Page 8 of Love After All

  "This looks amazing," Jane said.

  Pepper smiled. "Thank you. We're still setting up outside, and flowers won't be brought in until tomorrow, but I think it's fantastic. Des's vision was perfect."

  "I can't wait to bring the flowers in," Samantha said. "I'd love to stay and visit, but I need to finish everything up back at the shop. I'll likely be working all night."

  Chelsea worried about Samantha. She spent so much time working, then taking care of her grandmother. And she did it all on her own.

  "Do you have someone to help you?"

  Samantha nodded. "Yes, I've got a couple of people to assist. I've been working on it awhile now."

  Chelsea was relieved to hear that. "If you need anything, Sam, you holler, okay?"

  Samantha hugged her. "Thanks. You're a good friend. I'll see you all later."

  "If you head out the main doors there," Pepper said to them, pointing, "you can see where the wedding ceremony will take place."

  "Great. And this really does look wonderful."

  "Thanks. If you'll excuse me, I have a million things to do."

  "I'll bet you do," Jane said. "Let's go, Chelsea."

  They headed toward the doors and pushed them open.

  "Wow again," Jane said. "Look at these stone walking steps. It'll look beautiful tomorrow when Des walks from the barn to the altar."

  "And speaking of the altar, have you ever seen anything more beautiful?"

  It was a charming, rustic archway, grand in scope and flanked by the most stunning twist of corkscrew willow she'd ever seen. The chairs had been set up, and she could already envision Des walking down the aisle.

  "Samantha said she had a flower setting for the top--all coral and white roses. And Penny said they're tying in the white silk along the sides tomorrow. I can't wait to see it."

  Jane nodded. "This wedding is going to be perfect."

  Chelsea's phone buzzed. She looked at the display. "Martha said the ladies from the nail salon are here."

  "Let's get back to the house."

  They ran into Callie and Sarah, Colt and Tony's good friends.

  "I hear you're doing our hair and makeup for tomorrow," Chelsea said.

  Sarah grinned. "We're so excited about this."

  "We're excited to have two Hollywood stylists doing our hair and makeup," Jane said.

  "But first, nails, so excuse us."

  They made their way into one of the back rooms, where Filomena was already setting up with her crew.

  Filomena had been doing Chelsea's nails for years. She was one of the best, and, in fact, had originally hailed from New York City. Des had tried her out on numerous occasions and had asked her and her crew to do the manis and pedis for the wedding. Filomena happily agreed. Her own daughter, Connie, had recently gotten married, so she filled them in on her wedding while they sat and were pampered by Filomena's staff.

  "What about Jeff Armstrong?" Jane said to Emma while they were getting their nails done.

  Emma blinked. "What?"

  "The doctor."

  "I know who he is, Jane. I just don't know what you're talking about."

  "Oh. Sorry. I was just zoning out here and I started thinking about Chelsea's list. What about Jeff?"

  "Don't ask me," Emma said. "Ask Chelsea."

  Since she'd been listening in anyway, Chelsea thought for a minute. "I hadn't thought about Jeff. He's nice. But he works crazy hours at the hospital."

  "What she's trying to say is there's no chemistry there," Megan said. "I just don't see the two of you together. Which doesn't mean it couldn't work. You should ask him out, Chelsea."

  "I am not asking him out."

  Emma frowned. "Why not?"

  Chelsea shrugged. "I don't know. Besides, like I said, he's not on my radar."

  "Well, honey, you have that list and you're not dating anyone at the moment, so somebody needs to get on your radar."

  She knew that. She'd been trying. "I'll start working on the list after the wedding."

  "What are you all talking about?" Penny asked.

  "Chelsea has a list of qualities she's looking for in her ideal man," Des explained to her sister.

  "Oh. That's very logical. What kinds of qualities?"

  Chelsea explained her list of attributes to Penelope and Des's mother.

  "It's a good list. You know what you want and you aren't willing to settle," Penny said. "Now me, I'm not even looking. I'm married to my job and I prefer it that way."

  Des sighed. "Penny, you're smart and you're beautiful. I want you to be happy."

  Penny looked over at Des and smiled. "I am happy, Des. I don't need a man to fulfill me. My life's work does that."

  "You know what?" Des said. "I do believe you. And I'm happy you've found the love of your life in biology."

  Penny grinned. "Thanks."

  "I miss the days when men and women just ... met each other and fell in love," Cynthia said. "Now it's dating sites and careers and lists. No offense, Chelsea."

  Chelsea laughed. "None taken."

  "Hey now, Mom," Des said. "Logan and I just ... met each other. It was kismet. The old-fashioned way."

  Cynthia cast a loving smile at Des. "Yes, you did. And we're so happy for you."

  Chelsea was so glad to see Des bonding well with her family. She knew her relationship with them had been strained for a while. But Logan had facilitated a reunion of sorts, and Des was happier now than ever.

  Especially this weekend. It was like beams of light were shooting from her pores. She practically glowed with sunshine.

  As it should be for a woman about to marry the man she loved.

  Chelsea sighed. She wanted to feel that way someday. About someone. Right now all she felt was that there was some imaginary guy in her head that would zap her right between the eyes as soon as she met him.

  Which could be this weekend.

  She always had hope.

  After their nails were done, everyone went upstairs to get ready for the rehearsal. Chelsea wasn't even the bride, and still she felt the thrum of excitement fluttering through her as she got ready for tonight's events. She was sharing a bedroom with Megan and Samantha. Neither was in the wedding party, but Sam was doing the flowers and Megan had made the wedding cake, which was currently well put away in one of the refrigerators downstairs. Des still considered both Megan and Sam a huge part of her wedding. Tomorrow night they'd all stay over at the ranch.

  Chelsea was looking forward to all of it.

  They changed clothes and got ready for the rehearsal. Chelsea had bought a new dress and shoes for the occasion. As she looked in the mirror, she admired her fantastic, fitted blue dress that would show off her legs--and her awesome sparkly shoes. Gorgeous, and she'd bought the entire outfit for less than seventy dollars.

  One of her favorite things was bargain shopping. Everyone thought she had an unlimited budget for expensive clothing. Ha. Not on a teacher's salary. She did a lot of online shopping at great sites that offered designer clothes and shoes at discount prices. She could look expensive without actually being expensive. She knew how to manage her money--and how not to waste it.

  They made their way outside and to the barn, where Des--who looked amazing in a short, beige dress and killer sparkly heels--was holding Logan's hand. They were talking to the minister, and Des's wedding planner was there with her ever-present notebook.

  She spotted Bash standing with Carter, Luke, and Evan.

  She'd purposely blocked out her last interlude with him out of sheer mortification. She'd had a great time the night of the bachelorette party. She'd also had more than a little too much to drink, but not enough that she didn't remember kissing Bash after he'd so gallantly carried her up to bed.

  Or the way he'd so sweetly turned her down. A lot of guys would have taken what she'd so blatantly offered.

  Not Bash. And it wasn't because he wasn't interested. She knew better. He'd offered sex to her when they'd had dinner that night. She'd turned him down
then. Yet when she'd propositioned him the night of the bachelorette party--oh so drunkenly--he'd said no.

  She had no idea what that meant.

  Nothing. That's what it meant. He probably thought she was a flake. Saying no one minute then trying to seduce him the next.

  She hadn't seen him since the night of the bachelorette party, and she'd prefer to never see him again.

  But since at that moment he happened to look her way and smile, she supposed the whole idea of never seeing him again wasn't going to work. So she smiled back.

  Not at all awkward.


  Pepper motioned them all to move down to the front of the walkway leading toward the altar.

  "Okay, everyone. Let's get this started. I'm going to get all the participants in place in the back, then Reverend Solis will let you all know how the ceremony will happen tomorrow. So if the bridal party can follow me, we'll get into positions."

  Des hadn't yet decided who was going to be paired up, so it was going to be a surprise to Chelsea who she was going to be walking with. She was super thrilled that Des had asked her to be in the wedding party at all, but Des had told her she considered them all friends now, and she didn't have a lot of friends.

  Chelsea had been touched. She, Molly, Emma, and Jane had grown close to Des in the past several months. Des was as down-to-earth as the rest of her friends, and she was so happy for her.

  "Okay. First up will be Molly, and you'll be paired with Carter."

  Molly grinned as she slipped her arm in Carter's. "Funny how that worked out," Molly said.

  "I like my partner," Carter said.

  "You two will walk down the aisle together, then separate at the front of the altar and take your places on the stone markers," Pepper said.

  They both nodded, then headed down the aisle.

  "Next are Will and Jane."

  Jane and Will smiled at each other and headed down the aisle.

  Obviously, Des was matching up the couples, which made logical sense. At least those who were coupled up.

  "After they go, it's Sebastian and Chelsea."

  Her heart did a small leap in her chest, but she masked it by taking a step forward.

  "I like my choice of partner, too," Bash said, laying his hand over Chelsea's.

  "You'll do. For now," she said, trying her best not to make eye contact with Bash as they stopped at the last row of chairs.

  They started walking, and Chelsea was conscious of her hand on Bash's arm, his body so close to hers. She mentally tried not to walk too fast. This wasn't her first time as a bridesmaid. She'd done it for several of her friends over the years. And Bash did a fine job keeping step with her.

  She had to admit, though, that she was happy to reach the altar.

  "Here, you'll let go of his arm and make your way to your position," Reverend Solis said. "Don't go too fast."

  She nodded and made her way over to where Jane and Molly stood, then turned to watch Emma and Reid make their way down the aisle.

  Obviously, that would be the only change in couples, since Des's sister was the maid of honor and Logan's brother was the best man, so those two would be paired up.

  And last to come up was Colt, whom Des had also included as man of honor. He walked by himself and took his position on Des's side, next to Penny.

  After that, the reverend walked them through the ceremony and what would happen. They finished and headed back down the aisle, forcing Chelsea to once again walk with Bash.

  At least he was quiet. She wasn't sure whether that was helpful or made it worse, since his silence only made her more conscious of his body. Of what he might be thinking.

  Which made her think. Which she shouldn't be doing, because her thoughts were all about him.


  But finally, it was over, and everyone headed to the guest lodge near the house, where there was catered food along with rows of tables.

  Martha had wanted to cook, but Des had insisted the food tonight be catered.

  "You have a big part in the wedding tomorrow," Des told her when Martha frowned at the tablecloths and fancy settings. "Tonight and tomorrow, you get to sit back and enjoy yourself."

  Martha shook her head. "It's weird not to cook and serve up the food when we have company."

  Logan put his arm around the woman who helped raise him. "Think of it as a vacation."

  She lifted her gaze to his and smiled. "I'll try."

  They all took to their tables for a fantastic dinner. Pepper had taken care of the seating arrangements, and the wedding party was seated together. Since a lot of the couples were together or married, she ended up seated next to Bash, since they were partners in the wedding party.

  She decided not to be uncomfortable with it. So she'd drunkenly kissed him. And he'd turned her down. She was an adult. She could handle this.

  Mid-meal, she turned to him and asked, "How's Lou doing?"

  "Good. Like she's lived in my house all her life. I took her in to see Emma on Monday for a checkup."


  "Emma said she's fine. She's a healthy weight, and I managed to wrangle her shot records from Gerri, so she's updated on all that. We're good to go."

  Chelsea picked up her glass of wine and took a sip, then nodded. "I'm glad to hear that. I've been thinking a lot about ... her."

  Bash's lips ticked up. "Have you?"

  "Yes." She laid her wineglass down and focused her attention on the food.

  "And how was your recovery from your night of debauchery?"

  She looked around to make sure no one else had heard that. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

  "The night of the bachelorette party. When I found you passed out outside in the cold and carried you up to bed."

  "I don't remember that at all, but thank you."

  He leaned in, his arm brushing hers. "Then you don't remember kissing me."

  She turned her head, her gaze colliding with his, sending all her senses haywire. She struggled for balance. "A gentleman wouldn't bring that up."

  "But you know I'm not a gentleman, Chelsea."

  "You were that night."

  He grinned. "So you do remember."

  Dammit. "It's hazy. Bits and pieces only."

  His lips touched her ear as he leaned in to whisper to her, "I'll be glad to refresh your memory."

  His breath was warm, caressing her neck, the left side of his body touching the right side of hers, causing chill bumps to break out all over her skin.

  She looked around to see if anyone was watching. They were all engaged in conversation and no one was looking at her and Bash. She turned to face him, their lips only inches apart.

  She remembered that kiss, oh so vividly, had replayed it in her head every night this week as she lay in bed, wondering what would have happened if he hadn't been a gentleman, if he'd pressed her to the bed and done what she knew they both had wanted to do.

  But he hadn't, and she remembered being oh so disappointed, which was stupid. He'd done the right thing. Just like she was going to do the right thing now, despite the crazy signals her body was throwing at her.


  He shrugged. "Okay." Then he dug into his food as if he hadn't just upended her entire nervous system.

  Deciding self-preservation was vital, she turned her attention to Molly, who sat on her other side.

  After dinner and toasts, which were lovely, everyone drifted off into groups. The women headed into the house for wine, while the guys moved toward one of the barns to talk horses and ranch stuff or whatever it was that guys talked about when they were in a group.

  Chelsea was content to get away from Bash. She'd have to deal with him as her partner tomorrow, at least during the wedding festivities. Other than that, she was going to keep a lookout for men who might fit her list. That was her priority.

  She was already looking forward to tomorrow.

  For so many reasons that had nothing to do with Bash.

  Or s
o she tried to convince herself.

  Chapter 12

  Chelsea stood at the altar, trying to keep her tears in check as Des and Logan said their vows. Des looked stunning in her dress. A cream silk, off-the-shoulder gown that clung to her slender frame, it had long lace sleeves and made her look like a princess. But the back was cut low and sexy. It was one of a kind.

  Just like Des.

  Chelsea had seen the look on Logan's face as Des had walked down the aisle with her dad. That was a look of pure love, the same look on Des's face. She couldn't be happier for both of her friends.

  And as they said their vows, her gaze drifted over to Bash, who at that moment made eye contact with her.

  His lips lifted, and she felt that tug of ... something ... toward him.

  Which was absolutely ridiculous. Sure, he looked amazing in his black tux, his white shirt a perfect complement to his tanned skin, his goatee nicely trimmed, and his mouth ...

  Ridiculous. She was being ridiculous. That "something" she felt was chemistry, and chemistry most definitely was not on her list. Chemistry was like the kiss she'd had with Bash. All hot fireworks, but that would eventually burn itself out, and then what would be left?


  She was not in the market for nothing. She wanted forever, and Bash was not a forever kind of guy. He was a few hot romps in the sack, then move on to the next woman. She'd never be one of those women.

  She shifted her gaze on Des and Logan, forcing herself to listen to the reverend talk about love and commitment, two things Bash obviously wasn't interested in at all.

  But she was. And some man would be. That's why he would be perfect.

  After a short ceremony, the reverend pronounced the couple husband and wife. Logan scooped Des up in a hot, passionate kiss that made even Chelsea blush--and there wasn't a whole lot that made her blush. Everyone clapped, then Des and Logan led the wedding party down the aisle.

  She met Bash at the altar. He gave her his arm, and since both a photographer and videographer were there, she smiled at Bash and slid her hand through his arm. They walked down the aisle together and around the barn.

  While the rest of the guests piled into the barn for appetizers and drinks, the wedding party and families spent a half hour or so taking pictures at the altar. It was fun, but Chelsea would be happy when she didn't have to stand next to Bash anymore. He looked too good, and he smelled like her favorite wintergreen-scented candle. Every time he slipped his arm around her waist, she was way too conscious of him--his body and damn near everything about him.