Page 126 of The Well of Ascension

Page 126

  ASHWEATHER: Lord Cetts first name.

  ATIUM: A strange metal formerly produced in the Pits of Hathsin. It collected inside of small geodes that formed in crystalline pockets in caves beneath the ground.

  BIRCHBANE: A common poison.

  BOXING: The slang name for an imperial gold coin. The name comes from the picture on its back of Kredik Shaw, the Lord Rulers palace—or, the "box" in which he lives.

  BREEZE: A Soother on Kelsiers crew, now one of Elends foremost counselors.

  BRONZEPULSE: Another term for an Allomantic pulse.

  BURN (ALLOMANCY): An Allomancer utilizing or expending the metals in their stomachs. First, they must swallow a metal, then Allomantically metabolize it inside of them to access its power.

  BURNLANDS: The deserts at the edges of the Final Empire.

  CAMON: Vins old crewleader. A harsh man who often beat her, Camon was cast out by Kelsier. The Inquisitors eventually killed him.

  CANTON: A suboffice within the Steel Ministry.

  CETT: Lord Ashweather Cett is the most prominent king who has managed to gain power in the Western Dominance. His home city is Fadrex.

  CHANNEREL: The river that runs through Luthadel.

  CLADENT: Clubss real name.

  CLIP (COINAGE): The nickname for an imperial copper coin in the Final Empire. Commonly used by Mistborn and Coinshots for jumping and attacking.

  CLUBS: A Smoker on Kelsiers crew, now general of Elends armies. He once was a skaa carpenter.

  COINSHOT: A Misting who can burn steel.

  COLLAPSE, THE: The death of the Lord Ruler and the fall of the Final Empire.

  COPPERCLOUD: The invisible, obsuring field set up by someone burning copper. If an Allomancer burns metals while within a coppercloud, their Allomantic pulses are hidden from those burning bronze. The term "Coppercloud" is also, sometimes, used to refer to a Smoker (a Misting who can burn copper).

  DEEPNESS, THE: The mythological monster or force that threatened the land just before the rise of the Lord Ruler and the Final Empire. The term comes from Terris lore, and the Hero of Ages was the one prophesied to come and eventually defeat the Deepness. The Lord Ruler claims to have defeated it when he Ascended.

  DEMOUX, CAPTAIN: Hams second-in-command, a soldier in Elends palace guard.

  DOCKSON: Kelsiers old right-hand man, informal leader of his crew now that Kelsier is dead. He has no Allomantic powers.

  DOMINANCE (FINAL EMPIRE): A province of the Final Empire. Luthadel is in the Central Dominance. The four surrounding dominances are called the Inner Dominances, and include most of the population and culture of the Final Empire. After the Collapse, the Final Empire shattered, and different kings took power, trying to claim leadership of the various dominances, effectively turning each one into a kingdom of its own.

  DOX: Docksons nickname.

  ELEND VENTURE: King of the Central Dominance, son of Straff Venture.

  EXTINGUISH (ALLOMANTIC): To cease burning an Allomantic metal.

  FADREX: A modestly sized, well-fortified city in the Western Dominance. Capital city and home to Ashweather Cett. A main place of stockpile for the Canton of Resource.

  FELT: Once one of Straffs spies, the man was (like most of Straffs employees) left behind at the fall of Luthadel. He gave his allegiance to Elend instead.

  FINAL EMPIRE: The empire established by the Lord Ruler. The name came from the fact that, being immortal, he felt that it would be the last empire the world ever knew, since it would never fall or end.

  FLARE (ALLOMANTIC): To draw a little extra power from an Allomantic metal at the expense of making it burn faster.

  GNEORNDIN: Ashweather Cetts only son.

  GORADEL: Once a soldier in the Luthadel Garrison, Goradel was guarding the palace when Vin decided to infiltrate and kill the Lord Ruler. Vin convinced him to switch sides, and he later led Elend through the palace to try and rescue her. Now a member of Elends guard.

  HAM: A Thug on Kelsiers crew, now captain of Elends palace guard.

  HAMMOND: Hams real name.

  HATHSIN: See Pits of Hathsin.

  HERO OF AGES, THE: The mythological prophesied savior of the Terris people. It was foretold that he would come, take the power at the Well of Ascension, then be selfless enough to give it up in order to save the world from the Deepness. Alendi was thought to be the Hero of Ages, but was killed before he could complete his quest.

  INQUISITORS, STEEL: A group of strange creatures, priests who served the Lord Ruler. They have spikes driven completely through their heads—point-first through the eyes—yet continue to live. They were fanatically devoted to him, and were used primarily to hunt out and kill skaa with Allomantic powers. They have the abilities of a Mistborn, and some others.

  IRONEYES: Marshs nickname in the crew.

  IRONPULL: Pulling on a metal when Allomantically burning iron. This Pull exerts a force on the metal item, yanking it directly toward the Allomancer. If the metallic item, known as an anchor, is heavier than the Allomancer, he or she will instead be Pulled toward the metal source.

  JANARLE: Straff Ventures second-in-command.

  JASTES LEKAL: Heir to the Lekal house title, one of Elends former friends. He and Elend often talked politics and philosophy together with Telden.

  KANDRA: A race of strange creatures who can ingest the dead body of a person, then reproduce that body with their own flesh. They keep the bones of the person they imitate, using them, as kandra themselves have no bones. They serve Contracts with mankind—which must be bought with atium—and are relatives of mistwraiths.

  KEEPER (TERRIS): "Keeper" is often used as simply another term for a Feruchemist. The Keepers are actually an organization of Feruchemists dedicated to discovering, then memorizing, all of the knowledge and religions that existed before the Ascension. The Lord Ruler hunted them to near extinction, forcing them to remain hidden.

  KELL: Kelsiers nickname.

  KELSIER: The most famous thieving crewleader in the Final Empire, Kelsier raised a rebellion of skaa and overthrew the Lord Ruler, but was killed in the process. He was Mistborn, and was Vins teacher.

  KHLENNIUM: An ancient kingdom that existed before the rise of the Final Empire. It was Alendis homeland.

  KLISS: A woman whom Vin knew in the court at Luthadel. She eventually turned out to be an informant for hire.

  KOLOSS: A race of bestial warriors created by the Lord Ruler during his Ascension, then used by him to conquer the world.

  KREDIK SHAW: The Lord Rulers palace in Luthadel. It means "the Hill of a Thousand Spires" in the old Terris language.

  KWAAN: A Terris scholar before the Collapse. He was a Worldbringer, and was the first to mistakenly think that Alendi was the Hero of Ages. He later changed his mind, betraying his former friend.

  LADRIAN: Breezes real name.

  LESTIBOURNES: Spooks real name.

  LLAMAS, MISTBORN: Brandons writing group. Mistborn Llamas burn various kinds of plants to gain super-llaman powers. T-shirts can be found on the Web site.

  LORD RULER: The emperor who ruled the Final Empire for a thousand years. He was once named Rashek, and was a Terris servant who was hired by Alendi. He killed Alendi, however, and went to the Well of Ascension in his place, and there took the power and Ascended. He was finally killed by Vin.

  LURCHER: A Misting who can burn steel.

  LUTHADEL: Capital of the Final Empire, and largest city in the land. Luthadel is known for its textiles, its forges, and its majestic noble keeps.

  MALATIUM: The metal discovered by Kelsier, often dubbed the Eleventh Metal. Nobody knows where he found it, or why he thought it could kill the Lord Ruler. It did, however, eventually lead Vin to the clue she needed to defeat the emperor.

  MARDRA: Hams wife. She doesnt like to be involved in his thieving practices, or exposing their children to the danger of his lifestyle, and generally keeps her distance from the members of the crew.
r />   METALMIND: A piece of metal that a Feruchemist uses as a kind of battery, filling it with certain attributes that he or she can later withdraw. Specific metalminds are named after the different metals: tinmind, steelmind, etc.

  MIST: The strange, omnipresent fog that falls on the Final Empire every night. Thicker than a regular fog, it swirls and churns about, almost as if it were alive.

  MISTBORN: An Allomancer who can burn all of the Allomantic metals.

  MISTCLOAK: A garment worn by many Mistborn as a mark of their station. It is constructed from dozens of thick ribbons of cloth that are sewn together at the top, but allowed to spread free from the shoulders down.

  MISTING: An Allomancer who can burn only one metal. They are much more common than Mistborn. (Note: In Allomancy, an Allomancer has either one power or all of them. There are no in-betweens with two or three. )

  MISTWRAITH: A nonsentient relative of the kandra people. Mistwraiths are globs of boneless flesh that scavenge the land at night, eating bodies they find, then using the skeletons for their own bodies.

  MOORDEN: One of the only obligators who chose to stay in Luthadel and serve Elend.

  OBLIGATOR: A member of the Lord Rulers priesthood. Obligators were more than just religious figures, however; they were civil bureaucrats, and even a spy network. A business deal or promise that wasnt witnessed by an obligator was not considered legally or morally binding.

  ORESEUR: A kandra employed by Kelsier. He once played the part of Lord Renoux, Vins uncle. Vin now holds his Contract.

  PENROD, FERSON: One of the most prominent noblemen left in Luthadel. A member of Elends Assembly.

  PEWTERARM: Another term for a Thug, a Misting who can burn pewter.

  PHILEN: A prominent merchant in Luthadel and a member of Elends Assembly.

  PITS OF HATHSIN, THE: A network of caverns that were once the only place in the Final Empire that produced atium. The Lord Ruler used prisoners to work them. Kelsier destroyed their ability to produce atium shortly before he died.

  PULL (ALLOMANTIC): Using Allomancy to Pull on something—either peoples emotions with zinc, or metals with iron.

  PUSH (ALLOMANTIC): Using Allomancy to Push on something—either peoples emotions with brass, or metals with steel.

  RASHEK: A Terris packman before the Ascension, Rashek was hired by Alendi to help him make the trek to the Well of Ascension. Rashek never got along well with Alendi, and eventually killed him. He took the power himself, and became the Lord Ruler.

  REEN: Vins brother, the one who protected her and trained her as a thief. Reen was brutal and unforgiving, but he did save Vin from their insane mother, then protected her during her childhood.

  RELEASE (FERUCHEMICAL): When a Feruchemist stops tapping a metalmind, no longer drawing forth its power.

  RENOUX, LORD: A nobleman that Kelsier killed, then hired the kandra OreSeur to imitate. Vin played the part of his niece, Valette Renoux.

  RIOT (ALLOMANTIC): When an Allomancer burns zinc and Pulls on a persons emotions, enflaming them.

  RIOTER (ALLOMANTIC): A Misting who can burn zinc.

  SAZE: Sazeds nickname on the crew.

  SAZED: A Terris Keeper who joined Kelsiers crew against the wishes of his people, then helped overthrow the Final Empire.

  SEEKER (ALLOMANTIC): A Misting who can burn bronze.

  SHAN ELARIEL: Elends former fiancee, a Mistborn whom Vin killed.

  SKAA: The peasantry of the Final Empire. They were once of different races and nationalities, but over the thousand-year span of the empire the Lord Ruler worked hard to stamp out any sense of identity in the people, eventually succeeding in creating a single, homogeneous race of slave workers.

  SMOKER (ALLOMANTIC): An Allomancer who can burn copper. Also known as a Coppercloud.