Page 19 of Mended

  “So, Cassie’s mother was living some kind of fucking fairy-tale life while her daughter was left with a father who didn’t give a damn about her? The American dream is only alive and well for the people who fuck their kids over,” he said bitterly. I agree with his sentiment completely. Maybe Cassie would have had a chance in life if she’d grown up with a caring mother who’d gotten her the help she’d needed at an early age. Instead, her mother started a new life elsewhere and left her behind.

  “I know, man.” Max pauses to give Aidan an understanding look. “Any piece of trash can have a child but far less can actually be a parent,” Max spits out. I study him curiously, as I notice the anger in his voice. He’s my friend, but always somewhat a man of mystery. I had loving parents in the short time they were with me before their car accident, and Aidan’s parents dote on him to this day. But we’ve seen the devastation in both Cassie and Lia’s life. For a small group such as ours, it’s sobering so many of us have lived through abuse and neglect.

  “I agree,” I say quietly and wait for Max to continue.

  “Christina lived a relatively quiet life with Carson. They attended social functions on occasion but not often. They never had children of their own either. From what my source was able to gather, Christina and Monique never had a good relationship. Monique possibly resented her for stealing her father’s attention and Christina didn’t want to be a mother. Of course, we all know that to be true. Monique eventually moved out, went to college, and married Ansel Chester. He was a spoiled and volatile playboy with a gambling problem. Word is that he was the life of the party until he lost a few millions. Then he was a brawling son of a bitch.”

  “So, Monique’s telling the truth about him being abusive,” I muse.

  “It was pretty bad I gather,” Max agrees. “She disappeared and several years later, he filed for divorce. She legally changed her name and became Monique Chandler. Ansel agreed on a pretty hefty settlement in exchange for her keeping her mouth shut. I don’t think she would have been brave enough to talk, even if he hadn’t paid her off. She was supposedly terrified of him. So, she disappears after the divorce and that’s the end of April Chester. Monique Chandler appears out of nowhere and makes her way into Asheville society. She’s a very attractive woman with money so it wasn’t that hard I’m sure.”

  “How did Christina die?” I ask, hoping it’s not some kind of unsolved murder case. That’s about all we need right now, more drama.

  “Lung cancer,” Max says. “Apparently, she smoked on and off for years. Carson moved to Colorado after her death to live closer to a brother he has there. The son of that brother is the president of Carson’s companies.”

  “I’m guessing Monique couldn’t take on such a public role while in hiding from her ex-husband,” Aidan says dryly.

  “That’s right,” Max agrees readily. “Although she has reunited with her father since the death of her stepmother. I suspect it may be the reason he moved. It’s probably easier for her to maintain a low-key relationship with him thousands of miles from Ansel Chester. I’m not even sure that caution is needed any longer since there is no proof Ansel has looked into her whereabouts for years.”

  Snorting, I say, “He should just be thanking his lucky stars and hoping SHE never looks for him.” Aidan smiles in response but doesn’t comment. Considering he’s been sleeping with Monique very recently, it’s probably a bit harder for him to throw stones this soon. “If there was never any love or even a relationship between Monique and Christina, then why the sudden interest in Cassie? She’s been in a mental hospital for eight years and no one outside of us has even attempted to contact her.”

  “That’s been a little tougher to verify, but a source within their household—”

  “Jesus, Max, you paying their maid to spy? Who do you have working for you?” Aidan asks incredulously.

  “Someone worth the money he’s paid,” Max says flatly. “As I was saying, someone close says that Carson felt like it was his duty to reach out to Cassie when Christina passed away. Probably to prove what a loyal daughter she is, Monique volunteered to handle it for her father and eventually tracked Cassie down. I’m sure we’re missing some details in between, but that’s the rough draft of how Monique is connected to Cassie.”

  “Am I the only one who keeps looking for a hidden camera?” Aidan asks as he glances around. “This shit just doesn’t happen in real life.”

  “I think we’ve long known that our normal is different than most people. If I had to pick a long-lost relative for Cassie, then Monique would have certainly been right up there on my list of worst-case scenarios, so it makes a strange kind of sense.” Turning to Max, I ask, “What’s next?”

  Max shifts uncomfortably as he looks at Aidan. “This question is probably going to piss you off, but I need to ask it. Should we really be doing anything at all here? Cassie is in a mental hospital. She’s an adult, and up to this point, there has been no family involvement. Now she has a wealthy stepfather and stepsister who are interested enough in her welfare to fight you for guardianship, and they’re more than likely going to win. Are you both sure you want to pursue this?”

  I look from my friend to my lawyer. “That’s Aidan’s decision and I’ll support whatever he decides.”

  We both turn to look at him as his face reddens. “You both seriously want me to just leave Cassie’s care to someone we all know is crazy?” When Max raises a brow, Aidan snaps, “Yes, hell yes. I was fucking her so don’t you think that makes me somewhat of an expert on Monique? I’ve screwed a lot of women I wouldn’t trust to drive my car, much less assume control of a mentally ill friend whom I love.”

  I wonder silently if anyone else is beginning to feel like this could be a helluva Jerry Springer episode. I’m not brave enough to ask though. Somehow, I feel that any type of humor wouldn’t go over well right now.

  “No one is saying that,” I assure him. “You know I’m always behind you. Max is just trying to do his job as our lawyer and friend. He has to look at both sides.”

  “Luc’s right, Aidan,” Max says. “I don’t mean to come off sounding like an uncaring asshole, but the fact is that Monique has a good case for becoming Cassie’s guardian, especially if her father is throwing his support behind her, which I believe he is. They may not be blood relations to her, but there is a family link. You are both longtime friends and financial supporters so that will count for something, but I’m just not confident it will be enough to keep you in control.”

  “Well…fuck,” Aidan retorts. He runs a hand through his hair and rubs his temple. “I need to think about everything. I don’t want to give up on her now of all times. She’s finally getting better. But…she’s never really had a family. What if I deny her that?”

  “Take a couple of days and think on it,” Max advises. “The hearing isn’t until Friday so we have a little time to make some decisions.”

  Suddenly Aidan, who had been slumped over the table dejectedly, bolts upright. “How long have we been here?”

  Max looks at his watch before saying, “About forty minutes or so, why?”

  Aidan comes quickly to his feet and looks around. “I’ve got to get the fuck out. Red-necked Barbie and her twisted boyfriend are going to be looking to fill parts of me that are strictly off-limits. We’ll talk tomorrow.” With that, he sprints out the door and I swear, I think I hear his tires squeal through the noise level in the bar.

  “You still don’t want to know.” I shake my head as Max opens his mouth to question me. “How about another beer before we head out?”

  “I was thinking more of another scotch, but you go ahead with the weak stuff.” Max laughs as he waves a waitress over.

  “That shit’ll give you Jack dick,” I say gravely, mimicking Misty’s descriptive finger. I chuckle at the look on Max’s face. There is no doubt about it; Misty has caused more than one set of balls to draw up tonight.


  I’m surprised but pleased when my fa
ther drops by unexpectedly. I buzz him up and move to open the door. His eyes light with pleasure when he sees me as he steps off the elevator. “Good evening, Lia,” he says as he drops a kiss on my cheek. We’ve recently become comfortable enough with each other to share some mild affection and I’m surprised at how much I’ve come to enjoy it.

  “Hi, Lee,” I reply before gesturing him in. He follows me into the living room where I take a seat on the sofa while he settles in a nearby chair. “It’s good to have some company. Lucian was meeting his friends after work and isn’t home yet.” I don’t think Lee needs an explanation about the emergency session over the bomb that Monique recently dropped concerning Cassie.

  “I’m sorry I missed him, but it will give us a chance to talk.”

  “Sure,” I say, now curious as to where this is going. He obviously has something on his mind. I only hope it’s not more bad news. I think I’m officially at my limit right now.

  “First, I want to tell you again how proud I was to be in the audience at your graduation and see you walk up on that podium for your diploma. You’re an amazing woman and I regret so much not being there for you while you were growing up. You should have never had to struggle as you have to survive and succeed.”

  I lean over and place my hand over his, trying to dispel the tension in his body. The anger I felt toward him is gone. I no longer see him as the self-absorbed mogul who lived obliviously in his ivory tower downtown. I don’t want him to feel guilty anymore. In some respects, I believe I have accepted him so easily because as soon as he found out about me, he charged into my life like a lion, righting every single wrong within his power. My abusive mother is now in jail—no doubt thanks to threats of retribution from him—and my evil stepfather is dead. I have never asked Lee directly if he had anything to do with that—and I never will. Somewhere, deep inside, I know he may not have killed Jim Dawson, but he somehow started the ball rolling. I can’t be sorry, though. He had been a truly vile and evil man. Knowing he could never again inflict injury feels like an albatross of fear lifted from my shoulders. The scars he left on my body are the physical reminders of his torment but knowing it can’t ever happen again has allowed me to live freely for the first time in years. Lee also sat at a restaurant near his office every morning for a month in hopes that one day I would agree to meet him there and I finally did. We now have breakfast together once a week and a bond of sorts is forming between us. I might never call him Daddy, but he is important to me.

  “Lee, thank you, but please don’t do this to yourself. I know you had no idea I existed. I think we both need to make our peace with that and move on.” Putting my other hand on my stomach, I add softly, “I made it despite everything and I’m happy.”

  He swallows audibly before inclining his head. “I’m trying. I tend to dwell on things and that’s a tough one for me to let go. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks, Lia.”

  I can’t help myself. I begin laughing. Nothing about Lee Jacks says “old.” He doesn’t even look like it would be possible to have a daughter my age. Rose is a big Son’s of Anarchy fan and I watched it with her a lot when we lived together. Lee reminds me of a slightly older Charlie Hunnam. His hair is a little lighter but styled very similarly. They both have the same ruggedly handsome features, although Lee dresses in expensive suits versus jeans. Something about him says he might also be just a little dangerous. All in all, my father is a very handsome man—actually, Rose calls him sexy mob daddy, but I try to ignore that. “You look so young, you could pass for my brother,” I say honestly.

  He gives me a soft smile that looks filled with pain as he says, “I was never young, Lia, even when I was a child.”

  With complete understanding, I reply, “Neither was I, but my daughter will be. She’ll have the childhood we were denied and we’ll live every moment of it through her.”

  “Indeed we will,” he agrees before seeming to make an effort to shake off his sober mood. “So, I came to ask you to consider a business proposal.” He holds up a hand when I begin to protest, thinking that he’s offering me another job in his company. “This is different, Lia, so please let me explain and then we’ll talk about it.” When I don’t protest, he begins. “I’ve recently purchased a medical staffing company. The business was once very successful and profitable but has fallen victim to bad management in the last several years. Squabbling among the officers and principals drove the company very nearly into bankruptcy. I saw potential though and bought it for a very good price. It’s going to be a challenge, but I believe strongly that with careful analysis and changes, it can return once again to the top.”

  I’m hanging on the edge of my seat by the time he’s finished. My degree focused on this very principle and what he’s saying fascinates me. “That’s so exciting. I’m sure it will be just as successful as your other holdings at Falco.”

  He takes his time before saying, “This company wasn’t purchased under Falco. I bought it personally.”

  Confused, I ask, “Are you starting something new then?” Men such as Lee and Lucian rarely seem content with just remaining the same. The need to grow and expand is always there.

  “I hope so,” he says as he stares at me. “I’d like this to be a joint venture with my daughter.”

  It’s on the tip of my tongue to congratulate him when I realize he’s talking about me. “What?” I ask, dumbfounded by what he’s said.

  He moves forward until he’s sitting on the edge of his seat. “Lia, this is what you’ve been trained for. You’ve told me that your dream is to take a company and apply your new knowledge to make it better. You’re intelligent, driven, and insightful. I have no doubt you can succeed and I’d like to be by your side for it. I know you aren’t planning to go to work until after the baby is born, which is fine. It will take a while to finalize the takeover details anyway. You’ll be able to set your own timetable. Plus, as a partner, you’ll also have a flexible schedule that will make things easier for you with the baby.”

  “Oh, my God.” I’m stunned as I stare at him. He’s offering me a dream come true, but I can’t help but feel it’s out of some misplaced sense of guilt. Like he’s trying to make up for the fact he wasn’t a part of my life until recently. I swallow the lump in my throat as I say, “Lee, it sounds…amazing. Beyond that really…but you don’t need to do this.”

  Now he looks puzzled as he asks, “Do what?”

  “You know…buy me a company because you feel bad about what happened to me. I promise that I’m not angry with you. And I really appreciate you offering to do this for me…but it’s too much.”

  “I will admit you were my motivation in buying the company, but not for the reason you think. I found out about the company through a mutual friend. I had no vague interest until he filled me in on their background. Then I was intrigued. I understand and even admire you for not wanting to work at Falco, but this company will be ours alone. Pete can assist me with it until you’re comfortable coming onboard.”

  “But I don’t have any hands-on experience,” I protest weakly, still reeling from his offer. Truthfully, I’m so tempted to say yes that I’m finding it hard to practice restraint. His excitement is contagious, and I find myself grinning with him.

  “We all have to learn,” he says simply. “Years ago, Victor Falco gave me a chance. I’m not going to sit here and make it sound pretty or glamorous because it wasn’t. But, without him, I’m not sure where I would have ended up. I grabbed that opportunity with both hands and took the ride of my life. Let me do that for you. My daughter. This isn’t charity or some misplaced attempt to clear my conscious. You’re a Jacks, and even if you weren’t, I’d like to think I’m smart enough to have recognized a little of myself in you even without a blood tie.”

  “I…don’t know what to say,” I murmur as I sink back into my chair.

  “Just think about it,” he encourages. “I’m sure you’ll want to discuss it with Lucian, who will no doubt be pissed that I’m trying to
steal your savvy business mind away from Quinn Software.”

  I smile in reply, but secretly hope Lucian won’t be offended that I’m actually considering Lee’s offer. I love Lucian and his intelligence is one of the many things I admire about him. It would be amazing to work alongside him, but not as his girlfriend and mother of his child. No matter how hard I tried, there would always be people who assumed I’d gotten the position because I was sleeping with him. He deserves better than that—and so do I.

  Lee and I are standing in the foyer as he prepares to leave when Lucian walks in the door. He looks surprised to see my father but gives him a friendly handshake. He walks to me, dropping a kiss on my upturned lips before sliding his arm around my shoulders. “Hey, baby,” he says softly before turning back to Lee to exchange a few words.

  When he shuts the door behind our guest and leans against it, I notice how tired he looks. He’s stressed, and it’s beginning to show. I step forward and take his hand, tugging him gently. “Let’s go relax. I’ve missed you today.”

  He lets me draw him to our nightly spot on the sofa. “I miss you from the moment I walk out the door each morning until I return in the evening,” he says lovingly.

  He goes to get my feet and I stop him. I pat my lap and motion for him to lie down and put his head there. The fact that he rushes to comply tells me that he needs my touch tonight. I begin running my hand through the thick strands of his hair, rubbing his scalp soothingly. There’s a comfortable silence between us as we unwind from the day and just enjoy being together. “Is there anything new?” I ask, not wanting him to go to bed with everything bottled up inside.

  He releases a heavy sigh before saying, “Just the life story of Monique and how she ties in with Cassie.” He fills me in on the details and I find myself gaping down at him. Talk about something that could be a movie. I shouldn’t really be surprised, though. If anyone could find a way to remain in our lives as a pain in the ass, it would be Monique. She does have staying power; I’ll give her that. “Max doesn’t think Aidan should fight her to remain Cassie’s guardian. He believes it’s not a battle that can be won.”