Drac Von Stoller Has Risen From The Grave

  By: Drac Von Stoller

  Copyright 2013

  After Drac Von Stoller, and Nick Maundrell's takeover of the world in 666 days, Nick and his wife Isabella lived a simple life in Drac Von Stoller's old Castle for many years, but Nick wanted to be what Drac Von Stoller was and all that was on his mind was being the King of the Vampires. Nick just couldn't shake off the thought of just being Drac Von Stoller's right hand Vampire the rest of his life, so Nick decided to invite Drac Von Stoller to his Castle and poison him and drive a stake through his heart. With Drac Von Stoller out of the way Nick Maundrell would take over the throne and become King of the Vampires.

  Nick sent the invitation by way of one of his henchmen on horseback. The henchman arrived a few days later and knocked on Drac Von Stoller's castle door. The rain was intense with a lot of thunder. The door opened, and Drac Von Stoller's servant answered, and said, 'May I help you?"

  "Yes, I was sent by Nick Maundrell to deliver this invitation to Drac Von Stoller," replied Nick's henchman.

  Drac's servant said, "I'll see that Drac Von Stoller receives the invitation."

  Drac's servant entered Drac Von Stoller's study to deliver the invitation. The servant said,"Drac, I have an invitation that was just delivered by Nick Maundrell's henchman."

  Drac placed his hand out, and the servant placed the invitation in Drac's hand, and Drac opened the invitation, and read it out loud. "Nick has invited me over to his castle for dinner tomorrow evening to celebrate our friendship and the takeover of the world."

  Drac was excited to see his good friend Nick once again, but Drac's excitement about spending some time with his friend tomorrow evening would be short lived once Nick added a little poison to his drink. Drac told his servant he was going out for the night and would be hanging out with some friends at the Vampire Tavern.

  Drac hopped in his casket shaped car and sped off down the road to the Vampire Tavern. Drac pulled into his parking space that was reserved for him, and stepped out of his car, and entered the Vampire Tavern for a night of drinking, and live music. Drac stepped up to the bar and the bar tender said, "Drac what can I get you tonight?"

  Drac Von Stoller replied, "Make it a Bloody Mary on the rocks, Wolfman.” The Wolfman howled, and poured Drac Von Stoller his Bloody Mary, and Drac Von Stoller gulped it down, and wiped the blood from his mouth, and slammed his glass down on the bar and said, "Pour me another, Wolfman, and make it a little stronger." The Wolfman poured him another then Drac said, "I'll see you shortly I'm just going to listen to my favorite band, "The Ghouls of the Night."

  "Ok, Drac, I'll see you around," as the Wolfman howled.

  Drac partied hard as he always does at the Vampire Tavern, but Drac knew the fun had to end before the sun would start to rise. Drac checked his watch, and downed a few more shots of Bloody Mary’s, and said goodbye to the band, and staggered over to the bar, and said, "Hey! Wolfman, I'll see you tomorrow night."

  The Wolfman replied, "I'll be here waiting to pour up some more Bloody Mary’s for you when you return."

  Drac exited the tavern, and got in his coffin car, and drove back to his castle to sleep just before sunrise. Then when the sunset he would head on over to meet Nick Maundrell at his castle for dinner and celebration, but for Drac Von Stoller the only thing that would be celebrated at Nick's castle would be his death.

  Night came, and Drac Von Stoller rose from his coffin, and said goodbye for the last time to his servant then got in his coffin car, and sped off down the road to Nick's castle as the rain poured down, and the lightning lit up the sky as the thunder cracked open the sky in the distance. Drac's eyes were red as fire as the excitement of spending time with his friend Nick was just moments away.

  Drac pulled up to the gate at Nick's castle and one of Nick's henchmen opened the gate to let Drac drive on through where death was waiting for him very soon. As Drac pulled up in front of the castle the henchman opened Drac's car door and said, "Hurry Drac, it's really pouring down hard out here. Nick's been expecting you." Drac shook off his cape and the henchman let Drac inside the castle, and Nick escorted Drac into his study while his maid servant's prepared their meal for their dinner. Nick poured Drac a Bloody Mary and Nick poured himself a Vamp Fire drink he concocted himself.

  "Well Drac, it's been a very long time since we've been able to sit down as friends and talk about our victory over the earth," said, Nick with a smile on his face.

  "Yes, it has, and I couldn't think of anyone I would want to share this moment with," replied Drac.

  "Why don't we toast to our victory over the earth? We could not have done this without our team of vampires," said Nick as their glasses touched together.

  Nick watched with excitement on his face as Drac Von Stoller finished off his Bloody Mary drink that was laced with poison. Nick proceeded to open a wooden box on his desk which contained a stake to be used to drive through Drac Von Stoller's heart.

  Drac said, "Nick, I'm having a very hard time breathing right now. Drac gasped for air once again and said "Nick Why?"

  Then Drac's head hit the top of Nick's desk, but Nick knew poison would not be enough to finish off a Vampire especially the King of Vampires. Nick called two of his henchmen to carry Drac Von Stoller down to the family crypt where Nick would drive a stake through his heart as he lie in a casket Nick had already purchased for Drac Von Stoller's final resting place.

  As the two henchmen placed Drac's body in the casket Nick said to the henchmen "That will be all." The henchmen left the crypt, and Nick took the hammer, and stake out of the wooden box, and placed the tip of the stake on Drac's chest, and raised the hammer, and pounded the stake through Drac Von Stoller's heart as Drac tried to pull the stake out, but he just said, "Nick, you'll never get away with this."

  Nick just laughed, and said, "I just did and now with you out of the way I will be the King of Vampires.

  Nick closed the lid of the casket and called a meeting with all the vampires throughout the world to announce his takeover of the thrown and for proof that Drac Von Stoller was dead his casket with his dead body was on display for one day, so other vampires could pay their last respects to the King of Vampires.

  Nick assumed his role as King of the Vampires that would be short lived because one of Drac Von Stoller's servant's found out through one of Nick's henchmen when he was at the Vampire Tavern that Nick was keeping Drac Von Stoller's body sealed in a tomb in his crypt heavily guarded by some of his henchmen round the clock. Drac's servant told the henchman he could make him a Vampire with special powers not even Nick possessed. Then as the servant poured another glass of whiskey to the henchman he pulled out a red bottle that only contained human blood and said, "Before, I give you this special potion that was kept locked inside a vault of Drac Von Stoller's, you must show me where Drac Von Stoller's tomb is inside Nick's crypt."

  "If I show you, will you give me the magic potion?" asked Nick's henchman.

  "Sure thing," as he was laughing under his breath. Drac's servant's magic vampire potion had no magic at all and all Nick's henchman would be getting for leading him to Drac Von Stoller's crypt would be a slit of the throat.

  The henchman did as he promised and led him straight to where Drac Von Stoller's body was kept. Luckily, the two guards were passed out drunk that was guarding the tomb. Drac's servant thanked Nick's henchman, and handed over the vampire potion, and the henchman drank it, and said, "Now I'm going to be the King of Vampires.” That's when Drac's servant came up behind him, and slit his throat, and laughed, and said, "Stupid fool that was no magic vampire potion, it was just regular human blood."

nbsp; Drac's servant came over to where the guards were passed out drunk on the floor, and slit their throats, then pushed the top off the tomb off exposing Drac Von Stoller's coffin hoping removing the stake from his heart will bring him back to life. The servant carefully removed the stake from his heart and watched with amazement as Drac Von Stoller was slowly coming back to life. Drac Von Stoller rose up out of his coffin and said "Thanks, you kind servant, you will be rewarded greatly for bringing me back to life."

  Drac Von Stoller burst through the crypt door as more guards were approaching trying to stop him from leaving, but Drac Von Stoller's powers were too strong for them, and Drac was able to fight them off, and escape back to his castle unscathed.

  Word got back to Nick about Drac Von Stoller rising from the dead. This infuriated Nick, and he knew his friendship was over, and it would be a fight to the death with Drac Von Stoller.

  Later that evening, Drac Von Stoller and some of his loyal vampire friends stormed Nick Maundrell's castle out for blood.

  Drac Von Stoller burst through Nick's study window and said "Nick you must die for your betrayal of me."

  Nick replied, "I was tired of being just your right hand vampire, and wanted to be King of the Vampire's, and the only way to be King of the Vampires was to kill you."

  Then Nick and Drac battled to the death for hours, and Drac's powers were just too strong for Nick and Drac Von Stoller said, "It's a shame it has to end this way, but you leave me no choice."

  Then Drac Von Stoller tore into Nick Maundrell's chest, and pulled out his heart, and squeezed the last drops of blood into his mouth. Then he dropped Nick's lifeless body on the floor of his study, and told his loyal vampires to spread the word throughout the world that Drac Von Stoller has risen from the dead, and now is King of the Vampires once again.

  Drac Von Stoller decided there wouldn't be any more right hand vampires by his side, so he would be in total control of all vampires on the earth from now on.

  Drac Von Stoller went on to be King of the Vampires for hundreds of years until he decided to pass on his title to the next great warrior vampire.