Page 15 of Nightfall

  "Take off your shirt, Quinn."

  As he managed it, she rode the sinuous rolls of his muscular body, feeling the shift of his hard cock beneath denim. "Now put me up against the wall. I want to see all those fine muscles working for me. A bit more gently this time. You were rough with your Mistress."

  He gave her a tight half chuckle at that. "I think she likes that."

  "Hmm." She twined her arms around his neck as he got them both up, all those muscles tightening beneath the grip of her arms and legs. She pressed her face against his hair, suddenly holding him so close that she could feel his heartbeat.

  Stop, Selene. Don't do this. Don't do it.

  But he'd said yes, and the urgent beat inside herself would no longer be denied. It's only the second mark. Only the second mark... We're in the middle of nowhere. I've never wanted anything for myself like I want him. Can't I have this one thing? For just a little while?

  Oh God. Can you hear yourself, Selene?

  Shut up. Just shut up.

  The wall pressed into her back, him into her front. She arched a brow at him. "I want you inside me when I do this. All the way to your balls. Then you stay utterly, completely still."

  He let go of her to open his jeans, take hold of his cock and find her bare pussy. When his broad head pushed into her, she swallowed a hum of pure satisfaction. He was hard and thick, every part of him sending the irresistible message he's yours he's yours...

  She slid her cheek forward, against his. She felt the anticipation of his taut body, his struggle against the desire to thrust. "It will hurt the first second, but will be different."

  She teased his throat with her lips. The beat of that artery was so urgent, intense like the man himself, as if calling to her. Oh Quinn...

  As if her savage subconscious anticipated the interference of her residual human notions of right and wrong, her fangs elongated once again, her pulse accelerated and hunger drove away everything but the need to take. She bit down, harder than she'd intended, and he stiffened, but only in a way that made her want to tear into him even more. She felt his cock get harder, thicker, his fingers digging into her buttocks, his body pressing more insistently against her. A lovely ripple of sensation gripped her like a fever ache. She pressed her tongue against the glands in the back of her mouth, something she'd never done but the once, with the geographic marker, and yet it was as if animal instinct told her exactly what to do. Right on the heels of that, she also released a hard, heavy surge of pheromones, because she wanted to see the results. She'd told him not to move. She'd not told him she intended to make him climax.

  As the second mark serum surged into his blood stream, the pheromones rushed right over it. He jerked, groaned. "Fuck, Selene...I can't..."

  She swallowed the precious mouthful of blood and, as his desires overcame his will and his cock started spurting inside her, his mind opened to her in a flash of images. Primitive needs and desires, his vision of what they were doing, what he wanted to do to her, endless explorations of both their carnal appetites. Then there was more feeling than images, hard, driving need... God, he wanted to move. She wanted him to move. But she held him locked in her arms, her thighs a tight vise over his hips, fingers dropping there to dig into his ass, reminding him.

  Feel it all, cowboy. Try not to move... Let me see it all in your you're feeling it...

  His mind twined with hers. What she'd derived from his words and body language, she now felt as full truth, his deep craving to submit to a strong Mistress, one with enough cruelty to her to let him be rough when he wanted to be--and take it--rough. Yet he was strong, in charge, not a man to ever stand behind a woman in a fight. Maybe now that she was in his mind she could show him those two things weren't mutually exclusive at all.

  Her pussy clamped down on him, wanting to follow him over that cliff, but now she had something else she wanted, and she didn't mind denying herself for the pleasure of it.

  She gripped the side of his head, pressed a slight blood imprint on the line of his jaw, licked it away, not willing to waste even a taste. Whatever happens from here're mine, Quinn. You understand?

  I have been since you walked in the place.

  Did he realize he'd just spoken directly in her mind? She'd heard secondhand what servants felt at receiving the second mark, but she hadn't thought much about what the vampire would feel. She could hear the call of that third mark like a siren's call in a treasure cavern full of delicious possibilities. It made her want to finish it, because as the second mark unfurled in his blood and his mind opened to was indescribable. She could come to rest at the lower levels of his consciousness, was aware of the floor beneath that point, knew the third mark would take away all ceilings and floors in his soul, that there would be no corner of him that could retreat from her, that would not utterly belong to her. He didn't understand that or maybe...maybe he did. As much as either of them could understand it, with him having a hunger for submission to the right Mistress, yet never having been a vampire's servant, and her, a young vampire who'd never yet taken one.

  He shifted his head, pressing his forehead to hers as he drew in a ragged breath. His voice came out a whisper. "Mistress."

  Chapter Eight

  A capitulation, or maybe an acknowledgement. Certainly, at last, an acceptance that without her his life would be colorless. If his submission was the price to pay, he paid it willingly. With unexpected, startling pleasure.

  What do you have to say to your Mistress, Quinn?

  Her voice was in his head. Quinn was realizing that the last few things she'd said, that he'd assumed were simply his own thoughts anticipating her own mind, hadn't been those at all. She'd been right. Her bite had been more painful than the previous ones, driven by her hunger, but it hadn't been anything next to that brief second afterward, when fire had been injected into his veins. It had only been a blink, though, then a wave of arousal had crashed down, wrapped itself up with it, a continuation of the lesson she'd been teaching him, that pain and pleasure would go hand in hand with her. And she'd teach him to love both in equal measures, no matter how high either went.

  Yet it wasn't a one-way street. Her earlier distress, the conflict, was over for now, and he'd given her something she needed. He was sure of it.

  I need something now. Are you willing to give me whatever I want, Quinn?

  She had a gleam in her eye, and he could feel her body revved and waiting. She wanted to use him, use him hard. He was more than ready for it.

  He still had her pushed against the wall, one hand twisting in her hair, his cock buried in her wet heat. "Whatever you want."

  "Put me down and take off your clothes," she ordered in that imperial voice. "All of them. You'll leave them here. Inside my room, I want my servant accessible to me in all ways."

  Reluctantly he withdrew from her, sliding her back to the floor. She'd kicked off her sandals and stood in her bare feet. Despite that, and the scraps of her panties lying on the floor, her hair and clothes in disarray, she looked every inch the queen. With hands that shook, Quinn toed off his boots and stripped away his jeans.

  Selene licked her lips. "Commando. Thought I didn't feel anything between you and those jeans. Shameless."

  "Less to take off."

  She curled her fingers around his wrist, drew his hand to her even as she laid her other hand on his chest, holding him in place. Making him watch, she guided his hand between her legs, controlled the movement of his fingers as she dipped them inside herself, turned them in that heated slickness. She dropped her head back on her shoulders, humming a little before she withdrew his touch, gave him back his hand.

  "Now lick your fingers and tell me how I taste."

  He was ready to explode but deliberately swiped his tongue over each finger, lapping her syrup that coated them. Her scent drifted up to his nostrils, sending urgent messages to his balls.

  "Carry me upstairs," she said.

  He didn't have
to be told twice. Lifting her in his arms, he headed for the stairway. If any other woman took that commanding tone with him, his penis would have deflated like a punctured balloon, but with Selene it only made him harder. More aroused and starving for her, if that was even possible. The same emotions he'd felt when she used the whip on him, when she taunted him with images of the strap-on, when he lay in bed totally at her mercy, those emotions swirled through him like a sensual tornado and he had to stop himself from dropping to his knees.

  In the small flat he didn't stop himself. When he stood her beside the bed, without even thinking, he dropped to his knees before her. Her gaze kindled like hearth light.

  "Do you want to fuck me, Quinn?"

  "Yes." More than he wanted his next breath.

  "Yes, who?" she prompted.

  "Yes, Mistress. Just tell me what you want."

  "I want you to get up on the bed on your hands and knees. No questions or speaking until I say, or I will send you home just like this." A hint of amusement touched her lips as her gaze swept his naked body. "Perhaps exactly like this."

  Was she going to have him finger his ass again? The memory of those sensations made his balls ache. As he complied, she opened the drawer on the small bedside table and took out a tube of what he recognized as anal lube. It made him clench inside.

  Uncapping the tube, she climbed onto the bed behind him, still wearing the short dress. He braced himself for intrusion but instead felt her lips on his buttocks, first one cheek then the other. Her lips were cool but each place they touched his skin felt as if a hot brand had been applied. His cock, which should have needed a far longer recuperation, started to stiffen again.

  "You shouldn't feel as lethargic after I feed from you now. You'll find your libido can mostly keep up with mine."

  "I wasn't doing too shabby on that without the mark."

  "No, you weren't." She sent him a sultry look beneath her lashes. "But I wasn't being half as demanding as I can be."

  "But I can handle all those demands now." Male pride said he could have handled it even before, and he could tell she heard that thought, because her lips gave that twitch again.

  "We'll see."

  He didn't know what the hell that meant, but it better not mean she was going to share those favors. He saw a shadow cross her eyes, reminding him of the conflict she'd explained to him. That's your only choice, to become my servant. After that all other choices are mine. Though not all, because a bigger, badder vampire could take those choices from her as well. From Quinn as well.

  He didn't want either of them to go back to that moment, but she leaned over the bed, touched his face. He saw a slight softening of her eyes and mouth, the human side of Selene surfacing enough to give him a qualified gift. "As long as I claim your obedience as my second mark, Quinn, you are the only male from whom I will make demands. I can't give you many promises, but I can give you that one."

  The words suggested again she might not be here forever, that one day Quinn would find her gone. But her eyes warned him of confronting that now and, truth, in this position, he wasn't in the mood for a full out argument.

  "Good choice," she murmured, drawing back and giving his buttock a smart slap. The impact sang through his haunch like a bruise and he bit back an oath. She might have a slender, female hand, but there was a vampire's strength in it.

  "We have a problem to discuss." She straightened, eying him. "While in your mind, I caught a couple things that didn't please me."

  "Hey, no man can help noticing Carol's boobs. She wears those tight, low-cut shirts--"

  She chuckled, her blue eyes narrowing. "No argument. I've enjoyed looking at them myself. No, cowboy. I'm talking about how you woke up this morning and what you did in your shower. What was the rule?"

  Oh shit. "I thought you were mad at me, and I didn't want to come here all revved up--"

  "That's where you made your mistake. You didn't want. What did your Mistress want? Think about that for one little second."

  Maybe one little blink. She was there, then she wasn't. She was back, two blinks later, the fabric of her dress ruffling over her thighs. There were no panties under that dress and, as his gaze coursed up her thighs, he saw the tracks where his release and her arousal had marked the flesh. It made his cock get stiffer. Then his gaze rose to see where she'd gone.

  She had his belt in her hand, doubled over. Fuck. "I asked you a question, Quinn. What did your Mistress want? What did she demand of you?"

  "That I call her whenever I wanted to come."

  "Exactly." She slid the belt through her fingertips, let the tongue fall to the floor, then slid it up through her fingertips again, doubling it over once more as she shifted closer. She trailed it along the valley of his spine, down the crack of his ass. "Spread out your knees. I want to see that fine, tight ass of yours lifted. Show me what all's mine to play with. Torment if I want."

  Okay, she was taking this up a notch. Maybe trying to see just how serious he was about this second mark stuff. But it wasn't a matter of that for him. His body was responding to everything she was demanding, even as his mind was scrambling, giving him the WTF, have you lost your fucking mind screech.

  "Say it, Quinn. Who does your climax belong to?"

  "My Mistress."

  "What else belongs to me? Be detailed." The belt slid down his thigh, back up again.

  "Everything. My cock."


  The belt hit his buttocks square across, and hell, his dad had apparently been an amateur compared to Selene. Which was saying something, since he and his brothers lived in healthy fear of that leather strap. He bit back the oath. "What else?" she said, her voice that silky demand.

  "My ass." Which was hurting like a son of a bitch and about to hurt more.


  "More. Lay it out for me, Quinn. Every body part you can name."

  Jesus Christ. He got through arms, legs, feet, hands, mouth, lips... Between hands and mouth, she stepped close enough she put her hand on the back of his neck, exerting gentle pressure to take him down to his elbows. She tapped his carotid. "Throat," he managed thickly.

  He tensed for the next blow, but she bent forward, put her lips on the valley of his spine, holding her hand on his nape as she teased that channel, down to his abused ass, at which point her hand slid to his hip.

  "You remember I told you I'd eventually fuck you with a strap-on."

  "Yes ma'am." The words came naturally, and she let out a purr of satisfaction that spread warmth through his chest. He really had lost his mind.

  "No strap-on tonight, cowboy, but I want you to live with the anticipation."

  Oh, no problem there. Since Selene had blown into his life, anticipation had been his middle name.

  She'd put the belt aside. Her hands were gentle, massaging the cheeks of his ass, much as she'd kneaded his muscles the night before.

  "I trust I won't have to repeat that lesson again. You know who to call if you want to come."

  "Yes ma'am."

  "I'm cruel, Quinn, but not about that. However, I expect you'll get to the point you won't want to come except in my presence, because you'll understand what a gift your self-control is to me."

  Slim fingers traced a light line from the base of his spine down through the crevice, pausing at the tight opening, circling before reaching down to cup his balls. His shaft bobbed and a tiny bead of pre-cum dropped to the sheet.

  Over and over she followed the cleft, stopping each time for a millisecond at that sensitive spot. Quinn clenched his fists in frustration, hanging onto his control by a thread. But he felt this was some kind of test, and failure would be disastrous.

  When she removed her finger he wanted to cry out in protest, but he felt the cool touch of the tube at his rectum and the cream. Then the pressure of her slender finger as she eased it into his tight passage, spreading the balm into his tissues. She added a second finger, scissoring them to stretch him. He gritted his teeth, imagining how it
would feel when she used the actual toy on him.

  As she continued to stroke her fingers in and out, she slipped a hand between his thighs to cup and squeeze his balls again. "When I fuck you here," she told him, "I want you to be good and ready for me. Before every shower, I want you to take that balm you used the other night and stretch yourself just as you did then. Just as I'm doing now." She pinched his sac. "Because when that dildo slides into your rectum you'll come until you scream for relief."

  "Jesus, Selene."

  Her hand tightened painfully on his balls. "Proper form of address, cowboy."

  "Jesus, Mistress." He'd call her Queen of the May if it brought him some relief. Those magic fingers in his ass were driving him nuts. If anyone had told him even a month ago that he'd be here, like this, reveling in his submission to a woman--any woman--he'd have beaten the shit out of them. Yet here he was, craving her touch, her commands.

  He swallowed his protest when she withdrew her fingers, giving his balls one last squeeze.

  "Don't move." Slipping off the bed, she took care of the tube, went and washed her hands in the bathroom, leaving him in that position. Then she slid onto the bed to a position beneath him, her legs spread wide on either side of his knees. She did it with a mouthwatering, flexible grace.

  "I want you to fuck me now." Her eyes had darkened almost to navy. "But slow. If you try to move too fast, we'll stop and that will be it for the night."

  Holy shit! If he didn't come pretty soon his body might self-destruct. He had enough problems dealing with the touch of her fingers as she caressed him.

  Quinn took a moment to center himself, lifting her legs so the head of his cock was positioned directly at her opening. Then, eyes locked with hers, he slid very slowly into her hot, waiting cunt.

  Heaven. That's all he could think when the wet tissues gripped down on him and his penis bumped the mouth of her womb. Selene raised her legs so her ankles locked behind his neck, the position allowing him to drive deep into her body.