Page 6 of Anthony

  “Jax,” I say gratefully, recognizing Tony’s right-hand man. There are grumbles of irritation as he leads me toward the entrance. “I understand I have you to thank for my new name,” I tease as we step inside the dimly lit club. I’m surprised he hears my voice above the loud music, but his laughter tells me that he does.

  “What can I say? My sister reads those gossip rags like they’re the holy gospel. They’re always around her apartment, and I’ve become quite a fan of the Royal Family. Kate is something else. William is one lucky bastard.” I was offended earlier when Tony called me that, but Jax makes me reassess. How can I be pissed off when he clearly admires the other woman?

  “So you finally figured out who I am. I guess the hair color threw you off. Plus, it’s been a while since I’ve seen you.”

  He nods. “That’s true. You being in the club taking applications for a baby daddy wasn’t something I expected to see. Forgive me for not putting it together on the spot.”

  We weave our way through the crowd until he stops so abruptly that I slam into his back. “What the…?” I grumble under my breath as I push away from him.

  “Shit,” I hear him mutter under his breath. I attempt to move around him, thinking there is some issue that needs his attention. It might take a while in this madhouse, but I’m perfectly capable of finding his boss on my own.

  I tap his shoulder, attempting to be heard above the noise as I say loudly, “You go ahead and deal with whatever, Jax. I can take it from here.”

  He whips around, shaking his head and looking uneasy. “Um, no. The boss will be pissed if I take off. Let me get you settled in his office, and then I’ll go…er, do, you know, manager stuff.”

  Is he drunk? I swear, he seemed fine a few minutes ago, but now he’s babbling. When I attempt to once again get past him, he moves, blocking my progress and my view. What?

  Wait a second. Is there something he doesn’t want me to see? Tony?

  I stiffen my spine, knowing instinctively I’m not going to like whatever I’ll find, but I’ll be damned if I let him usher me away. So, I feign a step to the right, and when Jax hastens to block me, I dart to his left and quickly slip by. I waste no time plowing forward, having no idea where I’m going, but intent on getting away from the cursing man behind me. The crowd parts almost as if on silent command, and there he is. My future baby daddy standing at the bar with a scantily clad, leggy blonde plastered against his side. He’s giving the obviously surgically enhanced bimbo a smile of amusement as she presses her fake tits against his chest and eyes him hungrily. Back off, whore, I think cattily. Hello pot, meet kettle. I half turn and see Jax waving his arms as he tries to get Tony’s attention. But his boss appears riveted by Bimbo Barbie, which is perfect, because I’m suddenly in the mood to do something completely out of character—make a scene. Weirdly enough, my father, murdering monster that he was, never liked to be embarrassed in public. Well, he’s gone, and fuck it all. Jax groans as I stomp forward and wedge in next to Tony. He’s yet to notice me, which seems odd considering he’s generally hyper aware of his surroundings and everyone in them. Another man falling victim to a big pair of plastics. I grab someone’s drink from the bar and toss the dark liquid back. My eyes water as it stings going down my throat. Instead of intervening, Jax simply waits, staring raptly at the scene before him. I dig my elbow into Tony’s side and give him a big grin when he turns his head to look at me. “Hey, babe. I’m here to talk about our kids like you wanted.”

  To my disgust, Tony seems perfectly at ease. Bimbo Barbie, not so much. She scrapes her red nails down the front of his shirt and sticks out her lips in an exaggerated pout. “Who’s this?” she asks as she eyes me with thinly veiled hostility.

  Before Tony can answer, I extend a hand in her direction. “I’m Lucy, Tony’s baby mama. Hey, you’re not looking to earn some extra cash, are you?” I look at my flat stomach before adding, “I’d really like to keep my figure, but this one insists that we pop out another Moretti.” Then I make a show of studying her body intently. It’s difficult to focus on anything other than her braless tits. If it’s this hard for me, no wonder Tony was fixated on the cleavage. Is that what he prefers? Fake and enormous? One wrong move, and we’re going to have a nipple sighting, folks. And I stupidly thought he was attracted to me… Reality check in place, I surge forward. “You have great birthing hips.” Giving her an exaggerated wink, I add, “You must be glad that kind of thing is so stylish now.” She sputters in indignation. Jax roars with laughter while Tony appears almost bored.

  “Are you calling me fat?” she questions shrilly. It probably wasn’t her intention, but her voice echoes around the room, causing heads to swivel in our direction. “I’ll have you know that I model swimwear and lingerie for a living.”

  Of course, you do. Could Tony be any more cliché? Rich guy with a woman years younger hanging on his every word? God forbid he be interested in someone normal. I’m not jealous. I’m simply possessive of his…sperm. You keep telling yourself that, girl. Must the voice in my head constantly point out shit I’d rather not think about? Why I’m bothering here is beyond me at this point, but I’m too pissed off to stop. I give BB a look that clearly says I’m humoring her. “I’m sure you do. Now back to my original question. Do you have any interest in being a surrogate? Before you get all excited, I must let you know that there won’t any fun stuff involved. We’re talking strictly test tube here.” I point my thumb in Tony’s direction before saying wryly, “He may have a lot of issues, but ’til death do us part and all that stuff. He’s my little Pookie.”

  BB shoots Tony a questioning look. “Pookie? In all the times I’ve been here, you’ve never mentioned her.” Awesome. Just as I thought.

  “I’m captivated by this beauty,” was simply a cleverly worded line to get Edna to back off. He knew I was coming tonight. Was this what he wanted to show me? BB is the woman he wants—and has any which way they both want—and I…well…

  No need to finish that thought.

  Surprisingly—probably for show—Tony moves away from her. He puts his arm around my waist and drops a kiss onto my upturned lips. Even though I know it’s all for show, my heart still threatens to jump out of my chest and do a happy dance. Traitor. “My business and home life are separate, Amber. I want my woman at home where she belongs.” My jaw drops when he slaps my ass for emphasis. Twice in one day. He really is an ass man. “You know your way around a kitchen don’t you, sugarplum?”

  Sugarplum? Even Amber looks faintly repulsed by the endearment. What am I thinking? She was all over him moments ago and was very clear that Tony hasn’t ever appeared—or acted is my bet—as a taken man. Deep breath, Lacey. Just keep going for now. I bat my eyes at him, fighting the urge to gag as I simper, “Oh you know it, big daddy.” I bat my eyes at Amber before placing my hand on Tony’s chest. “He knows exactly how to keep me happy.” I lean close to the other woman and say loudly, “And I’m not talking the bedroom moves here. My man makes some serious coin. That’s hot. A girl can overlook a lot of small issues with a new pair of Louboutins.”

  Tony pulls me back into his side, making it appear as if we’re cuddling. His lips graze my ear as he whispers, “You’ll pay for that, Duchess.”

  Someone is a tad sensitive about his dick size. “You started it, Moretti,” I mutter back.

  During our little exchange, Amber appears to have taken flight. Sadly, I can’t say the same for Jax, who is eyeing us as if we’re some rare species he’s never encountered before. Tony shakes his head, snapping his fingers in the other man’s face. “Don’t you have something to do?”

  Jax grins, not intimidated by his boss’s irritable tone. “Nah, this place is a well-oiled machine as you know. I’m more interested in what’s going on here. What’s the deal with this whole baby thing? Don’t think it works quite that fast.”

  “None of your damned business,” Tony snaps. He loosens his hold on me, then surprises me by taking my hand. “Let’s go somewh
ere private.” Jax steps out of the way as Tony leads me past him to the stairs on the back wall. We have just walked into his office when his cell phone rings. He pulls it impatiently from the pocket of his jeans. I see him glance at the display before he hits a button and says, “Marco.” His entire body goes tense. His eyes dart around the area as if assessing for some unseen threat, which has me instantly on alert. “Who in the fuck is this and why do you have Marco’s phone?” He listens intently for a moment, and then demands a name and address. “Lady, if you’re lying to me, it’ll be the worst mistake of your life.” Goose bumps cover my arms, and I rub them with shaking hands. So cold.

  “What’s going on?” I manage to force out. My throat is tight, and my mouth is dry.

  It’s as if he doesn’t hear me. Instead, fingers fly quickly over his phone before he puts it to his ear again. “Nic, trace Marco’s phone and see if it matches the address I have for him.” A woman named Nina found Marco in the woods when she was walking her dog. “Don’t know the extent of his injuries. She says he’s conscious now, but disoriented. He mentioned my name when she asked who to call.” He listens for a moment, then sighs, “Yeah, I don’t like it either. We need answers.” Tony fires off an address I recognize. It’s not far from my place in the downtown area. “Call me when you have something.” He ends the call and walks across the room until he’s behind his desk. He opens the bottom drawer and pulls out several clips of ammunition. Next, his foot goes up into his chair, and I see his ankle holster. He removes the gun inside, checks the clip, then puts it back. He grabs a leather jacket from a nearby chair and puts the ammunition in an inside pocket. He watches me intently as he goes almost methodically through the routine as if he’s done it a thousand times before. There’s a lump in my throat the size of a basketball at the realization that he could so easily be taken from my life in the blink of an eye. Or the pull of a trigger.

  “What’s going on?” I ask huskily, wondering if he’ll bother to answer my question. Marco is Moretti mafia. And I’m not sure exactly what Tony is, but he’s certainly no simple club owner.

  “I’m not sure at this point. You heard my end of both conversations. Marco’s hurt, and I need to go. Jax will take you home. I don’t want you out alone at night.” What the hell? No.

  He’s almost at the door when I turn to follow him. “I’m coming with you. I’m not letting you go into something like that alone. Marco will probably be of no use to you if something goes down.”

  For the second time that night, I almost slam into someone’s back. Tony spins around. “That’s not happening, Jacey. I’m not putting you in that kind of danger. Now stay here, and I’ll send Jax up.” I don’t say a word. I simply wait for him to start down the stairs before I move silently after him. “Are you fucking kidding me?” he growls when he realizes I’m ignoring his command. He’s so annoyed when he spins around that I almost lose my nerve.


  I put my hands on my hips in a show of defiance. “Unless you want to continue wasting valuable time, I suggest you give in now. Need I remind you that Marco is probably waiting on you?” He’s going to kill me. If he was any other Moretti, he might. Instead, he curses fluently and creatively under his breath before taking my hand and propelling me toward the rear of the club. We move through a fire exit, and I see his Range Rover. The doors unlock when we’re within three feet—modern technology for you—but before we get in, I hesitate. “Have you, um…thought about checking for a bomb? It’ll be too late when you press the start button, and we’re both blown all over North Carolina.”

  He blinks at me in confusion. Finally, he opens the passenger door and points impatiently. “Trust me, Duchess, there is a sweep made of everything I own regularly. You’d be more likely to find a bomb at McDonald’s than in my car. Now get in. We’ve already wasted too much time.” I feel marginally better at his reassurance. By the time he gets in on the other side, I’ve secured my seat belt, and he spends a few seconds doing the same. We haven’t gone far when his phone rings again, and he clicks a button on the steering wheel to engage the Bluetooth. “What have you got, Nic?”

  “You’re not going to believe this one. The address you gave me matched the GPS location of Marco’s phone. And the woman’s name in 1B is Nina. But…if you’re driving, you should probably pull over.”

  “Get to the fucking point,” Tony hisses.

  But the other man had been right to suggest Tony pull over because the Range Rover swerves a second later when Nic says quietly, “Her name is Nina Gavino. Like you, I don’t believe in coincidences. How many Gavinos in Asheville aren’t related to Franklin?”

  “Fuck me,” Tony says. I’m relieved he’s managed to steady the car once again, and we’re not plowing into the oncoming traffic. “I need some fucking answers, like yesterday.” His voice goes deathly soft when he adds, “This could be bad, Nic. Epically fucking bad. No logical explanation puts an injured Marco in the path of Nina Gavino. The Gavinos know what that would mean.”

  “War. An all-out bloodbath,” Nic agrees. “I know that Frankie Jr. is a dumb fuck, but he doesn’t have the clout to sanction a hit on a Moretti janitor, much less Marco.”

  I see indecision play out on Tony’s handsome face. Finally, he says, “Listen, Nic. I know this goes against protocol, but I don’t want to jump the gun here until I know what we’re dealing with. We’ve worked hard to stay out of the spotlight, and this could put us right back there on a state and federal level. We can’t afford for that to happen. If it does, we’re fucked. People will get spooked and go to ground.”

  “I hear what you’re saying, brother, and I agree. That’s why Mike and I are gonna meet you there. You don’t go in without us.” We slow, and Tony parks on the side of a quiet, tree-lined street. I look around, noting the modern architecture of the apartment complex a few feet away. Whoever this Nina is, she writes a hefty rent check every month.

  “Absolutely not,” Tony argues. “Shit will hit the fan if the family finds out I’ve gone against the rules on this. Stay out of it and keep your ass clean. I won’t drag you and Mike into this. You’re in far enough as it is, and I’ll take the blame if it comes to that.”

  “I wasn’t asking your permission, Tony.” The other man’s voice is so icy that a shiver courses up my spine. “I’m a Moretti, but my allegiance is to you, the rightful head of the family as it should be. Draco would expect nothing less of us. I can take care of myself, so I’ll pass your suggestion to Mike, but I think his response will be the same as mine is.” With that, there is a click as the call disconnects.

  Tony stares straight ahead before slapping the wheel in frustration. “Goddammit, does it never end? Can I not just live my life without having to worry that I’m bringing hell down upon the people in it?”

  There is anger in his words, but I hear the pain in his voice that he’s not attempting to hide. Or maybe I’m just more attuned to suffering than most. Either way, it’s genuine concern that has me putting my hand on his arm and squeezing it in understanding. “You can’t buy that type of loyalty, Tony. And would you really take away his honor in protecting the man he sees as…um…his boss?” Okay, so I’m not quite sure how to refer to Tony in the mafia world. His soft laugh suggests he picked up on my dilemma.

  “I’m not his boss, Duchess; I’m a friend. I realize this seems confusing to anyone on the outside. Hell, it’s even that way to me, and I’ve been around it my whole life.”

  “Yet you can call anyone in your…um, family and give them an order.” When he nods, I point out the obvious. “That doesn’t sound like the traditional buddy relationship to me. These guys look at you for direction and guidance. You may not sit behind a desk in the Moretti office every day, but they consider you their superior just the same.”

  He turns in his seat, studying me intently for a few moments. “The last thing either of us needs is for you to be connected to an attempted hit on Marco. Some overeager person might take action first and ask ques
tions later.”

  “I owe both you and Lee my freedom. I’ll never forget that. If not for you, I’d be sitting in prison right now.”

  His voice is neutral as if he’s discussing the weather when he says, “You wouldn’t have made it that far. Every man in the room saved you. If even one of them told anyone that you and Jade were there, there wouldn’t have been enough influence in the world to spare you both. Not to mention the fact that my judgment and loyalty would have been called into question.” He gives a bitter laugh before adding, “And that’s something I can’t afford to have happen. Not when I’m this close to what I’ve been working toward.”

  “And what is that?” Maybe he’s planning to take over as head of the family. Wait, do I want a baby daddy who is the big boss?

  Thanks to the well-lit street, I see him shut down. He’s said more than he intended to, that much is obvious. As is the fact he won’t elaborate further. He ignores my question, instead saying, “You’ll stay in the car with Mike. Nic and I will go in and assess the situation.”

  I narrow my eyes in irritation. I don’t take orders from a man anymore, buddy. “I have no intention of remaining behind. Plus, I’m pretty sure this Mike person isn’t coming here to be my babysitter. You might need our help. You have no idea what you’re walking into. This could be an ambush. There might be men up there with guns or even bombs. How do we know that Nina is a woman? Maybe she used one of those voice disguisers to throw you off. Did you think about that, bigshot?”

  He appears nonplussed for a moment before he shakes his head. “You watch too much television. Granted this is a bit more suspicious than I originally thought, but it’s manageable. As long as I’m not distracted worrying about you.” Before I can reply, lights from an oncoming vehicle have us both tensing. Tony checks the rearview mirror when the car parks behind us. “That’ll be Nic.”