Page 17 of Found in Bliss

  Caleb opened his mouth to tell the fucker that he wouldn’t pay him a dime, but Alexei stopped him.

  “Don’t to talk anymore. You will only make me angry, and nothing will be helped. I am not going to blackmail you. I don’t want your money. Though I do not understand why, I want your friendship. I found out who you are exactly the way I said I did. Nothing more. Nothing less. I admire your work. I am grateful for your work. It save my life. I would not to repay this with blackmail. I have done nothing that would make you believe me. I can only live and prove that I am not the man you think I am.”

  But Alexei had done something. More than something. He’d heroically saved Holly and then offered to share her.

  Caleb wasn’t sure which Alexei was more dangerous—the criminal or the man who acted like a saint. He had two choices. He could believe Alexei or he could watch him with suspicion.

  He might do a little of both. “If I find out…”

  Alexei held up a hand. His whole body seemed to go on full alert.

  “What?” Caleb had barely gotten the word out when Alexei hushed him and reached down to pick up his shirt. He lifted it, and Caleb caught sight of a big, shiny object. “Holy shit, is that a gun?”

  “Shhh.” Alexei hefted the gun—yep, that was a big fucking gun—and clicked off the safety. His voice was low as he came close. “Someone is outside. I hear car, and now someone is moving.”

  Caleb stopped and sure enough, he heard it, too. Someone was outside the cabin. He heard footsteps on the porch. They stopped and then began again, this time moving around to the side of the house. Still, he wasn’t sure about that gun. “Is that necessary?”

  Alexei’s eyebrow lifted. “Yes, it is necessary when many peoples wish to kill you. Stay here. I will take care of intruder.”

  “No fucking way. I’m coming with you.” He might have to stitch someone up. “You need to be careful with that thing. It could be Mel looking for aliens. Or Laura checking in on Holly. We’re not alone out here, you know.”

  But Alexei was moving along the floor toward the back door. Holly’s cabin was small, with the front and back doors in sight of each other. Alexei moved almost silently, a genuine feat for a man his size on old hardwood floors. The door squeaked quietly as Alexei slipped out.

  Someone was out there, and Alexei was taking it seriously. It was probably someone they knew, but then again, Holly’d had a close call earlier. Adrenaline started to pump through his system, giving him an edgy energy and making everything seem sharper, more visceral. Alexei thought someone had cut the brake line. What if the same person had decided to try again?

  Who could be after Holly? He was suddenly damn glad that Alexei had the gun. Maybe it was a necessary accessory in Bliss. His heart began to palpitate as he followed Alexei. He wasn’t sure what he would do, but he meant to be there. It seemed wrong to let him go alone.

  The night was oddly silent around him, the only sound the gentle rush of the Rio Grande. The moon illuminated the yard. Holly’s back door led to a small porch and a single set of steps. Somehow Alexei managed to make it to the grass without a sound, but Caleb’s every step squeaked and groaned, the wood shifting under his feet.

  Alexei turned and sent him an intimidating look. All Caleb could do was shrug. He’d never gone to “sneak up on someone” school. He crossed the porch as fast as he could.

  Alexei held out a hand, stopping Caleb from moving further. They both pressed against the side of the cabin. Alexei poked his head around and quickly came back. He held up a single finger.


  He quickly cupped his junk. Caleb nearly rolled his eyes, but got the silent message.

  One man.

  There was a strange man walking around outside Holly’s cabin.

  He didn’t like this feeling. His stomach spasmed, and just for a moment, he could have sworn he heard the sounds of the jungle, felt the heat on his skin. His vision blurred, and in his mind he saw a canopy of green and smelled the antiseptic scent of his clinic. He kept it clean, so clean. He shivered a little. The jungle was always so hot, but this was Bliss and the night was cool.

  And he wasn’t alone.

  He forced himself to return to the present.

  Alexei nodded and then he was off, a silent wraith taking down his prey.

  Caleb followed, rounding the corner in time to see a slender male trying to open the guest bedroom window. He couldn’t see the man’s face, but realized quickly that he and Alexei were far from alone.

  Zane Hollister charged in from the side and Cameron Briggs from the front. Each moved the same way Alexei did—with silent, predatory grace. And each man held a gun in his hand. They seemed to have some silent language of nods and hand motions. Alexei took charge. He grabbed the man by the back of his neck.

  “Hey!” the man yelled as he found himself jerked into the air and then tossed to his back. There was a resounding woof as he hit the ground and suddenly three guns were pointed straight at his face. All three men stared down at the intruder.

  Caleb caught a glance of his face. Not a man at all. Despite his height, it was easy to see this was a teen. His wide eyes had a youthful roundness. And the teen was utterly terrified.

  “You will to tell what you are doing here attempting to break into house.” Alexei’s voice was a low growl. Caleb moved in, trying to get a better look.

  “Rafe is already looking up his plate number.” Cam gestured back toward his cabin across the way from Holly’s. “We caught sight of him driving up.”

  “So is Nate. Get his wallet. We need an ID,” Zane said. “Once we figure out who he is, Nate can take him into town.”

  The kid was completely still, holding his hands up in an obvious plea to not get shot. “Uhm, am I going to die? Has anyone ever mentioned that you guys are hot? Wow. Seriously. Hot. I think I already died and went to gay kid heaven. Please don’t shoot me.”

  “Guys, I think you can back off,” Caleb said. The young man on the grass didn’t sound anything like a dangerous stalker. His voice shook as he spoke.

  “Or at least get rid of the guns and then we can talk,” the kid continued. “I always knew I would love this place, but I never expected to be greeted by a cadre of hot guys who don’t like to wear shirts. I really hate to say this because I’m going to completely shut out my chances of making out with any of you, but maybe we should wake up my mom, and she can convince you to spare me.”

  Fuck. He’d known the kid looked familiar. He pushed Zane aside and got a really good look at him. He’d seen the face before in various stages of growth. Holly kept pictures of her son all over the house. “Nicky?”

  His head turned slightly. “I prefer Nick, but seriously, we’ll go with whatever keeps this gorgeous head on my shoulders. I’m too young and hot to die.”

  “That’s Holly’s kid. Holly’s son.” Caleb pushed at Alexei who immediately backed off. Zane and Cam stood down. Caleb reached out a hand to the kid on the ground. He was a lanky teen with dark hair and Holly’s eyes.

  “God, you’re hot, too. Is there something in the water here?” Nick asked as he reached out and took Caleb’s hand, allowing himself to be hauled up.

  Nate Wright showed up, jogging up from his cabin. “Guys, that car is registered to Scott Lang. Isn’t that Holly’s ex?”

  Rafe came around the corner. “Yes. Her ex. What the hell is he doing here?”

  Nick put his hands together and looked up toward heaven. “Thank you, god, for sending me down this rabbit hole. I promise to be the best Alice ever.”

  “You are Holly’s son?” Alexei stared at the kid.

  Nick took a deep breath. “Yes. I know how late it is, and she wasn’t exactly expecting me. I didn’t want to wake her, but I couldn’t find my key. I’ve only been out here twice and that was years ago, but I remembered the window in the guest bedroom didn’t lock.”

  It didn’t lock? And she’d left it like that for years?

  Alexei looked at him as though he could
hear his thoughts. “Yes, we will start a tally for punishment sake. I will fix this tomorrow.”

  “How did everyone get here so fast?” Caleb asked. There was a good amount of space between the cabins. “Do you guys have a neighborhood watch?”

  Cam shrugged. “I’m a paranoid weirdo. I hear a car, I check it out. We don’t get many sports cars up here.”

  Zane flipped the safety on his gun, his big shoulders relaxing. “And after the whole serial killer thing, we can’t be too careful. Besides, Rafe and I had a bet as to the time when Doc there would slink away. I think I lose. I had him running before two, and it’s five ’til.”

  Rafe laughed. “That’s fifty bucks, Hollister.”

  Alexei shook his head. “No. Zane is winner. He was doing the bail. If son does not show up, he would have been gone.”

  Nate and Zane exchanged a high five. Caleb frowned at all of them.

  “Hey, I gotta buy diapers. Do you know how much a small-town sheriff makes?” Nate asked.

  Probably just about what a small-town doctor made. He didn’t get paid to have everyone make bets on just what time during the night he would fuck up, but that was small-town living. “You all suck.”

  Now that he seemed fairly certain he wasn’t in danger, Nick relaxed. “So, I’m sensing that no one is going to horrifically murder me. Tell me something, are you all couples or is this a free-for-all swinging singles kind of thing?”

  Caleb felt himself flush. Nick was under a serious misconception. “They’re not couples. Not the way you think.”

  Alexei turned to the boy. A huge grin came over his face. “No, no. No couples. Only trios and only about the girls.”

  Nick frowned, his whole face turning down in an exaggerated pout. “That is just typical.”

  “Nicky? Oh my god!” Holly ran out of the cabin, Laura following hard behind. “What are you doing here, baby?”

  She had thrown on a robe and it was obvious that while Cam and Rafe had been taking care of the intruder, Laura had been checking on Holly. Holly put her hands on her son’s face and looked him up and down as though checking for injuries. Holly was a good foot shorter than her baby boy.

  Nate and Zane stepped away.

  “I can see you three have this under control,” Nate said, nodding at Caleb. “Good night. And Rafe, we’ll expect that in cash tomorrow.”

  Rafe grumbled, but they, too left, Laura promising to talk to Holly in the morning.

  And he was alone with Alexei, Holly, and Holly’s son. Holly’s son. It had been an easy thing to forget that she had a kid. Holly had responsibilities that he didn’t begin to understand.

  Holly fretted over the teen boy, her hands fluttering. “What’s going on, baby? Why are you here? Did you drive all the way from Denver? Is something wrong?”

  Nick smiled down at his mom. “Slow down, Mom. I’m here because I wanted to see you. I needed to see you. Yes, I drove from Denver. And everything is fine. It’s great. But I might have told Dad I’m gay, and he might have kicked me out of my palatial homeland. So, yeah, it looks like I live with you now. Surprise.”

  Nick Lang stood in the yard, his sarcasm belying the vulnerable set of her shoulders. He might be seventeen, but he wasn’t close to being a man yet. He needed his mother.

  Holly hugged him fiercely. “Yes, you do, baby. Of course you can live with me. You might not have been here, but this was always your home. Oh, sweetheart, come inside. So do you have luggage, or did your father kick you out with nothing?”

  Caleb saw the way her fists clenched. He understood. It was a good thing Scott Lang wasn’t anywhere close. What kind of man tossed out his child?

  “Oh, no, I managed to get a couple of things.” He gestured toward his car. The little red sports car gleamed in the moonlight. And it was stuffed with suitcases.

  Holly smiled. “Good. The boys can get them. You don’t mind, boys, do you?”

  “Not at all, dushka,” Alexei said with a gracious little bow. “I hope that son will forgive me for tackling him.”

  He didn’t mention the gun, and it had conveniently disappeared. In fact all of them had disappeared. The men had quickly hidden the weapons the minute they’d heard Holly coming. Alexei’s gun had gone in the pocket of his slacks. Caleb kept his mouth shut.

  And so did the kid. He merely nodded Alexei’s way. “No problem. It was a dumb idea to try to sneak in. I haven’t been very smart lately. I appreciate the fact that you were looking out for my mom. I really appreciate it. And I was joking about the whole gay thing. Not the me part, that’s real. But I knew you weren’t of my persuasion. My gaydar is nearly perfect, and it doesn’t go off around you. It’s a loss to my kind. Are you my mom’s boyfriend?”

  “Nicky.” Holly sounded horrified.

  Alexei merely put an arm around the kid. If he was embarrassed to get caught sleeping with the boy’s mom, it didn’t show. “I am, indeed. I care very much for her. I am so glad to meet you. Your mother is so proud. She tell me all about you in her letters. You are good boy.”

  “That whole accent thing is so hot. And what about Red over there?” Nick asked, his eyes narrowing on Caleb.

  Caleb felt pinned by those eyes. “I, uhm, care about your mom, too.”

  Nick grinned. “Everything I heard about this place is true, isn’t it? I think my grandma calls it a ‘den of inequity.’ I always thought it sounded like fun. I can’t wait.”

  Nick walked into the cabin with his mom, chattering away about all the things he wanted to do now that he was in Bliss. Caleb stood in the yard feeling like his whole world had just changed.

  Alexei slapped him on the back. “Come. Let’s to help out the kid. You cannot leave now. You have to see this. Holly needs us.”

  It would probably look pretty bad to run out. And after everything the kid had heard, he wouldn’t think much of a man who used his mother and walked away. Fuck. He had to stay. It was going to be a really long night.

  Alexei hefted a trunk and passed it to him. Caleb groaned under the weight. It felt like the kid had managed to sneak the kitchen sink out of his dad’s house. There was a ton of stuff.

  Alexei’s wide grin mocked him. “It is good to have family, no?”

  Family. He’d run from his, and somehow, someway he’d found another one.

  Chapter Eleven

  Holly stared out of the tiny window of her kitchen into the yard and wondered if she wasn’t already fucking up her second chance. Her son had been home for less than twelve hours, and she’d already exposed him to her suddenly kinky sex life. And to a bunch of men with guns. Yeah, she wasn’t an idiot. They had all looked so innocent after she’d rushed out, but she’d caught sight of the bulge in Zane’s jeans, and despite rumors, she seriously doubted his thingy wrapped all the way around to the small of his back. She doubted any of them had been unarmed. Not a single one of those men would run around in the dark of night without some form of weapon.

  “Good morning, dushka.” Alexei’s arms came around her waist, lifting her slightly as his face nuzzled her neck.

  She’d woken up wrapped around him, utterly safe in his arms. She wouldn’t be cold as long as Alexei was in her bed. And she’d missed Caleb. She was perverse.

  “Good morning.” Doubt crept back in with the morning light. He was so beautiful.

  “Your son, he is all right?”

  Her son was still asleep. She’d tucked him in last night after making him a cup of tea and trying to get him to talk. He’d said very little past the fact that Scott had kicked him out after discovering his sexual orientation, and his stepmother had done nothing to help him. That hadn’t been a big surprise. Connie was a cipher. She’d been handpicked by Maureen Lang to be the perfect political wife. She’d immediately spat out two kids and never disagreed with Scott. She wore what she was told to wear. She had a life filled with teas and events. Holly didn’t envy her.

  “I think he’s fine. Well, he’s as fine as a kid who just had his whole life ripped away ca
n be.” Rage still threatened to choke her. Asshole. How could he have done that to their son?

  Nicky had told her a long time before that he thought he was gay. He’d known when he was just a kid, and no matter how much football his father made him play, he couldn’t help the fact that he preferred boys. Holly could still remember the night he’d told her. He’d cried because her big response had been to ask if he had a boyfriend. Why couldn’t Scott have been the same way?

  Alexei ran his nose through her hair, the sensation making her shiver with pleasure. She loved how deeply affectionate he was. “I do not know, dushka. He seem to be very happy.”

  She threaded her fingers through his. “He wouldn’t talk about it. He just wanted to talk about finishing school online and where he’s going to go to college. How am I going to send him to college? I don’t even have a savings account. I’ve lived hand-to-mouth forever.”

  Because she hadn’t really tried. She’d spent the last eight years just getting by. She loved Stella, but did she really want to waitress for the rest of her life?

  He squeezed her close. “Do not to worry. We will deal with all things. We will find a way.”

  He was so stinking good to her. She couldn’t argue with him. She couldn’t point out that he didn’t have a job and hers didn’t pay well. They weren’t exactly a power couple.

  “I have to be going. I will make rounds in Bliss and then perhaps move on to Creede if no one is hiring here.” He kissed her forehead. “Don’t forget you have to see Caleb today. He will expect you in his office at noon. Do not to be late.”

  Caleb wanted to shave her and prepare her ass for anal sex. Or did he? He’d seemed pretty freaked out. She wasn’t sure if he was just anxious about the relationship or if the idea that she might have a son living with her made him rethink everything. She wouldn’t blame him. It was causing her to rethink. “I don’t know if that’s still on.”

  Alexei slapped her ass, the sharp pain making her shriek just a little. “You will go. Do not to be disappointing me. He stayed. He did not leave until morning. He stay on couch, but it’s progress. So go.”