Ch. 14

  I was eagerly waiting at the front doors of my dorm ten minutes early. It was hard not to feel like a school kid waiting for the bus, except that I had never been this excited for the bus.

  “Hot date?” Came the mildly interested comment from the tall blonde girl working at the front desk.

  “Sort of,” I mumbled back distractedly, not wanting to discuss my social life with the snide door monitor. My thoughts were elsewhere.

  James and I had been working together for a week and each night I waited just as eagerly as I had the first. He’d been an encouraging teacher, although, at times he would withdraw and I would worry that I had said or done something to offend him. Inevitably, he would excuse himself to the kitchen to return renewed and ready to resume our lessons. He had promised something special tonight and I was beside myself with anticipation. The difficult part was keeping my overactive imagination in check.

  A flash of black caught my eye and I turned back to look out the door. He was stepping out of the Audi and actually coming to the front door. I watched him approach while I felt around on the chair next to me for my coat and purse. I heard the blonde’s breathing change as she noticed my “date.” He was arresting in his faded blue jeans and dark blue shirt. To her credit, I was as breathless as the door monitor when James stepped inside.

  “Ready?” His grin lit up his entire face. He looked sincerely happy to see me and my knees felt weak. I enjoyed his act for the blonde and easily played along

  I smiled back. “Absolutely.” This was going to be the best few weeks ever.