Page 16 of Knife of Dreams

  Slowly, Elaida set the page down to one side. She wanted to shiver. So. She had read everything she could find concerning the Last Battle, even studies and Foretellings so old they had never been translated out of the Old Tongue and had lain covered in dust in the darkest corners of the library. The al'Thor boy had been a harbinger, but now it seemed that Tarmon Gai'don would come sooner than anyone had thought. Several of those ancient Foretellings, from the earliest days of the Tower, said the dead appearing was the first sign, a thinning of reality as the Dark One gathered himself. There would be worse before long.

  "Have the Tower Guards drag able-bodied men out of their houses, if need be," she said calmly. "I want those streets clean, and I want to hear that a start was made today. Today!"

  The other woman's pale eyebrows lifted in surprise—she had lost her usual frigid self-control!—but all she said, of course, was. "As you command. Mother."

  Elaida projected serenity, but it was a charade. What would come, would come. And she still had secured no hold on the al'Thor boy. To think she had once had him right under her hand! If only she had known then. Curse Alviarin and that triply cursed proclamation calling anathema on anyone who approached him save through the Tower. She would have recalled it, except that would seem weakness, and in any case, the damage had been done beyond simple mending. Still, soon she would have Elayne back in hand, and the Royal House of Andor was the key to winning Tarmon Gai'don. That, she had Foretold long ago. And news of rebellion against the Seanchan sweeping across Tarabon had been very pleasant reading. Not everything was a tangle of briars stabbing her from every side.

  Scanning the second report, she grimaced. No one liked sewers, yet they were one-third of the life's blood of a city, the other two being trade and clean water. Without the sewers, Tar Valon would become prey to a dozen diseases, overwhelming anything the sisters could do, not to mention even more malodorous than the rotting garbage must have made the streets already. Though trade was cut to a trickle for the moment, the water still came in at the upriver end of the island and was distributed to watertowers throughout the city, then to fountains, ornamental and plain, that anyone was free to use, but now it seemed the sewer outlets on the downriver end of the island were nearly clogged. Dipping her pen in the ink jar, she scrawled I WANT THESE CLEARED BY TOMORROW across the top of the page and signed her name below. If the clerks had any sense, the work was already underway, but she never accused clerks of having much sense.

  The next report made her own eyebrows rise. "Rats inside the Tower?" That was beyond serious! This should have been on top! "Have someone check the Wards, Tarna." Those Wardings had held since the Tower was built, but perhaps they could have weakened after three thousand years. How many of those rats were the Dark One's spies?

  A rap came at the door, followed an instant later by a plump Accepted named Anemara, who spread her striped skirts in a deep curtsy. "If it pleases you, Mother, Felaana Sedai and Negaine Sedai have brought a woman to you they found wandering in the Tower. They say she wants to present a petition to the Amyrlin Seat.''

  "Tell her to wait and offer her tea, Anemara." Tarna said briskly. "The Mother is busy—"

  "No, no," Elaida broke in. "Send them in, child. Send them in." It had been too long since anyone had come to present her with a petition. She was of a mind to grant whatever it was. if it was not too ridiculous. Perhaps that would restart the flow. It was far too long since any sisters had come to her without being summoned, too. Perhaps the two Browns would end that drought, as well.

  But only one woman entered the room, carefully closing the door behind her. By her silk riding dress and good cloak, she appeared to be a noblewoman or a prosperous merchant, a supposition supported by her confident manner. Elaida was sure she had never met the woman before, yet there seemed something vaguely familiar about that face framed by hair even fairer than Tarna's.

  Elaida stood and started around the table, hands outstretched and an unaccustomed smile on her face. She tried to make it seem welcoming. "I understand that you have a petition for me, my daughter. Tarna, pour her some tea." The silver pot sitting on a silver tray atop the side table must still be at least warm.

  "The petition, it was something I let them believe in order to reach you unbruised, Mother," the woman replied in Taraboner accents, curtsying, and halfway through that, her face was suddenly that of Beonin Marinye.

  Embracing saidar, Tarna wove a shield on the woman, but Elaida contented herself with planting her fists on her hips.

  "To say that I'm surprised you dare show me your face would be an understatement, Beonin."

  "I managed to become part of what you might call the ruling council in Salidar," the Gray said calmly. "I made sure they sat there and did nothing, and I put the rumors about that many among them were in truth your secret adherents. The sisters, they were looking at one another with so much suspicion. I think me most might have returned to the Tower soon at that point, but then other Sitters beside the Blues appeared. The next I knew, they had chosen their own Hall of the Tower, and the ruling council, it was done. Still, I continued to do what I could. I know that you commanded me to remain with them until they were all ready to return, but that must happen within days, now. If I may say, Mother, it was the most excellent decision not to try Egwene. For one thing, she has the genius for discovering new weaves, even better than Elayne Trakand or Nynaeve al'Meara. For another, before they raised her, Lelaine and Romanda struggled with one another to be named Amyrlin. With Egwene alive, they will struggle again, but neither can succeed, yes? Me, I think very soon now sisters will begin following behind me. In a week or two, Lelaine and Romanda will find themselves alone with the remainder of their so-called Hall."

  "How did you know the al'Vere girl wasn't to be tried?" Elaida demanded. "How did you know she's even alive? Unshield her, Tarna!"

  Tarna complied, and Beonin gave her a nod as if in gratitude. A small gratitude. Those large blue-gray eyes might make Beonin appear constantly startled, but she was a very composed woman. Combine composure with a wholehearted dedication to the law and also ambition, which she possessed in as great a measure, and Elaida had known immediately that Beonin was the one to send off after the sisters fleeing the Tower. And the woman had failed utterly! Oh, she had apparently sowed a little dissension, but really, she had achieved nothing of what Elaida had expected from her. Nothing! She would find her rewards commensurate with her failure.

  "Egwene, she can enter Tel'aran'rhiod simply by going to sleep, Mother. I myself have been there and seen her, but I must use a ter'angreal. I could not acquire any of those the rebels have to bring with me. In any event, she spoke to Siuan Sanche, in her dreams, it is claimed, though I think more likely in the World of Dreams. Apparently, she said that she is a prisoner, but she would not tell where, and she forbade any rescue attempt. May I pour myself that tea?"

  Elaida was so stunned she could not speak. She motioned Beonin to the side table, and the Gray curtsied again before going over to feel the silver pitcher cautiously with the back of her hand. The girl could enter Tel'aran'rhiod? And there were ter'angreal that allowed the same thing? The World of Dreams was almost a legend. And according to those troubling scraps the Ajahs had deigned to share with her, the girl had rediscovered the weave for Traveling and made any number of other discoveries as well. They had been the determining factor in her decision to preserve the girl for the Tower, but this on top of it?

  "If Egwene can do this, Mother, perhaps she really is a Dreamer," Tarna said. "The warning she gave Silviana—"

  "Is useless, Tarna. The Seanchan are still deep in Altara and barely touching Illian." At least the Ajahs were willing to pass on everything they learned of the Seanchan. Or rather, she hoped they passed on everything. The thought roughened her voice. "Unless they learn to Travel, can you think of any precaution I need to take beyond what is already in place?" She could not, of course. The girl had forbidden a rescue. That was good on the face of it, but it indic
ated she still thought of herself as Amyrlin. Well, Silviana would remove that nonsense from her head soon enough if the sisters teaching her classes failed. "Can she be fed enough of that potion to keep her out of Tel'aran'rhiod?"

  Tarna grimaced slightly—no one liked that vile brew, even the Browns who had brought themselves to test it—and shook her head. "We can make her sleep through the night, but she would be useless for anything the next day, and who can say whether it would affect this ability of hers."

  "May I pour for you, Mother?" Beonin said, balancing a thin white teacup on her fingertips. "Tarna? The most important news I have—"

  "I don't care for any tea." Elaida said harshly. "Did you bring back anything to save your skin from your miserable failure? Do you know the weave for Traveling, or this Skimming, or. . . ." There were so many. Perhaps they were all Talents and skills that had been lost, but apparently most had not been named yet.

  The Gray peered at her across the teacup, her face very still. "Yes." she said at last. "I cannot make cuendillar, but I can make the new Healing weaves work as well as most sisters, and I know them all." An edge of excitement crept into her voice. "The most marvelous is Traveling." Without asking permission, she embraced the Source and wove Spirit. A vertical line of silver appeared against one wall and widened into a view of snow-covered oaks. A cold breeze blew into the room. making the flames dance in the fireplace. "That is called a gateway. It can only be used to reach a place you know well, but you learn a place by making a gateway there, and to go somewhere you do not know well, you use Skimming." She altered the weave, and the opening dwindled into that silvery line once more then widened again. The oaks were replaced by blackness, and a gray-painted barge, railed and gated, that floated on nothing against the opening.

  "Release the weave," Elaida said. She had the feeling that if she walked over to that barge, the darkness would extend as far as she could see in any direction. That she could fall in it forever. It made her queasy. The opening—the gateway—vanished. The memory remained, however.

  Resuming her seat behind the table, she opened the largest of the lacquered boxes, decorated with red roses and golden scrollwork. From the top tray, she picked up a small ivory carving, a fork-tailed swallow dark yellow with years, and stroked her thumb along the curved wings. "You will not teach these things to anyone without receiving my permission."

  "But . . . why ever not, Mother?"

  "Some of the Ajahs oppose the Mother almost as strongly as those sisters beyond the river," Tarna said.

  Elaida shot a dark look at her Keeper, but that cool visage absorbed it without changing a hair. "I will decide who is . . . reliable enough . . . to be taught, Beonin. I want your promise. No. I want your oath.'

  "On my way here, I saw sisters of different Ajahs glaring at one another. Glaring. What has happened in the Tower, Mother?"

  "Your oath, Beonin."

  The woman stood peering into her teacup long enough that Elaida was beginning to think she would refuse. But ambition won out. She had tied herself to Elaida's skirts in the hope of preferment, and she would not abandon that now. "Under the Light and by my hope of salvation and rebirth, I swear that I will teach the weaves I learned among the rebels to no one without the permission of the Amyrlin Seat." She paused, taking a sip from the cup. "Some sisters in the Tower, they are perhaps less reliable than you think. I tried to stop it, but that 'ruling council' sent ten sisters to return to the Tower and spread the tale of the Red Ajah and Logain." Elaida recognized few of the names she reeled off, until the last. That one made her sit bolt upright.

  "Shall I have them arrested, Mother?" Tarna asked, still as chill as ice.

  "No. Have them watched. Watch whoever they associate with." So there was a conduit between the Ajahs inside the Tower and the rebels. How deeply had the rot spread? However deep, she would clean it out!

  "That may be difficult as matters stand, Mother."

  Elaida slapped the table with her free hand, a sharp crack. "I didn't ask whether it would be difficult. I said do it! And inform Meidani that I invite her to dinner this evening." The woman had been persistent in trying to resume a friendship that had ended many years before. Now she knew why. "Go and do that now." A shadow crossed Tarna's face as she curtsied. "Don't worry," Elaida said. "Beonin can feel free to teach you every weave she knows." She did trust Tarna, after all, and it certainly made her expression brighter, if not warmer.

  As the door closed behind her Keeper, Elaida pushed the leather folder to one side and leaned her elbows on the table, focusing on Beonin. "Now. Show me everything."

  CHAPTER 3 At the Gardens

  Aran'gar arrived in answer to Moridin's summons, spoken into her furious dreams, to find him not yet there. That was hardly surprising; he liked to make an entrance.

  Eleven tall armchairs, carved and gilded, sat in a circle in the middle of the striped wooden floor, but they were empty. Semirhage, all in black as usual, looked around to see who had entered, then returned to her huddled conversation with Demandred and Mesaana in one corner of the room. Demandred's hook-nosed face carried an expression of anger that only made him more striking. Not enough to attract her, of course. He was far too dangerous for that. That well-fitted coat of bronze silk, with falls of snowy lace at neck and wrists, suited him, however. Mesaana also wore the style of this Age, a darker, pattern-embroidered bronze. She appeared wan and subdued, for some reason, almost as if she had taken ill. Well, that was possible. This Age had a number of nasty diseases, and it seemed unlikely even she would trust Semirhage for Healing. Graendal, the only other human present, stood in the corner opposite cradling a delicate crystal goblet filled with dark wine, but watching the trio rather than drinking. Only idiots ignored being studied by Graendal, yet the three went on with their fierce murmurs.

  The chairs jarred with the rest of their surroundings. The room appeared to have view-walls, though the stone arch of a doorway destroyed the illusion. The chairs could have been anything, here in Tel'aran'rhiod, so why not something to suit the room, and why eleven when that was surely two more than needed? Asmodean and Sammael must be as dead as Be'lal and Rahvin. Why not the usual dilating door of a view-room? The display made the floor seem to be surrounded by the Ansaline Gardens, with Cormalinde Masoon's immense sculptures of stylized humans and animals towering over low buildings themselves like delicate sculptures in spinglass. At the Gardens only the finest wines had been served, the finest dishes, and it almost always had been possible to impress a beautiful woman with large winnings at the chinje wheels, though cheating enough to win consistently had been difficult. Difficult, but necessary for a scholar who lacked wealth. All gone, in ruins by the third year of the war.

  A golden-haired, ever-smiling zomara in a flowing white blouse and tight breeches bowed fluidly and offered Aran'gar a crystal goblet of wine on a silver tray. Graceful and beautifully androgynous, apparently human despite those dead black eyes, the creatures had been one of Aginor's less inspired creations. Still, even in their own Age, when Moridin had been called Ishamael—there was no longer any doubt in her mind of who he was—he had trusted the creatures above any human servant, despite their uselessness for every other task. Somewhere he must have found a stasis box stuffed with the tilings. He had dozens, although he seldom brought them out. Yet ten more stood waiting, graceful while standing still. He must consider this meeting more important than most.

  Taking the goblet, she waved the zomara away, though it was already turning before she gestured. She hated the creatures' ability to know what was in her head. At least it could not communicate what it learned to anyone. Memories of anything but commands faded in minutes. Even Aginor possessed sense enough to see the need for that. Would he appear today? Osan'gar had missed every meeting since the failure at Shadar Logoth. The true question was, was he among the dead or was he moving in secret, perhaps at the Great Lord's direction? Either way, his absences presented delicious opportunities, but the latter presented as many dan
gers. Dangers had been much on her mind lately.

  Casually, she strolled over to Graendal. "Who do you think arrived first, Graendal? The Shadow take me, whoever it was chose a depressing setting." Lanfear had preferred meetings that floated in endless night, yet this was worse in its own way, like meeting in a cemetery.

  Graendal smiled thinly. At least, she attempted a thin smile, but no amount of effort would make those lips thin. Lush was the word for all of Graendal, lush and ripe and beautiful, and barely concealed by the gray mist of her streith gown. Though perhaps she should not have worn quite so many rings, all but one adorned with gems. The coronet encrusted with rubies clashed with her sun-gold hair, too. The emerald necklace Delana had provided went much better with her own green satin silks. Of course, while the emeralds were real, her silks were a product of the World of Dreams. She would have attracted too much notice in the waking world with a dress cut so low, if it would even stay up, there. And there was the slit that bared her left leg to the hip. Her legs were better than Graendal's. She had considered two slits. Her abilities here were not as large as some—she could not find Egwene's dreams without the girl right beside her—but she could manage the clothes she wanted. She enjoyed having her body admired, and the more she flaunted it, the more the others took her for inconsequential.

  "I arrived first," Graendal said, frowning slightly into her wine. "I have fond memories of the Gardens."

  Aran'gar managed a laugh. "So do I, so do I." The woman was a fool like the rest, living in the past among the tatters of what was lost. "We'll never see the Gardens again, but we'll see their like." She herself was the only one of them suited to rule in this Age. She was the only one who understood primitive cultures. They had been her specialty before the war. Still, Graendal had useful skills, and a wider range of contacts among the Friends of the Dark than she herself had, though the other woman would certainly disapprove of how Aran'gar meant to use them should she learn. "Has it occurred to you that all of the others have alliances, while you and I stand alone?" And Osan'gar, if he was alive, but there was no need to bring him into this.