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  Penrod nodded to Elend, then turned and joined a few of the noblemen who were leaving. Elend stood quietly for a moment.

  We have seen a curious phenomenon associated with rebel groups that break off of the Final Empire and attempt to seek autonomy, he thought, recalling a passage from Ytvess book Studies in Revolution. In almost all cases, the Lord Ruler didnt need to send his armies to reconquer the rebels. By the time his agents arrived, the groups had overthrown themselves.

  It seems that the rebels found the chaos of transition more difficult to accept than the tyranny they had known before. They joyfully welcomed back authority—even oppressive authority—for it was less painful for them than uncertainty.

  Vin and the others joined him on the stage, and he put his arm around her shoulders, standing quietly as he watched people trail from the building. Cett sat surrounded by a small group of Assemblymen, arranging meetings with them.

  "Well," Vin said quietly. "We know hes Mistborn. "

  Elend turned toward her. "You sensed Allomancy from him?"

  Vin shook her head. "No. "

  "Then, how do you know?" Elend asked.

  "Well, look at him," Vin said with a wave of her hand. "He acts like he cant walk—that has to be covering up something. What would be more innocent than a cripple? Can you think of a better way to hide the fact that youre a Mistborn?"

  "Vin, my dear," Breeze said, "Cett has been crippled since childhood, when a disease rendered his legs useless. Hes not Mistborn. "

  Vin raised an eyebrow. "That has to be one of the best cover stories Ive ever heard. "

  Breeze rolled his eyes, but Elend just smiled.

  "What now, Elend?" Ham asked. "We obviously cant deal with things the same way now that Cett has entered the city. "

  Elend nodded. "We have to plan. Lets. . . " He trailed off as a young man left Cetts group, walking toward Elend. It was the same man who had been sitting next to Cett.

  "Cetts son," Breeze whispered. "Gneorndin. "

  "Lord Venture," Gneorndin said, bowing slightly. He was, perhaps, about Spooks age. "My father wishes to know when you would like to meet with him. "

  Elend raised an eyebrow. "I have no intention of joining the line of Assemblymen waiting upon Cetts bribes, lad. Tell your father that he and I have nothing to discuss. "

  "You dont?" Gneorndin asked. "And what about my sister? The one you kidnapped?"

  Elend frowned. "You know that isnt true. "

  "My father would still like to discuss the event," Gneorndin said, shooting a hostile glance at Breeze. "Besides, he thinks that a conversation between you two might be in the citys best interests. You met with Straff in his camp—dont tell me that you arent willing to do the same for Cett inside your own city?"

  Elend paused. Forget your biases, he told himself. You need to talk to this man, if only for the information the meeting might provide.

  "All right," Elend said. "Ill meet with him. "

  "Dinner, in one week?" Gneorndin asked.

  Elend nodded curtly.

  As the one who found Alendi, however, I became someone important. Foremost among the Worldbringers.


  VIN LAY ON HER STOMACH, arms folded, head resting on them as she studied a sheet of paper on the floor in front of her. Considering the last few days of chaos, it was surprising to her that she found returning to her studies to be a relief.

  A small one, however, for her studies held their own problems. The Deepness has returned, she thought. Even if the mists only kill infrequently, theyve begun to turn hostile again. That means the Hero of Ages needs to come again too, doesnt it?

  Did she honestly think that might be her? It sounded ridiculous, when she considered it. Yet, she heard the thumping in her head, saw the spirit in the mists. . . .

  And what of that night, over a year gone, when shed confronted the Lord Ruler? That night when somehow, shed drawn the mists into herself, burning them as if they were metal?

  Thats not enough, she told herself. One freak event—one Ive never been able to replicate—doesnt mean Im some mythological savior. She didnt even really know most of the prophecies about the Hero. The logbook mentioned that he was supposed to come from humble origins—but that pretty much described every skaa in the Final Empire. He was supposed to have hidden royal bloodlines, but that made every half-breed in the city a candidate. In fact, shed be willing to bet that most skaa had one or another hidden nobleman progenitor.

  She sighed, shaking her head.

  "Mistress?" OreSeur asked, turning. He stood on a chair, his forepaws up against the window as he looked out at the city.

  "Prophecies, legends, foretellings," Vin said, slapping her hand down on her sheet of notes. "Whats the point? Why did the Terris even believe in these things? Shouldnt a religion teach something practical?"

  OreSeur settled down on his haunches upon the chair. "What would be more practical than gaining knowledge of the future?"

  "If these actually said something useful, Id agree. But even the logbook acknowledges that the Terris prophecies could be understood many different ways. What good are promises that could be interpreted so liberally?"

  "Do not dismiss someones beliefs because you do not understand them, Mistress. "

  Vin snorted. "You sound like Sazed. A part of me is tempted to think that all these prophecies and legends were devised by priests who wanted to make a living. "

  "Only a part of you?" OreSeur asked, sounding amused.

  Vin paused, then nodded. "The part that grew up on the streets, the part that always expects a scam. " That part didnt want to acknowledge the other things she felt.

  The thumpings were getting stronger and stronger.

  "Prophecies do not have to be a scam, Mistress," OreSeur said. "Or even, really, a promise for the future. They can simply be an expression of hope. "

  "What do you know of such things?" Vin said dismissively, setting aside her sheet.

  There was a moment of silence. "Nothing, of course, Mistress," OreSeur eventually said.

  Vin turned toward the dog. "Im sorry, OreSeur. I didnt mean. . . Well, Ive just been feeling distracted lately. "

  Thump. Thump. Thump. . . .

  "You need not apologize to me, Mistress," OreSeur said. "I am only kandra. "

  "Still a person," Vin said. "If one with dog breath. "

  OreSeur smiled. "You chose these bones for me, Mistress. You must deal with the consequences. "

  "The bones might have something to do with it," Vin said, rising. "But I dont think that carrion you eat is helping. Honestly, we have to get you some mint leaves to chew. "

  OreSeur raised a canine eyebrow. "And you dont think a dog with sweet breath would attract attention?"

  "Only from anyone you happen to kiss in the near future," Vin said, returning her stacks of paper to her desk.

  OreSeur chuckled softly in his canine way, turning back to study the city.

  "Is the procession finished yet?" Vin asked.

  "Yes, Mistress," OreSeur said. "It is difficult to see, even from a height. But, it does look like Lord Cett has finished moving in. He certainly did bring a lot of carts. "

  "Hes Allriannes father," Vin said. "Despite how much that girl complains about accommodations in the army, Id bet that Cett likes to travel in comfort. "

  OreSeur nodded. Vin turned, leaning against the desk, watching him and thinking of what hed said earlier. Expression of hope. . . .

  "The kandra have a religion, dont they?" Vin guessed.

  OreSeur turned sharply. That was enough of a confirmation.

  "Do the Keepers know of it?" Vin asked.

  OreSeur stood on his hind legs, paws against the windowsill. "I should not have spoken. "

  "You neednt be afraid," Vin said. "I wont give away your secret. But, I dont see why it has to be secret anymore. "

/>   "It is a kandra thing, Mistress," OreSeur said. "It wouldnt be of any interest to anyone else. "

  "Of course it would," Vin said. "Dont you see, OreSeur? The Keepers believe that the last independent religion was destroyed by the Lord Ruler centuries ago. If the kandra managed to keep one, that suggests that the Lord Rulers theological control of the Final Empire wasnt absolute. That has to mean something. "

  OreSeur paused, cocking his head, as if he hadnt considered such things.

  His theological control wasnt absolute? Vin thought, a bit surprised at the words. Lord Ruler—Im starting to sound like Sazed and Elend. Ive been studying too much lately.

  "Regardless, Mistress," OreSeur said. "Id rather you didnt mention this to your Keeper friends. They would probably begin asking discomforting questions. "

  "Theyre like that," Vin said with a nod. "What is it your people have prophecies about, anyway?"

  "I dont think you want to know, Mistress. "

  Vin smiled. "They talk about overthrowing us, dont they?"

  OreSeur sat down, and she could almost see a flush on his canine face. "My. . . people have dealt with the Contract for a great long time, Mistress. I know it is difficult for you to understand why we would live under this burden, but we find it necessary. Yet, we do dream of a day when it may not be. "

  "When all the humans are subject to you?" Vin asked.

  OreSeur looked away. "When theyre all dead, actually. "

  "Wow. "

  "The prophecies are not literal, Mistress," OreSeur said. "Theyre metaphors—expressions of hope. Or, at least, that is how I have always seen them. Perhaps your Terris prophecies are the same? Expressions of a belief that if the people were in danger, their gods would send a Hero to protect them? In this case, the vagueness would be intentional—and rational. The prophecies were never meant to mean someone specific, but more to speak of a general feeling. A general hope. "

  If the prophecies werent specific, why could only she sense the drumming beats?

  Stop it, she told herself. Youre jumping to conclusions. "All the humans dead," she said. "How do we die off? The kandra kill us?"

  "Of course not," OreSeur said. "We honor our Contract, even in religion. The stories say that youll kill yourselves off. Youre of Ruin, after all, while the kandra are of Preservation. Youre. . . actually supposed to destroy the world, I believe. Using the koloss as your pawns. "

  "You actually sound sorry for them," Vin noted with amusement.

  "The kandra actually tend to think well of the koloss, Mistress," OreSeur said. "There is a bond between us; we both understand what it is to be slaves, we both are outsiders to the culture of the Final Empire, we both—"

  He paused.

  "What?" Vin asked.

  "Might I speak no further?" OreSeur asked. "I have said too much already. You put me off balance, Mistress. "

  Vin shrugged. "We all need secrets. " She glanced toward the door. "Though theres one I still need to figure out. "

  OreSeur hopped down from his chair, joining her as she strode out the door.