PARIS DROPPED TO HIS KNEES. He'd left the warriors in the entertainment room when a sense of urgency had filled him, the god king's whisper of "Now" echoing in his mind. He'd strode to his bedroom, knowing he had to at last make a decision.

  It was time. He couldn't wait any longer. He felt torn apart, raw.

  Now he raised his blade high in the air, shouting, "Cronus, Lord Titan, I am here as you bade me. " As he spoke, he slashed the knife over his chest. Deep, as deep as he could get it. Skin ripped, organs tore and blood gushed.

  The pain was severe, and he nearly doubled over. But he had to prove his determination. He'd already slept with two women today. Two women he couldn't even recall, and one he had bedded only an hour before. He was sick of it. So sick.

  He had spent these last few days thinking. It's all he ever did anymore. What a novelty that was for a man who had spent too many centuries to count giving in to his body and shutting down his mind. Now his mind was a constant swirl of questions and possibilities. Aeron or Sienna.

  "Cronus, I beg you. Appear. One more audience, that's all I need. I - "

  "Am shouting unnecessarily," the god king said behind him. The scent of stars instantly filled the room. A hum of power charged the air, raising the fine hairs on Paris's arms.

  Though he wanted to, he didn't turn and look at his guest. He bowed his head reverently, assuming the position of a servant. He hadn't decided if this sovereign truly meant him ill or if Cronus was as confused about the Lords of the Underworld as they were about the gods.

  He was unsure, tentative, but he planned to proceed as if the latter were true.

  "Before I make my decision, I have questions for you," he said. "If it would please you, I would ask them. "

  "I have wondered about you many times, demon. You and your desires have presented a mystery I am determined to solve. " The thump of sandals, the swish of cloth, and then Cronus was standing in front of him. "Ask. "

  "If I chose Sienna, would I merely receive her rotting corpse?"

  A warm chuckle of true amusement echoed. "So suspicious. That is something the Greeks would have done, I am sure, wily bastards that they were. But I am a more generous soul. From me, you would receive her just as she once was. For you, she will look the same, speak the same. She will not simply be a talking dead body. She will have a heart, and it will beat. "

  For you.

  The words echoed through his mind and he frowned. Did those two little words have significance or was he simply looking for hidden meaning where there was none? The gods had been known throughout the ages for their tricky natures. Wily bastards, Cronus had said about the Greeks, but Paris would bet the Titans were no different.

  Still, he pressed on. "Would she hate me as she did before?"

  Another chuckle filled his ears as fingers stroked the back of his neck. They were gentle, yet emitted a strong pulse of energy that sped his heart into an erratic rumble. "Of course she would hate you. She is a Hunter. You are a Lord. But I am sure, Promiscuity, that you can charm her into love. "

  Could he?

  And was having her back worth the guilt he would feel at not saving Aeron when he had the chance? Reyes seemed to think so, for he couldn't keep his hands off the woman Aeron was desperate to destroy.

  Paris slowly lifted his head, and his gaze met Cronus's. The king's expression was blank, seemingly uncaring. Damn it! What should he do?

  DANIKA SCREAMED as Reyes leapt away from her and tackled - Aeron, she realized, wide-eyed. Terror sprouted inside her and quickly spread its limbs. She scrambled backward on the bed, the cold headboard soon pressing into her back. What the hell should I do?

  The two men rolled on the floor, punching, tearing at each other's skin, biting and snarling like animals. Aeron repeatedly slashed at Reyes's neck, screaming that Reyes's head would soon roll. Twice he made contact, causing the side of Reyes's throat to bleed profusely.

  Reyes was already weak. She'd stabbed him only minutes before, for God's sake. Her knife. Yes. That's what she needed. Where the hell was her knife?

  Her gaze scanned. . . there, on the floor. So close, so far. Last time this had happened, Aeron had knocked her down and she'd stayed down. Reyes had saved her, but he'd taken a beating for his efforts. This time, she wouldn't passively watch, wouldn't run away. She would help. She'd trained to help.

  She inched off the mattress as the two men sprang apart, circling each other, panting.

  "She's mine," Reyes growled.

  "Belongs to the gods," Aeron snarled. He swung around, and the razor-sharp tip of his wing sliced Reyes's cheek.

  Reyes's head whipped to the side. As he straightened, he smiled. "Not anymore. How did you escape the cell?"

  "Cronus. Now was the time to act, he said. And when the gods speak, I obey. "

  Legion peeked out from underneath the shadow of Aeron's wing. "Don't hurt. "

  Aeron reached up to pet the top of the little demon's head.

  The creature purred, much as Danika had heard Reyes do when he was hurting. Just a little more, she thought, closing in on the weapon and doing her best to stay out of the warriors' way. The silver blade continued to wink up at her, taunting.

  "Pays to have friends," Aeron said darkly.

  "I'm your friend. "

  "No. "

  "Aeron, I love you. "

  "Not Aeron. Wrath. "

  "You're Aeron. My brother of the box. "

  "And yet you locked me away, even knowing how terrible such confinement is. "

  "You begged it of me!"

  "You should not have listened!"

  Down she leaned. As her fingers curled around the hilt, she saw Reyes pale. Aeron's words must have hit their target - Reyes's guilt - and they must have cut as deeply as any sword. She straightened.

  Reyes had chosen her over his friend, she realized, understanding for the first time how hard that must have been for him. These men had overcome the fires of hell together. Literally!

  "I did what I had to do to protect you from yourself," Reyes growled.

  "No, you did what you had to do to protect her!" Aeron shouted, pounding a fist against his thigh. His nostrils flared, his hands clenched as he geared for another attack. "My enemy. "

  Reyes was naked, weaponless, probably afraid to approach the bed, where the other dagger lay. Most likely he didn't wish to draw attention to Danika. Again he was protecting her, no matter the danger to himself.

  She licked her lips, watching as he slowly inched backward. Tremors raked her. She wanted to call out, to toss the blade she held to Reyes so he had something to use. What if her voice broke his concentration? What if Aeron used that distraction to pounce on him and cut his throat?

  She'd seen firsthand how Reyes recovered from his wounds, but she knew he wouldn't be able to recover from decapitation.

  Legion propped her scaled elbows on Aeron's shoulders and gazed imploringly at Danika. "Ssstop them. No hurt Aeron. " Scaled hands stroked the warrior's hair. "Calm, friend. Calm. "

  "I'm trying," Danika whispered. She inched forward, remaining in the shadows, blade poised and ready. Go for his throat.

  "I am the demon of Wrath. " The more Aeron spoke, the more his voice became multilayered, deep and raspy, lilting yet harsh. "You have harmed me grievously and you will suffer. "

  His glowing red gaze finally turned to Danika. She stilled, unable to catch her breath.

  Reyes roared and leapt forward, slamming into Aeron's chest. The two men propelled backward, Aeron's wings beating against the wall. Thump. Crack. They hit the door with so much force the hinges snapped and the wood toppled. Legion squealed and scampered from the men, hiding under the bed.

  They rolled, their arms and legs slapping together. Danika could hear the chomp of teeth, the sound of cloth ripping as claws swiped through it. Bones snapping and grunts of pain. So many grunts.

  If they would just part. . . Unconcerned by her nakedn
ess, she kicked back into motion, closing in on the pair. Come on. Separate, goddamn it! She might never get close enough to them to slice, but she could still throw.

  "You seek to lock me up forever," Aeron growled. Punch.

  Reyes's head whipped to the side. "And if the bloodlust ever leaves you, you will thank me for it!"

  Aeron jerked his wings into his back, where they folded underneath two slits. "Thank you? For burying me next to hell?"

  "You met Legion, didn't you? The new love of your life?"

  Finally they stopped rolling, Aeron on top. He punched Reyes yet again. Having a clear shot, Danika tossed the dagger, end over end. Target: Aeron's carotid artery. But when the tip reached the warrior, it embedded in his arm. He'd been in the process of reaching up, meaning to plunge his own dagger into Reyes's throat.

  Aeron paused, glanced in confusion at his arm. Frowned. From under the bed Legion cried out in alarm, drawing Aeron's attention further from the fight. The distraction cost him. Reyes bucked and worked his legs between their bodies. His feet shoved Aeron backward in a powerful thrust. The warrior slammed into the wall. The impact didn't slow him, though. Didn't even rattle him.

  He uncurled himself. Reyes rushed toward him, menace in every step. But Aeron didn't seem to care. Grinning, he launched a dagger of his own. A dagger Legion had swiped up and rushed to him. As Reyes barreled into him - only then seeming to realize what had happened, a scream of denial ripping from him - that dagger found its target: Danika.

  "I WILL NOT WAIT much longer," Cronus said, sounding bored. "Soon I will lose my curiosity over your choice and allow you neither Aeron nor Sienna. "

  Paris began to sweat. Do it. Just say a name.

  But as he opened his mouth, Cronus's head tilted to the side, his ears twitching as if he could hear something beyond the quiet of Paris's bedroom. "Oh, yes," the king said, and there was delight in his tone. "You must choose soon. "

  Had something happened?

  The pound of footsteps hit Paris's ears a moment later. Then, a knock on his door. "Paris, are you in there?"


  Paris glanced at Cronus - no, at empty space. The king of gods was gone. Had he lost his chance? Scowling, he jackknifed to his feet and strode to the door. "Not now," he said as the wood swung open.

  Sabin eyed his bleeding chest with confusion. "You okay, man?"

  "Fine. What's going on?"

  "Aeron escaped. He and Reyes are fighting. " As though to prove the words were true, a roar of agony sounded, followed quickly by an eerie laugh.

  Cronus's eagerness for an answer suddenly made sense. With the realization, there was dread. There was no more time to ponder or consider the ramifications of his choice.

  Perhaps he should have left well enough alone.

  Behind Sabin, Gideon and Cameo raced down the hall. Both were clutching guns. Sabin shot a look over his shoulder. "We don't have a lot of time. "

  "What's the plan?" Paris demanded.

  Sabin faced him again, already backing away. His gaze was grim. "Whatever's necessary to finally end this. "

  FROM THE CORNER OF HIS EYE, Reyes had seen the glint of silver. But only when he heard Danika gasp, only when he saw the crimson stain spreading over her chest, did he realize what had happened.

  Danika was hurt. Bleeding. She collapsed, now silent, barely breathing, unmoving.

  No, no, no. Despite his vows, he had failed to protect her. She might. . . she might. . . No! He refused to believe anything other than that she would recover, totally, completely. And yet, fury rose inside him. Fury and hate, desperation and so much emotional pain that it radiated into his bones, hurting, strengthening him.

  He was on his feet a moment later, rushing toward her. Aeron grabbed his arm, stopping him. Panic rushed him as he toppled to the ground. His friend jumped on top of him and straddled his waist.

  A fist flew at him. Contact. His nose cracked in the center.

  Reyes bared his teeth in a snarl, twisted and grabbed Aeron by the forearms. He had his friend beneath him a moment later. Satisfaction burned in Aeron's now-violet eyes, the red gone. Was that. . . surely that was not guilt blended with the satisfaction.

  He hurt her. I must finish this, get to her. Help her.

  He stared down at Aeron, hands already wrapped around his throat. Strong as Reyes was just then, Aeron could do nothing to buck him off or pry the shacklelike fingers from his neck.

  Behind him, he could hear his friends gathering. Muttering.

  "Don't do this, Reyes. "

  "Let him go. "

  "There's another way. "

  He didn't know who said what and he didn't care. He squeezed harder, claws digging past skin, past veins. Warm blood was pooling between his fingers.

  Legion suddenly slithered forward and jumped atop Aeron's chest. Teardrops that looked very much like diamonds streamed down her ugly little face. "Ssstop, sstop. He mine. "

  Reyes squeezed all the harder. Once Aeron was dead, Danika would be safe. From one threat, at least. She could be patched up. Healed.

  With a cry of despair, Legion launched herself at Reyes. Biting him, scratching him. The creature's saliva must have been laced with poison, because it stung like acid, rushing through Reyes's veins, burning in a way that made his demon moan. Still, he didn't let up.

  "My warrior," the demon cried. "Mine. No hurt. "

  Aeron's eyes were wide, blood vessels popping. His body was shaking, his skin becoming pale. Almost blue. His struggles were growing weaker and weaker. Soon he would still completely and Reyes would release him, pick up one of the swords hanging on his wall and remove his head. Soon -

  "Reyes," a voice said weakly.

  It was the only voice that managed to penetrate his rage and his hate, overshadowing them entirely. Reyes's attention lashed to the side, to the floor where Danika lay, staring over at him.

  She needed him. He released Aeron instantly and rose to shaky legs. Aeron's body went limp, but he remained awake, watching Reyes. Legion began kissing Aeron's face and chest, cooing to the warrior.

  A gun cocked. "No one moves until we figure this out. "

  Reyes paid the command no heed, nor did he acknowledge whoever had issued it. He rushed to Danika and crouched beside her. The stones around her were soaked. She'd pulled the knife from her side, opening the wounds. She was pale, too pale, and tears burned in her eyes.

  "I tried. . . to help," she said with a weak smile. "For once. "

  "You did, angel. You did help me. " Gently as possible, trying not to cry himself, he gathered her in his arms. Her muscles were so frail, she was unable to move on her own. "Lucien, I need you!"

  Footsteps. "I'm here. " Lucien stood beside the bed, mismatched eyes concerned.

  "Don't take her soul," Reyes choked out. "Just. . . don't. I need time to fix her. "

  "You know if I'm summoned to do so, I cannot stop myself," was the guarded reply.

  Reyes smoothed a shaky hand over Danika's brow. "Stay with me, angel. " Never had he felt so helpless.

  "Always," she said with another of those weak smiles. "Love you. "

  Oh, gods. The words, delivered now, nearly slayed him. "I love you. So much. I cannot live without you. " He didn't turn away from her as he begged, "Lucien, find a healer. Bring him here. Please. "

  Lucien nodded and disappeared.

  There were multiple fists against the door next to his, and then feminine commands could be heard. "Open this door! You didn't have to lock us back in. We wouldn't have interrupted you. What's going on?"

  "Danika. Danika, are you okay?"

  "Let them in," Reyes shouted, praying she would be strengthened by her family.

  Someone opened the door, and two of the women rushed inside Reyes's bedroom. They spotted Danika in his arms, bleeding, and gasped. They were rushing to her side a moment later. The third, the grandmother, was in casts and had to be carried.

  One of the warriors shouted, "No, A
eron. No!"

  Another growled, "I don't want to shoot you!"

  That's when Reyes saw that Aeron had stood. Having all four women in the same room must have heightened his bloodlust to another degree, giving him all the vigor he needed.

  Danika's sister screamed as the warrior reached for her, missed as she scrambled away.

  Her mother turned, splaying her arms to block Danika. "Leave my babies alone, you animal!"

  Hearing this, Danika struggled to sit up.

  "No," Reyes commanded. "Don't move. "

  Aeron strode forward. The warriors were jumping in front of him, trying to knock him down. No one shot at Aeron, though, as they'd threatened. Reyes couldn't blame them. In the end, he hadn't been able to kill his friend, either.

  Aeron batted the seasoned warriors away like flies, getting closer and closer to the women. Legion was flying between the warriors, as well, biting them as she'd done Reyes. "No hurt my friend. "

  Unlike Reyes, they didn't remain standing and didn't grow stronger from the pain.

  They fell, unmoving, the creature's saliva poison to them.

  And soon there was no one standing in the way of Aeron as he bore down on his targets.

  THIS IS IT. There's no more time.

  Paris dropped to his knees for a third time in the center of his room. He didn't have to cut himself, didn't have to summon Cronus, for the god king appeared of his own accord the moment Paris hit the floor.

  "I have already raised Sienna from the dead," the king said. "She waits in my throne room and can be here in seconds. She can be yours, if only you'll say the words. "

  Oh, to hold her again. To touch her soft skin, to gaze into her lovely eyes. To have her delicate hands tracing his body with reverence. She hadn't liked him, but she had been attracted to him. She had allowed him inside her body, and it had been the greatest moment of his endless life.

  "If you do not choose her, perhaps I will keep her for myself. It's been quite a while since I allowed myself a mortal. " Cronus shrugged, lifting the hem of his white robe.

  Paris bit the inside of his mouth. He should have known better than to summon this god and beg a favor. The thought of Cronus touching her, kissing her, sickened him. She is mine! "Why do you hate us so much?"

  "Hate you?" Cronus laughed, but there was no humor to the sound. "Hate is too simple an explanation. You could say I'm prone to dislike anyone who once served my enemies. And yet I admit I am still intrigued by you Lords of the Underworld. There is more humanity in you than I would have expected to see in men who are part demon. Even now, as the one called Aeron stalks toward his prey, he screams inside his mind to stop, to turn away. "

  Paris stilled.

  A sigh. "He has surprised me, I must say. He had the grandmother in his grasp, had only to cut her throat. Yet he managed to suppress his bloodlust long enough to escape her. He even managed to wipe the memory from his own mind. The will-power required for such a thing. . . I marvel. "

  But Aeron would not be able to make himself forget the slaughter of those four innocent women, Paris knew. From the beginning, the tormented warrior had known the act would change his life forever. And not for the better. Aeron would be eternally haunted.

  So would Paris, knowing he could have done something to prevent it.

  "I see the way your mind is churning," Cronus said, crouching in front of him. Their gazes locked, blue against fathomless brown. "Know that if you choose Aeron, you will never again see Sienna. I will make sure of it. Just because I can. "

  "And if I choose Sienna?"

  "Aeron will slay the Ford women. All but Danika. Her, I have decided to keep. The others are useless to me, so are of no consequence. "

  "Why, then, did you damn Aeron's soul with the killing of them?" Paris asked, incredulous.

  Cronus shrugged. "I knew one of them was my Eye, my seer into the spiritual realms, but I did not know which one until recently. I thought to destroy the entire bloodline so it could not be used against me again. Therefore, all had to die. Yet now, having watched the youngest girl, I am reminded of all the Eye once did for me - before Zeus seduced her from my side and used her against me. Unlike her ancestor, Danika's heart has been given. She will not be swayed by other gods. "

  "Why not simply free Aeron, then, if you no longer have need to destroy Danika and her family? If you want Danika alive? Why put his freedom in my hands?"

  "Because you presented me with a question I have come to realize my humans face daily. Who is of greater import, a lover or a friend? And now, demon, I am through waiting for your answer. "

  Paris gulped. The ultimate choice. He'd known he would have to make it, but here and now, in the moment of truth, he knew he would hate himself, no matter his decision.

  "Choose," Cronus said, his voice booming angrily. "While Sienna paces the heavens, Aeron is even now upon the women. He is raising his dagger. Sienna is crying, uncertain of her future. Aeron is - "

  "Aeron," he said, falling forward, already mourning all over again the only woman he ever could have loved. "I choose Aeron. "

  WITHOUT WARNING, Aeron collapsed beside the bed. Legion curled into his side, stroking his face. Reyes watched, blinking in shock as a smile lifted the now-sleeping warrior's lips, and peace, such peace, smoothed the lines around his eyes.

  What the hell had just happened? Aeron had been poised for the deathblow, Reyes unable to act. And then everything had stopped, frozen, no one able to breathe, to move. Then the sleeping, poisoned warriors awoke as if nothing had ever been wrong. And then Aeron had fallen.

  Everyone turned and looked at everyone else, confusion scenting the air. Lucien arrived a moment later with the healer, a sputtering human who almost soiled himself when he spied the huge crowd of hulking warriors.

  "Reyes," Danika whispered.

  Bending down, Reyes kissed her temple. "No talking, love. Save your strength. The healer will - "

  "I'm having a vision. "

  He did not care about a vision; he cared about her. "Try to push it to the back of your mind. Just stay with me while the healer patches you up, all right?" He turned to the man in question, commanding, "Fix her. Give her Tylenol. Whatever you have to do, fix her. "

  The human kicked into gear, rushing forward. "Of course, of course. "

  "I'm in heaven, lying on a marble dais. " Danika smiled, her eyes glassy. "I'm covered in white and the angels are singing. "

  "What? No, no. " He shook his head in violent denial as he realized what she was saying. "Hold on, just hold on. "

  The healer crouched beside her, already removing tools from a black case.

  "Hurry," he ordered the human. But he needn't have bothered. Danika's eyes closed and her head lolled to the side. She disappeared a moment later, and he was clasping only air.

  His scream echoed through the heavens and earth, finally resounding in hell.