Page 14 of Crave

  “Marcus, what have you done?” I asked sadly as he slowly turned around to face me. With the blood soaking his face, it took me a moment to realize who I was staring at. “Grayson!” I screamed in horror as his blue eyes peered at me from behind the blood.

  “Eva, I’m so sorry,” he huffed behind labored breaths. This is why Elijah wasn’t going to bring me back here. He must have found out.

  “Beautiful,” Reid cheered and clapped his hands. “I love a good plot twist, don’t you? Now you know what you have coming if you ever run from me again,” he hissed as he grabbed a handful of my hair at the nape of my neck and yanked harshly toward him. A tear streaked down my face and a squeal escaped my lips. Grayson’s lips curled up in disapproval. “Seize him,” Reid commanded nonchalantly to his cohorts.

  The others surrounded Grayson, grabbing and clawing at him to keep him from escaping their clutches. Reid circled in front of me, turning his back to the crowd. His mouth turned upward into a smile that repulsed me.

  “Why?” I choked out as I glanced past him to Grayson, who was seething with anger, unable to escape the others. Reid glanced over his shoulder and paused for a moment in thought.

  “I thought it added a sense of drama,” he replied, letting his fangs protrude. “It’s really not so bad. I can give you the nine lives every pet dreams of,” he explained as he brushed my hair from my face and stroked it with mock tenderness. “Just look. I’ve given you Grayson as a show of good faith. You can share your eternal life,” he continued as he motioned toward a bloodied Grayson then back to me. “From there you can choose whoever you want to join you, Eva.” His eyes locked onto mine as he got lost in his own twisted dream.

  “Why me?” I cried, cupping my hand over my mouth as I tried to keep some sense of composure. Reid looked amused by my question.

  “Elijah needs to pay his debt. Killing him would be too easy and leave me another hand short. It’s just business.” He nodded his head and two others were at my side in the blink of an eye, gripping my arms so tightly I couldn’t feel my hands. “Now are you going to cooperate or do I have to convince you further?” he asked, turning toward Grayson, who continued to struggle.

  “Fuck you,” I snapped through clenched teeth. Reid laughed deeply before digging his fingers into Grayson’s throat. His body writhed in pain. He slid one of the vials of my blood from his pocket and let the dark murky liquid pour down Grayson’s throat. He sputtered and growled but reluctantly gave in and swallowed the crimson cocktail. “I will kill you if it is the last thing I do,” I hissed, the anger heating my body from head to toe. With unparalleled speed, he spun around and backhanded me across my cheek. My skin burned and my jaw felt as if it had been broken. The metallic taste of my blood filled my mouth. My head spun as I struggled to regain composure. I pushed my eyes closed tightly as I sucked on my lip trying to mask the smell of my blood around my captures. I could hear Grayson growl as he struggled to reach me, this time, to kill me.

  “Good luck,” Reid retorted with a snicker.

  “She doesn’t need luck. She has me,” a familiar voice called from behind. I blinked my eyes and Elijah was in front of me. His hand traced my sore jaw. I winced at the pain that shot through my face. His eyes were filled with sadness. I blinked and my body crashed to the floor below. I kept my head down and crawled to the nearest wall as bodies clashed together around me in a violent brawl. Blood sprayed the room as Elijah struggled to save me.

  Hands suddenly latched onto my shoulders as my eyes locked onto Grayson’s. His filled with sadness and hunger. His fangs gleamed next to his bloodied face. I clenched my eyes tightly, preparing for the violent end. His hands ripped free from my shoulders as I was hoisted up into Elijah’s arms. The world flew by in a flash of night time scenery. I sighed, but was anything but relieved. I knew Grayson would not be able to stop until he found me if it is the last thing he did. I also knew that Elijah would die trying to stop him.

  My head swam as Elijah kissed my sore bloodied lips tenderly and stroked my bruised face.

  “You knew, didn’t you? That’s why you weren’t going to bring me back. You knew about Grayson,” I rambled as I searched Elijah’s eyes for the truth. He leaned his forehead against mine and inhaled deeply as he closed his eyes, letting a moment pass before responding.

  “I will do anything it takes to protect you, Eva. No matter what it takes.” He finally whispered. This time, I believed him. I nodded and pushed my mouth back against his, kissing him hungrily as he resisted the taste of my blood. He must have fed and I was glad because he would need his strength. War had begun and it was Elijah and me against the world.

  Chapter twenty-six


  I laced my fingers in the grass and squeezed as I sat hunched over on my knees. Tears involuntarily poured down my sore, swollen face. The emotional rollercoaster of finding out my brother was alive, only to lose him again had taken its toll on me. I wept for what seemed like an eternity. With each breath, my body grew heavy and I soon struggled to feel anything at all. I was thankful for Elijah’s bond that once seemed like the cruelest talent a human could possess, but Elijah was not human. He was the mere shell of what one should be.

  The last thing I remembered as I drifted off into sleep was Elijah sliding me into the passenger side of a large, dark car.


  I awoke to the smell of bacon and eggs engulfing the air around me. I smiled before letting my eyes flutter open. A brief moment of panic washed over me as I struggled to place my surroundings. The room painted in a honey-gold color with a deep gold filigree overlay. The drapes were silk, adorned with hand-stitched blue flowers. The furniture was oversized ornately carved mahogany with a dark leather inlay that looked like dollhouse props in the massive room.

  My eyes danced over the strange surroundings in complete awe. Nothing was familiar except for him. Elijah stood in the doorway of the bedroom with a plate full of food and a grin on his face. I couldn’t contain my smile at the sight of him. His dark-wash jeans hung low on his hips and his chest was bare and toned. The light danced off his rippled abs giving him the appearance of a chiseled stone sculpture. I was learning to understand the difference in real emotions and being under Elijah’s influence. This was definitely real.

  “Hungry?” he asked as he made his way to the side of the bed. I pushed myself up into a sitting position, groaning. “It’s been a long time since I’ve cooked anything,” he said, making a face and causing me to laugh.

  “I’m starving. I feel like I haven’t eaten in days,” I said as I took the plate from his hand. It could have been fine china. It was white with wistful paisley flowers adorning the edge accented with gold accents. He sat on the bed next to me and brushed the hair back from my face. I suddenly felt self-conscience of my disheveled appearance. He looked like a Greek god with no effort. I, on the other hand, could spend hours in front of a mirror and come out looking worse than I had when I’d gone in.

  “It’s been two days,” He replied nonchalantly. He ran his hands through his dark chestnut hair.

  “What?” I replied, nearly choking on a bite of toast. “How is that even possible?” I asked, gulping down some orange juice, wiping a wayward drop from my chin. I smiled thinking he would reveal it was just a joke, but his expression remained unchanged.

  “You were emotionally and physically drained. You needed your rest,” he replied, taking the glass from my hand and sitting it on the dark wooden stand beside the bed. I glanced around the new room once more.

  “Drained?” I felt my heartrate accelerate. Had I been turned?

  “Tired,” he clarified.

  “Where are we?” I asked squinting and waiting for whatever answer he would throw at me. Nothing could surprise me at this point. A devilish grin spread across his face.

  “Come,” he said, avoiding my question. He stood and he extended his hand toward me. I smiled nervously and sat the plate on the bed. I reached for him, placing my hand on his. He pul
led me to my feet effortlessly.

  I trailed behind him barefoot as we made our way through the maze of hallways and rooms to the front door of the home.

  He stepped to the side and opened the door widely. The warm air that carried the scent of the salty ocean engulfed me. The roar of crashing waves pounded the shore like a steady heartbeat in the distance. I could hardly contain my giddiness when I spotted the moon reflecting off the water. I squeezed Elijah’s hand and ran out of the door in a full sprint. I was thankful I was barefoot when I felt the sand between my toes. I felt free.

  We reached the water’s edge and I stopped short, dipping my toes in to feel the temperature. It was as warm as bathwater. I bit my lip playfully as I glanced at Elijah who was smiling broadly. I tugged at his hand playfully and he gave me a mischievous grin before splashing me. I screamed and splashed him back, soaking him.

  His arms circled my waist and he lifted me off the ground as I squealed. His body stilled and he pressed a small kiss to the tip of my nose.

  “This is incredible,” I whispered. He pulled his head back to look into my eyes.

  “You are incredible.” He kissed me softly on the forehead. I squeezed him tightly and for this brief moment in time, I had left all of my worries on the shore. My life had become a roller coaster. It was time to accept that I could not change its course. All I could do is hang on and hope it did not end too soon.

  “I never want this moment to end. How long can we stay here?” I asked with a smile.

  “Forever, if that’s what you want,” he replied with complete sincerity. I tilted my head to hide the fact that I was blushing.

  “We can’t run forever,” I said solemnly. Elijah had been risking his life for me and I still didn’t understand why.

  “You wouldn’t be going through all of this if you wouldn’t have met me,” he said with a slight hint of anger. Taking my chin in his hand, he tilting my face back up to meet his gaze.

  “Marcus got me into all of this,” I argued as sadness swept back over me like a wave.

  “The past is the past. Dwelling on it won’t change a thing. It’s us against the world,” he reassured me. I leaned in closer, hesitating for a split second before kissing him. He pulled back and rested his forehead against mine as the waves lapped at our toes.

  “Come on,” Elijah whispered as thunder began to ripple through the air as big heavy drops of water speckled the sand.

  “Hurry,” Elijah yelled enthusiastically and grabbed my hand, a boyish grin spread across his face. I stumbled to keep up as he dragged me across the beach. We made it to the safety of the porch roof. Elijah gripped my waist and pressed me against the front door, kissing me passionately as he turned the handle and I nearly fell inside. He pulled me closer and held me upright as he kicked the door closed behind him. Being able to feel how deeply he wanted me was intoxicating. I giggled as we snaked our way through the house, never letting our lips part.

  Chapter twenty-seven


  The room illuminated around us and our bodies froze in place. In the blink of an eye, Elijah was facing away from me in a protective stance. My heart began to race and my breath caught in my throat. His peaceful, loving emotions ripped away at the speed of the light that now blinded us.

  “That is how you greet the Elders?” Our intruder asked in a thick French accent. She was almost too beautiful to behold. Her jet black hair was incredibly long and bone straight. She wore a vintage off-white gown, covered in intricate lace that flowed to the floor, hugging her curves as if sewn onto her body. Her piercing ice-blue colored eyes stood out on her otherwise pale complexion.

  Elijah sank to one knee and lowered his head. His emotions ran ramped and I was quickly overcome by his worry. I avoided eye contact and stared helplessly at the back of Elijah. “And you,” she hissed as she rose from the dining room table and pointed her long boney finger directly at me. Her words sounding beautiful even in anger. I glanced in her direction as Elijah slowly rose back to his feet.

  “She has nothing to do with this,” he snarled. His chest heaved with anger, like animals presenting themselves as an alpha so no other would dare attack. She smiled an evil twisted grin.

  “Silence, Elijah. We wouldn’t want to do anything to get you killed,” She warned in an ominous tone. Her attention turned to me as I begged silently in my head for courage.

  “My name is Olivie Durand. I am a member of the Elders Council, an exclusive group of vampires who have ruled Kingdoms in their human lives. We now continue to do so in our extended lives.” She introduced herself with a look of sheer pleasure. I was at a loss of how to greet her properly. I bowed my head awkwardly and returned her smile.

  “My name is Eva Morgan,” I replied, trying to keep my voice from shaking. “Um… a h-human from-”

  “Of course,” She said to herself as she turned back to the table, seemingly losing interest in her own game. Elijah glanced at me and I shot him a worried look.

  I felt his confidence blanket me and I was finally able to think clearly. Olivie leafed through a newspaper she had left on the table. “It is not often one of our kind is needed to solve problems within a Sector,” she said as she shook her head in disappointment.

  “I did not summon help, Your Grace,” Elijah responded with forced calmness. Olivie turned around abruptly and slapped the paper down on the table.

  “You didn’t need to,” She replied angrily and pointed to the front page. I glanced down at the paper. The lead article read Vampires Murder Family in big bold letters. I cupped my hand over my mouth and let out an involuntary gasp as the picture of my parents came into focus. My knees became weak. “It looks like the problem has been taken care of. Just some loose ends to tie up,” Olivie added coldly. The room began to spin around me and the sound of their voices muffled and grew distant. Tears mixed with the salty ocean water on my face and I was thankful it would partially hide my sadness.

  “What happened?” Elijah demanded an answer through clenched teeth. His arm wrapped around my waist, holding me upright.

  “Reid demanded retribution. It appears you have killed some of his vampires and owed him lives in return. He took them. Your debt has been paid in full,” She explained with a smile as if balancing her checkbook. My family was nothing more than a payment that had been noted and forgotten.

  “What about Eva?” Elijah asked, utterly confused. His grip tightened around my waist.

  “She is free to return to her life,” Olivie replied, sitting back in her seat at the table.

  “My life… What life?” I asked as tears poured down my face. I felt the anger rising inside of me and was on the verge of losing all self-control.

  “That’s it? The council is just letting this all go?” He asked as his eyes narrowed and I felt like there was more to this exchange than I could understand.

  “I am sorry for what has happened to your family. Vampires will not be a problem for you as long as you do not seek revenge,” Olivie droned.

  “I’ll take you home.” Elijah comforted me, stroking my arm. I nodded in agreement. My body shook and I was not sure if it was from the news or the blasting cold air on my wet skin.

  “That will not be possible. Elijah, I need you to relay this matter to the board of the Elders. Your side needs to be documented.” Raising her eyebrows, she waited for our response. I was in disbelief. “Reid and his Sector will be doing the same. I assure you no harm will come to Eva. You will be back by her side in a matter of days. I will escort her myself,” She added. Elijah turned to me, taking my face in his hands.

  “I will do whatever you want. You don’t have to go back there without me,” Elijah reassured me as genuine concern radiated from him. I bit my lip and thought over the situation for a moment before answering. I placed my hands over his and squeezed them tightly.

  “No, it will be okay. Take care of your business with the Elders Council and we can finally put an end to all of this,” I answered, nodding my head. I was
trying to convince myself that this would be the best way. He hesitated for a moment before agreeing. I knew he felt responsible for what was happening to me and his guilt was beginning to eat away at him.

  “I will make this right,” Elijah promised as he placed his forehead against mine and inhaled deeply. I needed to get back home as soon as possible. I was overwhelmed with guilt. Had I stayed there perhaps I could have saved them. At the very least, I could have warned them. My family had no idea what was coming for them until it was too late. It was my fault. I sniffed and fought to hold back my tears as I wrapped my arms around Elijah’s neck and squeezed him tightly. He stroked my hair and kissed the top of my head.

  “I’ll get your things.” He broke away from our embrace, uncertainty in his voice. He glanced back toward Olivie and walked off into the master bedroom. My blurry eyes danced over the newspaper. The hum of something vibrating caught my attention and I glanced at the table where my phone laid. I was getting a call and in big letters across the screen, it read Daddy. Something was not right.

  “Elijah,” I yelled in panic as my mind tried to figure out what was happening. “She’s lying!”

  “Your whole relationship is a lie!” With a flash, Olivie pounced on top of me, her fangs protruding. The air flew rapidly from my lungs as we toppled to the floor, causing my head to bounce harshly off the beige, travertine tiles. I clawed at her feverishly, struggling to get the upper hand.

  Suddenly, the weight of the former Queen was no longer paralyzing me. I pushed to my feet and stumbled forward. The wound on my head was worse than I had anticipated. Elijah’s body was now perched over Olivie, ready for the kill. They bit at each other as growls of animalistic anger filled the air. I stumbled back against the table and felt for the wound on the back of my head. Pulling my hand away, it dripped with fresh blood.