Page 100 of The Well of Ascension

Page 100

  "Yes," Sazed said, "but you seem somewhat distraught, Lady Vin. This isnt a decision to be made lightly, under the influence of strong emotions. "

  Vin smiled. "The decision to get married shouldnt be made because of strong emotions?"

  Sazed floundered. "That isnt exactly what I meant. Im simply not certain that you are fully in control of your faculties, Lady Vin. "

  Vin shook her head. "Im more in control than I have been for months. Its time for me to stop hesitating, Sazed—time to stop worrying, time to accept my place in this crew. I know what I want, now. I love Elend. I dont know what kind of time well have together, but I want some, at least. "

  Sazed sat for a moment, then returned to his sewing. "And you, Lord Elend? What are your thoughts?"

  What were his thoughts? He remembered just the day before, when Vin had spoken of leaving, and the wrenching he had felt. He thought of how much he depended on her wisdom, and her bluntness, and her simple—but not simplistic—devotion to him. Yes, he did love her.

  The world had gone chaotic recently. He had made mistakes. Yet, despite everything that had happened, and despite his frustrations, he still felt strongly that he wanted to be with Vin. It wasnt the idyllic infatuation hed felt a year and a half ago, at the parties. But it felt more solid.

  "Yes, Sazed," he said. "I do want to marry her. I have wanted it for some time. I. . . I dont know whats going to happen to the city, or my kingdom, but I want to be with Vin when it comes. "

  Sazed continued to work. "Very well, then," he finally said. "If it is my witness you require, then you have it. "

  Elend knelt, still pressing the cloth on Vins shoulder, feeling a little bit stunned. "Thats it then?"

  Sazed nodded. "It is as valid as any witness the obligators could give you, I think. Be warned, the Larsta love oath is binding. They knew no form of divorce in their culture. Do you accept my witness of this event?"

  Vin nodded. Elend felt himself doing the same.

  "Then you are married," Sazed said, tying off his thread, then draping a cloth across Vins chest. "Hold this for a bit, Lady Vin, and stanch the rest of the bleeding. " Then he moved on to her cheek.

  "I feel like there should be a ceremony or something," Elend said.

  "I could give one, if you wish," Sazed said, "but I do not think you need one. I have known you both for some time, and am willing to give my blessing to this union. I simply offer counsel. Those who take lightly promises they make to those they love are people who find little lasting satisfaction in life. This is not an easy time in which to live. That does not mean that it has to be a difficult time to love, but it does mean that you will find unusual stresses upon your lives and your relationship.

  "Do not forget the love oath you made to each other this evening. It will give you much strength in the days to come, I think. " With that, he pulled the last stitch tight on Vins face, then finally moved to the shoulder. The bleeding there had mostly stopped, and Sazed studied the wound for a moment before beginning work on it.

  Vin looked up at Elend, smiling, looking a bit drowsy. He stood and walked over to the rooms washbasin, and returned with a damp cloth to wipe off her face and cheek.

  "Im sorry," she said quietly as Sazed moved around and took the place Elend had been kneeling in.

  "Sorry?" Elend said. "About my fathers Mistborn?"

  Vin shook her head. "No. For taking so long. "

  Elend smiled. "Youre worth the wait. Besides, I think I had to figure a few things out as well. "

  "Like how to be a king?"

  "And how to stop being one. "

  Vin shook her head. "You never stopped being one, Elend. They can take your crown, but they cant take your honor. "

  Elend smiled. "Thank you. However, I dont know how much good Ive done the city. By even being here, I divided the people, and now Straff will end up in control. "

  "Ill kill Straff if he puts one foot in this city. "

  Elend gritted his teeth. Back to the same problems again. They could only hold Vins knife against his neck for so long. Hed figure out a way to wiggle around, and there was always Jastes and those koloss. . . .

  "Your Majesty. " Sazed said as he worked, "perhaps I can offer a solution. "

  Elend glanced down at the Terrisman, raising an eyebrow.

  "The Well of Ascension," Sazed said.

  Vin opened her eyes immediately.

  "Tindwyl and I have been researching the Hero of Ages," Sazed continued. "We are convinced that Rashek never did what the Hero was supposed to. In fact, we arent even convinced that this Alendi of a thousand years ago was the Hero. There are too many discrepancies, too many problems and contradictions. In addition, the mists—the Deepness—are still here. And now they are killing people. "

  Elend frowned. "What are you saying?"

  Sazed pulled a stitch tight. "Something still needs to be done, Your Majesty. Something important. Looking at it from a smaller perspective, it might seem that the events at Luthadel and the rise of the Well of Ascension are unrelated. However, from a larger view, they may be solutions to one another. "

  Elend smiled. "Like the lock and the key. "

  "Yes, Your Majesty," Sazed said, smiling. "Precisely like that. "

  "It thumps," Vin whispered, eyes closing. "In my head. I can feel it. "

  Sazed paused, then wrapped a bandage around Vins arm. "Can you feel where it is?"

  Vin shook her head. "I. . . There doesnt seem to be a direction to the pulses. I thought they were distant, but theyre getting louder. "

  "That must be the Well returning to power," Sazed said. "It is fortunate that I know where to find it. "

  Elend turned, and Vin opened her eyes again.

  "My research has revealed the location, Lady Vin," Sazed said. "I can draw you a map, from my metalminds. "

  "Where?" Vin whispered.

  "North," Sazed said. "In the mountains of Terris. Atop one of the lower peaks, known as Deryatith. Travel there will be difficult this time of year. . . . "

  "I can do it," Vin said firmly as Sazed turned to working on her chest wound. Elend flushed again, then paused as he turned away.

  Im. . . married. "Youre going to leave?" Elend asked, looking to Vin. "Now?"

  "I have to," Vin whispered. "I have to go to it, Elend. "

  "You should go with her, Your Majesty," Sazed said.


  Sazed sighed, looking up. "We have to face facts, Your Majesty. As you said earlier, Straff will soon take this city. If you are here, you will be executed. However, Lady Vin will undoubtedly need help securing the Well. "

  "Its supposed to hold great power," Elend said, rubbing his chin. "Could we, you think, destroy those armies?"

  Vin shook her head. "We couldnt use it," she whispered. "The power is a temptation. Thats what went wrong last time. Rashek took the power instead of giving it up. "

  "Giving it up?" Elend asked. "What does that mean?"

  "Letting it go, Your Majesty," Sazed said. "Letting it defeat the Deepness on its own. "

  "Trust," Vin whispered. "Its about trust. "

  "However," Sazed said, "I think that releasing this power could do great things for the land. Change things, and undo much of the damage the Lord Ruler did. I have a strong suspicion that it would destroy the koloss, since they were created by the Lord Rulers misuse of the power. "

  "But Straff would hold the city," Elend said.

  "Yes," Sazed said, "but if you leave, the transition will be peaceful. The Assembly has all but decided to accept him as their emperor, and it appears that hell let Penrod rule as a subject king. There will be no bloodshed, and you will be able to organize resistance from outside. Besides, who knows what releasing the power will do? Lady Vin could be left changed, much as the Lord Ruler was. With the crew in hiding within the city, it should not be
so difficult to oust your father—particularly when he grows complacent in a year or so. "

  Elend gritted his teeth. Another revolution. Yet, what Sazed said made sense. For so long, weve been worrying about the small-scale. He glanced at Vin, feeling a surge of warmth and love. Maybe its time I started listening to the things shes been trying to tell me.

  "Sazed," Elend said, a sudden thought occurring to him, "do you think that I could convince the Terris people to help us?"

  "Perhaps, Your Majesty," Sazed said. "My prohibition against interfering—the one I have been ignoring—comes because I was given a different assignment by the Synod, not because we believe in avoiding all action. If you could convince the Synod that the future of the Terris people will be benefited by having a strong ally in Luthadel, you may just be able to get yourself military aid from Terris. "

  Elend nodded, thoughtful.

  "Remember the lock and the key, Your Majesty," Sazed said, finishing off Vins second wound. "In this case, leaving seems like the opposite of what you should do. However, if you look at the larger picture, you will see that its precisely what you need to do. "

  Vin opened her eyes, looking up at him, smiling. "We can do this, Elend. Come with me. "

  Elend stood for a moment. Lock and key. . . . "All right," he said. "Well leave as soon as Vin is able. "

  "She should be able to ride tomorrow," Sazed said. "You know what pewter can do for a body. "

  Elend nodded. "All right. I should have listened to you earlier, Vin. Besides, Ive always wanted to see your homeland, Sazed. You can show it to us. "

  "I will need to stay here, I fear," Sazed said. "I should soon leave for the South to continue my work there. Tindwyl, however, can go with you—she has important information that needs to be passed on to my brethren the Keepers. "

  "It will need to be a small group," Vin said. "Well have to outrun—or perhaps sneak past—Straffs men. "

  "Just you three, I think," Sazed said. "Or, perhaps one other person to help with watches while you sleep, someone skilled in hunting and scouting. Lord Lestibournes, perhaps?"

  "Spook would be perfect," Elend said, nodding. "Youre sure the other crewmembers will be safe in the city?"

  "Of course they wont," Vin said, smiling. "But theyre experts. They hid from the Lord Ruler—theyll be able to hide from Straff. Particularly if they dont have to worry about keeping you safe. "

  "Then it is decided," Sazed said, standing. "You two should try to rest well tonight, despite the recent change in your relationship. Can you walk, Lady Vin?"

  "No need," Elend said, leaning down and picking her up. She wrapped her arms around him, though her grip was not tight, and he could see that her eyes were already drooping again.

  He smiled. Suddenly, the world seemed a much simpler place. He would take some time and spend it on what was really important; then, once he and Vin had sought help from the North, they could return. He actually looked forward to coming back and tackling their problems with renewed vigor.