When Stan left to go to see Dr. Gerhardt, I was filled with trepidation. What were they going to do with Cheryl? What would they do to Stan if they knew he was on to them? Why were aliens living in Texas? What was their purpose?

  On my way out of the courthouse I was intercepted by a mob of reporters asking me what had happened. I shrugged and said I didn't know. They weren't happy with my response, but that was the truth. I didn't understand any of this.

  Bart was at the condo when I arrived home. I ran into his arms and all the pent-up fear and anxiety exploded in tears. Bart hugged me tightly and said, "I was so worried about you when I heard what happened. How could anyone get through all the courthouse security and pluck a defendant right of the stand? That's so unbelievable."

  I couldn't tell anyone about the memory gun, not even Bart. If I mentioned anything about it, there would inevitably be more questions and eventually I'd have to tell them everything I knew. "I don't know how they did it," I said. "I must have been unconscious or something. I don't remember a thing."

  "They must have used a gas or something to knock everyone out. Do you remember a gas cannister exploding?"

  "No, maybe they introduced it through the heating system."

  "Maybe. How are you feeling? Should I take you to the doctor and have you checked out?"

  "No, I'm all right—just a little shaken. I could use a drink."

  Bart poured us a drink and we went into the living room and got comfortable. A little while later the telephone rang. It was Maria. She said Rebekah had been calling looking for Stan. She'd heard the news and was worried about him. I told her he went to see Dr. Gerhardt and she should try there. She said she would. Another wave of fear came over me. What if they had followed Stan to Dr. Gerhardt's office? I called the office to see if Maria had gotten through to Stan.

  "There's no answer at Dr. Gerhardt's office. He must be on his way home."

  Tears began to well in my eyes. I said, "Bart. We have to go to Dr. Gerhardt's office. Something is wrong. I can feel it."

  "What is it, honey?" Bart asked.

  "I don't know. Stan's missing and I've got a bad feeling."

  As I was hanging up the telephone, I noticed there was a message on the recorder. I hit the play button.

  "Ms. Waters. This is Dr. Gerhardt. Stan told me to call you and tell you to get a security team out to Possum Kingdom Lake right away. He said you'd understand. . . . Hey! Who are you? What are you doing in my office? Take your hands off of me."

  "Oh, my God!" I screamed. "They've taken Stan."

  "Why would they take—"

  There was a knock at the door and Bart went over and looked in the peep hole."It's Agent Barnes," he said and opened the door to let him in.

  Barnes stepped inside. "I need to talk to your wife. I didn't get to talk to her before she left the courthouse."

  "Agent Barnes," Paula said. "I'm so glad you're here. I think Stan is in trouble. I was just listening to a message from Dr. Gerhardt when someone apparently broke into his office and took him away. Stan was with him."

  "Do you know where Gerhardt's office is?"

  "Yes," I said.

  "Then let's go. I'll call for backup."

  As we drove, I told Agent Barnes that Stan had gone to Dr. Gerhardt's office to be hypnotized in hopes he'd remember something about the persons who kidnapped Cheryl Windsor. Agent Barnes thought that was a very imaginative idea and was amazed Stan had acted on it so quickly. As we rounded the corner and pulled up to Dr. Gerhardt's office building my heart sank. Stan's car was sticking out into the street with the driver's side door wide open. We pulled up next to the car and we all jumped out. The engine was still running and Stan's briefcase was in the backseat.

  "Oh, God! They have him," I said.

  "Don't touch anything," Barnes said and ran inside. Dr. Gerhardt's secretary was lying on the floor in the reception area.

  "Is she dead?" I asked.

  Agent Barnes knelt down, felt her pulse, and then tried to revive her. I watched a moment and then slipped into Dr. Gerhardt's office to use the telephone. I picked it up with a tissue so I wouldn't disturb any fingerprints and called Paul Thayer.

  "Paul," I whispered. "You've got to get some men out to Possum Kingdom Lake. They've kidnapped Stan and Dr. Gerhardt, and I'm sure they're taking them there."

  "I've got two men out there already," he replied. "I'll alert them and get some more on the way."

  "Hurry, Paul. You've got to stop them. You've got to save Stan."

  I hung up the telephone and went back into the reception area where Agent Barnes was still working on Dr. Gerhardt's secretary. She suddenly woke up with a lurch. She blinked her eyes and frowned at Agent Barnes. "What are you doing?" she said, scrambling to her feet.

  "Be careful," Agent Barnes said. "Are you all right?"

  She brushed herself off. "Yes. But you didn't answer my question. What are you doing here?"

  "I'm Agent Barnes of the FBI," he said and showed her his identification. "What happened?"

  "I don't know," she replied.

  "You don't remember anything?" I asked.

  "Remember what? Where is Dr. Gerhardt? Does he know you're here?"

  "No. I'm afraid he's been kidnapped."

  "What? That's impossible. He was just here."

  I put my hand on Agent Barnes's shoulder. "I think they are taking him to Possum Kingdom Lake."

  "Who is they?" Agent Barnes asked.

  "The kidnappers, of course."

  He turned to look at me and frowned. "How do you know that?"

  "Stan mentioned he thought that's where they were taking Cheryl."

  "Where on Possum Kingdom Lake?"

  I told Agent Barnes the location of the barn where Paul Thayer's men had been posted the last few days. He called in the location to his office and told them to get someone out there immediately. By the time we got back outside, backup had arrived and they were cordoning off the crime scene. Then I thought about Rebekah. How was I going to tell her that Stan had been kidnapped?

  After summoning my courage, I went inside and made the call. Peter answered and said his mother was at the grocery store. I didn't know whether to tell him that his father and Dr. Gerhardt had been kidnapped or not, but finally I decided I had no choice. He'd find out soon enough anyway.

  "Who took them?" Peter asked.

  "I don't know, but the FBI and one of Paul Thayer's security details are on their way to Possum Kingdom Lake."

  "Oh, Jesus! The aliens have them!"

  I wondered how Peter had found out about the aliens. Surely Stan hadn't told him. "Don't worry, Paul's men will intercept them and the FBI will be there soon."

  "What if they don't? I've got to do something!"

  "No. Just wait for your mother."

  "I can't wait. I'll leave her a note."

  The phone went dead. "Peter!" I screamed into the telephone.

  When I returned to the reception area, Bart gave me a hard look. "You okay?" he asked.

  "Peter's on his way to Possum Kingdom Lake. He's very upset. I guess I shouldn't have told him what happened. Damn it!"

  Bart shrugged. "He's an hour behind Stan. It may be all over by the time he gets there."

  "I know, but if anything happens to him, it will be all my fault."

  Bart put his arm around me to comfort me. Eventually he called us a cab and we went home. When I got there, I called Paul to see if there was any news. He said his two men were monitoring the barn and five others were on their way and should be there well before Stan and his kidnappers. I couldn't tell Paul about the caves and the possible spaceship waiting on Cactus Island to take off, but I knew if the aliens got Stan into the barn he'd be lost forever.

  "Paul. Tell your men they can't let them take Stan and Dr. Gerhardt into the barn. They have to rescue him outside. Do you understand?"

  "Yes," Paul replied. "But why?"

  I couldn't tell him about th
e spaceship so I cut him off. "I don't have time to explain. Just keep them out of the barn."

  "I got it. I'll tell them."

  "Oh, and keep and eye out for Peter Turner. He may be on his way out there too. He's very upset about his father being kidnapped."

  "Sure. I'll pass the word to keep an eye out for him."

  Bart handed me another drink as I hung up the telephone. I thanked him and sat down at the kitchen table. He began rubbing my shoulders. My muscles were in such hard knots that even his expert fingers couldn't loosen them. I closed my eyes and wished I could awaken from this nightmare. Would Paul's men have any chance of saving Stan and Dr. Gerhardt? They'd probably be no match for the soldiers in blue. I took a deep breath and said a silent prayer for God's intervention.