Thankfully, Oliver was basking in Tori’s attention like a conquering hero. Rory was the man who had saved them all with one shot. And Callum was the idiot who had gotten them all in trouble in the first place.

  “More reporters.” Rory sighed as he stared out the limo window.

  “What did you expect?” Oliver asked. “‘Brothers kill stalker in their own home is a big headline. Though I have to say some of the more offbeat tabloids are amusing. According to one, Thea was an alien and she was the leader of our sex cult.”

  Rory just shook his head. “Mad, I tell you.”

  “We’re lucky Rory is a good shot,” Tori murmured.

  “And that Oliver’s got such a thick skull,” Rory replied, chuckling.

  Tori’s hand tensed in Oliver’s. He gave it a squeeze.

  They hadn’t talked. He’d dealt with the doctors and the police, while Tori had stayed at Oliver’s side. They still hadn’t discussed what had happened. The past twenty-four hours had been a hazy mess of reports and waiting, and an aching feeling in his gut that he’d lost the love of his life.

  “I’ve already put out a statement,” Tori said. “It was a simple, please give us privacy while we deal with this tragedy. We pray for Thea’s family and hope they find the peace they deserve.”

  “According to the reports, she didn’t have much family,” Oliver noted. Even from his hospital bed, he’d checked up on the investigators. “But she definitely hired two men to follow and kill Tori. They’ve been arrested in London. We shouldn’t have to worry about them a moment longer.”

  “The coroner’s report showed she’d never been pregnant,” Rory said. “The papers are now reporting that she was lying about the pregnancy all along.”

  Tori gave Callum a wan smile. “That will help restore your image immensely.”

  He didn’t care about his image. He cared about her. He cared about how she felt about him. He’d done what he had to, but he’d hurt her in the process. He was the reason Oliver had been shot. Because of him all her fears had bubbled back to the surface.

  The driver made it through the throng of press at the gates and turned down the long drive.

  Callum risked a glance at Tori. He had to get her alone. He needed to explain everything he’d said to Thea, make sure Tori wasn’t spooked enough to leave them again. If he didn’t, he feared she would build up those walls until they towered, unscalable. A bit less than two weeks remained in her concubine period. If she decided to leave them, he and his brothers would have no recourse. Talib would shut them out. She could well vanish inside the palace, and they would be unwelcome.

  “When we get to the house, I was hoping we could talk, Tori,” he murmured.

  She frowned as though the idea wasn’t pleasant. “I’m awfully tired. Aren’t you?”

  She hadn’t slept much. Still, the idea of going to bed without resolving anything didn’t sit well with him. “I think we should talk about what happened. I would like to explain to you.”

  She gave him a tight smile. “That’s not necessary. I’d just like to pick up where we left off and move on.”

  He knew that wasn’t possible. “I think there are things we need to say.”

  “Oh, Cal, leave the poor girl alone. She’s tired. She’s had a rough day. Let her get some sleep. We’ll deal with all the fallout tomorrow,” Oliver said.

  “As you will.” Callum turned to look out the window as the car stopped. Claire was waiting for them as the door was opened.

  She wrapped her arms around Tori and then Oliver, fussing over him.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Rory asked as they walked toward the house behind the women and Ollie.

  Callum glared at him. Was he kidding?

  Rory slapped him on the back. “Fine. I’ll reword. What’s wrong, besides the fact that your psychotic ex nearly killed your brother and the woman we love? Because I, for one, am happy to have the whole situation resolved.”

  There was nothing happy about what had happened. “Don’t you think all that shit will set Tori back? She’s terrified of losing someone she loves. She would rather not love at all. She watched Oliver nearly die.”

  “And she’s processing what happened. Pushing her on it won’t make that better,” Rory said as the front door closed, leaving them standing outside. “She’s been good with Oliver, very affectionate. I think she’s all right.”

  “You weren’t there. You didn’t see what happened.” He wasn’t sure he would ever be able to forget it.

  Rory studied him for a moment. “I saw enough. I know something happened that made Thea decide to shoot. I know Oliver saved Tori. I know you tried to get to them. I shot her before she could get you. She had that gun aimed at you.”

  And in that moment he would have gladly taken the bullet if it would have spared his brother and their wife. He’d stared at that gun and known it was likely over, and all he’d wanted to do was hold Tori one last time.

  “She said if she couldn’t have me no one could. I think she meant to turn the gun on herself after she killed me. She wanted to be with me one way or another.”

  “She was crazy, Cal. The shooting wasn’t your fault. Anyone who came in contact with her could have become the center of her psychotic fantasies. If it hadn’t been you, it would have been an actor or some other man she viewed as wealthy and powerful. We’re all alive and we’ll be stronger for it.”

  “And if Tori decides to leave?”

  “She won’t.” Rory sauntered to the door. “It’s going to be all right. She gave us her word and she’ll honor it. She’s stronger than she seems. I think once she makes a decision, she doesn’t go back.”

  “Even when everything goes to hell?”

  “For better or worse.” Rory clapped a hand on his shoulder. “Let’s get something to eat. You’ll see in the morning. She’ll feel better once she rests.”

  They strode into the house, and Oliver was waiting in the kitchen, Claire pouring him a cup of tea.

  “Where did Tori go?” She was nowhere to be seen.

  Oliver gestured to the back of the house. “She was going to take a shower and get some sleep. I think we could all use some of that. I was going to have some tea and conk out myself.”

  “Are you feeling all right?” Callum worried his brother still looked a bit pale.

  “I’m good. The doctor said I’m ready for anything.” Oliver’s eyes strayed to the back of the house. “Which is precisely why I think we should give her a moment, then cuddle up with her. When she’s had some rest, I think we should debauch her thoroughly.”

  Callum wasn’t sure he would be welcome at that event. “I’d like to talk to her first.”

  “I’d like to not hear this conversation,” Claire complained.

  Rory kissed her on the cheek. “You’re right, dear. Oliver, finish up. We should go back to my room and have this discussion. I think Callum is still feeling guilty. If we don’t fix him, he’s going to fuck matters up with Tori.”

  His brothers were treating this like some kind of joke. “I already fucked matters up with her. Can’t you see that? Rory, you have no idea the things I said.”

  “I heard every word,” Oliver returned. “Tori is a smart girl. She spins stories to the press for a living. She understands damage control and spinning a good yarn for the audience.” He set his teacup down. “Let’s go talk to her. Callum isn’t going to stop worrying until we settle this.”

  Finally. Callum didn’t say a thing. He simply turned and strode up the stairs. He needed to change his attitude. He typically wouldn’t top her outside the bedroom, but this was a different case. She was going to talk to him, damn it. It was better for both of them if they got everything out in the open. She’d gone through a trauma, and she wasn’t leaning on them. She was doing her level best to take care of everyone else, but she wasn’t letting them take care of her.

  Callum intended to put a stop to that.

  He walked past his door. They’d agreed not to st
ay there until they’d thoroughly cleaned and redecorated. Until they did, it could bring back bad memories. Once they’d torn down the wall between Cal’s and Oliver’s rooms and made a massive suite, they would be less likely to remember what had almost happened there. He already had plans to take what used to be his room and turn it into a decadent bathroom where he would lavish Tori with affection every morning. She would get used to not showering alone. One of them would always want to be with her.

  Perhaps he should barge in on her now. After he’d had his way with her and shown her with his body how much he loved her, then she would be ready to talk to him.

  Callum opened Oliver’s door, ready to force the situation.

  “Holy hell,” Rory breathed behind him.

  “I wasn’t expecting that,” Oliver agreed.

  Tori was naked, kneeling on the soft rug. Her knees were spread wide and palms up on her thighs. She’d taken her hair down from the bun she’d tucked it into. Now it was a lovely brown waterfall caressing her shoulders and tumbling toward her breasts. Tight pink nipples peeked from under her hair. He stared at her for a moment, taking in how lovely she was. She’d bowed her head submissively. And her body. God, the beauty of her body made his pulse pound. His cock was suddenly full and erect as though the damn thing knew playtime had arrived. It pointed right where it wanted to go, to the apex of her thighs where her gorgeous pussy was on display. All he could see was her pretty pink flesh, begging for his attention.

  Callum stepped into the room, his brothers behind him. He heard the door close. Someone engaged the lock. Good thinking. They didn’t need interruptions. Dinner could wait. So could the rest of the fucking world for all he cared.

  He let all the weight of the last twenty-four hours dissolve. This was his place of power. Most of his life it had been the football pitch, but he’d discovered something even better—being her Master.

  He strode up to her, to a place where he was sure she could see his boots move into view. She was a good girl. She kept her head down until the moment he reached for her chin, lifting it up. Luminous eyes gazed at him. “Tell me something, love. Don’t lie because I’ll know.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  How much of a brat was she? “Did you know I was nervous? Did you know I thought you were going to reject me?”

  She gasped a little. “Reject you? Why would I reject you? Ever?”

  “Because of the things I said yesterday.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m not stupid, Cal. I knew you were lying. I was acting, too. I thought I was pretty good. I wonder if I missed my calling.” She bit her bottom lip and softened. “I didn’t know you thought I was going to reject you because that’s very silly when I love you so much. I might have known you wanted to sit and talk. I didn’t want to do that so I did this instead.”

  Such a brat. “I wanted to talk because we went through something terrible.”

  “And I wanted to pick up where we left off. Before Crazy Pants barged into your bedroom, I was supposed to kneel and wait for you. That’s what I’m doing.” She frowned. “If you really want to talk, I can get dressed.”

  Like that was going to happen. He might never allow her to wear clothes again. “So you decided to get your way, did you?”

  “When you think about it, isn’t this a good form of communication for all of us, Master?”

  What was going to be so good for him was slapping her ass. “You know I owe you some discipline.”

  There was no way to miss the way her eyes dilated. “I know.”

  “Then stand up.” He held out his hand.

  She placed hers in his and stood with a sweet awkwardness. He was sure in a few months she’d be pure grace in motion, but he actually like the way she clung to his hand. He looked her over, brushed the hair back so her breasts were on full display.

  “Damn but you’re beautiful, Tori.” Oliver was already stepping out of his slacks.

  Rory moved beside Callum. “You are, love. I told you she wouldn’t run.”

  “I’m not running.” A hint of a smile drew her lips up. “I was scared and I’ll always be scared when you’re in danger, but I love you and that’s worth the risk.”

  “I hope it’s worth what’s about to happen.” His cock jumped. He had an awesome plan.

  “I’m sure it will be, Master.”

  “Good, then lean forward. I want you to grab your ankles.”

  She bent over, leaving her backside in the air. He walked around her to inspect. So fucking beautiful. Her ass formed a gorgeous heart shape. He dragged his hand over the twin globes. Her skin was perfect porcelain and so soft he could barely stand it. She gripped her ankles and the position put more than her backside on display. Her pussy was right there for his pleasure, too. He let his fingers trace down the seam of her ass and to the edge of her already aroused flesh.

  “Have you been thinking about us?”

  “Yes, Master,” came the breathless reply.

  “What did you think about?” Oliver was completely naked as he moved to Callum’s side. “Tell me in detail. What’s got this pussy all ripe and juicy?”

  “Thinking about being with all three of my husbands,” Tori replied. “I’ve wanted it forever and you promised me it would happen. I want my men.”

  He wanted her, too, but he couldn’t let her get away with such brattiness. He smacked her ass right down the center.

  She made the sweetest little squeal.

  “If we’re going to take her together, don’t we need to open that sweet arsehole up a bit?” Rory asked. “Should I get the plug?”

  Callum held his hand to her flesh, keeping the heat against her. “Yes. I think we should fuck her with the plug before we take her. Do you want that? Do you want a big cock fucking that tiny hole?”

  “Yes, Master. I want all my Masters.”

  “And you’ll get them. Rory, we’re going to need a plug and lube. Oliver, I think you should help me smack this pretty arse.”

  “She did put herself in danger,” Oliver said.

  “I didn’t have much of a choice,” Tori shot back. “She was waiting for me when I got to the room. After that, I did whatever I could not to get shot.”

  Oliver moved in. “Then why did you struggle against her? I had to order you to be still and you still fought her.”

  Oliver’s hand reared back. He hit her with a loud smack. The sound hung in the air.

  Her flesh flushed a gorgeous pink. Oliver drew his hand back, and Callum spotted a faint handprint on her backside. It was enough to make him growl and smack her himself.

  “You don’t put yourself in danger,” he commanded.

  She gasped and shuddered. “I was trying to help.”

  He slapped that sweet flesh again and then again. “There is no helping when you’re in danger. None. You will obey us and keep yourself safe. You’re the most important thing in our world. You don’t get to play around with your life.”

  “I think that’s my line.” She yelped when he spanked her this time.

  Oliver gave her a good smack just above her right cheek. “There’s only one you. Only one wife for us. You must take care of yourself. We were lost without you before. We would absolutely be lost without you now.”

  Callum spanked her on the left side. “And no topping from the bottom. Don’t you think I know when you’re manipulating me?”

  “You didn’t realize it today. Apparently you thought I was running away again.” She groaned at the smack that quip earned.

  Oh, she was going to be so much fun. He and Oliver traded turns spanking her until her backside morphed into a pretty shade of pink. Rory chose that moment to return with the plug. It was far larger than that little thing they’d started her out on, but over the last few weeks, they’d graduated her up. Tonight, they would give her the real thing.

  “Move to the bed,” he demanded.

  She winced as she straightened out.

  “Poor baby, is your backside hurting?” He rubbed hi
s palm across her cheeks, satisfied by the way she shivered.

  “You know it is and you know I like it that way,” came her saucy reply.

  Oliver moved in, clasping her face in his hands and kissing her. After a moment’s sweet play, he picked her up and started for