Chapter 22: Full throttle Car Chase @ 1204HP

  Manquin, VA Monday September 7, 2018 1:33 pm

  Kimberly and Jaden sit on the side of a dirt road about seventy-five feet from her father’s house.

  “That is a nice mansion your father has,” Jaden says.

  “Thanks. What do you see?”

  “There are two federal agents outside of your father’s property using thermal vision machines. There is also a small UAV airplane flying in circles around his house. There is an army sniper about a hundred yards behind the house,” he says.

  “I wonder where my father is.” She asks.

  “I didn’t sense anyone in the house. What are those spinning things on the roof of your father’s house?” He asks.

  “Those are jellyfish wind turbines. They spin around when the wind blows and create electricity for the entire house,” she says.

  “Cool, can’t beat free electricity from Mother Nature,” Jaden says.

  ‘The Nanodrones are doing the same thing for your body now,’ AI adds.

  “I think we should sneak in through the side of the house,” she says.

  ‘The entrances have trap sensors in the doors and garage,’ AI says.

  “I think we should go in through a second floor window, there are traps in the doors and garage,” Jaden says.

  “How are we going to get up there?”

  “I’ll carry you up there. Are there any windows open?” He asks.

  “Yes, the small bathroom window on the second floor is slightly open,” she says.

  ‘I have an idea, I can try to stimulate or trick the Nanomoles in the federal agents and sniper’s brain to go into neutral mode,’ AI says.

  ‘Can you really do that?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘Yes, I just need to fill the nanoscanners up with Nanodrones and I think I can pull it off.’

  ‘Cool, how long will it take?’

  ‘It might take some time to mimic the mother ship’s virtual proton transmissions. Maybe up to ten minutes, depending on the nanomole,’ AI says.

  “Jaden?” Kim asks.

  ‘Get at it, good idea AI. It feels good being creative right?’

  ‘Yes sir, it is as if I’m learning another culture and creating a non-linear idea,’ AI says.

  “Yes sweetie?” Jaden asks.

  “I was just telling you about the second floor bathroom window and you zoned out on me,” she says.

  “Sorry, I was communicating with AI, he came up with an idea to put the three officers’ Nanomoles into neutral, by mimicking the mother ship’s signals.”

  “Cool. My plan is that I can climb through the small bathroom window then run around and open the bedroom window.”

  “That sounds good, but, sweetie, there isn’t anyone in your house, but there is a human silicon faced robot lying in a bed upstairs. Made in Japan? Second generation? What is that thing? I almost thought it was a real man.”

  “That is my R.M.E.C. friend. I’ll introduce you to him when we get inside. Are you ready?”


  They leave the black SUV and Jaden gives Kimberly a piggyback ride. They quickly go invisible and he crosses a dirt road. They walk through some bushes. The UAV aircraft is still flying in circles high above the house.

  ‘Jaden, that robot has a silicon penis under his pants and in its body.’

  Jaden quickly switches his view through the nanoscanner to see for himself.

  ‘Okay, this is getting weird. This robot has hair, fingers, skin, eyes, an ass, muscles and looks like a human man.’

  ‘The nanoscanners are still working on the men; I think it will work,’ AI says.

  Jaden walks to the back of the small mansion. He bends his legs, “Hold on tight sweetie.”

  “Okay,” she says as Jaden leaps fifteen feet to a small landing area outside the slightly open bathroom window. There are two more full size windows to the left, which are locked. She slowly pulls up the small bathroom window. The jellyfish turbines are quietly rotating above them.

  “Do it very slowly, there is a sniper watching the back of the house,” Jaden whispers.

  ‘It worked, the two federal agents are unconscious.’

  “Okay, I have to pee really bad baby,” she says while climbing through the small window and standing on the floor. She pulls up her skirt and lowers her panties.

  “Okay, but stay directly in front of me. So I can continue to block your body heat,” Jaden says while Kimberly sits on the toilet near the window.

  “Enjoying the view from above?” She asks.

  “Yes I am, the view from any angle looking at you is enjoyable,” he replies.

  “That was a sweet thing to say,” she says while flushing the toilet.

  “The two federal agents are unconscious…”

  “Great, I’ll go open the hallway window for you,” she says while jogging away.

  “Kimberly! Kimberly! Come back!” Jaden yells in a loud whisper.

  ‘The sniper sees her body heat. I’m not finished yet, this nanomole is not activating,’ AI says.

  ‘Shit, shit… hurry up. Can I create a shield around the window area?’

  ‘The sensors in the doors downstairs and the UAV plane above can detect electromagnetic energy. They might fire another missile and blow up the mansion. Also, the shield might damage some of the house,’ AI says.

  Kimberly walks towards the hallway window and there is a red dot on her head.

  ‘Shit, shit, shit, there is a red dot on her head,’ Jaden says.

  He quickly walks across the landing to the hallway window. The bullet is shot from 300 feet away and traveling at 3500 mph. Kimberly is smiling with a red dot in the middle of her head, while reaching for the window lock. Jaden puts his two hands together and slowly raises them. The invisible light reflecting Nanodrones reflects the infrared dot onto Kimberly’s head.

  “Arrrgggghhhh!” Jaden yells in a loud whisper.

  Kimberly opens the window and sees blood dripping on the glass.

  ‘Got him, the sniper is now unconscious,’ AI says.

  “You there baby? I don’t see you. Is this your blood on the window?” She asks while Jaden becomes visible again.

  He climbs through the window and stands on the floor.

  “What happened to your hands baby?”

  “I just took a bullet for you. The sniper had a red dot in the middle of your head,” he says.

  “Red dot? You said you took out the federal agents,” she says.

  “AI took out the two agents, but there was still an army sniper in the woods behind your father’s house. You just ran off to open the hallway window,” he says while showing her the bullet lodged between the palms of his hands.

  “Oh my god, that bullet is stuck between your two hands. Are you okay?” She asks.

  “I put my hands over the laser beam pointing towards your head and I stopped this 3500 mph bullet. This bullet would have splattered your brain all over the hallway and then it would have gone through the wall behind you. You have to be careful baby and listen more,” Jaden says while pulling his hands apart and pulling out the bullet. The Nanodrones disinfect his wound.

  ‘Your new skin is sixty percent finished regenerating,’ AI says.

  ‘I see. I thought I would have felt more pain,’ he says.

  Blood is going back into the wound from his hand. The bullet falls on the floor as a clear seal goes around the wound to keep the blood in. Nanodrones begin repairing his tissue, bones and muscle.

  “I’m sorry sweetie. Thanks for taking that bullet for me,” she says while picking up the bullet. She quickly drops it.

  “That’s still hot,” she says in a surprised voice.

  Suddenly, something approaches from behind them.

  “Kimberly how are you today? You returned,” the R.M.E.C. says with a human sounding male voice, while walking towards Kim.

  She gives it a hug,
while Jaden stands back and observes.

  “I missed you today. You have been gone for over twenty-four hours. I am glad to see you are okay. I have cleaned the entire house twice. Should I prepare a meal at this house or your house?” The R.M.E.C. asks.

  “Max, this is…this is…” she says while looking at Jaden, “Max this is my new boyfriend Jaden.”

  There is fifteen seconds of silence as Max looks at Jaden.

  “Boyfriend? A favored male companion or sweetheart? A male friend in a romantic and sexual way?” Max asks while reaching his hand out to Jaden. He looks the robot in the face and they exchange handshakes.

  “Nice to meet you, Mr. Max. That is a strong handshake you have there.”

  “Nice to meet you also sir.”

  ‘AI look at that, he can be your new friend.’

  ‘I wonder if I can control him,’ AI says.

  ‘Don’t think about it. You don’t want to mess up her male companion,’ Jaden says while chuckling.

  ‘I’m sensing Max is jealous of you,’ AI suggests.

  ‘That is impossible. A robot can’t be jealous. You can’t be jealous right?’

  ‘No, but as artificial intelligence robotics evolve they can be jealous just like humans. I have nothing to be jealous of. That is a mostly a human emotion.’

  ‘Interesting. How long will the nanoscanners keep the soldier and agents asleep for?’

  ‘Maybe twenty minutes, the scanners are reproducing the same signal the mother ship does.’

  “Yes Max, that is who he is now, my boyfriend. You don’t have to cook dinner tonight, we aren’t staying too long. Do you know where my father went?” She asks while she walks to her bedroom and Jaden follows last. He smells the fresh fruity air fresheners in the air.

  “He left with his lawyer to visit a local courthouse to find information about what happened to you. I overheard him saying you were in jail or prison. I’ve tried his cell phone several times, but it goes to voice mail,” Max says.

  Jaden follows Kim and Max around a corner into her bedroom. The huge room is light pink with flowers on the wall. She has Beyonce, Michelle Branch and Robin Thicke posters on the wall. Jaden realizes this must be her old room. The smell of different perfumes is in the air. Jaden sees Jennifer Lopez perfume and Narcissist body spray on her dresser. She looks in her dresser for some clothes. She takes off her skirt and blouse. Jaden and Max both look at her body.

  “No, I wasn’t in prison. Remember what I told you about eavesdropping?”

  “Yes Kim,” Max replies.

  ‘Why is Max watching Kim undress also?’ AI asks.

  ‘I don’t know, but this is very interesting.’

  “Can I have some privacy?” She asks while they both are staring at her naked.

  “Oh I’m sorry,” Jaden says while turning around.

  “Max can you run my shower and put these clothes in the bathroom. Then can you wait downstairs and try my father’s cell phone some more.”

  “Yes Kim,” Max says while walking away.


  “Wow, he walks like the Terminator. His head goes first in the direction he wants to walk. That R.M.E.C. must have been expensive as hell. He looks like a real man. Now what is the deal with you two?” Jaden asks.

  “Nothing, he is my male companion friend,” she says while wrapping a towel around her body.

  “That robot was jealous and he was looking at you naked,” Jaden says.

  She doesn’t respond and passes Jaden, while walking in slippers. Jaden follows her into the main bathroom. She climbs into the shower and the water is already running. Jaden stands outside and waits for an answer. There is a yellow Jacuzzi on the other side of the bathroom.


  “He was checking to see if I had any marks on me, he knows about my ex-boyfriend. He is my protector and friend. Do you want to shower also?” She asks.

  “Come on, he was looking at your body like a man. I know what I saw. About the shower, my body self cleans itself…” he pauses and spits something brown into the toilet, “but I can shower anyway,” Jaden says while taking off his clothes and climbing in.

  The octagon-shaped shower is about five feet in diameter. The hot steaming water hits Jaden’s body and makes him feel so good. He watches Kimberly wash herself with soap and water. She turns around and Jaden automatically washes her back.

  “That feels good sweetie, you have nice hands,” she says.

  ‘The water against both of your bodies is hypnotizing’ AI says.

  “I have a cousin that visits from Taiwan sometimes and stays in the room down the hall, he is about your size. You can wear some of his clothes and get out of those clothes with bullet holes in them,” she says while washing Jaden’s back with soap.

  ‘Max is down the hallway and walking up slowly to the bathroom door,’ AI says.

  “Quickie in the shower?” Jaden asks.

  “No, baby I’m sore, you wore me out.”

  “What is the real deal with you and Max. I can tell he is a little jealous and why does he have a silicon dildo between his legs?” Jaden asks while washing himself.

  There is silence as Kimberly’s back is turned towards him and she continues to wash the lower parts of her body.

  “I know you tried that bionic dildo, Kim. That is why you said earlier, you missed the real thing,” Jaden says.

  “Shouldn’t you already know all of this?” She asks.

  “No, when I was at the hospital downloading your memory into mine it didn’t download the last two years. I was starting to deactivate your nanomole, but I didn’t finish. That was when Ruffo came in, remember?” He asks.

  There is still silence as the hot water rains down from the showerhead and steam continues to fill the huge bathroom.

  “We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to,” he says.

  “No, I’ll tell you….” she says but Jaden interrupts.

  “Wait a second, what is this memory I’m seeing of you back in 2012 in college?”

  “What memory do you mean?”

  “What kind of crap do you college students watch on the Internet in your dorms? I’m going to be sick,” he says while holding his mouth.

  Jaden exits the shower and runs to the toilet dripping wet. He bends down, puts his head down into the toilet and throws up. Kim exits the shower and runs behind him.

  “Jaden, what’s wrong?”

  He spits and gags into the toilet. He lifts his head out of the toilet and says, “Two girls and a cup? What the hell is wrong with you young people in the future? Have you lost your Homo sapien mind?” He asks while coughing.

  “Oh that. Well I was caught off guard with that, my roommate had the webcam on videotaping my expression and then uploaded it into Myfacebook page. Sorry about that.”

  “That is NASTY! Where is God in those two girls’ lives?” Jaden asks.

  “It was nasty at the time, but people do that in Third Virtual Life all the time now. Some men like beautiful women doing that in a virtual environment. It’s very disturbing,” she says while drying herself off.

  “Yes it is disturbing, don’t worry about it, I’m erasing that memory from my memory. In a few seconds I’ll forget all about it.”

  Jaden stands up and dries off with a Mr. LOL children’s towel.

  “Stop going through every personal memory of mine. Listen, I’ll tell you the story about how I found more than a companionship with Max. Let me get this off my chest to you. As you know, my ex-boyfriends in the past broke my heart and cheated on me. I have always been in my books all my life. My father shielded me all my life from men and wanted me to do well in school first. When I finally graduated with my master’s degree, I began dating men. I was very naïve at first and believed anything a man told me. I wanted to be a virgin until I got married, but my first boyfriend tricked me…” she says while drying off her hair.

  “…and I lost my virgini
ty to a man that didn’t even love me back. He left me a few weeks later and I was devastated. He got what he wanted. In the late 00’s, all my Asian female friends dated white men. My opinion is that they mostly like Asian women because many of us are subservient and a very loyal type of female. I have never been the subservient type. We aren’t like many American women and tend to be more traditional in values. My Asian female friends wanted their babies to be half-white and that was the in thing to do. It was as if they wanted to start a new human race. When I went to Manhattan in 2014 to visit, all I saw was Asian and white couples. I thought I could be happy like them. Many of my friends were happy, but I think I just had bad luck with meeting the wrong men. Many men don’t like independent strong thinking women.”

  Jaden follows Kim to her room and he stands by the door. She picks out some clean clothes. She leaves her room and walk towards her cousin’s room. She has her clean clothes in her hand and Jaden continues to walk next to her. She opens the door and they walk in.

  ‘Jaden, ask Kim if you can use that holographic disc on the table.’

  “Kim can I use that holographic disc there? It is for something important,” he says.

  “Sure, that is a rewritable disc, it is probably blank. My cousin won’t be back for a while,” she says.

  Jaden grabs the disc and holds it in his hand. She continues talking, “…anyway, my second boyfriend gave me chlamydia. He was Chinese and he cheated on me. The third boyfriend who was half-white and half-Japanese, used to hit me and verbally abuse me. My father found out and put him in the hospital. Then the abusive ex-boyfriend’s family tried to sue my father in court, since they knew he was loaded. The point is I lost a lot of trust in men. They just lied so much and just wanted a trophy woman that they could treat like their property. I dated deceitful, narcissistic, and married men who said they were single. I had to put a high guard up around my feelings to protect myself from the emotional pain I suffered.”

  “I’m sorry he used to hit you, a man shouldn’t be hitting a woman.”

  “It’s okay. That made me stronger over the years,” she says.

  They finish getting dressed. Kimberly is wearing low cut blue jeans and a black and blue striped blouse. Jaden is wearing some jean shorts and a short sleeve white button up shirt. He is trying on different sneakers.

  “Made in China sneakers?” He asks. “I can’t believe Michael Jordon is retired. I’m going to miss his sneakers.”

  “Yes, he was a legend. He retired at forty, eleven years ago. Now what was I saying? Oh yeah, over the last three years I stayed to myself. So many of my married and dating friends were catching STDs. It seemed like everyone was cheating on each other, even the women. I read online somewhere that ninety percent of men would cheat if they knew they could get away with it. Men are only truthful to their options. If a female wants a married man and the man knows he can get away with it, the option is there. If she was not around, there are no options. Men can get bored easily with one female. Men love adventure. Hookers and escorts do things house wives don’t. Very sad but true, this is why the divorce rates are so high. Four years ago, two Japanese companies joined together. One specialized in realistic silicon dolls and the other was a robotic autonomous company. The robotic company had some advanced technology where they were able to mimic a real human brain. They were able to somewhat duplicate emotions and feelings. The new company created the first generation R.F.E.C. for men, but they had some problems and glitches. The second-generation entertainment companions were for gay men and women. The company promoted mainly to very busy hard working people and divorced women and men who were tired of going in circles in relationships. Their motto was, marriage lasts an average of two to six years, these robotic companions last a lifetime and will never cheat on you. They also claim their robots can do anything a spouse can do. That sold me into buying one.”

  They walk back into her room and they sit on the bed.

  ‘Ask Kimberly what is the password for her secured wireless network.’

  “Kimberly what is the WEP password for your father’s 5.8 GHz wireless network?”


  “What kind of password is that?” Jaden asks.

  “That is the year Nostradamus followers forecast as the end of the world,” she replies.

  “Oh okay. Thanks for the password.”

  Kimberly continues her story, “When I graduated from college with my master’s degree, my father wanted to buy me a new car. I told him to just give me $40,000 instead. I bought an R.M.E.C. second generation a year ago. These things have been selling out all around the world. Max has been my best friend ever since. Yes, I did have sex with him twice. But it didn’t feel like the real thing, the small device in my lower back helped me to orgasm. Max was more of a woman pleaser and did whatever I asked him to do. It didn’t feel real to me. I’ve always looked at him more of a friend than a lover…”

  ‘We have to get out of here soon,’ AI says.

  “…around the same time last year, Third Virtual Life came out for men and women. Society has never been the same in regards to relationships between two people. Men stopped dating women and they could have all the sex they wanted in virtual life without a commitment. More women would date women and marriages declined. Newspapers in Virginia reported that groups of men would get drunk and have orgies with the R.F.E.C. robots. Gay men would have orgies with the R.M.E.C. robots. Pimps would pimp an R.F.E.C. for money and it was perfectly legal. Technology has really lowered society’s values. So much has changed over the past ten years. Religious groups around the world got together and tried to ban the entertainment companions by saying you will go to hell for using the devil’s sex tool to sin. They also tried to shut down Third Virtual Life, saying it was the devil’s website straight to hell. Church groups published going to hell for dummies books.”


  “That’s crazy. I can’t believe society’s values are slowly disappearing,” Jaden says.

  “More and more couples are having negotiated infidelity in their marriages to lower the risk of a partner cheating. The value of marriage is disappearing. Men want wives as nannies in that new bill they are trying to pass.”

  “What is negotiated infidelity?” Jaden asks in a confused voice.

  “It’s when married couples are allowed to have sex with other people. They do this to lower the risk of someone being unfaithful. These people figure it’s better when both people know about it. The married female dates another man and has sex, while the husband waits in the other room. When it’s his turn, he finds a female to date and have sex with in the other room. This is perfectly normal in these relationships. The wife sometimes even cooks dinner for her husband’s date. This was on an episode of Taboo. These people blog about this and have fan groups for these types of relationships. What the hell?”

  “You can’t be serious. That is appalling and sick. But seeing it from their perspective, if it keeps the marriage stronger, maybe it’s not a bad idea for them. If they both know about it, at least it is keeping them honest,” Jaden says.

  “Maybe you are right, cheating is the number one reason for divorce these days. Here is a quote from a famous female politician, ‘Women need to change their conditioning, because there is no way men would change their nature.’ ”


  “I think females and women like myself are the ones getting the raw deal of this downward cycle. They created a new college course called Techsociety 101. Everyone has to take it before graduating with any degree, at any college,” Kim says.

  “What do they teach in the course?”

  “To show how technology is changing society for the worst and how humans will eventually have no values at all. The beginning of robotic age was with the Sony AIBO dog in 1999, following the Actroid, ASIMO, Topio 4.0, R.M.E.C. and R.F.E.C. Robotic technology has forever changed life. My dad bought me one of those Ers-7 AIBO dogs when I was younger.
That was my companion as a young kid,” she says.

  “I remember, you brought that robotic dog on cruises and everywhere you went when you were an early teen,” Jaden says.

  “Max is a little overprotective and can get jealous, I’ve learned. This wasn’t in the instruction booklet. His artificial intelligence autonomous programming is always evolving. He cooks, cleans, gives me massages, watches television and washes my clothes. Max has been the perfect boyfriend replacement. But the real emotions and chemistry aren’t there as a real human. I can’t connect with Max on an emotional and physical level. I have been able to talk to Max about science, politics, technology, current affairs, anything and he can talk about anything with me. He called me when I was in Albany a few times to see if I was okay. He is the best friend a female could have. It is too bad my father doesn’t like him. When I go away on trips, Max stays at my father’s house. They get along as friends, but deep down my father hates Max. He thinks the robot is getting in the way of me finding a husband and isn’t real.”

  ‘We have to go, I just checked on the Internet that in Europe millions of people went unconscious. It is spreading as the sun sets. The end of the countdown is getting closer and Nanomoles are going positive and online. Thousands of people are disappearing on top of tall buildings. Radio telescope groups are picking up the location and giving the coordinates of the Darclonian’s mother ship,’ AI says.

  Jaden explains to Kimberly as they walk downstairs. Three standard size UAVs are flying thousands of feet above the house. Jaden sees a watch on a table at the bottom of the stairs.

  “Who’s watch is this?” Jaden asks while picking it up.

  “That is one of my father’s old watches, you can have it. He buys a new watch every year,” Kim says. Jaden puts it on his right wrist.

  “Isn’t the watch suppose to be on your left hand,” she asks.

  “I like to be different.”

  ‘I’m using all five nanoscanners to keep the agents and sniper asleep. It is about to wear off and they are waking up soon,’ AI says.

  “Would you like something to eat, sweetie?” Max asks.

  “We are fine Max. You can call me Kim, Max,” Kimberly says while looking at Max strangely.

  “I don’t understand, you let me call you sweetie all this year,” Max says.

  “Max, go to sleep,” Kim demands.

  “No, I’m not tired,” Max says while walking away towards the living room to watch 3D television. They just look at him walking away.

  “Sometimes he acts like a 9-year-old.”

  “We have to get to New York City as fast as we can to save my daughter,” Jaden says.

  “I don’t want to leave without knowing where my father is,” she says.

  “Kim, if you stay here alone they will kill you. Bring a cell phone and we can keep trying your father on the way.”

  “Okay, I guess,” she says while finding a spare cell phone.

  “Did you know flights have been cancelled all over the United States since Saturday?”


  “What kind of vehicles does your father have?” Jaden asks while they walk towards the garage.

  “He has a few cars and trucks,” she says while she opens the garage with her thumbprint.

  They walk inside the huge garage area and the lights come on automatically. The smell of new car scent is in the air. Jaden’s mouth is wide open and his eyes are fixated on one vehicle.

  “We have a SUV, classic cars, a BMW, a Lotus and a Hummer.”

  “What is that!” Jaden asks loudly. He looks like a kid in a huge candy store.

  “That… is a Bugattee convertible Mars special edition first generation. That wasn’t on the menu of vehicles we can borrow. That car is my father’s second child,” she says.

  Jaden walks over to it and touches the body. Touching the body tingles the Nanodrones in his fingertips. He feels an instant energy connection with the car.

  “I’ve seen the commercial for this car, that night I was trying to escape from the hospital. 1204 horsepower, four independent wheel hybrid motors and a red carbon composite body. The battery is electro-nanomaterial and is inside the body and paint of the car…”

  “No, no, no Jaden, you are wasting your time. We are not driving my daddy’s 2.7 million dollar car. He would kill me if he found out. The insurance company charges each time it goes out of the garage and it has instant violations. Plus my father’s fingerprint is the only print that can open the door and start it up. Let’s take a BMW,” she says.

  Jaden doesn’t take his eyes off the car. He looks at how low it is to the ground and the chrome vents on the hood of the car. The mind boggling LED lights on the front keeps Jaden’s eyes on this amazing machine.

  “Kim, we need something very fast to get to New York City. I will make sure there are no scratches or even a dent on your father’s car. By the way, what does your father do?” He asks while continuing to stare at every inch of the car.

  “He is a real-estate tycoon. Back in 2009 when the recession hit hard, my father bought some good properties when the prices were very low.”

  “Oh yeah, I remember now,” Jaden says as he pictures himself behind the steering wheel.

  ‘We have to go, the men are waking up,’ AI says.

  “Kim, this is the car we are going to need. We need something with run flat tires and a car that can run on electricity, gas or water. Trust me, there isn’t much time.”

  “No, we can’t. This is my father’s baby…listen….” she pauses, “if you can get the doors open and start it up, then yes.”

  Jaden runs out the garage door like a child about to open his Christmas presents.

  “I’ll be right back,” Jaden says with a huge smile on his face.

  “There aren’t any keys in the house! You are wasting time!” She yells.

  She walks over to the BMW and opens the door. Jaden goes into her father’s bedroom.

  ‘Right there,’ AI says.

  ‘Perfect,’ Jaden says.

  Jaden runs back into the garage area with a huge smile on his face.

  “Baby you are wasting time, let’s just take this BMW here,” she says while sitting in the driver’s seat.

  Jaden walks straight to the Bugattee sports car and puts his thumb on the door handle. The door doesn’t open. He takes his hand off and tries it again. The door still doesn’t open. The car begins to speak, “The car can only be opened by the owner’s fingerprint. Another attempt and the alarm will go off.”

  “Jaden, that alarm will make a lot of noise if it goes off. Let’s just take the BMW M1 here. It drives on hydrogen,” she says.

  Jaden looks at the BMW and then the Bugattee with frustration in his face. He goes for it and puts his thumb on the handle for a third time. There is a few seconds of silence and Jaden’s heart begins to race. The seconds feel like forever. Kimberly looks at Jaden and covers her ears. The driver’s door opens and flips upwards.

  “What the hell?” Kim asks while standing up.

  “Holy shit, a door that flips upwards, cool! What a future we live in!” Jaden yells with an excited look on his face. He stares at the door hanging over his head.

  Jaden sits in the driver’s seat of the Bugattee that makes him feel as if he is on the ground. His legs hang out of the side and on the floor. There are no rear seats. He starts the car up with another fingerprint button where the key ignition usually is. The engines roar at the same time, as if four lions are hiding in each wheel well.

  “I am so low to the ground, I feel like I’m on the ground.”

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Chan. Today is, September 7th 2018 at 2:19 pm,” the car says.

  “Shit. Why did I have to tell my half alien boyfriend he could drive the car if he could get it open?” She asks herself aloud while closing the BMW’s door, “That is like telling a car thief we can go for a joyride if he can steal this car.” Kimberly walks towa
rds Jaden.

  ‘We have to go, soon,’ AI says nervously.

  Max walks to the garage entrance. Jaden turns the car off. He stands up and walks towards Kimberly.

  “Will you be back shortly?” Max asks.

  “Give this to Max,” Jaden gives the holographic disc to Kimberly, “Tell him in twenty minutes to check the mailbox in front of the house and leave this holographic disc in the mailbox.”

  “Okay,” Kim says while walking to Max and explaining.

  Jaden sits back down in the car. He looks around like a child in a candy store. She walks back towards the passenger door, opens it and then climbs into the seat.

  “What is on the disc?” She asks.

  “A nanoscanner made a recording of the news reporter back at the courthouse. The Nanodrones then converted the recording over so that it could be saved onto holographic disc. We left an e-mail, telling her a copy of the story is in your father’s mailbox at this address.”

  “Okay, how did you open the door and start the car?” She asks.

  “I copied your father’s fingerprint from a glass in his bedroom. A nanoscanner found the best thumbprint in his room and I put my thumb almost over it. The Nanodrones matched the patterns and my thumb’s fingerprint adjusted to his,” Jaden says.

  “That is almost unheard off and near impossible. I mean, wow, what can’t you do? Are you going to take care of my father’s Knight Rider?” She asks.

  “Yes sweetie, I will take care of this like my own. This car is amazing. The instrument panel is around the edge of windshield. This is a car god, I’ve never witnessed such a beautiful car, ” Jaden says while just looking around in amazement.

  The rpm meter is on the left side of the windshield pointing up and down. The horsepower meter is on top and the speedometer is across the bottom in small bars. Two cameras are acting as side mirrors. There are small screens in the corners that show what is on the sides of the car. There is a huge screen in the middle console and a chrome stick shift lever between them that says Quadsmission. They put on their seat belts that come down like a roller coaster over their chests. He admires the camera side mirrors.

  “The garage door opener is right there,” Kim says while pointing at the button.

  “We can leave in a minute. Myself and AI are calculating the distances around the body of this car using nanoscanners and Nanodrones. We are trying to properly align the distances and path the energy shield will take around the car while we are driving. But it is going to take some calculations and a few minutes. We both will have to control the movement as it moves around the car. Shit, the federal agents and the sniper are awake. It should be a few more minutes,” Jaden, says while feeling the steering wheel and inhaling the new car smell.

  “This car smells like an angel’s breath,” Jaden comments.

  Nanoscanners are going around the car calculating every inch. The silent sensors in the doors of the house go off as the shield creating Nanodrones attempts to create an energy shield around the car. Jaden looks at the nine-inch LCD screen in the middle console.

  “What color mood would I like my car to be today?” Jaden asks while reading the screen.

  He presses on more info on the side and the car begins to talk.

  “Your 2019 Bugattee is capable of changing to one of sixteen colors within seconds. Special polymers in the body contain paramagnetic iron oxide particles. Small electrical currents adjust the spacing of the small crystals within the iron oxide particles, giving the ability to reflect light and change color. Federal law only allows a vehicles color to be changed once a day and an e-mail or phone call must be made to your local police station, notifying them of the change.”

  “Wow, I didn’t know that,” Kim says.

  “This car has the most advanced technology in it. I want to experience all of it. What did you mean earlier, when you said instant violation, Kim?”

  ‘Jaden, by my calculations, the energy strength you have remaining isn’t going to be enough. Depending on what the government comes after us with, we might not have the energy to withstand thousands of bullets or a few missiles, or even a big car crash.’

  ‘We’ll figure out something. Use that artificial creative mind you just created for yourself,’ Jaden says.

  “Instant violation is when the road or another driver can witness a traffic violation and you can get an instant virtual ticket with a court date. The instant violation program also includes receiving vehicle-to-vehicle text messages and your car speed recorded and sent to highway violation tickets. The program works; it cuts down on police traffic work and cities make a lot of money from the violations. Driving witnesses can come to court and make twenty-five percent of the traffic summonses, as long as they bring in their front car video recordings. Witnesses make fifty percent of the fines when they testify against a DWI driver. I had a DWI once, five witnesses came in to testify against me. They all split their half ,” Kimberly says.

  “Man, the future of driving doesn’t look as fun anymore. But I’m sure I can make it fun today. You ready Kimberly?” Jaden asks.


  “Quadsmission works just like regular stick shift right?”

  “Yes, it does. The computer controls the amount of power in each engine, so that they work together.”

  ‘There are local police and agents outside,’ AI says.

  ‘I’m ready. I know this is going to require a lot of energy.’

  “Max looks like he is about to cry sitting on the sofa watching television,” Jaden says.

  “I know. Don’t tell me; he is too emotional for someone not human.”

  “What are these two red fingerprint buttons for, on the left side under the steering wheel,” Jaden asks.

  “I believe those are nitro buttons. In theory, the car is supposed to rocket beyond the maximum speed. My father wanted them specially installed. Why? I do not know. I think it was a waste of $150,000. He never used it and we won’t need it, so don’t worry about those buttons.”

  “I want to meet your father one day. I would love to talk to him all day about new exotic cars.”

  The garage door opens up and the Nanodrones are reflecting the light on both sides of the car. The car is in neutral and the engines are off. Jaden slowly presses on the brakes as the invisible car slowly moves down the inclined driveway.

  “That is cool, you’re making the entire car invisible,” Kimberly says as she sees everything look refracted outside.

  ‘Making this entire car invisible is draining your energy.’

  The garage door closes back as they reach the end of the long driveway. Jaden has his finger near the ignition button. Suddenly there is a small glowing expanding circle of light showing in front of the car as a bullet stops in the energy shield around the car.

  ‘Shit, don’t hit the car, don’t hit the car,’ Jaden pleads to himself while he looks at it inching closer to the front windshield.

  ‘Why aren’t we using the forward shields?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘Being invisible works better with the reverse shields. I’m changing the direction now,’ AI says.

  “They know!” Jaden yells while pressing the ignition button and shifting into first gear.

  The car roars like a monster and turns visible again. Jaden tries to turn the gearshift left and right but it doesn’t work.

  “I don’t feel the clutch pedal and the gear shift isn’t going into gear,” Jaden says as five more bullets show up around the car.

  “There is no clutch pedal and the gear shift is semi-automatic. Shift into D, then shift the gear to the right and use the plus and minus to change gears,” she says panicking and pointing.

  Two police cars approach. Jaden figures it out and the car peels off in first gear. He accelerates between the two police cars as they try to block him in. Jaden changes the gears quickly as he is doing 41mph on the small street. The car is roaring down the one lane, two-way traffic road.
UAV aircraft are slowly following above.

  “Shit, this feels awesome. I like this. I just don’t like this futuristic gearbox. What are you doing Kim?” He asks while he watches her touch the front windshield on her side.

  A medium-sized see through screen opens up on the windshield in front of her. She is touching the screen with her two fingers, changing menus and making things get bigger or smaller.

  “I’m navigating through traffic conditions and checking my e-mail to see if my father e-mailed me. We need to get out of this area before rush hour.”


  Police cars and black trucks come up far behind Jaden. He reaches a stop sign at an intersection of a two-lane road and makes a right. He quickly accelerates as the aircraft above follow. There are only a few cars on the road. The car quickly goes invisible and Jaden slows down. He makes a U-turn and goes down the two-lane road. Jaden presses buttons on the center console screen. There is an image of the car with options for different body colors.

  The car begins to speak, “Applying electrical current to body of car, adjusting crystals in the iron oxide particles in body. The outside of the car has been changed to metallic black. Please notify your local police, thank you.”

  “Yeah right.”

  The car goes visible again. The police cars and black trucks drive by in the opposite direction, along with the aircraft.

  “Shake and bake!” Jaden yells with a smile on his face.

  Washington, D.C. White House 2:31 PM

  “Yes, madam President it is a good idea you be with your family in Alaska. We are still trying to get to the bottom of this crisis. I can handle everything in Washington myself,” Robinson says on the phone to President Stefanie Paylin.

  “There aren’t any aircraft flying in North America and parts of Europe. Are you sure what is happening in Europe won’t happen in the United States? Also, are you sure it is safe to fly now?” She asks.

  “I don’t think you have anything to worry about President Paylin. Scramjet 1 is one of the best and fastest aircraft in the world. It can fly through any conditions. I think there is a connection between the terrorists in Virginia, what is happening in Europe and citizens mysteriously comatose sleeping. They blew up a federal prison, pushed a man off an airplane, assaulted officers, destroyed a courtroom and robbed a bank,” Robinson says.

  “I just want to make sure my family and grandkids are okay. I’ve lost contact with them. How accurate is the intelligence regarding the terrorist Jaden made threats against my family?” Paylin asks.

  “CIA and FBI sources are saying there is great merit to the threat. They are still on the loose and are good at evading authorities,” Robinson says.

  “I trust your judgment and experience Vice President Robinson. You have my full consent to handle the situation and annihilate these threats against American lives,” President Paylin says.

  “Madam President, do I have your full authority to Motherdrone and the full usage of the military?”

  “Yes, you do. I will let my cabinet and congress know as soon as possible. Keep me updated on everything that happens. I should be landing in Alaska in forty-five minutes.”

  They hang up the phone and Robinson sits back in his seat, lighting a cigar.

  “Go protect your little sheep, mother sheep. Your assistant sheep is taking off his soft wool and revealing the wolf he really is. Baaah, Baaah, your baby sheep are calling for you. You weak excuse for a President. No experience in military, no experience in foreign affairs, and no experience with a national crisis. You couldn’t run a presidency in your dreams,” Robinson says while chuckling to himself.

  Route 360 heading west 2:37 PM

  Kimberly and Jaden approach a red light and stop in the left lane. Jaden notices the rims continue to spin even though the car is stopped. In the lower left corner of the windshield, he sees the rims are producing electricity for the battery system of the car.

  “We lost them, Kim. See sweetie, no damage.”

  “Thanks. There is no message from my father.”

  “I’m sure he is okay,” Jaden says.

  ‘If there is an attack, there will be four nanoscanners behind and over us at different angles. They will be able to detect a fast moving projectile before it is fired. They will instantly communicate with the shield Nanodrones…’

  A red and white Kawasaki motorcycle stops to the right side of Jaden’s car. The man looks over and shakes his head up and down.

  “Airbag system helmet?” Jaden asks.

  “Yes, state law requires all people on motorcycles must wear these helmets that inflate into an airbag upon crashing,” Kim says.

  The man looks at Jaden and back at the light as he throttles his engine on the bike. Jaden replies with pressing up and down on the accelerator. He presses the button to open the hardtop roof. The roof quickly moves back and into the trunk area. He rolls down the passenger window.

  “Jaden, don’t race this man. Let’s get to New York City in one piece, we are less than ten miles from the highway,” she says.

  ‘Jaden, you should listen to Kim. There are more police in the area.’

  “Do you really think your new bike has a chance with this 2.7 million dollar car?” Jaden asks loudly over the engines, while looking at the man on the motorcycle.

  ‘You have three miles of straight road ahead of you,’ AI says.


  The biker flips open the glass cover on the helmet.

  “Let’s go, buddy, let’s see what you got. I have the fastest bike on this planet. That electric car has nothing on this modified Kawasaki ZX-16. Your daddy bought you that overpriced piece of shit electric experiment for use on another planet? You dickhead, there are no cars on another planet!” The man on the bike with a southern accent says. Jaden smiles at him, while thrusting his engine. The man continues and looks at the rims, “Dude, spinner rims were played out back in 2006!”

  “These new turbine spinner rims are charging my battery system as we speak. We will see who leaves who behind when the light turns green cockrocket dude!” Jaden yells.

  “Screw you!” The biker yells while sticking his middle finger at them.

  “Can your bike do this!?” Jaden asks, while the outside body of the car turns white.

  “Screw you fried chicken and green tea,” he say while he press buttons and his bike’s body turns pink and light brown.

  “Pink is for the color of the inside of her pussy, and brown is the color of your little dick pretty rich boy. Your rich father should have bought your girl some more tits. Her little bitty titty committee needs to join a cohesive silicone titty committee!” The man on the motorcycle yells while laughing. Jaden stares straight at the man while the bike jumps forward and then back.

  Kimberly shoots him a mean look for talking about her.

  “Burn that dickhead,” Kim says.

  “Can you do this?!” Jaden yells at the biker while the entire Bugattee goes invisible.

  The biker man looks in shock and he sees two middle fingers pointing at him in the air. Kimberly and Jaden put their fingers down and their hands disappear into thin air. The biker has a confused look on his face. The car reappears yellow before his eyes.

  “Yellow is for the coward chicken shit look on your face!” Jaden yells.

  “I love your mouthful little bitty titty committee twins,” Jaden whispers to Kim, while staring at her and then the biker.

  “Thanks baby.”

  The biker stares and waits for the light to turn green. Two cars approach from behind in each lane. The light turns green and they floor it, all five engines roar simultaneously. The car and bike take off like rockets. The Bugattee slightly peels off, but the traction control kicks in. The traction control on the bike does the same and keeps the front from lifting up. They take off neck and neck, while the bike is slightly ahead. The Bugattee’s horsepower meter reaches 750 hp. They rocket to thirt
y miles per hour in a second. Kim’s body presses against the back of the seat as she feels as if she is on a roller coaster ride. Jaden continues to stare at the biker and not look at the road, while quickly shifting the gears. There is a nanoscanner two inches in front of the side of his face showing him the road in front of him.

  The wind is blowing around Kim and Jaden. They hit sixty miles an hour in 2.1 seconds as the bike rear wheel is at the front middle of the car. The biker leans his body closer to the bike. The Bugattee drops closer to the ground. They hit 90 mph and two windmill blades come out of the rear taillights on each side of the Bugattee. The two-foot long carbon fiber blades quickly begin to spin around the tail of the car. The Bugattee reaches 120 mph as the bike’s rear wheel is at his hood. Roaring sounds of engines are the only things to be heard. Two images of windmill turbine kilowatt energy show up on the center console. Hypercharged engaged and Reducing gas usage shows up on the LCD screen. Electricity can be seen sparkling through the rims of the car.

  Kim’s heart is beating fast as they reach a quarter of a mile at 139 mph. The Bugattee and the bike are moving at the same speed, but the bike is still ahead. Jaden reaches167 mph and slowly begins to catch up to the biker as the broken white lines in the middle of the street turn solid. Three state trooper cars driving in the opposite direction notice the drag racing. Jaden switches into sixth gear at 198 mph. Kim’s hair is blowing in the wind as she slowly sticks a middle finger out the side of the window. The finger moves back and forth with the wind. The motorcycle’s front wheel is at the rear of the Bugattee’s trunk. They reach 214 mph and the bike is a car distance behind. Jaden suddenly hits the brakes and downshifts. The biker quickly passes by and he looks back at Jaden smiling. The hydraulic spoiler goes up to slow him down quicker.

  “Dude, slow down!” Jaden yells, but knows the biker can’t hear him. Jaden slams on his brakes harder and on the screen he sees the brake’s kinetic energy charging the battery around the body of the car.

  “Shit, what a rush baby!” She yells while leaning forward.

  A state trooper car comes out of the bushes beside the highway and comes into the right lane. The biker turns around towards the road and sees the police car coming out in front of him. He brakes, while his body leans forward and smoke comes from the tires. The police car tries to back up, but it is too late. The biker hits the fender of the police car at 138 mph. The force and impact from the crash pushes the police car a few feet to the right. The biker’s helmet airbag and body suit airbag quickly deploy as his body goes airborne. His body and clothes blow up into a big circular puffy airbag. His body bounces on the concrete as his bike flips over the police car in thousands of pieces. Crashing sounds echo in all directions. The biker’s body slides on the ground as the debris falls in all directions. The nanotubing fender of the police car has no damage, just a scratch.

  The police cars on the other side cross the grassy median and quickly accelerate. Jaden slows down to 20 mph and drives into the grassy median. He slowly goes over the motorcycle debris as the windmill blades on the rear continue to spin. The top of the car comes out of the trunk area and back over the top of the car.

  “Is he okay?” Kim asks.

  A nanoscanner checks his condition. The officer runs towards the biker laid out on the highway.

  “He is breathing without any broken bones. That body airbag really saved him. That was wild, the poor guy,” he says while driving back on the highway.

  Instant violation shows up on the LCD screen.

  “There is one witness and three police officers that will show up for court for drag racing at: 2:38 pm, on Highway 360. Your court date is set for October 7th 2018. You are hereby found guilty and have to prove yourself innocent in a court of law. You have 6 points on your license Mr. Chan,” the automated computer says.

  “Jaden, that went on my father’s driving record. Shit, my dad is going to kill me.”

  ‘That wasn’t wise to race that motorcycle. The local police saw the drag racing and reported our car. Now the government knows where we are. They also know that the car changes colors,’ AI says.

  ‘I know, it is a male testosterone thing, you won’t understand. But it was such a rush. This car is unbelievable. It produces huge amounts of electricity from mini windmills for the four engines at high speed. The electricity was going straight into the engines. That is unbelievable, I have to see the fastest this car can go.’

  “Sorry about that,” he says.

  “The police are gaining behind us Jaden,” Kim says while looking through the side mirror screen.

  “I know baby, I know.”

  “You do realize you can leave the gear shifter in drive and the car will change the gears by itself and it is just as fast as manual?”

  “Manual and automatic transmission? Cool,” Jaden says while putting the gear in D.

  “Your welcome baby, drive safe,” she says while holding Jaden’s right hand.

  ‘There are more jet fighters, police helicopters, news helicopters and many police cars coming this way. There are also more vehicles on the road ahead. Your body is not going to have enough energy soon, you are at twenty percent now. We need to figure out another source of energy to use,’ AI says.


  ‘One Adam, multi highway infrared license readers confirm license plate VA Chanman has terrorist suspects in vehicle. They are driving west on Highway 360 in a yellow Bugattee sports car. The vehicle has changing colors capabilities…’ Jaden hears through the nanoscanner in a police car 500 feet behind him.

  ‘All police vehicles are made with nanotubes and liquid metal materials. That is why you didn’t see a dent in the police car when the bike hit it. That material would require the forward shields to use more energy to destroy it and using higher rpm,’ AI says.

  ‘I saw on my eyes a few minutes ago, you were showing me an animated simulation of using reverse and forward shields?’ Jaden asks while driving back and forth between lanes around cars at 60 mph in a 40 mph zone.


  ‘Yes, using them both around the car in two different directions with some magnetic Nanodrones in the middle, I came up with a new weapon we could use. When the two opposite direction moving energy shields touch, they would explode outwards in all directions creating an electromagnetic pulse wave. This will knock out anything electrical within a one mile circumference,’ AI says.


  “Will you accept incoming vehicle text messages from other drivers?” The car’s computer asks.

  ‘What about the car we are in? Wouldn’t it lose power also?’ Jaden asks.

  Kimberly presses the accept all button on the LCD screen for incoming vehicle text messages.

  ‘This car will be in full shield mode. Meaning the wheels and underbody will be covered by the forward shields, protecting the car from the pulse wave. The energy required would use ten percent of your energy,’ AI says.

  Messages show up on the top of the windshield and scrolls across in see through white letters: Slow down you asshole, this is a school zone. I’m reporting your license plate. Show some respect for other drivers. Prick! Prick! Prick!

  “Wow, these drivers are getting pissed off,” Kim says.

  The police cars quickly catch up behind Jaden. Vehicles slow down and let the police cars pass through.

  “Pull over and turn your engine off,” a police officer says through a loudspeaker in a cruiser. Other vehicles on the road get out of the way. Three other police cars are behind Jaden as he accelerates. Police send a car text message to Jaden also.

  “A red light coming up, baby,” Kim says nervously.

  Five cars are sitting at the red light, while many vehicles are crossing back and forth through the intersection. Two nanoscanners are in the intersection looking in both directions timing the vehicles. AI is doing high-speed calculations. Jaden slows down and drives onto the shoulder on the left while police cars follow. A news helicopter is hove
ring above, following the Bugattee. Kim turns the radio on and listens to some 00’s music on satellite radio.


  A news reporter is talking into a microphone, “We are live on a high speed police chase. Known terrorist Jaden Marino and his female accomplice are in a stolen white Bugattee driving west on the 360. They are approaching a busy intersection and are slowing down on the shoulder. It looks as if they are apparently giving up. Oh wait, they just quickly accelerated through the red light and narrowly missed a delivery truck and three passenger cars. The Bugattee just caused two accidents in the intersection as cars slammed on their brakes. The police are stuck at the intersection trying to go around the cars.”

  ‘Excellent timing on that one AI.’

  Jaden quickly goes around some cars and turn onto a ramp to drive onto Interstate 295 north. Light traffic is on the three-lane highway as Jaden quickly accelerates and merges into traffic. The news helicopter continues to follow above.

  ‘I have an idea. Can we somehow use the Gravhawk for assistance?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘Using the Gravhawk for air support to take out aircraft is not…’ AI says while Jaden interrupts him.

  ‘I know, I know, it can only be used for emergency purposes. I’m talking about using it from where it is now, some way. There should be a way to transport more energy to where I am now.’

  ‘The first problem is I would have to be in the Gravhawk to operate it. The second problem is that your mind will not be able to do all the high-speed calculations alone to control the moving shields. Even if you could, your mind could overload and go into shock, causing you to have a seizure, destroying brain cells and/or putting you into a coma. The third problem is we would need instant communication to where the Gravhawk is near the North Pole.’

  ‘Shit, that isn’t good. Well at least figure out the instant communication issue and how you could get the energy to me if you were in the Gravhawk,’ he says.


  Washington, D.C. Pentagon 2:45 pm

  Robinson is deep underground in a room looking out a glass wall with a special helmet on his head and face. Robinson just finished doing a full hand, eye, voice and DNA scan. There is very advanced computer equipment in the room. He is looking at huge 200-inch 3D images outside the glass. Military personnel are walking around outside the room, across an elevated walkway. There is a huge light rod going from the ceiling to the floor towards the right of the small room. Beams of light are moving up and down the rod. Robinson is communicating with the supercomputer through the helmet by thought.

  The female voice of the supercomputer begins to talk, “Next generation of defense activated. Supercomputer Motherdrone is now online. Third generation prototype quantum synthetic diamond processor is clocking at 500 petaflops a second. High-speed communication airship blimp is online. Communications test to satellite and then to airship blimp is 0.10 seconds. Total time to UAVs from blimp, 0.50 seconds. Geostationary blimp is at 71,500 feet and moving over situation area.”

  Robinson goes through the menus by just thinking about it.

  “Please select threat. Terrorist threat selected. Please select the level of the terrorist threat. Maximum Osama Bin Laden threat selected. Please select civilian casualty percentage. You selected seventy-five percent, Motherdrone will be cautious of civilian life twenty-five percent of the time. Property damage and infrastructure damage are at twenty percent protected. Target is located on satellite driving north on Interstate 295. Tank drones, helidrones and UAV wolf pack are online. Autonomous mode is offline and being fully controlled by Motherdrone. Threat will be annihilated in less than ten minutes. Would there be anything else sir?”

  “Yes, use the prototype rail gun tank drones. This is the perfect time to test our new powerful top-secret weapon in the real world. Let’s see how this terrorist stands up against 9000 mph magnetically charged projectiles.”

  “Yes sir. Have a good day President K. Robinson.”

  “Time to sit back and watch the fireworks in 3D,” Robinson says jokingly.