Page 116 of The Well of Ascension

Page 116

  "Sazed," she said tiredly. "You lied to me about the Well of Ascension. "

  "Yes, Lady Vin," he said.

  "That isnt important now," she said. "Why are you standing naked outside of the keeps walls?"

  "I. . . " He looked up at the koloss. "Lady Vin, I—"

  "Penrod!" Vin shouted suddenly. "Is that you up there?"

  The king appeared. He looked as confused as Sazed felt.

  "Open your gates!" Vin yelled.

  "Are you mad?" Penrod yelled back.

  "Im not sure," Vin said. She turned, and a group of koloss moved forward, walking quietly as if commanded. The largest one picked Vin up, holding her up high, until she was nearly level with the top of the keeps low wall. Several guards atop the wall shied away from her.

  "Im tired, Penrod," Vin said. Sazed had to tap his hearing tinmind to listen in on her words.

  "Were all tired, child," Penrod said.

  "Im particularly tired," Vin said. "Im tired of the games. Im tired of people dying because of arguments between their leaders. Im tired of good men being taken advantage of. "

  Penrod nodded quietly.

  "I want you to gather our remaining soldiers," Vin said, turning to look over the city. "How many do you have in there?"

  "About two hundred," he said.

  Vin nodded. "The city is not lost—the koloss have fought against the soldiers, but havent had much time to turn on the population yet. I want you to send out your soldiers to find any groups of koloss that are pillaging or killing. Protect the people, but dont attack the koloss if you can help it. Send a messenger for me instead. "

  Remembering Penrods bullheadedness earlier, Sazed thought the man might object. He didnt. He just nodded.

  "What do we do then?" Penrod asked.

  "Ill take care of the koloss," Vin said. "Well go reclaim Keep Venture first—Im going to need more metals, and there are plenty stored there. Once the city is secure, I want you and your soldiers to put out those fires. It shouldnt be too hard; there arent a lot of buildings left that can burn. "

  "Very well," Penrod said, turning to call out his orders.

  Sazed watched in silence as the massive koloss lowered Vin to the ground. It stood quietly, as if it were a monster hewn of stone, and not a breathing, bleeding, living creature.

  "Sazed," Vin said softly. He could sense the fatigue in her voice.

  "Lady Vin," Sazed said. To the side, Ham finally shook himself out of his stupor, looking up in shock as he noticed Vin and the koloss.

  Vin continued to look at Sazed, studying him. Sazed had trouble meeting her eyes. But, she was right. They could talk about his betrayal later. There were other, more important tasks that had to be accomplished. "I realize you probably have work for me to do," Sazed said, breaking the silence. "But, might I instead be excused? There is. . . a task I wish to perform. "

  "Of course, Sazed," Vin said. "But first, tell me. Do you know if any of the others survived?"

  "Clubs and Dockson are dead, my lady," Sazed said. "I have not seen their bodies, but the reports were from reliable sources. You can see that Lord Hammond is here, with us, though he has suffered a very bad wound. "

  "Breeze?" she asked.

  Sazed nodded to the lump that lay huddled beside the wall. "He lives, thankfully. His mind, however, appears to be reacting poorly to the horrors he saw. It could simply be a form of shock. Or. . . it could be something more lasting. "

  Vin nodded, turning to Ham. "Ham. I need pewter. "

  He nodded dully, pulling out a vial with his good hand. He tossed it to her. Vin downed it, and immediately her fatigue seemed to lessen. She stood up straighter, her eyes becoming more alert.

  That cant be healthy, Sazed thought with worry. How much of that has she been burning?

  Step more energetic, she turned to walk toward her koloss.

  "Lady Vin?" Sazed asked, causing her to turn around. "There is still an army out there. "

  "Oh, I know," Vin said, turning to take one of the large, wedge like koloss swords from its owner. It was actually a few inches taller than she was.

  "I am well aware of Straffs intentions," she said, hefting the sword up onto her shoulder. Then she turned in to the snow and mist, walking toward Keep Venture, her strange koloss guards tromping after her.

  It took Sazed well into the night to complete his self-appointed task. He found corpse after corpse in the frigid night, many of them iced over. The snow had stopped falling, and the wind had picked up, hardening the slush to slick ice. He had to break some of the corpses free to turn them over and inspect their faces.

  Without his brassmind to provide heat, he could never have performed his grisly job. Even so, he had found himself some warmer clothing—a simple brown robe and a set of boots. He continued working through the night, the wind swirling flakes of snow and ice around him. He started at the gate, of course. That was where the most corpses were. However, he eventually had to move into alleyways and thoroughfares.

  He found her body sometime near morning.

  The city had stopped burning. The only light he had was his lantern, but it was enough to reveal the strip of fluttering cloth in a snowbank. At first, Sazed thought it was just another bloodied bandage that had failed in its purpose. Then he saw a glimmer of orange and yellow, and he moved over—he no longer had the strength to rush—and reached into the snow.

  Tindwyls body cracked slightly as he rolled it out. The blood on her side was frozen, of course, and her eyes were iced open. Judging from the direction of her flight, she had been leading her soldiers to Keep Venture.

  Oh, Tindwyl, he thought, reaching down to touch her face. It was still soft, but dreadfully cold. After years of being abused by the Breeders, after surviving so much, she had found this. Death in a city where she hadnt belonged, with a man—no, a half man—who did not deserve her.

  He released his brassmind, and let the nights cold wash over him. He didnt want to feel warm at the moment. His lantern flickered uncertainly, illuminating the street, shadowing the icy corpse. There, in that frozen alley of Luthadel, looking down at the corpse of the woman he loved, Sazed realized something.

  He didnt know what to do.

  He tried to think of something proper to say—something proper to think—but suddenly, all of his religious knowledge seemed hollow. What was the use in giving her a burial? What was the value in speaking the prayers of a long-dead god? What good was he? The religion of Dadradah hadnt helped Clubs; the Survivor hadnt come to rescue the thousands of soldiers who had died. What was the point?

  None of Sazeds knowledge gave him comfort. He accepted the religions he knew—believed in their value—but that didnt give him what he needed. They didnt assure him that Tindwyls spirit still lived. Instead, they made him question. If so many people believed so many different things, how could any one of them—or, even, anything at all—actually be true?

  The skaa called Sazed holy, but at that moment he realized that he was the most profane of men. He was a creature who knew three hundred religions, yet had faith in none of them.

  So, when his tears fell—and nearly began to freeze to his face—they gave him as little comfort as his religions. He moaned, leaning over the frozen corpse.

  My life, he thought, has been a sham.

  Rashek is to try and lead Alendi in the wrong direction, to discourage him, or otherwise foil his quest. Alendi doesnt know that he has been deceived, that weve all been deceived, and he will not listen to me now.


  STRAFF WOKE IN THE COLD morning and immediately reached for a leaf of Black Frayn. He was beginning to see the benefits of his addiction. It woke him quickly and easily, making his body feel warm despite the early hour. When he might have once taken an hour to get ready, he was up in minutes, dressed, prepared for the day.

  And glorious that day would be.

e met him outside his tent, and the two walked through the bustling camp. Straffs boots cracked on half ice, half snow as he made his way to his horse.

  "The fires are out, my lord," Janarle explained. "Probably due to the snows. The koloss probably finished their rampaging and took shelter from the cold. Our scouts are afraid to get too close, but they say the city is like a graveyard. Quiet and empty, save for the bodies. "

  "Maybe they actually killed each other off," Straff said cheerfully, climbing into his saddle, breath puffing in the crisp morning air. Around him, the army was forming up. Fifty thousand soldiers, eager at the prospect of taking the city. Not only was there plundering to be done, but moving into Luthadel would mean roofs and walls for all of them.

  "Perhaps," Janarle said, mounting.

  Wouldnt that be convenient, Straff thought with a smile. All of my enemies dead, the city and its riches mine, and no skaa to worry about.

  "My lord!" someone cried.

  Straff looked up. The field between his camp and Luthadel was colored gray and white, the snow stained by ash. And gathering on the other side of that field were koloss.

  "Looks like they are alive after all, my lord," Janarle said.

  "Indeed," Straff said, frowning. There were still a lot of the creatures. They piled out of the western gate, not attacking immediately, instead gathering in a large body.

  "Scout counts say there are fewer of them than there were," Janarle said after a short time. "Perhaps two-thirds their original number, maybe a bit fewer. But, they are koloss. . . . "

  "But theyre abandoning their fortifications," Straff said, smiling, Black Frayn warming his blood, making him feel like he was burning metals. "And theyre coming to us. Let them charge. This should be over quickly. "

  "Yes, my lord," Janarle said, sounding a little less certain. He frowned, then, pointing toward the southern section of the city. "My. . . lord?"

  "What now?"

  "Soldiers, my lord," Janarle said. "Human ones. Looks to be several thousand of them. "

  Straff frowned. "They should all be dead!"

  The koloss charged. Straffs horse shuffled slightly as the blue monsters ran across the gray field, the human troops falling into more organized ranks behind.

  "Archers!" Janarle shouted. "Prepare first volley!"

  Perhaps I shouldnt be at the front, Straff thought suddenly. He turned his horse, then noticed something. An arrow suddenly shot from the midst of the charging koloss.

  But, koloss didnt use bows. Besides, the monsters were still far away, and that object was far too big to be an arrow anyway. A rock, perhaps? It seemed larger than. . .

  It began to fall down toward Straffs army. Straff stared into the sky, riveted by the strange object. It grew more distinct as it fell. It wasnt an arrow, nor was it a rock.

  It was a person—a person with a flapping mistcloak.

  "No!" Straff yelled. Shes supposed to be gone!

  Vin screamed down from her duralumin-fueled Steeljump, massive koloss sword light in her hands. She hit Straff directly in the head with the sword, then continued on downward, slamming into the ground, throwing up snow and frozen dirt with the power of her impact.