Page 27 of Found in Bliss

  “Besides, our little dushka needs to learn to be quiet. We have an impressionable boy in house now.” Alexei pulled the plug out almost to the tip before driving it slowly back in. “We must try to set example.”

  She knew some people would tar and feather her for having a relationship like this around her son, but he’d been so deprived of true love, she just couldn’t see how this hurt him. He wasn’t the norm. He would have a whole world that told him he was wrong. Maybe by seeing his mother refusing to accept someone else’s morals in exchange for her own happiness, he would know that love was love no matter what guise it came in. It was real and precious and so rare that it would be wrong to turn it away. Love didn’t always come in the conventional way. It didn’t always mean a white picket fence, but this love was worth fighting for.

  She was worth fighting for. If her men had taught her one thing, it was that she was worthy.

  “I think we set a fine example.” She was proud of her men. She wouldn’t hide them. Caleb made her cry out, lashing her clit with his tongue. The oddly cool heat of the menthol spread all around. “But I will be quieter.”

  She bit her lip. She really wanted to scream. They were killing her. Caleb speared his tongue high into her cunt. He pressed his mouth over her mound, surrounding her with his heat.

  Alexei fucked her ass with the plug, never letting up on the sensation. “My friend, I believe she is ready. Perhaps you can make her come. I want her soft and willing when we take her together.”

  “My pleasure,” Caleb said against her lips. She felt him tighten his hands on her thighs right before he sucked her clit into his mouth.

  The sensation washed over her like an icy wave. She’d never felt anything like it before. Her pussy seemed to have taken over her body, becoming the center of her being, and Caleb and Alexei commanded it.

  Her whole body shook. The only reason she could stay on her knees was their hands holding her in place.

  Caleb let go of her clit but continued to tease her, sending little shocks through her system. She sagged against Alexei’s supporting arm.

  “Yes, that is what I wanted. I wanted a perfectly satisfied woman who we can satisfy all over again.” Alexei pulled the plug from her ass. She sighed and felt oddly empty without it.

  Caleb pushed his body up the bed through her splayed legs until she straddled him. His cock strained against her pussy. “Get me a condom, buddy.”

  Before Alexei could pass it to him, he pulled her down. She was grateful to let her body sink onto his. He kissed her, letting her taste her own juices on his tongue. He ate hungrily at her mouth. She could feel his desire. His hands roamed across her body as his tongue dominated.

  Holly let him take over. She felt like she was floating, tethered only by his strong hands and the silky glide of his tongue against hers.

  “I love you, Holly,” Caleb whispered against her lips. “I love you so much. I feel so lucky to have found you.”

  Tears pricked at her eyes. “I love you, too, Caleb.”

  He needed to hear it. She could see it in his eyes. For all his wealth and privilege, he needed what every person needed—to know he was loved and accepted for himself.

  She pressed her lips to the line between his eyes, the one he got when he concentrated on a problem. It would get deeper with age, and she would always love it. It was a part of him. His oddness and lack of social grace were endearing because they came with such an open, caring heart.

  “Don’t forget me, dushka.” Alexei’s weight caused the bed to dip. He passed Caleb a condom. His big cock was already sheathed. He pulled her up, freeing Caleb to work the condom over his dick. Alexei kissed her, cupping her head in his hands.

  Caleb gripped her hips. “Come on, baby. I need you.”

  She needed him, too. She leaned down, letting her breasts rub against his chest. She loved the differences between them. He was so hard, making her feel soft and feminine. Alexei got in behind her, placing a hand on her back.

  “Are you in?” Alexei asked.

  Caleb thrust up, joining them in a single move. She groaned and let her head find Caleb’s shoulder. He felt so good. His dick was thick inside her pussy.

  “Oh, yeah. I’m in. She feels perfect. Tight and hot around me.”

  “She will be tighter in a moment. Hold her for me.” Alexei moved behind her. His hand stroked down her back. “Dushka, my little love, you will tell me if I hurt you. We can go slow. I want you, but I want it to be right.”

  So dominant, and yet her big Russian was a teddy bear. He could talk all he wanted, but he melted for her, and she was grateful for it. She reached around to touch him. “Take me, Alexei. I want to be with my men.”

  “As your wishes go,” Alexei replied.

  Caleb laughed, shaking his head. “I’m going to make a list of all the ways he screws up sayings. Really, we could do a whole website.”

  “Hush, Caleb. Make the funs later.” Alexei parted her cheeks. “This is serious business.”

  Caleb held her, his hands tightening around her waist. His eyes went hot. “Yes, it is. Very serious. Holly, let Alexei get in your ass, sweetheart.”

  She wasn’t sure she had a choice about it. She needed to know how this felt. She needed to be between them.

  She buried her head against Caleb’s chest as Alexei worked the lube in. She listened to the strong beat of Caleb’s heart as he worked a finger in.

  “Let him in, sweetheart. We want to fill you up.” Caleb’s words caressed her.

  She relaxed against him, giving over to Alexei. Before she knew it, something far larger than a finger was seeking entry.

  “Yes, ti nuzhnA mne.” Alexei’s Russian was thick, rolling out of his mouth like the sexiest of songs. Holly had no idea what he was saying, but every word out of his mouth sounded like sweet seduction. “Ne magU zhIt’ bes tebyA.”

  “I’ll translate for him,” Caleb offered. “He needs you. Or rather he be needing you. He needing you so bad.”

  “I will not forget, my friend,” Alexei said, but Holly could hear his amusement. “But you speak Russian fairly well.”

  Caleb shook his head. “No, I speak Holly well. I know what a man in your position would say. I feel the same way.”

  Holly took a deep breath as Alexei pressed in. Pressure built. She closed her eyes.

  “It’s all right, baby,” Caleb whispered. “It only feels like it’s going to tear. It won’t really. The sphincter ani external muscle is an amazing thing. It’s called a voluntary sphincter. It opens when you let it. It’s sensitive, like the perineum. Anytime you want to lick my perineum, feel free.”

  “Alexei, make him stop the anatomy lesson.” He would go on forever if they let him.

  “This I cannot do, dushka. Our partner gets turning on when he talks about body parts. We must be getting used to this.”

  “Hurry this up,” Caleb said. “I’m dying here. The sphincter might be a patient muscle, but my cock is dying. She’s so fucking tight.”

  “A little more. Just a little more.” Alexei’s voice sounded strangled.

  He thrust in and around her asshole, forcing his cock inside in little pushes. Every move made her burn in amazing contrast with the cool sensation of her pussy. In and out, Alexei worked her ass, opening her and making her ready.

  She heard him groan and felt him slide deep inside her ass, the walls finally broached. She was open to them, completely vulnerable.

  Alexei flexed inside her. “Oh, dushka, this is what I wanted. This is what I need. I can feel everything.”

  It took her a second, but she realized what he was saying. He could feel Caleb. He could feel Caleb’s cock sliding along his and he could feel her. The three of them together. It was so intimate, more than she could have imagined. It was more than the physical. It was sharing.

  They began to thrust in earnest. Caleb pushed up while Alexei dragged his dick out. Every nerve in her rectum lit up.

  She pushed back, trying to get that dick ba
ck in her ass. Caleb pulled on her hips, filling her cunt. Any way she went was another intimacy, another pleasure. She rode the wave. She rocked back and forth forcing her pussy onto Caleb’s cock. She shoved back and got an ass full of hard dick. She moaned and wailed her pleasure, feeling every inch of them, glorying in the fact they were deep inside her. They belonged to her. She, Holly Lang, had two men, and they were magnificent.

  “Please. Please.” She was so close. The need grew like a wave just about to crash. Caleb pumped up and Alexei thrust in, the seesaw effect jostling her back and forth between them. She rode it, letting her body find the rhythm. In and out, back and forth, every inch of her felt on fire. Alexei’s hands gripped her hips and Caleb’s her thighs. She could feel them brushing against each other, working together to keep her in place. She felt possessed, beloved, wanted.

  “I am close. Her ass is so tight, so good.” Alexei flexed inside her.

  “I’ve never felt anything like this.” Caleb looked up at her, his eyes clouded with emotion.

  “Please, I can’t stand it anymore. I need to come.” It was driving her wild. She was so close to something powerful.

  And then she felt a hard pinch to her clit, and she went over the edge. She felt her men go wild, pumping into her, grinding as the cum sprayed from their cocks.

  She slumped forward, letting her body rest against Caleb’s. Alexei’s cock came out of her ass as he kissed her back and let his head find her shoulders. He pulled them all to the side, but kept them close, the heat of their bodies surrounding her.

  Caleb’s eyes opened. She could still feel his cock nestled against her pussy. His arms went around her.

  This was what she’d wanted. To have him wrapped in her arms. “Tell me what you need to tell me.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Caleb realized why she’d decided to have this little conversation in bed. He felt different already. Before when he’d thought about telling her, he’d felt frozen. But there was no way to feel frozen when her arms were around him and he could smell her and feel the warmth of her skin. He reached down and slipped the condom off his cock, rolling it in a tissue and tossing it in the trashcan across the room. He settled back in, surprised at how comfortable he was with the big Russian snuggling in behind Holly.

  He was happy Alexei was here. Somewhere along the way he’d really grown to give a damn about the man.

  Holly’s hands strayed to his hair. The early evening light filtered in, making the room seem soft and intimate. It was a small room. No more than a bed and a chair and a dresser. He wasn’t sure how all three of them would fit, but he knew they would try.

  “Caleb?” Holly asked.

  He couldn’t put it off any longer. He cuddled against her. It really was easier this way. He didn’t feel alone, and he realized just how long he’d felt that way—forever.

  “I married Caroline because it seemed like it was time. I had graduated from med school at an early age.”

  “Like the Doogie,” Alexei said.

  Caleb thought about smacking him, but laughed instead. Since he’d started taking the Russian at face value, he’d learned that Alexei kept him from being so damn serious. “Not exactly Doogie Howser, but I was nineteen. I was a bit of a prodigy. I finished my residency when I was twenty-five. I was supposed to open a practice in Chicago. I did what was expected of me. I married the right woman. I opened an office in the right part of town. I was empty inside, and I didn’t know why.”

  Alexei sat up, watching him with an encouraging smile on his face. Holly simply waited. She’d waited a long time for him to talk. She’d been so damn patient with him.

  “I got invited by a friend to do a little work in Africa. It was just six weeks in Sierra Leone. I immunized babies and performed some surgeries in conditions I wouldn’t have believed possible. I administered a lot of AIDS meds. I watched a lot of people die. And I felt something. It was different than the upscale patients I saw who complained about scars and talked on their cell phones the whole time I was examining them.”

  “They needed you.” Holly’s hand smoothed his hair back.

  “I guess so. I was always the smart one. Eli was our dad’s shadow, and Josh was the rebel. I got lost in the middle somewhere. But in that little pissant clinic, I finally felt like someone needed me. Not because I was a Sommerville, but because of what I could do. I finished my six weeks, came home, and immediately announced I was starting a clinic and moving to Africa for at least two years.”

  “Your wife, she did not like?” Alexei asked.

  He could still see the look on her face. “No. She did not.”

  “But it would be an adventure.” Holly’s eyes narrowed in confusion.

  She would see it that way. Holly would have packed up with him and followed him. She would have stood by his side, his partner in all things. Hell, the Russian would have gone with him, standing guard over those he held dear. How had he gotten so fucking lucky?

  “Caroline didn’t see it that way. She rarely left Michigan Avenue. She liked to shop and throw parties. She liked being a doctor’s wife, but she greatly preferred being a Sommerville. I didn’t realize it until a few years in that she thought I would change my mind and go into politics. She was disappointed to say the least. She let me go. She told me she wasn’t coming with me. I explained that it was something I had to do. I walked out on her. I left her with the house and the money and walked out.”

  “Caleb, did she come after you?” Holly asked. “She can’t have loved you too deeply if she didn’t come after you. I would have hauled your ass back home if I couldn’t follow you.”

  “I didn’t see her for almost a year. I set up my clinic in a township. There were always skirmishes going on. The blood diamond trade had completely torn the country up. There were always little groups of soldiers, some of them nine and ten years old. They would come through and take what they wanted, and I would start over again. And then one day they decided they wanted me.”

  Holly gasped. “They figured out who you were.”

  Caleb sighed. “A magazine ran an article on me and my clinic. It wasn’t a huge leap to know that my family would pay a lot of money to keep me safe. The day I was kidnapped, Caroline showed up with divorce papers. She’d been having an affair, and she wanted to leave me. She told me what a pisspoor man I was and how much better my brother was than me.”

  “Your brother takes your wife?” Alexei asked, horrified.

  So he didn’t know everything. “Yes. Eli had an affair with Caroline. I don’t even know how angry I am with him anymore. Josh barely speaks to him. It wrecked our family, and I didn’t even love her. Eli loved her. He lost a lot. It doesn’t excuse what he did, but I can’t hate my brother any longer. I have to find a way to move on.”

  “Caroline was there when the soldiers came?” Holly’s eyes had filled with tears.

  Even as he told the tale, he felt his soul lifting. He felt the burden being split, little pieces of hurt being taken on by these people who cared about him. The horror still closed in on him, but he wasn’t alone. “They killed her. They shot her in the back. They took my nurses and raped them before killing them. I had to listen. I still hear them sometimes.”

  “Oh, baby.” Holly’s arms tightened around him as though she could protect him. His fierce little Holly would have tried. She was a precious gift, and he was suddenly damn glad to have a partner. Alexei would never let anything happen to her. It gave Caleb great peace.

  “How long did they keep you?” Alexei asked.

  Forever. “A few months. Eli got the ransom message through the embassy. He thought it was a joke at first. Then they found the clinic and Caroline’s body. He paid the ransom, but they weren’t satisfied with it. They came back for more. They moved me around a lot. Then they settled into an abandoned government shelter. They locked me up in a closet. I stayed there for at least six weeks. I hated it when they took me out. It was always to beat me or force me to do something. They would throw
shit at me. Come up behind me with bats.”

  He could feel Holly’s tears on his chest. He soothed a hand through her hair. It felt right to share it with her. It felt right for her to cry because he finally realized what it meant to love. It meant sharing the burdens of his soul. It meant Holly could cry for him when he couldn’t. She had the right to cry for him, to ease his mind the same way he had the right to protect her. These exchanges were sacred, and to deny them lessened the love between them.

  “I was so scared, baby. I wanted to die. I was more scared to live than I was to die. When Wolf found me, I could barely walk.”

  Her head came up. “Wolf?”

  He nodded. “Wolf Meyer was a member of the SEAL team that rescued me. He found me. He got me out of the jungle.”

  “He gets banana bread.” Holly cuddled closer. Holly made the world’s best banana bread. It was her gift for people she cared about. It looked like Wolf Meyer had just made the list.

  “Eli was waiting for me. He’d aged ten years in the months I’d been gone. He’d spent millions of dollars, used every favor he had to get me back, and I couldn’t look at him without wanting to kill him. What kind of man does that?”

  “A man who has been betrayed,” Alexei replied. “No matter what he did, he still betrayed you, Caleb. You had right to be angry.”

  “I don’t want to be angry anymore. I just want to be here. I want to live here in Bliss and take care of my patients and live a life. I want that so badly, but I can’t even sleep in a bed. Holly, baby, I sleep in my closet. It makes me a freak, but it’s the only place I feel safe.”

  “We can make it work. We can expand the closet,” Holly assured him.