Page 13 of The Colony

procedure as the small ships coasted in on auto-pilot, bringing each of them to a soft landing as steel beams gently rested onto the thick flooring below.

  Less than five minutes after, the entire ship began to thrust loudly, eventually burning its way to the fight. Hoping to rescue anyone who was in need, though the Hammer's commander had no idea of the enemy forces that awaited him. He simply knew of a fight in which marines just like him, needed help. And help was on the way. Sprinting hard across the star-draped landscape and ready to whip some ass.

  “Gonna be going down hard,” one of the soldiers yelled, shouting his warning to the seemingly overcrowded shuttle of souls. “If you've got a harness, use it. If not, find something bolted to the ship's frame and don't let go.”

  It was the worst sight Jack had ever witnessed, at least in terms of battle. As they glared through the thick windows of the small craft, which tumbled quickly to the colony's gravitational pull, Jack knew it without a doubt.

  They were beaten.

  A majority of the ships outside of the glass were painted with markings he'd never seen before, and gave chase to defenseless shuttles that bolted for the surface. Shuttles just like the one currently full of panic.

  Feeling the dip of their ship's nose – a good sign that a significant free-fall was upcoming, Jack removed his military-grade jacket. Wrapping it around both himself and Julia, the soldier then tied it firmly around one of the shuttle's support beams. Knowing it was surely welded to the ship's frame.

  “I,” Julia muttered with panic. “I don't want to die.”

  “Nobody wants to die,” Jack replied. “I can promise you that if we live through this, I will protect you down there.”

  The young lady began to weep, as did many aboard the shuttle as others found themselves praying.

  Jack found himself wanting to comfort her, but his own grief was nearly unbearable. With his eyes crisped with tears, Jack simply embraced her – strong arms doing their best to reassure a woman in doubt.

  From the safety of a harness, Chandra had seen the exchange between Jack and Julia. For years, the female soldier had felt something for Lieutenant Jack Strong. Something more than friendship.

  Often times she'd denied it to members of their team, but certain death has a way of forcing feelings to the surface. Chandra did something she'd not done in many years. Cried. Not heavily, but noticeably enough for Renaldo to spot it.

  As soldiers they were trained to never fear death. Even in such a time, the sniper knew her grief was emotional. He seemed to understand her pain – sliding his hand over a bit and clasping onto her own.

  It was in that very moment that everyone began to question their lives. The choices they'd made and feeling unexplored. The hammering of rain against the outer shell of their shuttle gave way to the fact that impact was soon to come. No time for second chances.

  “Jack,” Chandra yelled, loud enough to get the attention of their longtime leader. “I love you. Always have.”

  The seconds in which it took his mind to process her confession were their last before impact.

  It would be their last moments alive aboard the doomed shuttle. Every soul lost in the fiery crash.

  The Star Hammer Orion would arrive nearly a week after Chandra's confession of love – finding a tough fight with their demon-like opponents. A race of technologically superior beings with no regard for innocent life.

  Less than a day later, the succubus army would find that humanity was up to the challenge of a tough fight. Star Hammer ships joining alongside the Orion and eradicating such a vile race of warriors.

  Though it would take nearly a year to do so.

  As we colonized on the small moon once more, our soldiers began to recover what remained of the wreckage.

  Lieutenant Jack Strong received a medal of honor following his death – along with every member of his team. Their journey into such a place and their sacrifice in the face of such dangers, never to be forgotten.

  What would be forgotten, however, was Chandra's love for the lieutenant. His response never to be heard. They made a journey into whatever heaven or hell awaited them, with a singular thought. What could have been.

  Unfortunately in the world of adventure, even heroes die. Each of us would like to believe that a happy ending is guaranteed. That somehow, someway, the hero of our story will find a way to prevail in the end.

  I'm here to tell you that thousands die everyday. Each of them, the hero of their own story.

  We would go on to learn that the succubus were only one of several alien races among the stars. Some of them peaceful – others violent. The most violent among them...human.

  If you take anything from this short story, let it be this. Each of us will eventually find ourselves in a doomed shuttle of sorts. And though our demise will differ, our purpose up until that very moment remains the same. Live without regret. Follow your dreams and follow your heart, no matter where it may lead you.

  Everyone's life ends in death. The setting, be it spaceships or a quiet hospital room in one of our many cities, will always be different. However, they all lead to a single closing moment in which we take a last breath. Take that breath knowing you made your mark on the world around you.

  In fact, live every single moment of your life as if it were your last. In doing so, everything else will fall into place. Your loved ones will know where you stand. Your life will be full of happiness. Most importantly, when your moment finally arrives, you'll be able to leave smiling. That's what matters in the end.

  About the Author

  John M. Davis is the author of several books, including three which have grabbed the #2 overall spot in their respective genres. He currently resides in the beautiful mountains of Virginia with his wife and two spoiled children. If you enjoyed the story, please take a moment to continue it at his official website, where several more books are now available.

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