He rolls over on his side to face me as well, his hands sliding under his pillows and his cheek resting on the fluffy pile while he looks up at me.

  “Thanks for inviting me, Noel. I promise I’ll do a better job of being your boyfriend tomorrow, now that the shock of your family has worn off,” he replies in a low voice.

  I force my eyes closed instead of continuing to stare at his handsome features, something I know I could do all night long and something I know would eventually have me begging him to come up into this bed with me. His words about being a better boyfriend echo through my mind as I drift off to sleep, visions of just how he plans on being a better boyfriend taking over my dreams instead of dancing sugar plums.

  Chapter 6


  Her warm, wet lips wrap around my cock, her eyes glancing up at me through heavy lids as she takes me into her mouth. I groan heavily when her soft hands cup my balls as her mouth works its way up and down my dick like it’s her mother fucking job. I knew the moment I kissed Noel that her mouth could double as a weapon of mass destruction, and if all of the blood in my body was still in my head instead of my dick, I’d tell her that. She gently massages my balls, her tongue circling around the head of my cock, and I know I’m not going to last long, an apology on the tip of my tongue that I promise to make it up to her as soon as this orgasm gets out of my system after being pent up for eighteen months.

  Sure, I had plenty of orgasms over the last year and a half, but doing them with your own hand is a hell of a lot different than having it down with a mouth as sweet as Noel’s.


  Her voice flutters through my conscious and I realize her mouth has moved away from my cock.

  “Sam,” she says again, a little louder this time.

  I try not to curse and beg for her to put her mouth back where it was, but it’s a little hard. Scratch that, it’s really fucking hard and I really fucking want to come.

  “SAM! Wake the fuck up!”

  My eyes fly open and I jerk up, blinking my eyes rapidly while trying to figure out where the hell I am and why my dick is hard enough to cut through all the icicles hanging from the window outside right above me.

  I hear loud knocking followed by a chipper voice.

  “Hello?! Are you kids awake? I hope you’re decent because I’m coming in!”

  Noel. Aunt Bobbie. Noel’s parents. Home for Christmas. SHIT!

  Before I can fully process where I am and what’s happening, the woman I was just having the hottest dream ever about quickly rolls to the edge of the bed, grabs my arm and yanks me up toward her.

  Yep, time to wake the fuck up and move my ass. Noel’s “boyfriend” probably shouldn’t be sleeping on the floor instead of in bed with her.

  “Hurry up! Get in bed before she gets in here!” Noel whispers frantically while I scramble up from the floor, getting tangled in the blankets while my arms flail and I fall on top of her. Or should I say, face first right between her blanket covered legs.

  “I brought muffins and coffee!” Noel’s mother announces happily as she throws open the door and I hear it bang against the opposite wall since I didn’t have time to remove my face from the warmth of Noel’s crotch.

  “Oh, my God! I’m closing my eyes, I’m closing my eyes!” she shouts, my head finally lifting slightly to see the woman standing in the doorway in a fluffy pink bathrobe, curlers in her hair, one hand covering her eyes, and the other hand holding a tray of what looks to be blueberry muffins and two cups of steaming coffee.

  “I’m so glad my daughter found someone so adventurous, Logan,” Noel’s mother announces as she keeps one hand over her eyes and shuffles blindly into the room, setting the tray down on top of the dresser. “Reggie doesn’t believe in oral before breakfast.”

  “Jesus, Mom!” Noel complains as I roll to my side, still between her legs because…well, because it’s warm and cozy, and maybe if I stay here long enough, she’ll forget about that whole no hanky-panky thing. After her mother leaves, of course.

  “Oh, don’t be such a prude, Leon,” her mother scoffs, hand still over her eyes as she now walks backward to the open door. “You should be happy your father and I still have such an active sex life. Thank God for his medical marijuana prescription. I was getting a little bored with always being on top because of the arthritis in his hips. He’s much more agile when he’s high.”

  It’s a wonder I still have a dick at this point and it hasn’t detached itself from my body, scurrying away in horror.

  “I’m going to remove my hand from my eyes now.”

  “Mom, we have clothes on, it’s fine,” Noel says with a huff as her mother slowly lowers her hand.

  “Well, that’s disappointing,” she mutters, shoving her hands into the pockets of her bathrobe and walking quickly toward the bed.

  “Open up,” she demands.

  I glance at Noel and she shrugs, just as confused as I am.

  “Come on, I don’t have all day. Your brother will be here soon and I need to finish getting dressed. Open up.”

  Noel rolls her eyes and opens her mouth, forcing me to do the same before something even worse happens like Bev getting into bed with us asking if she can watch.

  Faster than I can blink, her mother pulls a candy cane out of her pocket, quickly unwraps it and breaks off two pieces, shoving one into each of our open mouths.

  “No one likes morning breath. We’ll be leaving the house in exactly one hour so make sure your morning nookie doesn’t take too long. See you downstairs!”

  With that, she turns and exits the room, pulling the door closed behind her.

  I slam my mouth closed and start chewing on the candy cane, rolling back over between Noel’s legs and scooting upwards to place my hands on either side of her body and hold myself over her. Her head falls back on the pillow when I move and her eyes widen when my hips press between the heat of her thighs.

  “Do you really have morning wood right now? After that shit show?” Noel asks in astonishment as she munches her own piece of peppermint candy.

  “It’s a fucking phenomenon,” I tell her, swallowing the last of my candy cane. “I don’t know what’s happening or how long it will last, so just go with it.”

  I push my hips forward again, letting her feel how hard I am and wishing these fucking blankets weren’t between us. Our faces are so close I can feel her warm, peppermint breath against my lips as she sighs softly when I move between her legs again. I don’t want to take advantage of her, I don’t want her to feel like she has to do anything with me as some sort of payment for the favor I’m doing for her by being here, pretending to be her boyfriend, but I need her to know how much I want her. How much I haven’t been able to stop think about being inside of her, touching her naked skin, and hearing her moan my name, even in my dreams.

  “Just say the word, Noel,” I whisper, keeping my elbows locked as I hold myself over her body and stare into her eyes.

  I wait for her to push me away. To tell me nothing is going to happen in her parent’s house, because it’s what she should do. It’s what any normal person would do. I should be ashamed of myself that my dick is still hard, still wants her, still hopes she’ll give in and let me have just a little taste of her, but I’m not. I want to say I’d feel like this with any woman after going without sex for a year and a half, but it would be a lie. It’s Noel. It’s all Noel. Her smile, her laugh, her smell, her skin…I need her. Just her. I realize how crazy that sounds when we haven’t even known each other for twenty-four hours, but I don’t give a fuck. This woman has turned me inside out in less than a day and I just. Don’t. Give. A. Fuck.

  Holding my breath, I wait for the words to whisper from her mouth about how we barely know each other, she just broke up with her dumb shit boyfriend, and she has too much going on right now to get messed up with some guy she barely knows. I wait, but the words never come. Right when I prepare myself to roll off of her and take a very cold shower, with a very quic
k yank of my wank, she wiggles her hips, kicks her legs and uses her feet to push the blanket separating us down to the end of the bed. I help her by lifting my hips so she can kick the blankets away before settling back down between her thighs and bending my elbows until my bare chest is against hers.

  “No point in letting these candy canes go to waste,” Noel whispers before grabbing handfuls of my hair and pulling my head down, her mouth meeting mine halfway.

  The kiss is no less electric than it was yesterday, except now I don’t have to worry about having an audience and I can turn up the heat as much as I fucking want. She’s finally beneath me, where I’ve wanted her since I met her.

  Noel’s legs immediately come up to wrap around my hips, her ankles locking together above my ass, and I sigh against her lips when they feel exactly as I imagined them. Her thigh muscles tighten around my waist, pulling me harder against her. Even through my flannel pajama bottoms and her cotton ‘After Sex Pants,’ I can feel the heat from her pussy radiating against me and my tongue pushes deep into her mouth while I slowly slide myself against her warmth. My tongue moves in tandem with the movement of my hips, a slow and easy rhythm that has Noel clutching harder to the hair on the back of my head.

  Moving my mouth away from hers, I kiss my way across her cheek and down the side of her neck, using the tip of my tongue and a little teeth to nip at her skin as I go, until my face is right between her tits straining against the thin material of her tank top. With my elbows resting on the bed, caging her in, I use the tips of my fingers to pull back the top edge of the tank top until one perfectly pink nipple makes an appearance, and I don’t hesitate before wrapping my lips around the hard bud and sucking it into my mouth.

  “Sam,” Noel moans softly, pulling my head tighter against her chest as I swirl my tongue around and around her nipple until her hips start moving erratically. She slides the heat of her cotton-covered pussy against my dick, and I swear to God, I see stars. She moans my name again when I suck her rosy peak into my mouth once more, and the sound of my name on her lips is just as hot as I imagined it would be. With my hips pumping gently against her, I pull my head back and stare at her nipple, now wet from my mouth. I blow softly on it and watch it harden even more right in front of my eyes.

  “When was the last time you had an amazing orgasm?” I whisper against her skin in between soft licks and more gentle blows of air on her.

  I rub my thumb back and forth over her nipple and wait for her answer, holding myself still between her legs, even though I want nothing more than to rip off both of our pants and fuck her until she’s moaning AND screaming my name, to hell with the people downstairs.

  “Um,” Noel mumbles in reply, her hips jerking against me.

  I glance up at her, my thumb still lazily gliding over her pebbled tip while I stare at her face. Eyes closed, teeth biting down on her bottom lip, and head thrown back on the pillow. Best sight I’ve ever seen, but her non-answer to my question makes me pause.

  “Are you still trying to think about your answer or have I rendered you speechless?” I ask with a smile even though her eyes are still closed and she can’t see it.

  “Um,” is her only reply once again.

  I’m not sure if I want to pat myself on the back for my awesome skills, or kick that dumb shit Logan in the balls for never giving her an amazing orgasm, or at least never giving her one she can recall at the moment.

  “Let’s call it a tie,” I declare, sliding my hand down her ribcage, over her stomach, and dipping my fingers under the waistband of her pants, hoping the words on them will actually have some truth to them in a little bit.

  “Oh, God,” she groans, her hips lifting up toward my hand, urging me on when my palm slides over the wet lace between her legs.

  My head dips back down to pull her nipple into my mouth once more as I use the heel of my hand to rub against her until her hips start jerking again and incoherent mumbling, cursing and sighing flutters out of her mouth.

  Just as my fingers begin to move the edge of her lace underwear to tug it aside and finally feel all that wet heat on my skin, the bedroom door flies open and once again, slams into the opposite wall.

  “Stop being a slut, Leon! We’re going on a family outing. Put on some clothes and get your slutty ass downstairs!” a male voice shouts before the door bangs closed and I hear footsteps pounding loudly down the hall and on the stairs until they fade away.

  My mouth is still attached to Noel’s nipple and my hand is still down her pants and I have no fucking idea what just happened, but my dick is about ready to stab someone.

  “So, that was Nicholas,” Noel says casually as I finally detach my mouth from her tit, pull my hand out of her pants, and look down at her.

  “I figured. Nice guy. Seems friendly,” I reply sarcastically.

  “We should probably get downstairs before my dad and Aunt Bobbie decide to barge in here as well, pull up some chairs, and give us a critique.”

  Aaaaaaand there it is. Boner killer.

  With a sigh and a silent word of apology to my quickly wilting wiener, I kiss the tip of Noel’s nose and roll my body off of hers to get out of bed.

  “Just because we were interrupted doesn’t mean I’m finished with you,” I inform her as I grab some clothes from my duffle bag on the floor. “Those ‘After Sex Pants’ are going to be used properly before this night is over, so brace yourself, Noel.”

  I leave her in bed with a flushed face, parted legs and her long red hair spread out on her pillow as I make my way into the bathroom with a smile on my face.

  If I can survive her milk-hating father, handsy Aunt Bobbie, and cock-blocking brother, I can survive anything. Even whatever this family outing is, I’m sure of it.

  Chapter 7


  “Brace yourself, Noel.”

  Sam’s parting words before he walked into the bathroom and took a shower this morning still bounce around inside my brain, even over the loud arguing happening in the van around us.

  I almost had sex with a stranger this morning.

  I almost had sex with a man who knows more about me than most people in my life and makes me hotter than any man before him.

  I could be having sex right now if I wasn’t stuck in a van with my entire family, listening to them argue about the fastest way to get to our location and then curse at each other when my dad takes a wrong turn.

  Nicholas was right when he barged in on us this morning. I’m a slut. I’m a slutty slut who is acting slutty and should be ashamed. I JUST broke up with my boyfriend of a year. Like, literally three days ago. A man I thought I could spend a very long time with, even if I cringe at the words forever and marriage. He was nice, treated me good, let me move in with him a month after we met when the lease on my own apartment was up, and made living together so easy it seemed as if we’d been doing it for years. Maybe that’s the problem. Everything was too easy with Logan. We never argued, we never disagreed on anything, and I never got butterflies in my stomach or even a tinge of wetness with just one look or one touch of his hands on me. All I have to do is think about Sam and the feel of his body on top of mine, his hardness rubbing against me, and his tongue plunging into my mouth and my underwear is soaked.

  Not a very comfortable feeling or appropriate thoughts when I’m squished in the second row of my parent’s van with my mother on one side and my brother on the other, shouting around me. Sam unfortunately got thrown in the back row with Aunt Bobbie, so Nicholas’s wife, Casey, could be up front with dad, and I’m pretty sure his coughs every ten seconds are a verbal cry for help each time Bobbie’s hands stray to his lap as we bounce over potholes and take corners at an entirely too high rate of speed.

  I’m too tightly packed into this seat to do much more than crane my neck and look back over my shoulder at him with a sympathetic smile.

  “We’ll be there soon, I promise,” I tell him softly.

  “Logan, I noticed on your bag I carried upstairs last ni
ght that it said Sox on it. What’s that all about?” my dad calls back to him, his eyes shooting daggers into the rearview mirror.


  Sam coughs loudly and when I sit here trying to come up with some excuse for the nickname on his bag, he continues coughing until Aunt Bobbie wraps her arms around him.

  “Breathe, dammit, BREATHE!” she shouts, grabbing his head and pulling it down to her chest.

  Now, he really is coughing, choking on a mouthful of spit and panic, as Aunt Bobbie nestles his face into the fake cleavage created by her custom-made silicone boob vest that’s barely covered by her low-cut red sweater.

  “I don’t get the whole Sox thing. Your name is Logan Masters, why does your bag say Sox?” my dad questions again, totally oblivious to the molestation of Sam’s face in Aunt Bobbies tits at the back of the van.

  “Cheeses Christ, Bobbie, let the poor man up before he suffocates!” my mother complains with a huff, prompting Aunt Bobbie to finally remove her hands from Sam’s head.

  He jerks up and scoots as far away from her on the bench seat as possible, all while still coughing and shooting me the evil eye.

  “The boy’s fine. Now answer the Sox question,” my dad reminds us.

  “Uh, he likes socks,” I reply lamely.

  Nicholas snorts from next to me and I punch him in the thigh.

  “That’s dumb,” my dad quips, causing Sam to cough again, probably agreeing with him that the answer is, in fact, dumb.

  You try coming up with something on the fly when your brain is filled with missed orgasms and you can still feel a big, warm, very skilled hand rubbing your vagina.

  “Yep, socks. He collects them. Looooooooooves socks so he got the nickname Sox,” I add, crossing my arms and glaring at my brother before he even thinks of saying something stupid.

  “Picked yourself a real winner there, Leon. A sock collector and he diddles you under mom and dad’s roof,” Nicholas laughs.