“I don’t see—”
“No.” Sebastian nodded curtly. “But I do. Bring the child, Sawyer, and join us. It’s a night for kindness, and small miracles.”
Uncertain why Sebastian’s words angered him so much, Boone stared at the empty doorway. He damn well didn’t have to prove himself to some overprotective, interfering cousin. When Jessie shifted and blinked owlishly, he pushed Sebastian out of his mind.
“Right here, frog face.” He bent and lifted his child into his arms. “Guess what?”
She rubbed her eyes. “I’m sleepy.”
“We’ll go home soon, but I think there’s something you’d like to see first.” While she yawned and dropped her heavy head on his shoulder, he carried her upstairs.
They were all gathered around, making a great deal more noise than Boone imagined was the norm even for a home delivery room. Nash was sitting on the edge of the bed beside Morgana, holding a tiny bundle and grinning like a fool.
“He looks like me, don’t you think?” he was asking of no one in particular. “The nose. He’s got my nose.”
“That’s Allysia,” Morgana informed him, rubbing a cheek over her son’s downy head. “I’ve got Donovan.”
“Right. Well, she’s got my nose.” He peeked over at his son. “He’s got my chin.”
“The Donovan chin,” Douglas corrected. “Plain as a pikestaff.”
“Hah.” Maureen was jockeying for position. “They’re both Corrigans through and through. Our side of the family has always had strong genes.”
While they argued over that, Jessie shook off sleep and stretched forward. “Is it the babies? Did they get born? Can I see?
“Let the child in.” Padrick elbowed his brother out of the way. “Let her have a look.”
Jessie kept one arm hooked around her father’s neck as she leaned forward. “Oh!” Her tired eyes went bright as Ana took a babe in each arm to hold them up for Jessie to see. “They look just like little fairies.” Very delicately, she touched a fingertip to one cheek, then the other.
“That’s just what they are.” Padrick kissed Jessie’s nose. “A brand-new fairy prince and princess.”
“But they don’t have wings,” Jessie said, giggling.
“Some fairies don’t need wings.” Padrick winked at his daughter. “Because they have wings on their hearts.”
“These fairies need some rest and some quiet.” Ana turned to tuck the babies into Morgana’s waiting arms. “And so does their mama.”
“I feel wonderful.”
“Nevertheless …” Ana shot a warning look over her shoulder that had the Donovans reluctantly filing out.
“Boone,” Morgana called out. “Would you wait for Ana, drive her home? She’s exhausted.”
“I’m perfectly fine. He should—”
“Of course I will.” He settled the yawning Jessie on his shoulder. “We’ll be downstairs whenever you’re ready.”
It took another fifteen minutes before Ana was assured that Nash had all her instructions. Morgana was already drifting off to sleep when Ana closed the door and left the new family alone.
She was exhausted, and the powers of the crystals in her pouch were nearly depleted. For almost twelve hours, she had gone through the labor of childbirth with her cousin, as closely linked as it was possible to be. Her body was heavy with fatigue, her mind drugged with it. It was a common result of a strong empathic link.
She staggered once at the top of the stairs, righted herself, then gripped her bloodstone amulet to draw on the last of its strength.
By the time she reached the parlor, she was feeling a little steadier. There was Boone, half dozing in a chair by the fire, with Jessie cuddled against his chest. His eyes opened. His lips curved.
“Hey, champ. I have to admit I thought this whole setup was a little loony, but you did a hell of a job up there.”
“It’s always stunning to bring life into the world. You didn’t have to stay all this time.”
“I wanted to.” He kissed Jessie’s head. “So did she. She’ll be the hit of school on Monday with this story.”
“It’s been a long night for her, and one she won’t forget.” Ana rubbed her eyes, almost as Jessie had before falling asleep again. “Where is everyone?”
“In the kitchen, raiding the refrigerator and getting drunk. I decided to pass, since I already had more than my share of wine.” He offered a sheepish grin. “A little while ago I could have sworn the house was shaking, so I switched to coffee.” He gestured toward the cup on the table beside him.
“And now you’ll be up half the night. I’ll just run and tell them I’m going, if you’d like to go put Jessie in the car.”
Outside, Boone took a deep gulp of the cool night air. Ana was right—he was wide-awake. He’d have to work a couple of hours until the coffee wore off, and he’d more than likely pay for it tomorrow. But it had been worth it. He glanced over his shoulder to where the light glowed in Morgana’s bedroom. It had been well worth it.
He slipped Jessie’s wings over her shoulders, then laid her on the backseat.
“Beautiful night,” Ana murmured from behind him. “I think every star must be out.”
“Two new stars.” Bemused, Boone opened the door for her. “That’s what Matthew said. It was really lovely. Sebastian made a toast about life and gifts and stars, and they all passed around a cup of wine. Is that an Irish thing?”
“In a way.” She leaned her head back against the seat as he started the car. Within seconds, she was asleep.
When Boone pulled up in his driveway, he wondered how he was going to manage to carry both of them to bed. He shifted, easing his door open, but Ana was already blinking awake.
“Just let me carry her inside, and I’ll give you a hand.”
“No, I’m fine.” Bleary-eyed, Ana stepped out of the car. “I’ll help you with her.” She laughed as she gathered up the store of stuffed animals. “Da always goes overboard. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Are you kidding? He was great with her. Come on, baby.” He lifted her and, in the way of children, she remained utterly lax. “She was taken with your mother, too, and the rest, but your father was definitely the hero. I expect she’ll be bugging me to go to Ireland now, so she can visit him in his castle.”
“He’d love it.” She took the silver wings and followed him into the house.
“Just set those anywhere. Do you want a brandy?”
“No, really.” She dropped the animals on the couch, put the wings beside them, then rolled her aching shoulders. “I wouldn’t mind some tea. I can brew some while you settle her in.”
“Fine. I won’t be long.”
A low growling emerged from under Jessie’s bed when Boone carried her in. “Great watchdog. It’s just us, you blockhead.”
Desperately relieved, Daisy bounded out, tail wagging. She waited until Boone had removed Jessie’s shoes and costume, then leapt onto the bed to settle at Jessie’s feet.
“You wake me up at six and I’ll staple those doggie lips closed.”
Daisy thumped her tail and shut her eyes.
“I don’t know why we couldn’t have gotten a smart dog while we were at it,” Boone was saying as he walked into the kitchen. “It wouldn’t have been …” and then his words trailed off.
The kettle was on and beginning to steam. Cups were set out, and the pot was waiting. Ana had her head pillowed on her arms at the kitchen table, and was deep in sleep.
Under the bright light, her lashes cast shadows on her cheeks. Boone hoped it was the harshness of the light that made her look so delicately pale. Her hair spilled over her shoulder. Her lips were soft, just parted.
Looking at her, he thought of the young princess who had been put under a spell by a jealous fairy and made to sleep a hundred years, until wakened by true love’s gentle kiss.
“Anastasia. You’re so beautiful.” He touched her hair, indulging himself. He’d never watched her s
leep, and he had a sudden, tearing urge to have her in his bed, to be able to open his eyes in the morning and see her there beside him. “What am I going to do?”
Sighing, he let his hand fall away from her hair and moved to the stove to shut off the kettle. As gently as he had with Jessie, he lifted her into his arms, and, like Jessie, she remained lax. Gritting his teeth against the knots in his stomach, he carried her upstairs and laid her on his bed.
“You don’t know how much I’ve wanted you here,” he said under his breath as he slipped off her shoes. “In my bed, in the night. All night.” He spread the covers over her, and she sighed, shifting in sleep and curling into his pillow.
The knots in his stomach loosened as he bent to touch his lips to hers. “Good night, princess.”
* * *
In her panties and T-shirt, Jessie padded into the bedroom before dawn. She’d had a dream, a bad one about the haunted house at school, and wanted the comfort and warmth of her father.
He always made monsters go away.
She scurried to the bed, and climbed in to burrow against him. It was then that she noted it wasn’t her father at all, but Ana.
Fascinated, Jessie curled up. Curious fingers played with Ana’s hair. In sleep Ana murmured and tucked Jessie under her arm to snuggle her close. Odd sensations tugged through Jessie’s stomach. Different smells, different textures, and yet she felt as loved and safe as she did when her father cuddled her. She rested her head trustingly against Ana’s breast and slept.
* * *
When Ana woke, she felt arms around her, small, limp arms. Disoriented, she stared down at Jessie, then looked around the room.
Not her room, she realized. And not Jessie’s. Boone’s.
She kept the child warm against her as she tried to piece together what had happened.
The last thing she remembered was sitting down after she’d put on water for tea. Tired, she’d been so tired. She’d rested her head for a moment and … and obviously had fallen fast asleep.
So where was Boone?
Cautiously she turned her head, unsure whether she was relieved or disappointed to find the bed beside her empty. Impractical, of course, given the circumstances, but it would have been so lovely to be able to cuddle back against him even as the child cuddled to her.
When she looked back, Jessie’s eyes were open and on hers.
“I had a bad dream,” the girl told her in hushed morning whispers. “About the Headless Horseman. He was laughing and laughing and chasing me.”
Ana snuggled down to kiss Jessie’s brow. “I bet he didn’t catch you.”
“Uh-uh. I woke up and came to get Daddy. He always makes the monsters go away. The ones in the closet and under the bed and at the window and everywhere.”
“Daddies are good at that.” She smiled, remembering how her own had pretended to chase them away with a magic broom every night during her sixth year.
“But you were here, and I wasn’t scared with you, either. Are you going to sleep in Daddy’s bed at night now?”
“No.” She brushed a hand through Jessie’s hair. “I think you and I both fell asleep, and your father had to put both of us to bed.”
“But it’s a big bed,” Jessie pointed out. “There’d be room. I have Daisy to sleep with me now, but Daddy has to sleep all alone. Does Quigley sleep with you?”
“Sometimes,” Ana said, relieved at the rapid change of topic. “He’s probably wondering where I am.”
“I think he knows,” Boone announced from the doorway. He was wearing only jeans, unsnapped at the waist, and he looked bleary-eyed and harassed, with the gray cat winding between his legs. “He howled and scratched at the back door until I let him in.”
“Oh.” Ana shoved her tumbled hair back as she sat up. “Sorry. I guess he woke you.”
“Right the first time.” He tucked his thumbs in his pockets while the cat leapt onto the bed and began to mutter and complain to his mistress. The knots in his stomach were back, doubled. How could he explain what he felt on seeing Ana cuddled with his little girl in the big, soft bed? “Jessie, what are you doing?”
“I had a bad dream.” She leaned her head against Ana’s arm and stroked the cat’s fur. “So I came in to get you, but Ana was here. She made the monsters go away just like you do.” Quigley meowed plaintively and made Jessie giggle. “He’s hungry. Poor kitty. I can feed him. Can I take him down and feed him?”
“Sure, if you’d like.”
Before Ana had finished the sentence, Jessie was bounding off the bed, calling to the cat to follow.
“Sorry she woke you.” Boone hesitated, then moved over to sit on the edge of the bed.
“She didn’t. Apparently she just climbed right on in and went back to sleep. And I should apologize for putting you to so much trouble. You could have given me a shake and sent me home.”
“You were exhausted.” He reached out, much as Jessie had, to touch her hair. “Incredibly beautiful, and totally exhausted.”
“Having babies is tiring work.” She smiled. “Where did you sleep?”
“In the guest room.” He winced at the crick in his back. “Which makes getting a decent bed in there a top priority.”
Automatically she pressed her hands on his lower back to massage and ease. “You could have dumped me in there. I don’t think I would have known the difference between a bed and a sheet of plywood.”
“I wanted you in my bed.” His gaze met hers and locked. “I very much wanted you in my bed.” He tugged on her hair to bring her closer. Much closer. “I still do.”
His mouth was on hers, not so patient now, not so gentle. Ana felt a quick thrill of excitement and alarm as he pressed her back against the pillows. “Boone—”
“Just for a minute.” His voice took on an edge of desperation. “I need a minute with you.”
He took her breast, searing her flesh through the thin silk of her rumpled blouse. While his hands skimmed over her, his mouth took and took, swallowing her muffled moans. His body ached to cover hers, to press hard against soft, to take quickly, even savagely, what he knew she could bring to him.
“Ana.” His teeth scraped down her throat before he gathered her close, just to hold her. He knew he was being unfair, to both of them, and he struggled to back off. “How long does it take to feed that cat?”
“Not long enough.” With a shaky laugh, she dropped her head onto his shoulder. “Not nearly long enough.”
“I was afraid of that.” He drew back, running his hands down her arms to take hers. “Jessie’s been after me to let her spend the night at Lydia’s. If I can work it out, will you stay with me? Here?”
“Yes.” She brought his hand to her lips, then pressed it to her cheek. “Whenever you like.”
“Tonight.” He forced himself to release her, to move away. “Tonight,” he repeated. “I’ll go call Lydia’s mother. Beg if I have to.” He steadied himself and slowed down. “I promised Jess we’d go get some ice cream, maybe have lunch on the wharf. Will you come with us? If it all works out, we could drop her off at Lydia’s, then go out to dinner.”
She pushed off the bed herself, brushing uselessly at the wrinkles in her blouse and slacks. “That sounds nice.”
“Great. Sorry about the clothes. I wasn’t quite brave enough to undress you.”
She felt a quick thrill at the image of him unbuttoning her blouse. Slowly, very slowly, his fingers patient, his eyes hot. She cleared her throat. “They’ll press out. I need to change, go check on Morgana and the twins.”
“I could drive you.”
“That’s all right. My father’s going to pick me up so I can get my car. What time did you want to leave?”
“About noon, in a couple hours.”
“Perfect. I’ll meet you back here.”
He caught her to him before she reached the doorway, then stopped her heart with another greedy kiss. “Maybe we could pick up some takeout, bring it back and eat here.”
sounds nice, too,” she murmured as she shifted the angle of the kiss. “Or maybe we could just send out for pizza when we get hungry.”
“Better. Much better.”
* * *
By four o’clock, Jessie was standing in Lydia’s doorway waving a cheery good-bye. Her pink backpack was bulging with the amazing assortment of necessities a six-year-old girl required for a sleepover. What made the entire matter perfect in her eyes was that Daisy had been invited along for the party.
“Tell me not to feel guilty,” Boone said as he cast one last glance in the rearview mirror.
“About wanting my own daughter out of the house tonight.”
“Boone.” Adoring him, Ana leaned over to kiss his cheek. “You know perfectly well Jessie could hardly wait for us to drive away so she could begin her little adventure at Lydia’s.”
“Yeah, but … it’s not packing her off so much, it’s packing her off with ulterior motives.”
Knowing what those motives were brought a little knot of heat to Ana’s stomach. “She isn’t going to have less of a good time because of them—particularly when you promised her she could have a slumber party in a couple of weeks. If you’re still feeling guilty, think about how you’re going to feel riding herd on five or six little girls all night.”
He slanted her a look. “I kind of figured you’d help—since you have ulterior motives, too.”
“Did you?” The fact that he’d asked pleased her enormously. “Maybe I will.” She laid a hand over his. “For a paranoid father riddled with guilt, you’re doing a wonderful job.”
“Keep it up. I’m feeling better.”
“Too much flattery isn’t good for you.”
“Just for that I won’t tell you how many guys gave themselves whiplash craning their necks to get a second look at you when we were walking on the wharf today.”
“Oh?” She skimmed back her blowing hair. “Were there many?”
“Depends on how you define many. Besides, too much flattery isn’t good for you. I guess I could say I don’t know how you could look so good today after the night you put in.”
“It could be because I slept like a rock.” She stretched luxuriously. A bracelet of agates winked at her wrist. “Morgana’s the amazing one. When I got there this morning, she was nursing both of the twins and looking as if she’d just spent a reviving week at an expensive spa.”
“The babies okay?”
“The babies are terrific. Healthy and bright-eyed. Nash is already a pro at changing diapers. He claims both of them have smiled at him.”
He knew that feeling, too, and had just realized he missed it. “He’s a good guy.”
“Nash is very special.”
“I have to admit, I was stunned when I heard he was married. Nash was always the go-it-on-your-own type.”
“Love changes things,” Ana murmured, and carefully screened all wistfulness from her voice. “Aunt Bryna calls it the purest form of magic.”
“A good description. Once it touches you, you begin to think nothing’s impossible anymore. Were you ever in love?”
“Once.” She looked away, studying the shimmering ice plants along the banks. “A long time ago. But it turned out the magic wasn’t strong enough. Then I learned that my life wasn’t over after all, and I could be perfectly happy alone. So I bought my house near the water,” she said with a smile. “Planted my garden and started fresh.”
“I suppose it was similar for me.” He grew thoughtful as they made the final turn toward home. “Does being happy alone mean you don’t think you could be happy with someone?”