Page 85

  The truth was that Elend felt a little like his soldiers did. He felt a satisfaction—a thrill even—from doing something, anything, to help.

  "What if Cetts attack comes?" Ham said, still looking over the soldiers. "A good portion of the army will be out scattered through the city. "

  "Even if we have a thousand men in my teams, thats not much of a dent in our forces. Besides, Clubs thinks there will be plenty of time to gather them. Weve got messengers set up. "

  Elend looked back at his map. "Anyway, I dont think Cetts going to attack just yet. Hes pretty safe in that keep, there. Well never take him—wed have to pull too many men away from the city defenses, leaving ourselves exposed. The only thing he really has to worry about is my father. . . "

  Elend trailed off.

  "What?" Ham said.

  "Thats why Cett is here," Elend said, blinking in surprise. "Dont you see? He intentionally left himself without options. If Straff attacks, Cetts armies will end up fighting alongside our own. Hes locked in his fate with ours. "

  Ham frowned. "Seems like a pretty desperate move. "

  Elend nodded, thinking back to his meeting with Cett. "Desperate," he said. "Thats a good word. Cett is desperate for some reason—one I havent been able to figure out. Anyway, by putting himself in here, he sides with us against Straff—whether we want the alliance or not. "

  "But, what if the Assembly gives the city to Straff? If our men join with him and attack Cett?"

  "Thats the gamble he took," Elend said. Cett never intended to be able to walk away from the confrontation here in Luthadel. He intends to take the city or be destroyed.

  He is waiting, hoping Straff will attack, worrying that well just give into him. But neither can happen as long as Straff is afraid of Vin. A three-way standoff. With the koloss as a fourth element that nobody can predict.

  Someone needed to do something to tip the scales. "Demoux," Elend said. "Are you ready to take over here?"

  Captain Demoux looked over, nodding.

  Elend turned to Ham. "I have a question for you, Ham. "

  Ham raised an eyebrow.

  "How insane are you feeling at the moment?

  Elend led his horse out of the tunnel into the scraggly landscape outside of Luthadel. He turned, craning to look up at the wall. Hopefully, the soldiers there had gotten his message, and wouldnt mistake him for a spy or a scout of one of the enemy armies. Hed rather not end up in Tindwyls histories as the ex-king whod died by an arrow from one of his own men.

  Ham led a small, grizzled woman from the tunnel. As Elend had guessed, Ham had easily found a suitable passwall to get them out of the city.

  "Well, there you go," said the elderly woman, resting on her cane.

  "Thank you, good woman," Elend said. "You have served your dominance well this day. "

  The woman snorted, raising an eyebrow—though, from what Elend could tell, she was quite nearly blind. Elend smiled, pulling out a pouch and handing it to her. She reached into it with gnarled, but surprisingly dexterous, fingers and counted out the contents. "Three extra?"

  "To pay you to leave a scout here," Elend said. "To watch for our return. "

  "Return?" the woman asked. "You arent running?"

  "No," Elend said. "I just have some business with one of the armies. "

  The woman raised the eyebrow again. "Well, none of Grannys business," she muttered, turning back down the hole with a tapping cane. "For three clips, I can find a grandson to sit out here for a few hours. Lord Ruler knows, I have enough of them. "

  Ham watched her go, a spark of fondness in his eyes.

  "How long have you known about this place?" Elend asked, watching as a couple of burly men pulled closed the hidden section of stone. Half burrowed, half cut from the walls stones themselves, the tunnel was a remarkable feat. Even after hearing about the existence of such things from Felt earlier, it was still a shock to travel through one hidden not a few minutes ride from Keep Venture itself.

  Ham turned back to him as the false wall snapped shut. "Oh, Ive known of this for years and years," he said. "Granny Hilde used to give me sweets when I was a kid. Of course, that was really just a cheap way of getting some quiet—yet well-targeted—publicity for her passwall. When I was grown, I used to use this to sneak Mardra and the kids in and out of the city when they came to visit. "

  "Wait," Elend said. "You grew up in Luthadel?"

  "Of course. "

  "On the streets, like Vin?"

  Ham shook his head. "Not really like Vin," he said in a subdued voice, scanning the wall. "I dont really think anyone grew up like Vin. I had skaa parents—my grandfather was the nobleman. I was involved with the underground, but I had my parents for a good portion of my childhood. Besides, I was a boy—and a large one. " He turned toward Elend. "I suspect that makes a big difference. "

  Elend nodded.

  "Youre not going to shut this place down, are you?" Ham asked.

  Elend turned with shock. "Why would I?"

  Ham shrugged. "It doesnt exactly seem like the kind of honest enterprise that you would approve of. There are probably people fleeing from the city nightly through this hole. Granny Hilde is known to take coin and not ask questions—even if she does grumble at you a bit. "

  Ham did have a point. Probably why he didnt tell me about the place until I specifically asked. His friends walked a fine line, close to their old ties with the underground, yet working hard to build up the government theyd sacrificed so much to create.

  "Im not king," Elend said, leading his horse away from the city. "What Granny Hilde does isnt any of my business. "

  Ham moved up beside him, looking relieved. Elend could see that relief dissipate, however, as the reality of what they were doing settled in. "I dont like this, El. "

  They stopped walking as Elend mounted. "Neither do I. "

  Ham took a deep breath, then nodded.

  My old nobleman friends would have tried to talk me out of this, Elend thought with amusement. Why did I surround myself with people who had been loyal to the Survivor? They expect their leaders to take irrational risks.

  "Ill go with you," Ham said.

  "No," Elend said. "It wont make a difference. Stay here, wait to see if I get back. If I dont, tell Vin what happened. "

  "Sure, Ill tell her," Ham said wryly. "Then Ill proceed to remove her daggers from my chest. Just make sure you come back, all right?"

  Elend nodded, barely paying attention. His eyes were focused on the army in the distance. An army without tents, carriages, food carts, or servants. An army who had eaten the foliage to the ground in a wide swath around them. Koloss.

  Sweat made the reins slick in Elends hands. This was different from before, when hed gone into Straffs army and Cetts keep. This time he was alone. Vin couldnt get him out if things went bad; she was still recovering from her wounds, and nobody knew what Elend was doing but Ham.

  What do I owe the people of this city? Elend thought. They rejected me. Why do I still insist on trying to protect them?

  "I recognize that look, El," Ham said. "Lets go back. "

  Elend closed his eyes, letting out a quiet sigh. Then he snapped his eyes open and kicked his horse into a gallop.

  It had been years since hed seen koloss, and that experience had come only at his fathers insistence. Straff hadnt trusted the creatures, and had never liked having garrisons of them in the Northern Dominance, one just a few days march from his home city of Urteau. Those koloss had been a reminder, a warning, from the Lord Ruler.

  Elend rode his horse hard, as if using its momentum to bolster his own will. Aside from one brief visit to the Urteau koloss garrison, everything he knew of the creatures came from books—but Tindwyls instruction had weakened his once absolute, and slightly naive, trust in his learning.

  It will have to be enough, Elend thought as he approached the camp
. He gritted his teeth, slowing his animal as he approached a wandering squad of Koloss.

  It was as he remembered. One large creature—its skin revoltingly split and cracked by stretch marks—led a few medium-sized beasts, whose bleeding rips were only beginning to appear at the corners of their mouths and the edges of their eyes. A smattering of smaller creatures—their baggy skin loose and sagging beneath their eyes and arms—accompanied their betters.

  Elend reined in his horse, trotting it over to the largest beast. "Take me to Jastes. "

  "Get off your horse," the koloss said.

  Elend looked the creature directly in the eyes. Atop his horse, he was nearly the same height. "Take me to Jastes. "

  The koloss regarded him with a set of beady, unreadable eyes. It bore a rip from one eye to the other, above the nose, a secondary rip curving down to one of the nostrils. The nose itself was pulled so tight it was twisted and flattened, held to the bone a few inches off-center.

  This was the moment. The books said the creature would either do as commanded or simply attack him. Elend sat tensely.

  "Come," the koloss snapped, turning to walk back toward the camp. The rest of the creatures surrounded Elends horse, and the beast shuffled nervously. Elend kept a tight hold on his reins and nudged the animal forward. It responded skittishly.

  He should have felt good at his small victory, but his tension only increased. They moved forward into the koloss camp. It was like being swallowed. Like letting a rockslide collapse around you. Koloss looked up as he passed, watching him with their red, emotionless eyes. Many others just stood silently around their cooking fires, unresponsive, like men who had been born dull-minded and witless.

  Others fought. They killed each other, wrestling on the ground before their uncaring companions. No philosopher, scientist, or scholar had been able to determine exactly what set off a koloss. Greed seemed a good motivation. Yet, they would sometimes attack when there was plenty of food, killing a companion for his hunk of beef. Pain was another good motivator, apparently, as was a challenge to authority. Carnal, visceral reasons. And yet, there seemed to be times when they attacked without any cause or reason.

  And after fighting, they would explain themselves in calm tones, as if their actions were perfectly rational. Elend shivered as he heard yells, telling himself that he would probably be all right until he reached Jastes. Koloss usually just attacked each other.

  Unless they got into a blood frenzy.

  He pushed that thought away, instead focusing on the things that Sazed had mentioned about his trip into the koloss camp. The creatures wore the wide, brutish iron swords that Sazed had described. The bigger the koloss, the bigger the weapon. When a koloss reached a size where he thought he needed a larger sword, he had only two choices: find one that had been discarded, or kill someone and take theirs. A koloss population could often be crudely controlled by increasing or decreasing the number of swords available to the group.

  None of the scholars knew how the creatures bred.

  As Sazed had explained, these koloss also had strange little pouches tied to their sword straps. What are they? Elend thought. Sazed said he saw the largest koloss carrying three or four. But that one leading my group has almost twenty. Even the small koloss in Elends group had three pouches.