clung together,

  Like puppies in a pile,

  Giving rise to thoughts that snow,

  Might remain here for awhile,

  But soon the mid-day sun appeared,

  And melted the snow away,

  Leaving only memories,

  Of this snowy day.

  Author: T. Sky Handring

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  I Believe

  I believe,

  You are what you eat,

  From the top of your head,

  To the bottom of your feet,

  And I believe,

  You are what you hear

  Whether it’s Beethoven,

  Or profanity in your ear,

  And I believe,

  You are what you see,

  Whether viewing fine art,

  Or viewing pornography,

  And I believe,

  You are what you feel,

  Whether anger and hate,

  Or peace and good will,

  And I believe God,

  Offers choice to your heart,

  To be more like Him,

  Or remain as you are.

  Author: T. Sky Handring

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  He followed my car,

  To the top of the drive,

  This dog had a friendly,

  Look in his eyes,

  As I got from my car,

  He licked the back of my hand,

  He was hungry and lost,

  And in need of a friend,

  Though I could have offered,

  Shelter and food,

  I was too busy,

  My thinking was rude,

  With so many strays,

  Without food and water,

  He’s only one more,

  So, why should I bother?

  Now he has wondered,

  Into the wood,

  And now it’s too late,

  To have done what I should.

  Author: Randolph Knight

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  A Liar’s Plea

  I am a liar!

  I used to tell the truth,

  But I told a lie,

  To stay out of trouble,

  And then I told,

  Another lie,

  And another lie,

  I’ve told a hundred lies,

  A thousand lies,

  A million lies,

  I don’t know the truth,

  I’m a liar,

  I AM a lie,

  My moon, stars, and universe,

  Are lies, all lies,

  I am consumed by lies,

  I live in the bowel,

  Of a lie,

  Please someone,

  Help me,

  Please, help me,

  My plea is the truth,

  And not a lie,

  Help me, please

  Because, I am a liar.

  Author: Randolph Knight

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  Brother John

  Dad’s life was nearly over,

  When I got to his side,

  Beneath all the medication,

  Dad’s feelings couldn’t hide,

  I knew Dad gave up the fight,

  In a war he’d never won,

  At the moment my Dad asked me,

  Where’s your brother John?

  But John was killed in action,

  Oh, so, many years ago,

  Fighting for our country,

  In a foreign land we know,

  Dad received John’s Medal of Honor,

  Purple Hearts, and Star of Bronze,

  But Dad could not accept,

  The loss of Brother John,

  Now Dad is buried over here,

  In our church’s cemetery,

  He’s right by my brother,

  And my mother, who passed in January,

  But my Dad’s old tradition,

  Every Sunday, still lives on,

  I just place a rose,

  On Mom, Dad, and Brother John.

  Author: Randolph Knight

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  Who would have known?

  A Tribute to Ginger (1999-2011)

  Who would have known,

  Of your twelve years of life,

  And how my heart was broken,

  On the morning you died,

  And who would have known,

  The night you entered this world,

  I counted four puppies,

  You were the only girl,

  And who would have known,

  Of the breed points you won,

  Only those at the dog shows,

  Knew you were a champion,

  And who would have known,

  How you loved to play chase,

  And smother me with kisses,

  All over my face,

  And who would have known,

  How over the years,

  You made me smile,

  You helped dry my tears,

  And who would have known,

  Your cancer would spread,

  Even after your surgery,

  Unless it were said,

  And who would have known,

  On the morning you died,

  You licked my hand,

  As you lay by my side,

  And who would have known,

  How I keep you close,

  For I see your grave,

  Just outside my window,

  And who would have known,

  Without these written words,

  Of how much I loved you,

  And how wonderful you were.

  Author: Randolph Knight

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  The Memorial Day Poem

  Memories of his loved ones,

  Went flashing through his mind,

  And the recollection,

  Of better days,

  In a world he’d left behind,

  But war is hell,

  And lives depended,

  On what he had to do,

  So he quietly rushed,

  The enemy’s position,

  Pulled the pin and threw,

  And he knew the grenade,

  Though still in flight,

  Was bound to hit the mark,

  As an enemy bullet,

  Pierced his chest,

  And traveled through his heart,

  Thus, he and others,

  Gave their lives,

  To protect the freedom we know,

  And on Memorial Day,

  We honor them,

  Our true American heroes.

  Author: Randolph Knight

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  Too Good to Be True

  He was just the kind of boy,

  Every girl is dreaming of,

  His looks and personality,

  Left nothing not to love,

  And so I loved him faithfully,

  Like any girl would do,

  But then I found out way too late,

  He was too good to be true.

  Author: T. Sky Handring

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  Venus and the Crescent Moon

  Cradled by a crescent moon,

  Just before sunrise,

  Venus sparkled like a diamond,

  In the eastern sky,

  It was a masterpiece of beauty,

  Too soon, to fade away,

  As the sun, rose in the sky,

  And night, became the day.

  Author: Randolph Knight

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  The Tree

  While driving on my way to work,

  On a very windy day,

  A tree had fallen in the road,

  And completely blocked my way,

  Although the tree was in three parts,

  To clear it seemed quite iffy,

  But being a strong Caucasian male,

  I’d move it in a jiffy,

  I tried to roll the largest part,

  Just like a lumberjack,

ut without a winch or logging tool,

  I almost broke my back,

  Quickly I got back in my car,

  To turn around somehow,

  When a short delivery van pulled up,

  And a tall black gentleman got out,

  Together we tried to move the log,

  And managed to make it rock,

  But it was like an anchored ship,

  Tied up to a dock,

  Another car, another driver,

  A large Hispanic man,

  The three of us made progress,

  But we’d need another hand,

  One more car approached the scene,

  Coming from the other side,

  An Asian man leaped out to help,

  And he never missed a stride,

  The four of us now moved the log,

  Just like a wrecking crew,

  I paused a minute to reflect

  On what a team can do,

  And as I got back in my car,

  I couldn’t help but smile,

  To have turned and gone the other way,

  Would have taken quite a while.

  Author: Randolph Knight

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  Hate and Forgiveness

  To hate,

  Is a prison,

  A self-imposed hell,

  To forgive,

  Is the key,

  That opens the cell.

  Author: T. Sky Handring

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  A Really Good Day

  Come on feet,

  Move a little faster,

  Come on mind,

  Think a little more,

  Come on hands

  Work a little harder,

  And we’re going to have,

  A really good day,

  And come on sun,

  Shine a little longer,

  Come on time,

  Slow a little more,

  Come on pace,

  Be a little quicker,

  And we’re going to have,

  A really good day,

  And come on plane,

  Fly a little higher,

  Come on train,

  Pull a little more,

  Come on truck,

  Roll a little longer,

  And we’re going to have,

  A really good day.

  Come on frog,

  Crock a little louder,

  Come on moon,

  Shine a little more,

  Come on stars,

  Be a little brighter,

  For we just had,

  A really good day.

  Author: T. Sky Handring

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  The City

  Here in the city,

  A new day begins

  The race is on,

  But the clock will win,

  Hurry and hustle,

  Are the words of the day,

  While mind and muscle,

  Are earning the pay,

  Mid-day in the city,

  Means a fast food meal,

  While the voice of a broker,

  Is making a deal

  Wheels will turn quickly,

  Until mid afternoon,

  Thoughts tease the mind,

  Of getting home soon,

  Then late in the day,

  There’s the afternoon rush,

  The traffic will