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  "I shall try to remember that, Lady Vin," Sazed said, and gesturing for her to enter.

  Vin hopped spryly through the window, mistcloak rustling. "Try to remember?" she asked. "You never forget anything. Not even the things you dont have stuck in a metalmind. "

  Shes grown so much more bold, he thought as she walked over to his writing desk, peering over his work. Even in the months Ive been away.

  "Whats this?" Vin asked, still looking at the desk.

  "I found it at the Conventical of Seran, Lady Vin," Sazed said, walking forward. It felt so good to be wearing clean robes again, to have a quiet and comfortable place in which to study. Was he a bad man for preferring this to travel?

  One month, he thought. I will give myself one month of study. Then I will turn the project over to someone else.

  "What is it?" Vin asked, holding up the rubbing.

  "If you please, Lady Vin," Sazed said apprehensively. "That is quite fragile. The rubbing could be smudged. . . . "

  Vin nodded, putting it down and scanning his transcription. There had been a time when she would have avoided anything that smelled of stuffy writing, but now she looked intrigued. "This mentions the Deepness!" she said with excitement.

  "Among other things," Sazed said, joining her at the desk. He sat down, and Vin walked over to one of the rooms low-backed, plush chairs. However, she didnt sit on it as an ordinary person would; instead, she hopped up and sat down on the top of the chairs back, her feet resting on the seat cushion.

  "What?" she asked, apparently noticing Sazeds smile.

  "Just amused at a proclivity of Mistborn, Lady Vin," he said. "Your kind has trouble simply sitting—it seems you always want to perch instead. That is what comes from having such an incredible sense of balance, I think. "

  Vin frowned, but passed over the comment. "Sazed," she said, "what was the Deepness?"

  He laced his fingers before himself, regarding the young woman as he mused. "The Deepness, Lady Vin? That is a subject of much debate, I think. It was supposedly something great and powerful, though some scholars have dismissed the entire legend as a fabrication concocted by the Lord Ruler. There is some reason to believe this theory, I think, for the only real records of those times are the ones sanctioned by the Steel Ministry. "

  "But, the logbook mentions the Deepness," Vin said. "And so does that thing youre translating now. "

  "Indeed, Lady Vin," Sazed said. "But, even among those who assume the Deepness was real, there is a great deal of debate. Some hold to the Lord Rulers official story, that the Deepness was a horrible, supernatural beast—a dark god, if you will. Others disagree with this extreme interpretation. They think the Deepness was more mundane—an army of some sort, perhaps invaders from another land. The Farmost Dominance, during pre-Ascension times, was apparently populated with several breeds of men who were quite primitive and warlike. "

  Vin was smiling. He looked at her questioningly, and she just shrugged. "I asked Elend this same question," she explained, "and I got barely a sentence-long response. "

  "His Majesty has different areas of scholarship; pre-Ascension history may be too stuffy a topic even for him. Besides, anyone who asks a Keeper about the past should be prepared for an extended conversation, I think. "

  "Im not complaining," Vin said. "Continue. "

  "There isnt much more to say—or, rather, there is a great deal more to say, but I doubt much of it has relevance. Was the Deepness an army? Was it, perhaps, the first attack from koloss, as some theorize? That would explain much—most stories agree that the Lord Ruler gained some power to defeat the Deepness at the Well of Ascension. Perhaps he gained the support of the koloss, and then used them as his armies. "

  "Sazed," Vin said. "I dont think the Deepness was the koloss. "


  "I think it was the mist. "

  "That theory has been proposed," Sazed said with a nod.

  "It has?" Vin asked, sounding a bit disappointed.

  "Of course, Lady Vin. During the thousand-year reign of the Final Empire, there are few possibilities that havent been discussed, I think. The mist theory has been advanced before, but there are several large problems with it. "

  "Such as?"

  "Well," Sazed said, "for one thing, the Lord Ruler is said to have defeated the Deepness. However, the mist is obviously still here. Also, if the Deepness was simply mist, why call it by such an obscure name? Of course, others point out that much of what we know or have heard of the Deepness comes from oral lore, and something very common can take on mystical properties when transferred verbally through generations. The Deepness therefore could mean not just the mist, but the event of its coming or alteration.

  "The larger problem with the mist theory, however, is one of malignance. If we trust the accounts—and we have little else to go on—the Deepness was terrible and destructive. The mist seems to display none of this danger. "

  "But it kills people now. "

  Sazed paused. "Yes, Lady Vin. It apparently does. "

  "And what if it did so before, but the Lord Ruler stopped it somehow? You yourself said that you think we did something—something that changed the mist—when we killed the Lord Ruler. "

  Sazed nodded. "The problems I have been investigating are quite terrible, to be certain. However, I do not see that they could be a threat on the same level as the Deepness. Certain people have been killed by the mists, but many are elderly or otherwise lacking in constitution. It leaves many people alone. "

  He paused, tapping his thumbs together. "But, I would be remiss if I didnt admit some merit to the suggestion, Lady Vin. Perhaps even a few deaths would be enough to cause a panic. The danger could have been exaggerated by retelling—and, perhaps the killings were more widespread before. I havent been able to collect enough information to be certain of anything yet. "

  Vin didnt respond. Oh, dear, Sazed thought, sighing to himself. Ive bored her. I really do need to be more careful, watching my vocabulary and my language. One would think that after all my travels among the skaa, I would have learned—

  "Sazed?" Vin said, sounding thoughtful. "What if were looking at it wrong? What if these random deaths in the mists arent the problem at all?"

  "What do you mean, Lady Vin?"

  She sat quietly for a moment, one foot tapping back idly against the chairs back cushion. She finally looked up, meeting his eyes. "What would happen if the mists came during the day permanently?"

  Sazed mused on that for a moment.

  "There would be no light," Vin continued. "Plants would die, people would starve. There would be death. . . chaos. "

  "I suppose," Sazed said. "Perhaps that theory has merit. "

  "Its not a theory," Vin said, hopping down from her chair. "Its what happened. "

  "Youre so certain, already?" Sazed asked with amusement.

  Vin nodded curtly, joining him at the desk. "Im right," she said with her characteristic bluntness. "I know it. " She pulled something out of a trouser pocket, then drew over a stool to sit beside him. She unfolded the wrinkled sheet and flattened it on the desk.

  "These are quotes from the logbook," Vin said. She pointed at a paragraph. "Here the Lord Ruler talks about how armies were useless against the Deepness. At first, I thought this meant that the armies hadnt been able to defeat it—but look at the wording. He says The swords of my armies are useless. Whats more useless than trying to swing a sword at mist?"

  She pointed at another paragraph. "It left destruction in its wake, right? Countless thousands died because of it. But, he never says that the Deepness actually attacked them. He says that they died because of it. Maybe weve just been looking at this the wrong way all along. Those people werent crushed or eaten. They starved to death because their land was slowly being swallowed by the mists. "

  Sazed studied her paper. She seemed so certain. Did she kn
ow nothing of proper research techniques? Of questioning, of studying, of postulating and devising answers?

  Of course she doesnt, Sazed chastised himself. She grew up on the streets—she doesnt use research techniques.

  She just uses instinct. And shes usually right.

  He smoothed the paper again, reading its passages. "Lady Vin? Did you write this yourself?"

  She flushed. "Why is everybody so surprised about that?"

  "It just doesnt seem in your nature, Lady Vin. "

  "You people have corrupted me," she said. "Look, there isnt a single comment on this sheet that contradicts the idea that the Deepness was mist. "

  "Not contradicting a point and proving it are different things, Lady Vin. "

  She waved indifferently. "Im right, Sazed. I know I am. "

  "What about this point, then?" Sazed asked, pointing to a line. "The Hero implies that he can sense a sentience to the Deepness. The mist isnt alive. "

  "Well, it does swirl around someone using Allomancy. "

  "That isnt the same thing, I think," Sazed said. "He says that the Deepness was mad. . . destructively insane. Evil. "

  Vin paused. "There is something, Sazed," she admitted.

  He frowned.

  She pointed at another section of notes. "Do you recognize these paragraphs?" It isnt a shadow, the words read.

  This dark thing that follows me, the thing that only I can see—it isnt really a shadow. It is blackish and translucent, but it doesnt have a shadowlike solid outline. Its insubstantial—wispy and formless. Like its made out of a dark fog.

  Or mist, perhaps.

  "Yes, Lady Vin," Sazed said. "The Hero saw a creature following him. It attacked one of his companions, I think. "

  Vin looked in his eyes. "Ive seen it, Sazed. "

  He felt a chill.

  "Its out there," she said. "Every night, in the mists. Watching me. I can feel it, with Allomancy. And, if I get close enough, I can see it. As if formed from the mist itself. Insubstantial, yet somehow still there. "

  Sazed sat quietly for a moment, not certain what to think.

  "You think me mad," Vin accused.

  "No, Lady Vin," he said quietly. "I dont think any of us are in a position to call such things madness, not considering what is happening. Just. . . are you certain?"

  She nodded firmly.

  "But," Sazed said. "Even if this is true, it does not answer my question. The logbook author saw that same creature, and he didnt refer to it as the Deepness. It was not the Deepness, then. The Deepness was something else—something dangerous, something he could feel as evil. "

  "Thats the secret, then," Vin said. "We have to figure out why he spoke of the mists that way. Then well know. . . "

  "Know what, Lady Vin?" Sazed asked.

  Vin paused, then looked away. She didnt answer, instead turning to a different topic. "Sazed, the Hero never did what he was supposed to. Rashek killed him. And, when Rashek took the power at the Well, he didnt give it up like he was supposed to—he kept it for himself. "