Alexander Merow

  Prey World

  Rebellion Beyond


  Part II

  Prey World


  Foreword 4

  Sunrise 7

  Peace is War 18

  Volunteers for Japan 36

  Masaru Taishi 45

  Outbreak of War 67

  The Way to Sapporo 82

  All Quiet on the Sapporo Front… 90

  Leaving Hell 114

  Grief and Doubts 125

  Special Mission 138

  The Jungle Calls 152

  On the Warpath 168

  Hukushuu 177

  There and Back Again 190

  New Plans 197

  Copyright  2010 by Alexander Merow


  This is the English version of the second book of Alexander Merow`s “Prey World” series. The novel was translated by Thorsten Weber and the writer.

  It is still no professional translation and the translator is still no “native speaker” or English teacher. He is just a guy, who loves science-fiction and dystopias. So try not to laugh at some of the translated phrases, or the wrath of a real freak will come over you! And Mr. Merow and his friend are really some kind of “freaks”.

  The author has already found a lot of interested readers all over Germany, and we hope that he will also find some new readers in the English-speaking countries. Furthermore, we would be glad, if a “real” mother-tongue speaker would edit this English version one day.

  Now the fight against the World Government and the New World Order goes on. By the way, soon the fourth part of the “Prey World” series will be published in Germany. And we will also translate the third part, Prey World III – Organized Rage, in the next months. Anyway, have fun with this book and start thinking about the world we live in. We are sure, that you will find a lot of similarities to reality.

  And always remember...

  “Only a fool would think that “Prey World” is nothing but fiction!” (Alexander Merow)

  Alexander Merow and Thorsten Weber, Berlin 2011

  Email: [email protected]

  „In a few generations, maybe in hundred or two hundred years, mankind will have died out, if we define a human being as a thinking and inventing individual. Beyond doubt, a human being like this will no longer exist in the future. But there will be only one exception – us!

  The rest of the creatures, creeping over the surface of this planet, will be something else than human beings in the old sense. They will still have a human body, more or less, but the difference between these “man-things” and a livestock will be hardly to recognize.

  At this point in time, the old world will have been long gone. Nobody will remember it anymore, because the “man-things” we will create, will no longer be able to remember any higher form of culture. All history will have been rewritten in our sense and the only thing these “man-things” will understand, will be the order to serve. We will decimate earth`s population to get rid of those who are nothing but useless eaters. The rest of the human pulp may survive to serve us. Moreover, there will remain a small group of elite drudges with a rudimentary intelligence, the petty officers of our New World Order. We will control and form them from the womb to the tomb. And they will be our most fanatical servants, always eager to relay the pressure we put on them to the mass of mindless peons below them.

  This will be the perfect compliance of the Great Plan of the Elders. This will be the predicted world of milk and honey for us. So it is written, and so it shall be done...”

  Brother Obitus in: “The Holy Scriptures of the Wise Men”, Chapter XXXIII, “The New Temple”

  “Nothing is efficient in Oceania except the Thought Police!”

  George Orwell, “1984”

  “In Oceania at the present day, science, in the old sense, has almost ceased to exist. In Newspeak there is no word for “Science”. The empirical method of thought, on which all the scientific achievements of the past were founded, is opposed to the most fundamental principles of Ingsoc. And even technological progress only happens when its products can in some way be used for the diminution of human liberty. In all the useful arts the world is either standing still or going backwards. The fields are cultivated with horse plows while books are written by machinery. But in matters of vital importance – meaning, in effect, war and police espionage – the empirical approach is still encouraged, or at least tolerated.”

  George Orwell, “1984”

