In the end, he’d admitted that he couldn’t stop looking at it. The mural had done exactly what he wanted it to do, which was fill the awkward space of his restaurant and give it a memorable quality.

  And not only that, but I was finally happy with how his eyes had turned out, finally pleased with how I’d painted him.

  They were deep and mysterious, but warm too, and kind. The eyebrows were exactly right and the lashes were thick and defining. They were eyes that you could fall in love with if you stared at them too often.

  Eyes I did fall in love with.

  I prepared my paints and readied my brush to add a few brushstrokes here and there. Ezra walked out from the kitchen, murmuring about asshole chefs.

  “Any luck?” I asked him, already knowing what was on his mind.

  “He’s a fucking narcissist. He’ll take the job as long as his film crew can come in and restructure the entire building for when they need to tape. Fucking reality shows,” he growled. He held his thumb and forefinger an inch apart. “I’m this close to putting out a Craigslist ad.”

  I tried not to laugh or even smile. But his indignation was adorable. “Patience, babe. You’ll find the right fit soon.”

  His attention turned to the mural. “It’s stunning, Molly. Every time I walk out here, I‘m blown away all over again. Hiring you was such a good decision on my part.”

  Of course he would take all the credit. “You’re so smart,” I deadpanned. “You’re such a genius.”

  He flashed me a devilish grin. “Thank you.”

  Wrapping his arm around my shoulder, he pulled me against his chest. We stayed like that for a long moment, hugging, holding onto each other… holding each other.

  We’d been nearly inseparable for the last month. It had been the most beautiful, blissful challenge of my life. He was a difficult man and it turned out I was obviously a kind of a difficult female. But we needed each other. Our push and pull was what made me keep falling for him more and more and more. Because apparently there was no end to how deep my feelings for this man could go.

  The morning after I’d slept over at his apartment, he’d marched me into SixTwentySix and raised hell like he promised. I didn’t need him to fight my battles for me, but dang was it nice to have him on my side.

  His lawyer had joined us.

  We went straight to the Mother Tucker’s office and let him have it. It turned out Henry Junior had done exactly what I’d expected him to. He’d run to Daddy and they’d decided to fire me. Not deal with Junior’s sexual deviance in any way. But fire me.

  So, I quit.

  And even though Henry had subsequently been put on probation and sent away for training and rehabilitation in sexual misconduct, Brent was still gathering a case. It included my testimony of course. And Catherine Dawes, who had come forward after I made such a scene and stormed out of the building with my dignity intact. There were three other women from the office who were also contributing to the case. They had been shut down by HR and Mr. Tucker just like I had.

  I didn’t know what would happen to STS because of the suit. But I had trouble caring. I was sad of course that so many people might be out of a job, but if they were smart, they would jump ship before worse came to worst.

  Like Emily. Who had left STS the same day I did. We’d decided to open up a social media strategy consulting firm together. Thankfully, we knew some wealthy investors who were very interested in our services.

  Obviously, Ezra. But Killian and Vera also wanted in. They were dying for our help as they got closer to the opening of Salt. Plus, Vann wanted to hire us as well. For being only a couple of weeks old, our client list was bomb.

  Our friends were also extremely happy for us. After I officially quit STS, we’d met Vera and Killian for lunch. Our first double date. And it had been everything.

  Vera was the biggest cheerleader for our relationship, although I still blamed her pending marital bliss for her over-the-top reaction.

  But nobody had been as thrilled for us as Wyatt. Which might have sounded nice of him, but his felicitations were totally selfishly motivated. Apparently, Ezra in a committed relationship was a much easier man to work for.

  I liked to take all of the credit for that. You’re welcome, chefs of Durham.

  “Jo wants us to come over for dinner tonight,” Ezra said into my hair. “She says she wants to see this for herself.”

  “See what for herself?” I asked on a laugh. I had met Jo a couple times through Vera before, but not in this context with Ezra.

  “You and me,” he explained. “She doesn’t believe me.”

  “My parents want to have us over tomorrow night,” I countered. “They’re having trouble believing this is real too.”

  Ezra pulled back, his hands holding my body like I was the most precious thing in the world and I could float away at any second. I loved the way he held me… held onto me. “What don’t they believe?”

  “That you’re real. My mom, especially. She definitely thought I was going to marry a homeless man.”

  “I like your mom,” he said on a smile. “She’s terrifying.”

  He had to be lying. Nobody liked my mom. Not even Vera. Of course, Ezra would be the one person on the planet to appreciate her scariness. “She likes you for the same reason.”

  Leaning forward, he murmured, “I like your dad too. And I’m pretty sure he thinks I’m awesome.”

  “He doesn’t.” He totally did.

  He smiled down at me. “I better win him over with his favorite six-pack then.”

  “That would definitely help your case,” I told him. “What doesn’t Jo believe?”

  “That I’m in love,” he answered easily like it wasn’t the most profound thing he’d ever said. “She doesn’t think I’m capable.”

  My heart hammered against my chest and my fingers went numb. Did he not realize he had never said that before?! That this was the first time ever I was hearing that crazy, beautiful, soul-changing admission. “I’m sorry, wh-what?” I gasped.

  “She doesn’t believe that I fell in love.”

  I blinked at him, vaguely aware that my mouth was unhinged. “Ezra,” I pleaded.

  “Oh, have I not told you that before?” His grin was wide, and cocky, and achingly real. “I’ve been thinking it for a while. It’s hard to believe I haven’t said it. Are you sure I haven’t?”

  “Don’t torture me,” I pleaded.

  His expression softened and his hands began the slow, steady caress of a man that felt every ounce of truth in his words. “I love you, Molly Maverick.” His lips dropped to mine, kissing as if sealing his confession in me. “I love you.”

  Unbidden tears pricked at the corners of my eyes. “I love you too, Ezra Felix Baptiste.”

  He let out an impatient sigh. “I keep telling you not to use my whole name.”

  I smiled, because I knew it drove him bananas. “I like it. No, wait. I love it.”

  His head cocked back. “Are you making fun of me for telling you I love you.”

  “No, I wouldn’t do that.” I tried to keep a straight face. “That doesn’t sound like me at all.”

  “Unbelievable,” he groaned. “You’re completely unbelievable.”

  “But you love me anyway. I know because you just told me.”

  He didn’t know whether to glare or laugh, so instead of either, he threw me over his shoulder and stomped back to his office. I laughed hysterically when he smacked my butt.

  “Ezra Felix!” I shouted since we were the only ones in the restaurant.

  “I’m going to make you pay for that, woman,” he threatened.

  And he did. In his office, with the door locked. With laughter that never left us and whispered I love yous that we absolutely meant. With kisses that I could never get enough of, and promises of a future together that would never get boring, never lose our push and pull, and never, ever end.

  It didn’t matter how different we were or how different we would always be,
Ezra was now the driving force in my life that made everything else make sense. He was my anchor when I felt like I was lost and floating away. He was my common sense and reason, and also my relentless drive. And I was his reality check when work became his life and he forgot about everything else. I was the fun and meaningful purpose for why he strove so hard.

  Yes, we were different, but only in the way two puzzle pieces are made to fit together exactly right. He was made for me and I was made for him. And we would spend the rest of our lives discovering all the ways we blended together.

  Thinking back to when I met Ezra, I couldn’t believe how wrong I’d gotten him. I’d expected arrogance and snobbery and aloof cruelty. Intsead, I’d found a man that was humble and devoted and so full of love I knew I would never get to the end of him. He swept me off my feet and changed my life forever. He’d closed the space between us and showed me just how perfect love can be.

  Our story was a complex piece of art that we worked on every day. It wasn’t always beautiful in the traditional sense, but it was captivating, and worthy and endless.

  Our happily ever after was so different than what I’d pictured, but it was right. And it was ours.

  Thank you for reading The Difference Between Us! I hope you enjoyed reading Ezra and Molly’s story and fell in love with them as hard as I did! The third book in the Opposites Attract Series, The Problem with Him, is coming this November. Each book is a standalone romance following a different couple! Keep reading to find out more about Kaya Swift and Wyatt Shaw.

  The Problem with Him coming November, 2017!

  I’m over men.

  I’m done with them.

  Or at least the ones that work in my kitchen. Fine, one man in particular. Wyatt Shaw is cocky and condescending and so far out of his element that he doesn’t know which way is up. Or how to run his brand new kitchen all by himself.

  That’s where I come in. Sous chef extraordinaire. Second in command. Bane of his existence. I am the reason Wyatt’s doing so well as the new executive chef of one of our city’s most prestigious restaurants. He has me to thank for his glowing accolades and five-star write-ups. Only if you were to ask him, he’d say I’m his biggest problem.

  Despite his discouragement and bullish behavior, I’ve set two goals for myself.

  The first? I’m going to fight my way to the top of this male-dominated industry and claim my own award-winning kitchen.

  The second? I’m going to do whatever it takes to ignore Wyatt and his rare smiles and the thickening tension that’s started to simmer between us.

  Wyatt Shaw might be Durham’s new shining star. He might be up for a James Beard Award. He might be my new boss and key to my future success, but he’s also in my way.

  So he can keep his smoldering looks and secret kisses. And he can be the one that figures out how to make it through service without getting distracted by me.

  I’m not the problem.

  The problem is him.


  To God, who restores my soul, who sustains me, who gifted me these words and this book and every other thing. This is Your miracle. Thank You for letting me write it.

  To Zach, thank you for your patience with dirty laundry and takeout for every meal and all the things I failed at this time around. You are my rock when I am falling apart and my anchor when I am overwhelmed. I couldn’t do this life or this job or really anything without you. I love you.

  To Stella, Scarlett, Stryker, Solo and Saxon. Thank you for being patient with me as I worked sleepless nights and forgot playdates and birthday parties and fed you pizza more than any mom ever should. Thank you for cheering me on and missing me and loving me through all of my flaws. I love you more than the sun and the moon and the stars. You’re each my favorite.

  To my mom, for all of those sleepovers and days that let me work. Thank you for being a Nana that my kids love and trust and want to spend time with. Thank you for swooping in to save the day just like you have all my life.

  To Katie, thank you for being together when I am perpetually falling apart. Thank you for caring about my mess and my kids and my deadlines, even though none of it is yours. You are a doer of deeds, my friend. And this book couldn’t have happened without your graciousness.

  To Katie, Tiffany and Sarah Jo, thank you for being the friends I’ve waited for all my adult life. Thank you for your laughter and your prayers and stepping in as social media gurus when I disappeared into the writing cave. I’m a better human because I know you girls. #communelife

  To Georgia, Shelly, Amy and Samantha, thank you for always being there for me, for always listening when I freak out and for always supporting me through everything. I could never survive this job without you. Your wisdom, your sane advice and your laughter saves me on a daily basis. I’m working on an island for us.

  To Lenore, who is basically one of my favorite humans ever. Also, my favorite beta reader ever! Thank you for understanding who I am and how I function. Thank you for always being willing to squeeze my books in and cheer them on. I would not be the writer I am without your thoughtful notes and insightful eye. Oh, you’re also my favorite Canadian!!!

  To Amy Donnelly from Alchemy and Words. Let me just say that when life threw up all over me, you are the one that kept me sane! Thank you so much for encouraging me daily. Thank you for promising that we would get this done and that everything would be okay and for being right. Thank you for being the most flexible editor on the planet- you have no idea how much that means to me. But most of all, thank you for caring about my characters and plots and words as much as I do and for making them the very best that they can be.

  To Caedus Design Co, thank you for your fantastic attention to detail and for making this cover smoking hot. Also, thank you for stepping in to make dinners all those times I forgot.

  To the Rebel Panel. You ladies have supported me for so long now, I can’t imagine releasing a book without you behind it! Thank you for putting up with my flakiness, for wanting ARCs even when they’re last minute and for loving my characters as much as I do.

  To the bloggers and reviewers, thank you so much for taking the time to read my words. I can’t tell you how honored I am that you would choose this book in a sea of other amazing works. Your time, your thoughts and your support mean everything to me. The Difference Between Us is successful because of you all. I am so grateful for your help.

  To the reader, whether you started with The Opposite of You or dove straight into the Difference Between Us. Whether you’ve been with me from the beginning or this is your first read of mine or you found me somewhere in the middle. Thank you for taking a chance on me and this book and these characters. You are the reason I get to keep writing and I am so grateful that you would spend your time with one of my stories.

  About the Author

  Rachel Higginson was born and raised in Nebraska, but spent her college years traveling the world. She fell in love with Eastern Europe, Paris, Indian Food and the beautiful beaches of Sri Lanka, but came back home to marry her high school sweetheart. Now she spends her days raising their growing family. She is obsessed with reruns of The Office and Cherry Coke.

  Look for The Problem with Him coming November, 2017!

  Other Books Out Now by Rachel Higginson:

  Love and Decay, Season One

  Volume One

  Volume Two

  Love and Decay, Season Two

  Volume Three

  Volume Four

  Volume Five

  Love and Decay, Season Three

  Volume Six

  Volume Seven

  Volume Eight

  Love and Decay: Revolution, Season One

  Volume One

  Volume Two

  The Star-Crossed Series

  Reckless Magic (The Star-Crossed Series, Book 1)

  Hopeless Magic (The Star-Crossed Series, Book 2)

  Fearless Magic (The Star-Crossed Series, Book 3)

  Endless Magic (The Star
-Crossed Series, Book 4)

  The Reluctant King (The Star-Crossed Series, Book 5)

  The Relentless Warrior (The Star-Crossed Series, Book 6)

  Breathless Magic (The Star-Crossed Series, Book 6.5)

  Fateful Magic (The Star-Crossed Series, Book 6.75)

  The Redeemable Prince (The Star-Crossed Series, Book 7)

  The Starbright Series

  Heir of Skies (The Starbright Series, Book 1)

  Heir of Darkness (The Starbright Series, Book 2)

  Heir of Secrets (The Starbright Series, Book 3)

  The Siren Series

  The Rush (The Siren Series, Book 1)

  The Fall (The Siren Series, Book 2)

  The Heart (The Siren Series, Book 3)

  Bet on Love Series

  Bet on Us (An NA Contemporary Romance)

  Bet on Me (An NA Contemporary Romance)

  Every Wrong Reason

  The Five Stages of Falling in Love

  The Opposite of You

  Connect with Rachel on her blog at:

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  Rachel Higginson

  Keep reading for an excerpt from Rachel’s second chance romance, The Five Stages of Falling in Love.


  “Hey, there she is,” Grady looked up at me from his bed, his eyes smiling even while his mouth barely mimicked the emotion.