Now, if the following is not a description of the two who would steal the souls of every man and woman, I don’t know what is: “So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, ‘Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?’ And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue for forty-two months. Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, his tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven. It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation.

  “All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.”

  What could be clearer? If you are in Christ, you are eternally safe and secure, despite all that we will have to endure these next three and a half years. If you are undecided, I plead with you to make your choice while you are still able. That many have already had their hearts hardened by God—a truth that may go against what we once believed about him—is nonetheless clearly the danger of putting off receiving Christ.

  One day I pray God will grant me the privilege of speaking in person to the Israeli believers who will soon be led to safety and out of the way of harm from Antichrist. Brothers and sisters in the Lord, pray as the final events of this halfway point of the Tribulation period unfold and usher in the rest of the time before the Glorious Appearing.

  Your friend in Christ,

  Tsion Ben-Judah

  Tsion was intrigued that the young women were clearly finished reading, but rather than give him their assessment, they whispered among themselves. He cleared his throat and looked at his watch.

  “Ming has a wonderful idea, Tsion,” Chloe said. “She believes her brother could pirate his way into the Global Community News Network and counter Nicolae’s next message to the world with your own teaching.”

  “What, put my message text on the screen?”

  “No,” Ming said. “You. Live. In essence you would debate his every point.”

  “But how?”

  “I will check with Chang, but the little camera atop your monitor, the one you now use only to project your image to the Tribulation Force when they are away from Chicago, could be used to broadcast over television as well.”

  “But might we risk showing clues that would give away where we are?”

  “We would have to work to preclude that, of course.”

  “But isn’t this Dr. Rosenzweig’s purview?” Tsion said. “Shouldn’t he be the one to counteract Antichrist?”

  “He probably will be,” Chloe said. “Any showdown between those two will likely be on international television anyway.”

  “Then what would I be needed for?”

  “Once the flight to Petra has commenced, Nicolae will be speaking out against you and us so-called Judah-ites. It would be like a tag-team wrestling match. When Chaim is no longer there to oppose him in person, you will debate him via his own television network,” Ming said.

  Tsion quietly accepted the manuscript back and keyed in the transmission. “I like the way you think, Mrs. Toy,” he said.

  “So do I,” Chloe said. “I only wish you could have mentioned Hattie by name or said that she was a Trib Force member.”

  “I did not want to give away that we even have people in the area, though I am certain the GC assumes we do.”

  “And yet, Tsion,” Chloe said, “you mentioned Petra by name.”

  The rabbi covered his mouth with his hand. “I did, didn’t I?”

  “I meant to say something before you transmitted it,” Chloe said.

  “That is why I wanted you to review it.”

  “I’m sorry, Tsion. I assumed you had a reason.”

  “It is not your fault,” he said, collapsing into a chair. “What was I thinking?”

  Rayford’s eyes popped open at dawn, and a decision he debated in the night had been made. Leah and Hannah had their mobile medical unit stocked and ready, so Leah could do double duty, also monitoring the incoming and outgoing Israelis. That meant Rayford didn’t have to stay at Mizpe Ramon. Surely he would be of more use actually piloting a chopper.

  He dressed quickly and found the airstrip buzzing. The sun shimmered over the horizon, and Rayford realized it wouldn’t be long until he and his comrades would begin counting the days to the end, the real end—the Glorious Appearing and the Millennial Kingdom. Much had to happen first, of course, but the head-spinning pace of the last several weeks would give way to precious lulls between the final judgments of God before the Battle of Armageddon. Then things would pick up again. How he looked forward to at least some rest between crises. Rayford pushed his hair back and put on his aviator’s cap. The next few days would determine whether he or his loved ones would even survive to the end.

  Buck stood under a shower as hot as he could stand it, but the King David must have installed some sort of a regulator. After a few minutes, the water went tepid, then cold. With personnel and energy decimated, there was only so much to go around.

  Buck put only enough money in his pocket to be sure he could top off the tank of the car. Following Chaim’s advice, he left his wallet and ID in the room. Finding a place to park was harder than the day before, and he had to walk a half mile farther, finally reaching the streets lined on each side with empty military personnel carriers.

  Early as it was, the Temple Mount was already filling. Colossal TV monitors were visible from every vantage point, and people waiting for the noon festivities occupied themselves watching the GC network feed and waving when they saw themselves on-screen.

  To Buck’s great relief, Chaim was in plain sight, not far from where the two witnesses had traded off sitting while the other preached. Buck rushed to Dr. Rosenzweig, who sat with his knees up, staring into the sky. “Morning, Chaim,” he said, but the man did not acknowledge him. “Sorry,” Buck added quickly. “Micah.”

  Chaim smiled faintly and turned to him. “Cameron, my friend.”

  “Did you eat?”

  “I remain sated,” Chaim said.


  “God is good.”

  “And has he encouraged you, strengthened you, empowered you?” Buck pressed.

  “I am ready.”

  He didn’t sound ready. In fact, he sounded and looked even wearier than he had the day before. “Did you sleep?” Buck said.

  “No. But I rested.”

  “How does that work?”

  “There is nothing like resting in the Lord,” Chaim said, as if he’d been doing it all his life.

  “So, what happens now?” Buck said. “What’s the plan?”

  “God will reveal it. He shows me only what I need to know, when I need to know it.”


  “I detect sarcasm, Cameron.”

  “Guilty. I’m a plan-your-work-and-work-your-plan kind of a guy.”

  Chaim reached for Buck’s hand and rose unsteadily. He groaned as joints cracked. “But this is neither my plan nor my work, you understand.”

  “I guess. So we just stand around waiting?”

  “Oh no, Cameron. Even I do not have the patience to wait until high noon.”

  “And if Carpathia does not appear until then?”

  “A ruckus will flush him out.”

  Buck found that intriguing, but again, this frail, little old man hardly looked up to causing anything. Was he expecting Buck to do something? Without papers? Without the mark? Buck was willing, but he didn’t know yet what he thought of Chaim’s judgment.

  “When did they stop administering the mark?” Buck said.

  “They have not stopped. See, two lines remain open over there, but it appears one is about to shut down, despite the number of those waiting. You have noticed nothing this morning, have you, Cameron?”


  “The difference between today and yesterday.”

p; Buck looked around. “Crowd’s bigger, earlier. Military vehicles are still everywhere outside the Old City. But why are they closing a line with people still in it? And why didn’t they finish last night? More people showed up?”

  “And you a journalist!”

  “I’ll bite. What’d I miss?”

  “You said it yourself. The vehicles are still there.”

  “So? A show of strength. Carpathia probably expects opposition today.”

  “But they would not leave and come back,” Chaim said. “You think these soldiers slept in those trucks? They would not have to. They have accommodations, centers, places to muster.”

  “Okay . . .”

  “How many soldiers did you see with the trucks today?”

  “To be honest, Chaim, uh, Micah, I was focused on making sure you were still here and all right. I was in a hurry and not paying attention.”

  “You certainly weren’t. Now look, they are herding what is left of that line into the only one still open.”

  “And I suppose you know why.”

  “Of course,” Chaim said.

  “And you’re not even a journalist. But still, you’ll tell me.”

  “They closed that line for the same reason the Temple Mount is filled with civilians rather than GC today.”

  Buck spun and took in the whole area. “Sure enough. Where are they?”

  “They are suffering. Soon they will be as bad off as poor Mr. Fortunato, who must be miserable almost unto death by now. How utterly ingenious for our Lord to plant in someone’s mind the brilliance of having the GC personnel go first yesterday. They received the mark of the beast; then they worshiped his image. And now they are victims of Revelation 16:1-2.”

  “The plague of boils!” Buck whispered.

  Chaim looked at him meaningfully with a close-mouthed smile, then moved away from Buck and into an open area. Buck stumbled and nearly toppled, startled by the huge, deep sounds emitting from the little man’s throat. Chaim’s voice was so loud that everyone stopped and stared, and Buck had to cover his ears.

  “I heard a great voice out of the temple!” Chaim shouted, “saying to the seven angels, ‘Go your ways, and pour out the bowls of the wrath of God upon the earth.’ And the first went, and poured out his bowl upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshiped his image.”

  The thousands who had been milling about fell back at the piercing voice, and Buck was astounded at Chaim’s bearing. He stood straighter and looked taller, his chest puffed out as he inhaled between sentences. His eyes were ablaze, his jaw set, and he gestured with balled fists.

  Now the curious began to gather round the old man in the brown robe. “What?” some said. “What are you saying?”

  “Let him who has ears hear! Surely the God of heaven has judged the man of sin, and those who have taken his mark and worshiped his image have been stricken!”

  “Crazy old fool!” someone called out. “You’re going to get yourself killed!”

  “We’ll see your head rolling before you know it, old man!”

  If it was possible, Buck thought Chaim grew louder. He needed no amplification, for it was obvious that everyone within sight heard him. “None would dare come against the chosen one of God!”

  The people laughed. “You’re a chosen one? Where is your God? Can he do what our risen potentate can do? You want fire from heaven to leave you in a heap of ashes?”

  “I demand audience with the evil one! He must answer to the one true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! He dare not touch the remnant of Israel, believers in the Most High God and his Son, the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth!”

  “You’d better just—”

  “Silence!” Chaim roared, and the echo reverberated off the walls and left the crowd speechless.

  Three young armed and uniformed guards, including one female, jogged up. “Your papers, sir,” she said.

  “I neither have nor need any documentation. I am here under the authority of the Creator of heaven and earth.”

  “Your forehead is clear. Let me see your hand.”

  Chaim showed the back of his right hand. “Behold the hand of the servant of God.”

  The woman raised her rifle and nudged Chaim’s arm, trying to steer him to the mark application line. He would not budge. “Come, sir. You are either drunk or undernourished. Save yourself the grief and me the paperwork. Get your mark.”

  “And worship the image of Carpathia?”

  She glared at him and pulled back the firing mechanism on her rifle. “You will refer to him as His Excellency or His Worship or as the risen potentate.”

  “I will refer to him as Satan incarnate!”

  She pressed the barrel of her weapon upon Chaim’s chest and appeared to squeeze the trigger. Buck stepped forward, fearing both the blast and seeing his dear friend hit the pavement. But the young woman did not move, did not so much as blink. Chaim looked at her male partners. “When did you receive your marks?”

  They both cocked their weapons. “We were among the last,” one said.

  “And you worshiped the image?”

  “Of course.”

  “You too will soon suffer. The sores have begun to rise on your bodies.”

  One looked at the other. “I do have something inside my forearm. Look.”

  The other said, “Will you stop? We have cause to shoot this man, and I may just do it.”

  “Shoot him!” someone hollered from the crowd. “What is wrong with your supervisor?”

  Both eyed her warily, then said to Chaim, “Sir, we’re going to have to ask you to get in line to take the mark or bear the consequences.”

  “I have not been called to martyrdom just yet, young man. When my time comes, I will proudly bow before the blade, worshiping the God of heaven. But now, unless you too want to be stricken motionless, you will get word to the one you worship that I demand an audience.”

  One turned away and spoke into his walkie-talkie. Then, “I know, sir. But Corporal Riehl is incapacitated, and—”


  “He paralyzed her, sir, and—”


  “We don’t know! He’s demanding—”

  “Shoot to kill!”

  The young man shrugged, and both pointed their rifles at Chaim.

  “Give me that!” Chaim said, grabbing the walkie-talkie. He depressed the button. “Whoever you are, tell your so-called potentate that Micah demands an audience with him.”

  “How did you get this radio?” the voice said.

  “He will find me and my assistant in the center of the Temple Mount with three catatonic guards.”

  “I warn you—”

  Chaim switched off the walkie-talkie. Within seconds, half a dozen more guards, two in plainclothes, advanced, weapons drawn. “You don’t demand a meeting with Potentate Carpathia,” one scolded.

  “Yes, I do!” Chaim shouted, and the six studied their paralyzed compatriots.

  “Well, sir, may I have your name?”

  “You may call me Micah.”

  “Okay, Mr. Micah, sir. The potentate is at the Knesset, where his Jerusalem headquarters have been established. If you’d like to accompany us there and request—”

  “I am demanding a meeting with him here. You may tell him that if he refuses, he will face more than a decimated, suffering staff. I am prepared to return to the plagues called down from heaven by the two witnesses! Ask him if he would like his medical staff to try to treat your boils and carbuncles with water that has turned to blood.”


  David was not sure what time the noise of heavy equipment woke him, but he knew immediately what it meant. He had been nonplussed by Dr. Ben-Judah’s mentioning Petra in his worldwide post, and there was no question the enemy monitored the Web site.

  David crept back to the high place in the blackness of the wee hours, the stars not providing enough illuminatio
n to keep him from skinning shins, stubbing toes, and falling several times, scraping hands and arms on the rocks. His eyes having adjusted to the darkness, far below he saw the semicircle of GC tanks and artillery forming at the perimeter. Though they kept few lights on, he was able to make out that they had closed the main foot-traffic entrance and were heavily stationed around the most likely airdrop zones as well.

  David believed God had promised to protect the children of Israel who would flee the anger of Antichrist, but what of the volunteers who helped them? How were they to escape an enemy already a step ahead? How could Tsion have made such a blunder? David phoned Rayford but got no answer. He tried Albie.

  Tsion could not be consoled. He paced, a hand over his mouth, praying silently. Ming and Chloe had tried to reason with him, reminding him that God was sovereign, but he could not make sense of what he had done. He kept the television on, dreading the news of a massacre once the flight from Jerusalem began.

  Tsion finally sat on the arm of the couch in front of the television. The tall, fat young man they incongruously called Little Zeke—his recently martyred father had been Big Zeke—lumbered in with a sketchpad. “Wanna see what I’m thinkin’ about doing with Ming? I mean, it’s hard to disguise a, um, Asian woman, but I’m gonna try to make her look like a guy, I think. I’ve got a picture of her brother, and with the right haircut and clothes and, you know, wrappings and stuff—”

  “Forgive me, Z, but—”

  “Oh, I’ve already told her I don’t mean to insult her or anything. I mean, she’s thin and small, but I’m not saying she looks like a guy now. In fact, she’s really quite pretty and attractive, and feminine.”

  “I’m preoccupied here, Z. I am sorry. I have made a terrible mistake and I’m praying that—”

  “I know,” Zeke said. “That’s really why I came out here. I mean, I was working on Ming’s identity for real, but I thought maybe talking about that would take your mind off—”

  “Off tipping off the other side about where our brothers and sisters are headed? Thanks, but I do not see how the GC could do anything but beat them there and lie in wait for them.”

  Zeke set his pad on the couch and eased his bulk onto the floor. “You’re the Bible guy,” he said, “but something about this just seems sort of logical to me.”