Page 12 of Mended

  I turn to leave the closet, intent on stalking off in a blaze of glory. Before I take more than two steps, he’s in front of me, lifting me off my feet and into his arms. I open my mouth to unleash a new wave of threats, when he suddenly pushes me back against the wall, settling between my legs. His cock is nestled against my core with only a thin layer of fabric keeping him from being inside me. My overly horny body goes wild at his proximity as I fight to stay in control. He pushes his hips against me as his lips suck the sensitive skin of my neck. “No more sex, baby?”

  “Nope,” I manage to croak out as I tighten my legs around his waist, grinding myself against his length.

  “That’s too bad,” he says as he tweaks one of my nipples through the lace of my bra. “Because I would almost certainly fuck you right now. I’d push my cock into your tight little pussy and pound you until you couldn’t walk straight for days.”

  “Oh, dear God,” I moan as I feel liquid soak the boxers I’m wearing.

  I know he feels the damp fabric as he pushes his cock harder against me. “I’d love to make you come, baby, but you just don’t seem that interested in what I’ve got to offer.”

  As he begins to pull back, I grip him in panic. “No. No! Lucian, fuck me, don’t stop!”

  I expect him to tease me some more. Maybe make me beg him for it, so I’m surprised when instead he unleashes his alpha side. He shifts me in his arms until he somehow manages to strip the boxers from my hips before pulling down his own. His cock is at my slippery entrance and I’m writhing against him. His hips pin me to the wall as he curves a hand around my neck. “You’re mine and I fucking love every inch of your body. Never call yourself names or think I don’t want you because you own me.” With that, he plunges deep, and in only moments, we’re both coming.

  After, we shower quickly and he hands me a loose skirt and top that he picked out. He even manages to keep a straight face when he grabs another pair of his boxers and uses the same rubber band to secure the waistband. “I can take you shopping this evening when I get home.”

  I grimace; the last thing I want my ultra-fit boyfriend to do is help me pick out maternity clothes. I have to draw the line somewhere. “That’s okay. I’ll see if Rose can go to the mall with me. She loves to shop.”

  Lucian gives me a smile of wry amusement. “She’s pretty singular in her taste, though. You might end up at the repressed housewife outlet store.”

  I try to keep a straight face, but it’s impossible. A giggle escapes before I can slap my hand over my mouth. “I’m going to tell her you said that.”

  “I’m terrified,” he deadpans.

  “You probably should be,” I reply, completely serious. He looks at me for a moment and then nods his agreement.

  “Yeah, how about keeping all of that to yourself. I don’t need her trying to take me out. She’s already made a few subtle threats about the new gun her daddy bought her.”

  I know I should be shocked, but after all of the crap Rose did to Jake, I’m somewhat used to her ways now. I’m also certain she would set her sights on Lucian in a minute if she thought he was hurting me. “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll protect you,” I smirk as I finish dressing. “Besides, I think she’s got enough problems of her own right now without worrying about us.”

  “Max still giving her a run for her money?” he jokes as he buttons his dress shirt.

  “I believe that might be over. We were talking several weeks ago and she told me that her father is putting a lot of pressure on her to date someone that he knows. She seemed to think things were never going to progress any further with Max.” Giving him a worried look, I say, “She’s not happy, though. I mean, she says all of the usual Rose things, but it’s as if she’s just going through the motions.”

  Lucian studies me thoughtfully for a moment before admitting, “I know he likes her. I’ve never seen him so frazzled before—especially over a woman. She’s a lot on the scary side, but she’s good for him. Despite everything he says to the contrary, he doesn’t want her to leave him alone.”

  Feeling sad about the whole thing, I say, “Well, if what she’s telling me is true, then she hasn’t been contacting him. Maybe…you could give him a push?”

  He gives me a skeptical look before asking, “And you think Max will listen to me? You’d probably have more luck with Rose.”

  “I told you that Rose is…just not herself. She needs Max to bring her back around. I think she wanted more from him than sex, even though she talked about that a lot.”

  Rolling his eyes, he says, “That’s great to hear. I like the fact that my girlfriend discusses sexual fantasies about my lawyer with her friend. I guess I should be thankful they haven’t slept together yet. Otherwise, you’d have more knowledge of him than I could handle.”

  “Aww,” I coo as I slide my feet into a pair of low-heeled sandals. “You know you’re the only one I want to see or imagine naked. When you’ve got the best, why would you possibly think about the rest?” I squeal in shock as he grabs me from behind and swings me around.

  “I fucking love you and your smart mouth.” He laughs before putting me back on my feet.

  The doorbell chimes before I can reply. I know it’s Sam so I take off in that direction to let him in. A quick glance through the peephole confirms my assumption and I throw open the door. “Morning, Sam,” I say as I step back to wave him in.

  “Good morning, Miss Lia,” he replies warmly. “You look radiant this morning.”

  Putting my hands on my hips, I give him a stern look. “Is that code for happy and fat?”

  “WH—What?” he sputters out. “No, oh no, Miss Lia. You’re not fat. You’re just pregnant. You’ll probably go right back to normal afterward…I mean, um—”

  “You should just stop while you’re ahead,” says an amused voice. Sam looks at Lucian as if silently begging for help. “I think she’s just screwing with you, man, but I can’t be certain after her earlier meltdown,” Lucian adds helpfully.

  I stick my tongue out at the man I love, before turning back to Sam and grinning. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist. And thank you for the compliment. Luc picked out my outfit this morning—since I couldn’t get anything to work.”

  “You shouldn’t scare an old man like that, Miss Lia,” Sam playfully scolds. “I was only seconds away from running out the door and hiding.”

  “Sorry, Sam,” I say as I squeeze his arm. “How about a cup of coffee to make it up to you?”

  He looks down at his watch before looking at Lucian. “Do we have time for a quick cup?”

  Lucian inclines his head, waving Sam toward the kitchen. “I need to make sure Lia eats before I leave anyway. We were running a bit late this morning.”

  “I’ll bet,” I hear Sam say under his breath as I start to line up the coffee mugs on the counter. The coffee pot is full, thanks to the timer, so within moments, I have a cup sitting in front of Sam. Lucian is busy making me a bagel, with my beloved blueberry cream cheese. I take the plate from him, giving him a smile of thanks. Instead of food, he makes himself a protein shake and sips it while flipping through the morning paper. “So, how have you been feeling, Miss Lia? Is the morning sickness getting any better?”

  I grimace, as I shake my head. “It could be worse, I know. At least I only occasionally get sick at other times. Most of it seems to be limited to the early morning. My doctor says it gets better for most women in their second trimester and I’m there now so I certainly hope I’m nearing the end.”

  Lucian sits and chats as if he’s in no particular hurry, but I know well he’s just waiting around to make sure I finish my breakfast before he leaves. He’s become somewhat of an overprotective mother hen. The doctor told me that I needed to drink more liquids to avoid dehydration because of my morning sickness. So now, Lucian hands out water bottles like a drill sergeant. He also makes sure I eat regular meals, along with snacks whenever he’s around. I love the man, but it feels like he’s constantly stuffing me with food.
I force down the last bite of my bagel and he immediately gets to his feet. I trail him and Sam to the door, where he pulls me into the circle of his arms. He kisses me gently before pulling back and dropping a hand to my small bump of my stomach. “Take care of our baby today,” he says sweetly as he strokes me.

  I lay my hand over his and assure him, “I will. I love you.” By this point, Sam is standing in the hallway, pretending not to hear us. The slight smile pulling at the corners of his mouth gives him away, though.

  “I love you, baby. Be careful today. Text me when you get to school so I’ll know you made it okay.”

  We have this same conversation each morning so I smile as usual and agree. When the door shuts behind him, I return to the kitchen and throw away the other half of my bagel. Those things are huge and I’m afraid to eat so much before I go sit in a classroom. I’ve no desire to be the girl who pukes on herself in front of fifty people. I’ve gotten good at hiding half of my breakfast while Lucian is reading the paper. I’m certain Sam caught me this morning though, as I slid the bagel in the silverware drawer. Luckily, he didn’t point it out to Luc.

  I’ve tossed the evidence and am walking through the garage toward Lucian’s Range Rover when my phone beeps. I look at the screen to see a text from Lucian. “Miss you already. Love you and our baby through this life and beyond.”

  And just like that, I’m a crying mess—but I’ve never been happier. Life is funny that way.


  “So…how are things going with Rose?” Fuck, I can’t believe this. Men don’t go around trying to play cupid for their friends. I’m only doing this for Lia. She is going to owe me tonight—and I’ll find a satisfying way for her to pay me back.

  Max looks surprised at my question before recovering. “What things would those be, Luc?” Well hell, he’s not going to make this easy for me, is he? I guess I could offer him a big raise to just date Rose and make my woman happy, but the fucker already makes damn near as much as I do.

  When he continues to sit there staring at me, I sigh, exasperated. “Oh, cut the shit, are you still talking to her?”

  Giving me a blank expression he asks, “Why would I be? The police haven’t picked her up lately, have they? That’s generally the only time she contacts me.”

  “I’m just going to put this out there,” I finally say, tired of this dicking around. “Lia is worried about Rose because she’s been acting strange. She says her father is pressuring her to date someone that he knows and Rose is buckling under the pressure. Lia believes that if you’ll get off the fence and go after her, all will be right in everyone’s world.”

  I have the desire to just flat-out laugh my ass off as Max visibly struggles to hold his composure. It’s obvious he wasn’t expecting what just came out of my mouth. “Luc, there is nothing between Rose and me. Sure, I helped her out a couple of times when she went after her ex-boyfriend with a shovel, a gun…and a sewing machine. But that’s all. Anything else is just her imagination.”

  “You know,” I say, conversationally, “you’re in more denial than I was when I first met Lia. You can lie to yourself as much as you want, but you and I both know that you want her.”

  “I’ve never denied that I’m attracted to her,” he says defensively. “That doesn’t mean anything, though. I have sex with women I find attractive on a regular basis. Life moves on though, and so do I.”

  “I’m not suggesting you’re a monk,” I snap testily. Damn, talking to him is what I would imagine it would be like questioning some teenage girl who’s two hours late for curfew. “It just appears you have some feelings for this one. I’ve never seen you in my office rattled over pussy before.” Yeah, I know it’s a crude statement, but it’s true.

  “For fuck’s sake, Luc, can you not talk about her like that?” I want to grin; I really do, because I have him now. He just played right into my hands with his indignant response.

  “My apologies,” I say smoothly and see his face tighten in recognition. For a lawyer who makes a living out of his ability to avoid being bated, he just fell neatly into my verbal trap.

  “Look,” he begins quietly, “I do care for Rose. I’ve never met a woman quite like her. She’s not my usual type of woman, though.”

  “Disposable, you mean?” I ask, without a hint of judgment in my voice. I’d been the same before Lia, so I certainly have no room to talk.

  “Yes, exactly. Rose is…aggressive, but she’s long term, whether she admits it or not.”

  I lean back, crossing my legs as I study my friend. He and I have been close for years, but there are periods of his life I know nothing about. Not for the first time, I find myself curious. To me, Max is a man who should be living the picket fence dream. Why he avoids it like the plague is a real mystery. Feeling as if I’ve pried enough, I say, “I’m not going to push you on this because it’s none of my business, but just give it some thought.” Attempting to lighten the tension surrounding us, I joke, “After all, she doesn’t do so well with idle time. She’s probably looking at five to ten years if her Tupperware order comes in late.”

  Max relaxes in his chair, chuckling in wry amusement. “She’s hell on wheels. I know grown men who don’t have half the balls she has.”

  “That’s true,” I agree. “Normally, I’d recommend you run as fast as you can in the opposite direction, but despite all of her gun-wielding ways, Rose is a good person. If I had never met her, I’d believe that just because of the way Lia cares so much for her.”

  “How’s Lia doing by the way?” Max asks in what is probably equal parts genuine affection and the need to change the subject.

  “Other than throwing up almost every morning, she’s great. She gets more fucking beautiful by the day.”

  “It still amazes me that you’re so besotted now.” Max shakes his head in wonder. “I never thought it would happen, but I couldn’t be happier for you. She’s the real deal, my friend, so don’t do anything to screw it up.”

  “I won’t,” I say with complete conviction.

  “How’s the detox going?” he asks in a low voice. He knows well that I’d never want Cindy to find out.

  Running a hand through my hair, I tell him the same thing I’ve told Sam and Aidan. “It’s been hell at times. Having to downplay it to Lia is one of the hardest parts. I don’t want to hit her with more stress, but I’m not going to lie, my skin is crawling most nights. I ended up medicating to take some of the edge off before I lost it and scared her. The nightmares are beginning to tap down, which is a relief. If I wasn’t afraid I’d never stop, I’d be smoking a pack a day right now.” I remember well the first few weeks after stopping cocaine cold turkey. I’d wake in the middle of the night covered in sweat, with my heart racing. I’d sit against the bathroom wall trying to calm myself without waking Lia. If there had been an ounce of coke left in the apartment, I fear I would have caved and used it. The side effects have lessened, but the urge still sits there, just below the surface, as it probably always will. When I look at Lia, carrying my child, I believe there is nothing I would do that would take me away from her.

  Ever loyal, he says confidently, “You’ll make it, Luc, of that I am certain. By the way, where’s Aidan been hiding himself? I haven’t seen him for a few weeks now.”

  “He’s still tied up with the Kenson deal. He’s been onsite a good bit in the last month. They seem to prefer the personal approach to emails and phone calls. Be ready to draft another offer to them soon. I believe we’re in the end stages now.”

  “I’ll give him a call later on today,” Max says easily, comfortable once again in his legal element. “Has he mentioned anything else about Cassie to you?”

  Now I’m the one wanting to change the subject. Max isn’t asking because he’s nosy, though. He’s always looking out for my interests and he’s used to overseeing most of my affairs, including Cassie. “We discussed her briefly before he left town this last time. Both he and her doctors believe she’s still making a miraculo
us recovery thanks to her new medication.”

  Max looks as uncomfortable as I feel about this information. “I guess that’s good news,” he finally says uneasily. “Luc, maybe it wasn’t the best idea for you to turn her guardianship over to Aidan. I mean, I know it’s too difficult for you to deal with, but I’ve never complained about overseeing matters with her. It’s not that I don’t trust Aidan,” he rushes to add, “but he loves her and as such may not be capable of looking at her care objectively.”

  He gives voice to my own concerns and I wonder again if I’ve made a mistake by taking Max out of the loop. At the time, I was just attempting to distance myself from Cassie. I felt like it was only fair to relieve Max of his obligations to her as well. It’s become a double-edged sword, though. I am enjoying the peace of not knowing, but also worry about being blindsided in the future. “Fuck if I know,” I admit. “He’s asked me to trust him and I’m trying to do that. I could happily live the rest of my life without hearing her name again, but like you, I’m almost more nervous not knowing what’s happening.” I know this next part is going to rattle him, but he needs to know. “He also says there has been some discussion about her leaving for an overnight visit with him. Not that his apartment would be familiar, but perhaps his belongings, old photos, or favorite shopping malls would be. Her doctor thought it might do her good to visit familiar places.”

  Max resembles a fish as his mouth flops open and closed in shock. “Are you fucking kidding me?” he asks disbelievingly. “After what she did, they want to send her on some kind of field trip?” He’s on his feet now and pacing the floor.

  “There were no charges filed against her,” I remind him even though I’m secretly glad he feels the same way I do. “There’s nothing to keep her from walking right out the door if they deem her mentally capable of caring for herself. I just pay the bills there. I may have been her guardian at one time, but even then, I didn’t have the power to overrule them if they decided she could be released.” I’m almost impressed with my even tone while I quote legalities with Max of all people. He’s staring at me as if he can’t believe what I’m saying even though he knows I’m right.