Page 124 of The Well of Ascension

Page 124

  He had to keep going. He had to get to Vin.

  Vin cradled Elend in her arms, her cloak forming a hasty—and dreadfully inadequate—bandage around his torso.

  "I love you," she whispered, tears warm on her cold cheeks. "Elend, I love you. I love you. . . "

  Love wouldnt be enough. He was trembling, eyes staring upward, barely able to focus. He gasped, and blood bubbled in his spittle.

  She turned to the side, numbly realizing where she knelt. The pool glowed beside her, just inches from where Elend had fallen. Some of his blood had dribbled into the pool, though it didnt mix with the liquid metal.

  I can save him, she realized. The power of creation rests just inches from my fingers. This was the place where Rashek had ascended to godhood. The Well of Ascension.

  She looked back at Elend, at his dying eyes. He tried to focus on her, but he seemed to be having trouble controlling his muscles. It seemed like. . . he was trying to smile.

  Vin rolled up her coat and put it beneath his head. Then, wearing just her trousers and shirt, she walked up to the pool. She could hear it thumping. As if. . . calling to her. Calling for her to join with it.

  She stepped onto the pool. It resisted her touch, but her foot began to sink, slowly. She stepped forward, moving into the center of the pool, waiting as she sank. Within seconds, the pool was up to her chest, the glowing liquid all around her.

  She took a breath, then leaned her head back, looking up as the pool absorbed her, covering her face.

  Sazed stumbled down the stairs, candle held in quivering fingers. Ham was calling after him. He passed a confused Spook on the landing below, and ignored the boys questions.

  However, as he began to make his way down to the cavern floor, he slowed. A small tremor ran through the rock.

  Somehow, he knew that he was too late.

  The power came upon her suddenly.

  She felt the liquid pressing against her, creeping into her body, crawling, forcing its way through the pores and openings in her skin. She opened her mouth to scream, and it rushed in that way too, choking her, gagging her.

  With a sudden flare, her earlobe began to hurt. She cried out, pulling her earring free, dropping it into the depths. She pulled off her sash, letting it—and her Allomantic vials—go as well, removing the only metals on her person.

  Then she started to burn. She recognized the sensation: it was exactly like the feeling of burning metals in her stomach, except it came from her entire body. Her skin flared, her muscles flamed, and her very bones seemed on fire. She gasped, and realized the metal was gone from her throat.

  She was glowing. She felt the power within, as if it were trying to burst back out. It was like the strength she gained by burning pewter, but amazingly more potent. It was a force of incredible capacity. It would have been beyond her ability to understand, but it expanded her mind, forcing her to grow and comprehend what she now possessed.

  She could remake the world. She could push back the mists. She could feed millions with the wave of her hand, punish the evil, protect the weak. She was in awe of herself. The cavern was as if translucent around her, and she saw the entire world spreading, a magnificent sphere upon which life could exist only in a small little area at the poles. She could fix that. She could make things better. She could. . .

  She could save Elend.

  She glanced down and saw him dying. She immediately understood what was wrong with him. She could fix his damaged skin and sliced organs.

  You mustnt do it, child.

  Vin looked up with shock.

  You know what you must do, the Voice said, whispering to her. It sounded aged. Kindly.

  "I have to save him!" she cried.

  You know what you must do.

  And she did know. She saw it happen—she saw, as if in a vision, Rashek when hed taken the power for himself. She saw the disasters he created.

  It was all or nothing—like Allomancy, in a way. If she took the power, she would have to burn it away in a few moments. Remaking things as she pleased, but only for a brief time.

  Or. . . she could give it up.

  I must defeat the Deepness, the Voice said.

  She saw that, too. Outside the palace, in the city, across the land. People in the mists, shaking, falling. Many stayed indoors, thankfully. The traditions of the skaa were still strong within them.

  Some were out, however. Those who trusted in Kelsiers words that the mists could not hurt them. But now the mists could. They had changed, bringing death.

  This was the Deepness. Mists that killed. Mists that were slowly covering the entire land. The deaths were sporadic; Vin saw many falling dead, but saw others simply falling sick, and still others going about in the mists as if nothing were wrong.

  It will get worse, the Voice said quietly. It will kill and destroy. And, if you try to stop it yourself, you will ruin the world, as Rashek did before you.

  "Elend. . . " she whispered. She turned toward him, bleeding on the floor.

  At that moment, she remembered something. Something Sazed had said. You must love him enough to trust his wishes, he had told her. It isnt love unless you learn to respect him—not what you assume is best, but what he actually wants. . . .

  She saw Elend weeping. She saw him focusing on her, and she knew what he wanted. He wanted his people to live. He wanted the world to know peace, and the skaa to be free.

  He wanted the Deepness to be defeated. The safety of his people meant more to him than his own life. Far more.

  Youll know what to do, hed told her just moments before. I trust you. . . .

  Vin closed her eyes, and tears rolled down her cheeks. Apparently, gods could cry.

  "I love you," she whispered.

  She let the power go. She held the capacity to become a deity in her hands, and she gave it away, releasing it to the waiting void. She gave up Elend.

  Because she knew that was what he wanted.

  The cavern immediately began to shake. Vin cried out as the flaring power within her was ripped away, soaked up greedily by the void. She screamed, her glow fading, then fell into the now empty pool, head knocking against the rocks.

  The cavern continued to shake, dust and chips falling from the ceiling. And then, in a moment of surreal clarity, Vin heard a single, distinct sentence ringing in her mind.

  I am FREE!

  . . . for he must not be allowed to release the thing that is imprisoned there.



  The cavern was still, the tempest over. The thing was gone, and the thumping in her mind was finally quiet. She sniffled, arms around Elend, holding him as he gasped his final few breaths. Shed screamed for help, calling for Ham and Spook, but had gotten no response. They were too far away.

  She felt cold. Empty. After holding that much power, then having it ripped from her, she felt like she was nothing. And, once Elend died, she would be.

  What would be the point? she thought. Life doesnt mean anything. Ive betrayed Elend. Ive betrayed the world.

  She wasnt certain what had happened, but somehow shed made a horrible, horrible mistake. The worst part was, she had tried so hard to do what was right, even if it hurt.

  Something loomed above her. She looked up at the mist spirit, but couldnt even really feel rage. She was having trouble feeling anything at the moment.

  The spirit raised an arm, pointing.

  "Its over," she whispered.

  It pointed more demandingly.

  "I wont get to them in time," she said. "Besides, I saw how bad the cut was. Saw it with the power. Theres nothing any of them could do, not even Sazed. So, you should be pleased. You got what you wanted. . . " She trailed off. Why had the spirit stabbed Elend?

  To make me heal him, she thought. To keep me. . . from releasing the power.

  She blinked her eyes. The spirit waved its arm.

  Slowly, numbly,
she got to her feet. She watched the spirit in a trance as it floated a few steps over and pointed at something on the ground. The room was dark, now that the pool was empty, and was illuminated only by Elends lantern. She had to flare tin to see what the spirit was pointing at.

  A piece of pottery. The disk Elend had taken from the shelf in the back of the room, and had been holding in his hand. It had broken when hed collapsed.

  The mist spirit pointed urgently. Vin approached and bent over, fingers finding the small nugget of metal that had been at the disks center.

  "What is it?" she whispered.

  The mist spirit turned and drifted back to Elend. Vin walked up quietly.

  He was still alive. He seemed to be getting weaker, and was trembling less. Eerily, as he grew closer to death, he actually seemed a bit more in control. He looked at her as she knelt, and she could see his lips moving.

  "Vin. . . " he whispered.

  She knelt beside him, looked at the bead of metal, then looked up at the spirit. It stood motionless. She rolled the bead between her fingers, then moved to eat it.

  The spirit moved urgently, shaking its hands. Vin paused, and the spirit pointed at Elend.

  What? she thought. However, she wasnt really in a state to think. She held the nugget up to Elend. "Elend," she whispered, leaning close. "You must swallow this. "

  She wasnt certain if he understood her or not, though he did appear to nod. She placed the bit of metal in his mouth. His lips moved, but he started to choke.

  I have to get him something to wash it down, she thought. The only thing she had was one of her metal vials. She reached into the empty well, retrieving her earring and her sash. She pulled free a vial, then poured the liquid into his mouth.

  Elend continued to cough weakly, but the liquid did its work well, washing down the bead of metal. Vin knelt, feeling so powerless, a depressing contrast to how she had been just moments before. Elend closed his eyes.

  Then, oddly, the color seemed to return to his cheeks. Vin knelt, confused, watching him. The look on his face, the way he lay, the color of his skin. . .

  She burned bronze, and with shock, felt pulses coming from Elend.

  He was burning pewter.


  TWO WEEKS LATER, A SOLITARY figure arrived at the Conventical of Seran.

  Sazed had left Luthadel quietly, troubled by his thoughts and by the loss of Tindwyl. Hed left a note. He couldnt stay in Luthadel. Not at the moment.

  The mists still killed. They struck random people who went out at night, with no discernible pattern. Many of the people did not die, but only became sick. Others, the mists murdered. Sazed didnt know what to make of the deaths. He wasnt even certain if he cared. Vin spoke of something terrible she had released at the Well of Ascension. She had expected Sazed to want to study and record her experience.

  Instead, he had left.

  He made his way through the solemn, steel-plated rooms. He half expected to be confronted by one Inquisitor or another. Perhaps Marsh would try to kill him again. By the time he and Ham had returned from the storage cavern beneath Luthadel, Marsh had vanished again. His work had, apparently, been done. Hed stalled Sazed long enough to keep him from stopping Vin.

  Sazed made his way down the steps, through the torture chamber, and finally into the small rock room hed visited on his first trip to the Conventical, so many weeks before. He dropped his pack to the ground, working it open with tired fingers, then looked up at the large steel plate.

  Kwaans final words stared back at him. Sazed knelt, pulling a carefully tied portfolio from his pack. He undid the string, and then removed his original rubbing, made in this very room months before. He recognized his fingerprints on the thin paper, knew the strokes of the charcoal to be his own. He recognized the smudges he had made.