Page 94

  Sazed wilted slightly. "Its. . . that obvious, is it?"

  Breeze sat, laying his cane across his lap, and eyed Sazed tellingly, Soothing the man to make him feel a little more self-conscious. "You may have helped us overthrow the Lord Ruler, my dear man—but you have a lot to learn about being sneaky. "

  "I apologize," Sazed said, sitting. "I simply wanted to meet quickly, to discuss certain. . . sensitive issues. "

  "Well, Id recommend getting rid of those guards," Breeze said. "They make the room stand out. Then, light a few more lamps and get us something to eat or drink. If Elend walks in—I assume its Elend were hiding from?"

  "Yes. "

  "Well, if he comes and sees us sitting here in the dark, eyeing each other insidiously, hell know something is up. The less natural the occasion, the more natural you want to appear. "

  "Ah, I see," Sazed said. "Thank you. "

  The door opened and Clubs hobbled in. He eyed Breeze, then Sazed, then wandered over toward a chair. Breeze glanced at Sazed—no surprise there. Clubs was obviously invited as well.

  "Lose those guards," Clubs snapped.

  "Immediately, Lord Cladent," Sazed said, standing and shuffling over to the door. He spoke briefly with the guards, then returned. As Sazed was sitting, Ham poked his head into the room, looking suspicious.

  "Wait a minute," Breeze said. "How many people are coming to this secret meeting?"

  Sazed gestured for Ham to sit. "All of the more. . . experienced members of the crew. "

  "You mean everyone but Elend and Vin," Breeze said.

  "I did not invite Lord Lestibournes either," Sazed said.

  Yes, but Spook isnt the one were hiding from.

  Ham sat down hesitantly, shooting a questioning glance at Breeze. "So. . . why exactly are we meeting behind the backs of our Mistborn and our king?"

  "King no longer," a voice noted from the door. Dockson walked in and sat. "In fact, it could be argued that Elend isnt leader of this crew anymore. He fell into that position by happenstance—just like he fell into the throne. "

  Ham flushed. "I know you dont like him, Dox, but Im not here to talk treason. "

  "Theres no treason if theres no throne to betray," Dockson said, sitting. "What are we going to do—stay here and be servants in his house? Elend doesnt need us. Perhaps its time to transfer our services to Lord Penrod. "

  "Penrod is a nobleman, too," Ham said. "You cant tell me you like him any better than you do Elend. "

  Dockson thumped the table quietly with his fist. "Its not about who I like, Ham. Its about seeing that this damn kingdom Kelsier threw at us remains standing! Weve spent a year and a half cleaning up his mess. Do you want to see that work wasted?"

  "Please, gentlemen," Sazed said, trying—without success—to break into the conversation.

  "Work, Dox?" Ham said, flushed. "What work have you done? I havent seen you do much of anything besides sit and complain every time someone offers a plan. "

  "Complain?" Dockson snapped. "Do you have any idea how much administrative work it has taken to keep this city from falling upon itself? What have you done, Ham? You refused to take command of the army. All you do is drink and spar with your friends!"

  Thats enough of that, Breeze thought, Soothing the men. At this rate, well strangle each other before Straff can have us executed.

  Dockson settled back in his chair, waving a dismissive hand at Ham, who still sat red-faced. Sazed waited, obviously chagrined by the outbreak. Breeze Soothed away his insecurity. Youre in charge here, Sazed. Tell us what is going on.

  "Please," Sazed said. "I did not bring us together so that we could argue. I understand that you are all tense—that is understandable, considering the circumstances. "

  "Penrod is going to give our city to Straff," Ham said.

  "Thats better than letting him slaughter us," Dockson countered.

  "Actually," Breeze said, "I dont think we have to worry about Straff slaughtering us. "

  "No?" Dockson asked, frowning. "Do you have some information you havent been sharing with us, Breeze?"

  "Oh, get over yourself, Dox," Ham snapped. "Youve never been happy that you didnt end up in charge when Kell died. Thats the real reason you never liked Elend, isnt it?"

  Dockson flushed, and Breeze sighed, slapping both of them with a powerful blanket Soothing. They both jumped slightly, as if theyd been stung—though the sensation would be quite the opposite. Their emotions, once volatile, would suddenly have become numb and unresponsive.

  Both looked at Breeze.

  "Yes," he said, "of course Im Soothing you. Honestly, I know Hammond is a bit immature—but you, Dockson?"

  Dockson sat back, rubbing his forehead. "You can let go, Breeze," he said after a moment. "Ill keep my tongue. "

  Ham just grumbled, settling one hand on the table. Sazed watched the exchange with a little bit of shock.

  This is what cornered men are like, my dear Terrisman, Breeze thought. This is what happens when they lose hope. They might be able to keep up appearances in front of the soldiers, but put them alone with their friends. . .

  Sazed was a Terrisman; his entire life had been one of oppression and loss. But these men, Breeze himself included, were accustomed to success. Even against overwhelming odds, they were confident. They were the type of men who could go up against a god, and expect to win. They wouldnt deal well with losing. Of course, when losing meant death, who would?

  "Straffs armies are getting ready to break camp," Clubs finally said. "Hes doing it subtly, but the signs are there. "

  "So, hes coming for the city," Dockson said. "My men in Penrods palace say the Assembly has been sending missive after missive to Straff, all but begging him to come take up occupation of Luthadel. "

  "Hes not going to take the city," Clubs said. "At least, not if hes smart. "

  "Vin is still a threat," Breeze said. "And it doesnt look like Straff has a Mistborn to protect him. If he came into Luthadel, I doubt there is a single thing he could do to keep her from slitting his throat. So, hell do something else. "

  Dockson frowned, and glanced at Ham, who shrugged.

  "Its really quite simple," Breeze said, tapping the table with his dueling cane. "Why, even I figured it out. " Clubs snorted at this. "If Straff makes it look like hes withdrawing, the koloss will probably attack Luthadel for him. Theyre too literal to understand the threat of a hidden army. "

  "If Straff withdraws," Clubs said, "Jastes wont be able to keep them from the city. "

  Dockson blinked. "But theyd. . . "

  "Slaughter?" Clubs asked. "Yes. Theyd pillage the richest sectors of the town—probably end up killing most of the noblemen in the city. "

  "Eliminating the men that Straff has been forced—against his will, knowing that mans pride—to work with," Breeze added. "In fact, theres a good chance the creatures will kill Vin. Can you imagine her not joining the fight if koloss broke in?"

  The room fell silent.

  "But, that doesnt really help Straff get the city," Dockson said. "Hell still have to fight the koloss. "

  "Yes," Clubs said, scowling. "But, theyll probably take down some of the city gates, not to mention level a lot of the homes. That will leave Straff with a clear field to attack a weakened foe. Plus, koloss dont strategize—for them, city walls wont be much help. Straff couldnt ask for a better setup. "

  "Hed be seen as a liberator," Breeze said quietly. "If he returns at the right time—after the koloss have broken into the city and fought the soldiers, but before theyve done serious damage to the skaa quarter—he could free the people and establish himself as their protector, not their conqueror. Knowing how the people feel, I think theyd welcome him. Right now, a strong leader would mean more to them than coins in their pockets and rights in the Assembly. "

  As the group thought on this, Breeze eyed S
azed, who still sat quietly. Hed said so little; what was his game? Why gather the crew? Was he subtle enough to know that theyd simply needed to have an honest discussion like this, without Elends morals to clutter things up?

  "We could just let Straff have it," Dockson finally said. "The city, I mean. We could promise to call Vin off. If that is where this is heading anyway. . . "

  "Dox," Ham said quietly, "what would Kell think, to hear you talk like that?"

  "We could give the city to Jastes Lekal," Breeze said. "Perhaps he can be persuaded to treat the skaa with dignity. "

  "And let twenty thousand koloss into the city?" Ham asked. "Breeze, have you ever seen what those things can do?"

  Dockson pounded the table. "Im just giving options, Ham. What else are we going to do?"

  "Fight," Clubs said. "And die. "

  The room fell silent again.

  "You sure know how to kill a conversation, my friend," Breeze finally said.

  "It needed to be said," Clubs muttered. "No use fooling yourselves anymore. We cant win a fight, and a fight is where this was always going. The city is going to get attacked. Were going to defend it. And well lose.

  "You wonder if we should just give up. Well, were not going to do that. Kell wouldnt let us, and so we wont let ourselves. Well fight, and well die with dignity. Then, the city will burn—but well have said something. The Lord Ruler pushed us around for a thousand years, but now we skaa have pride. We fight. We resist. And we die. "

  "What was this all worth, then?" Ham said with frustration. "Why overthrow the Final Empire? Why kill the Lord Ruler? Why do anything, if it was just going to end like this? Tyrants ruling every dominance, Luthadel smashed to rubble, our crew dead?"

  "Because," Sazed said softly, "someone had to begin it. While the Lord Ruler ruled, society could not progress. He kept a stabilizing hand on the empire, but it was an oppressive hand as well. Fashion stayed remarkably unchanged for a thousand years, the noblemen always trying to fit the Lord Rulers ideals. Architecture and science did not progress, for the Lord Ruler frowned on change and invention.

  "And the skaa could not be free, for he would not let them. However, killing him did not free our peoples, my friends. Only time will do that. It will take centuries, perhaps—centuries of fighting, learning, and growth. At the beginning, unfortunately and unavoidably, things will be very difficult. Worse even than they were beneath the Lord Ruler. "

  "And we die for nothing," Ham said with a scowl.

  "No," Sazed said. "Not nothing, Lord Hammond. We will die to show that there are skaa who will not be bullied, who will not back down. This is a very important precedent, I think. In the histories and legends, this is the kind of event that inspires. If the skaa are ever to take rule of themselves, there will need to be sacrifices they can look to for motivation. Sacrifices like that of the Survivor himself. "