have to do much work…”

  “If you have a complaint, you can call the customer service line.”

  “Now wait just a minute!” the mummy cried out angrily.

  The ghoul disappeared before it even reached the front door.

  “That’s how they get you… They give you the run around, then they send someone out to do an easy fix they could have just explained over the telephone, and finally, they give you the regular bill for half a minute of work,” he said to Giza, who had tried to follow the ghoul out of the tomb and now stood staring yearningly at the door.

  The mummy finally settled into his easy chair. With the cool air blowing over his bandages, he decided that paying full price for a service technician to flip a switch was hardly as bad as the alternative of not having any air conditioning at all. Now he could focus all of his thoughts on the hieroglyph smiley face emoticon his ex-girlfriend had sent him earlier that day.

  What could she possibly mean by it?

  A Brief Note to the Reader 

  I just want to take a moment to thank you so much for purchasing and reading my book! I hope that you enjoyed it, and that you will check out some of the other books and stories that I have written, such as Lonely Out in Space, Starship Delirium, Horror in the Hallways, The Leak, and Off-Beat Christmas Tales. Stay tuned for more!

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