

  She wouldn’t look at me.

  “How long have you known she was up here? What did you tell her? Why have you been keeping—”

  My cell phone rang.


  “Tim? It’s Bob. I’ve got her. I’ve got Syd.”


  I HEARD THE PHONE BEING RUSTLED. “Daddy?” Sydney said. “Daddy?”

  “Syd!” I said while Patty watched me. “Oh my God, Syd, I can’t believe it’s you! Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m okay!”

  “How did Bob find you?”

  “I found him!”


  “I’ve been hiding out all over town for hours after I got spotted at the inn. So I saw this car drive by, and the window was down, and I was sure it was Bob, so I phoned him!”

  “That’s great, honey! That’s fantastic!” I brought my voice down a touch. “They’re still around. There’s some car prowling around with its headlights off.”

  “I know, I know,” she said. “Did you find Patty? Bob said Patty left me a note?”

  “I’m with her right now.”

  “Oh thank God,” Sydney said. “Is she okay?”

  I smiled at Patty, who seemed to be studying my facial reactions. “She’s good. She’s okay.”

  “Patty’s been so great,” Sydney said. “Right from the beginning. I mean, it’s been awful, hiding out like this, but at least you knew I was okay.”

  I looked at Patty. I wasn’t sure whether she could hear Sydney’s voice coming out of the cell. I turned slightly away. “What’s that, hon?”

  “Whenever I called Patty, she kept me posted on everything. How the people from the hotel were watching you and Mom, about the fake website you got Jeff to set up to make them think you really didn’t know where I was. How the hotel people had our phones all tapped and were listening in on everything. Patty said as soon as it was safe to call you, and come back, she’d let me know. I can’t believe it’s finally over.”

  “Yeah,” I said. “I can’t believe it, either.” Patty tried to inch closer to me, wanting to hear what Sydney was saying. I said, “You’ve been up here the whole time?”

  “Pretty much,” she said. She was trying to hold off crying, but she was unable to stop her voice from shaking. “The first day, after it happened… Oh God, Dad, I swear I didn’t mean to shoot that man. I was walking down the hall and this girl was screaming, and when I used the passkey to go into the room, this man, he was doing these awful things to one of the Chinese women who worked there, he had her tied down and—”

  “It’s okay, honey.”

  “And I started to scream, and then this guy got off the bed and started coming after me. That’s when I saw the gun sitting on the dresser, so I grabbed it, and—”

  “It’s okay. You can tell me all this later.”

  Full-out crying now. “I shot him. I couldn’t believe I’d done it. Then Carter and some of the others came in, and I was freaking out, you know?”

  “I know, I know.”

  “I told them we had to call the police. I knew I had to call them. But then they all started freaking out, too. Said we couldn’t call the police. Said they couldn’t find out what was happening.”

  “Okay,” I said. “And then what?”

  “So they took my cell, and they left me in the room with the dead man and Owen was standing outside the door so I couldn’t get away, and they ripped out the wall phone so I couldn’t call anybody. I was so scared, and I couldn’t think what to do, and I knew Patty was coming over, because we were going to hit the mall real quick when I finished work. So I thought, maybe that dead man had a phone on him, and I reached into his jacket, and oh, Daddy, I got his blood all over my hands—”

  “It’s okay,” I said softly.

  “And I called Patty with his phone and told her I was in trouble.”

  I looked at Patty. She wasn’t making eye contact.

  “So Patty, she had this idea. She snuck into the hotel, pulled the fire alarm, snuck back out, and then I guess everybody was running around, and then she ran around to the window of the room I was in—it was on the first floor. I slid it open, it only went about a foot, and there was a screen, and Patty kicked out the screen, but I couldn’t squeeze through, so Patty grabbed my arm and pulled and pulled and it just about killed me but she got me out.” Syd took a moment to catch her breath. “But she told you all this, right?”

  “Sure,” I said.

  “And Patty, she could see everything so clearly, she was so cool. She told me to just go, and keep going. Because I’d shot a guy, right? She said the police would never understand, that they never believed teenagers, and those bad people at the hotel would be after me, too. Patty told me not to think about anything but getting away, and she’d explain to you and the police what happened before everybody, you know, started flying off the handle. So I got in the car and just started driving away like crazy.”

  Another breath, then, “So I ditched the car, because I figured everyone’d be looking for it, and hitched my way up to Stowe. I remembered this friend of Evan’s talking about living up here, getting a job, so I figured, it’d be as good a place as any to hide until you told Patty to tell me it was safe to come home.”

  “Syd,” I said, “tell Bob I’m on the bridge with Patty. He can scoop us all up, we can get the hell out of here, sort it all out on the way back.”

  Patty had her back to me. She had her cell out and was punching in a number.

  “Hang on,” I said to Sydney. To Patty, I said, “Who you calling?”

  “Like you said,” she snapped. “I’m calling my mom.”

  I almost reached out and took the phone from her, but instead said to Syd, “Hon, put Bob on for a second.”

“Hang on.”

  Then: “Yeah?”

  “What about that car that was following us?” I asked him.

  “I did a couple of quick turns, think I lost it. I’m parked with the lights off in some driveway by a hotel.”

  “Okay. When you think it’s safe, whip down to the bridge and we’ll all get the hell out of here.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Bob said. “Hey, I know there’s a lot of bad shit coming down, but there’s some good news.”


  “I asked Sydney here if Evan had knocked her up, if she was pregnant. But she’s not.”

  “Bob!” Sydney shouted, and grabbed the phone back from him. “What’s wrong with him?”

  “Don’t worry about it,” I said. “The only thing that matters is that you’re okay.”

  Patty, talking into her own phone, was saying, “Yeah, I’m here with Mr. Blake, on the bridge, and Bob and Sydney are going to be here in just a second, and then we’re all supposed to head back.”

  Now Bob was back on the phone. “Hey, Tim,” he said, “doesn’t some of what Sydney just told you sound kind of goofy?” To Syd, he said, “No offense.”

  “Yeah,” I said, looking at Patty. “It does.”

  Patty said, “Okay, see you soon.” And she put her phone away.

  I said to Bob, “Get here quick.”

  “Give us a minute to make sure the coast is clear,” he said.

  I put my phone away. Patty eyed me nervously. “So that’s great,” she said, trying to smile. “We’re all going back.”

  “What’s this game you’ve been playing?” I asked her, keeping my voice level. “Telling Sydney to stay up here until it was safe? What was going on in your head?”

  “Don’t yell at me,” she said.

  I took hold of her by the shoulders. “You think this is yelling? Patty, why did you do this?”

  She tried to wriggle away, but I held on to her.

  “I hate you,” she said. “I thought I could love you, but I hate you.”

  I wasn’t letting go. “Why did you do it?”