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  The servant led him to a guest chamber, and Sazed thankfully bid the man good night. He watched the man walk away, holding only a candle, his lamp left for Sazed to use. During most of Sazeds life, he had belonged to a class of servants prized for their refined sense of duty and decorum. Hed been in charge of households and manors, supervising servants just like the one who had led him to his rooms.

  Another life, he thought. He had always been a little frustrated that his duties as a steward had left him little time for study. How ironic it was that he should help overthrow the Final Empire, then find himself with even less time.

  He reached to push open the door, and froze almost immediately. There was already a light inside the room.

  Did they leave a lamp on for me? he wondered. He slowly pushed the door open. Someone was waiting for him.

  "Tindwyl," Sazed said quietly. She sat beside the rooms writing desk, collected and neatly dressed, as always.

  "Sazed," she replied as he stepped in, shutting the door. Suddenly, he was even more acutely aware of his dirty robes.

  "You responded to my request," he said.

  "And you ignored mine. "

  Sazed didnt meet her eyes. He walked over, setting his lamp on top of the rooms bureau. "I noticed the kings new clothing, and he appears to have gained a bearing to match them. You have done well, I think. "

  "We are only just started," she said dismissively. "You were right about him. "

  "King Venture is a very good man," Sazed said, walking to the washbasin to wipe down his face. He welcomed the cold water; dealing with Tindwyl was bound to tire him even further.

  "Good men can make terrible kings," Tindwyl noted.

  "But bad men cannot make good kings," Sazed said. "It is better to start with a good man and work on the rest, I think. "

  "Perhaps," Tindwyl said. She watched him with her normal hard expression. Others thought her cold—harsh, even. But Sazed had never seen that in her. Considering what she had been through, he found it remarkable—amazing, even—that she was so confident. Where did she get it?

  "Sazed, Sazed. . . " she said. "Why did you return to the Central Dominance? You know the directions the Synod gave you. You are supposed to be in the Eastern Dominance, teaching the people on the borders of the burnlands. "

  "That is where I was," Sazed said. "And now I am here. The South will get along for a time without me, I think. "

  "Oh?" Tindwyl asked. "And who will teach them irrigation techniques, so they can produce enough food to survive the cold months? Who will explain to them basic lawmaking principles so that they may govern themselves? Who will show them how to reclaim their lost faiths and beliefs? You were always so passionate about that. "

  Sazed set down the washcloth. "I will return to teach them when I am certain there is not a greater work I need to do. "

  "What greater work could there be?" Tindwyl demanded. "This is our lifes duty, Sazed. This is the work of our entire people. I know that Luthadel is important to you, but there is nothing for you here. I will care for your king. You must go. "

  "I appreciate your work with King Venture," Sazed said. "My course has little to do with him, however. I have other research to do. "

  Tindwyl frowned, eyeing him with a cool stare. "Youre still looking for this phantom connection of yours. This foolishness with the mists. "

  "There is something wrong, Tindwyl," he said.

  "No," Tindwyl said, sighing. "Cant you see, Sazed? You spent ten years working to overthrow the Final Empire. Now, you cant content yourself with regular work, so you have invented some grand threat to the land. Youre afraid of being irrelevant. "

  Sazed looked down. "Perhaps. If you are correct, then I will seek the forgiveness of the Synod. I should probably seek it anyway, I think. "

  "Oh, Sazed," Tindwyl said, shaking her head slightly. "I cant understand you. It makes sense when young fire-heads like Vedzan and Rindel buck the Synods advice. But you? You are the soul of what it means to be Terris—so calm, so humble, so careful and respectful. So wise. Why are you the one who consistently defies our leaders? It doesnt make sense. "

  "I am not so wise as you think, Tindwyl," Sazed said quietly. "I am simply a man who must do as he believes. Right now, I believe there to be a danger in the mists, and I must investigate my impressions. Perhaps it is simply arrogance and foolishness. But I would rather be known as arrogant and foolish than risk danger to the people of this land. "

  "You will find nothing. "

  "Then I will be proven wrong," Sazed said. He turned, looking into her eyes. "But kindly remember that the last time I disobeyed the Synod, the result was the collapse of the Final Empire and the freedom of our people. "

  Tindwyl made a tight-lipped frown. She didnt like being reminded of that fact—none of the Keepers did. They held that Sazed had been wrong to disobey, but they couldnt very well punish him for his success.

  "I dont understand you," she repeated quietly. "You should be a leader among our people, Sazed. Not our greatest rebel and dissident. Everyone wants to look up to you—but they cant. Must you defy every order you are given?"

  He smiled wanly, but did not answer.

  Tindwyl sighed, rising. She walked toward the door, but paused, taking his hand as she passed. She looked into his eyes for a moment; then he removed the hand.

  She shook her head and left.

  He commanded kings, and though he sought no empire, he became greater than all who had come before.


  SOMETHING IS GOING ON, VIN thought, sitting in the mists atop Keep Venture.

  Sazed was not prone to exaggeration. He was meticulous—that much showed in his mannerisms, his cleanliness, and even the way he spoke. And, he was even more meticulous when it came to his studies. Vin was inclined to believe his discoveries.

  And shed certainly seen things in the mists. Dangerous things. Could the mist spirit explain the deaths Sazed had encountered? But, if thats the case, why didnt Sazed speak of figures in the mist?

  She sighed, closing her eyes and burning bronze. She could hear the spirit, watching nearby. And, she could hear it again as well, the strange thumping in the distance. She opened her eyes, leaving her bronze on, and quietly unfolded something from her pocket: a sheet from the logbook. By the light from Elends balcony below, and with tin, she could easily read the words.

  I sleep but a few hours each night. We must press forward, traveling as much as we can each day—but when I finally lie down, I find sleep elusive. The same thoughts that trouble me during the day are only compounded by the stillness of night.

  And, above it all, I hear the thumping sounds from above, the pulsings from the mountains. Drawing me closer with each beat.

  She shivered. She had asked one of Elends seekers to burn bronze, and he had claimed to hear nothing from the north. Either he was the kandra, lying to her about his ability to burn bronze, or Vin could hear a rhythm that nobody else could. Nobody except a man a thousand years dead.

  A man everyone had assumed was the Hero of Ages.

  Youre being silly, she told herself, refolding the paper. Jumping to conclusions. To her side, OreSeur rustled, lying quietly and staring out over the city.

  And yet, she kept thinking of Sazeds words. Something was happening with the mists. Something was wrong.

  Zane didnt find her atop Keep Hasting.

  He stopped in the mists, standing quietly. Hed expected to find her waiting, for this was the place of their last fight. Even thinking of the event made him tense with anticipation.

  During the months of sparring, they had always met again at the place where hed eventually lost her. Yet, hed returned to this location on several nights, and had never found her. He frowned, thinking of Straffs orders, and of necessity.

  Eventually, he would likely be ordered to kill this girl. He wasnt certain what bothered him more—his growing reluct
ance to consider such an act, or his growing worry that he might not actually be able to beat her.

  She could be it, he thought. The thing that finally lets me resist. The thing that convinces me to just. . . leave.

  He couldnt explain why he needed a reason. Part of him simply ascribed it to his insanity, though the rational part of him felt that was a weak excuse. Deep down, he admitted that Straff was all he had ever known. Zane wouldnt be able to leave until he knew he had someone else to rely on.

  He turned away from Keep Hasting. Hed had enough of waiting; it was time to seek her out. Zane threw a coin, bounding across the city for a time. And, sure enough, there she was: sitting atop Keep Venture, watching over his foolish brother.

  Zane rounded the keep, keeping far enough away that even tin-enhanced eyes wouldnt see him. He landed on the back of the keeps roof, then walked forward quietly. He approached, watching her sit on the edge of the roof. The air was silent.

  Finally, she turned around, jumping slightly. He swore that she could sense him when she shouldnt be able to.

  Either way, he was discovered.

  "Zane," Vin said flatly, easily identifying the silhouette. He wore his customary black on black, with no mistcloak.

  "Ive been waiting," he said quietly. "Atop Keep Hasting. Hoping youd come. "

  She sighed, careful to keep an eye on him, but relaxing slightly. "Im not really in the mood for sparring right now. "

  He watched her. "Pity," he finally said. He walked over, prompting Vin to rise cautiously to her feet. He paused beside the lip of the rooftop, looking down at Elends lit balcony.

  Vin glanced at OreSeur. He was tense, alternately watching her and Zane.

  "Youre so worried about him," Zane said quietly.

  "Elend?" Vin asked.

  Zane nodded. "Even though he uses you. "

  "Weve had this discussion, Zane. He isnt using me. "

  Zane looked up at her, meeting her eyes, standing straight-backed and confident in the night.

  Hes so strong, she thought. So sure of himself. So different from. . .

  She stopped herself.

  Zane turned away. "Tell me, Vin," he said, "when you were younger, did you ever wish for power?"

  Vin cocked her head, frowning at the strange question. "What do you mean?"

  "You grew up on the streets," Zane said. "When you were younger, did you wish for power? Did you dream of having the ability to free yourself, to kill those who brutalized you?"

  "Of course I did," Vin said.

  "And now you have that power," Zane said. "What would the child Vin say if she could see you? A Mistborn who is bent and bowed by the weight of anothers will? Powerful, yet somehow still subservient?"

  "Im a different person now, Zane," Vin said. "Id like to think that Ive learned things since I was a child. "

  "Ive found that a childs instincts are often the most honest," Zane said. "The most natural. "

  Vin didnt respond.

  Zane turned quietly, looking out over the city, seemingly unconcerned that he was exposing his back to her. Vin eyed him, then dropped a coin. It plinked against the metal rooftop, and he immediately glanced back toward her.

  No, she thought, he doesnt trust me.