The hillside next to the river was covered with people of all ages and many cultures. It was the first time Ruth and the other women had accompanied Yeshua and the men on a teaching mission.

  Standing at river's edge, Yeshua smiled up at the crowd. This was not what his Zennist teachers had talked about. Their approach was less direct, more impersonal. It certainly had merit. His way was to reach out, let the people know of the teachings and then come to him for further instruction, as they were ready. His Zennist master said it wouldn't work. Even so, he had to try.

  "Thank you for coming on such a hot day and for bringing lunch and something to drink," Yeshua said. "I know you have fields and animals to tend. I know your children have lessons to learn and work to do. As I see it, it's time they learn why they do these things, why it is important to keep body and spirit together."

  Ruth was surprised his voice carried so well. With her he spoke softly, and though he could become animated, she had not imagined his voice could cover the hillside and river valley.

  "Sometimes I am asked," Yeshua said, "what is the most important thing we can do to serve God. I've thought about it. I've meditated. I've asked others what they think.

  "This brings me to the story of a man who lived by the sea. Every morning he rose and looked out at the sky to see what the weather was likely to be. Every morning he as he did so, he'd decide just how to catch fish that day. One morning he awoke. There was no light, no sun what-so-ever. He decided it must not be day at all. He pulled his blanket over himself and went back to sleep. Again, he awoke. Again, there was no light. This went on for several awakenings. Finally hungry and exceedingly thirsty, he rose and lit his lamp so he could fix his morning meal. Light from the lamp filled the room. He carried it out to the well to draw water. As he did, it lit up the area around the well and the nearby seashore. Surprised by the power of his lamp, he drew his water, did his daily cleansing and gazed at the village behind him. It was blanketed by darkness. He took his lamp to the first house, roused the inhabitants and helped them light their lamps. He suggested that they take their lamps to others in the village, so they, too, might have light and have them share theirs with others and so on. Soon the whole village was alive with light.

  "That is what has happened to us," Yeshua said. "We have awakened to morning after morning of darkness. It is time to do something about it. The first step is to fan our inner light, allow it to grow, flow through our entire being and out to others. In this way we can illuminate even these dark times."

  "I have heard it said that you are that light of the world, that you are the Messiah," said a man seated near Yeshua. "It is your light that will save us."

  "Each person has to do that for themselves. The most anyone else can do is offer guidance," Yeshua said. "I am not The Light. I am a light, a shaft of light from the great sun that we call God. So are you. What I can do, you can do. Those who work with me are discovering their own light within. Everyone can. Everybody has one."

  "So you want us to do as you do, follow your ways?" a woman nearby said.

  "That's not what I'm saying," Yeshua said. "Again I say, I am not The Light, I am a light. I am part of the light, same as you. If you go within you can find your own, fan the flame and express it in ways that are right for you."

  "How do we do that?" said another man.

  "That's what we're here to teach you," Yeshua said. "The light comes from creation--the great creative force we call God, Yahweh. Some call this force Brahma. Other cultures call it by different names. It is one and the same force.

  "Light radiates from the creative force. It is the life force within the soul. It is energy. The best way to explain energy is to liken it to that which you see during a thunderstorm, the lightening bolt. The energy I'm talking about is always with us, everywhere at all times. It can be used as a tool, same as a plow or a bucket.

  "There once was a boy who knew he was born to accomplish great things. As he grew he began planning what he was to do. His father was a wealthy man of influence, and the boy made friends with his father's friends. When he reached adulthood he set about to accomplish the tasks. In time he succeeded.

  "One day woman came to him and said, 'You have killed my son.' She began beating him with a stick.

  "The man had her restrained and said, 'I don't even know your son. I have killed no one. Why do you accuse me of such a horrible thing?'

  "The woman said, 'You sent him to work your mines in dark damp places. He became sick with the fever and died. You killed him.'

  "'I have not. Your boy was a sickling. He was weak. It was his time to die,' the man said. He had the woman taken away and contented himself in knowing he was a good person.

  "The next day a man named John came to him and said, 'You have driven my daughter mad.'

  "'I don't even know your daughter. How can I have driven her mad?' the man said.

  "'You sent her husband to war, so you might have dominion over lands that did not belong to you, so you might harvest oil from the olive trees that grow there,' John said. 'Her husband was killed. She loved him so much she cannot make it without him. She has gone mad, leaving her children, and wanders the streets screaming. Your greed killed my son-in-law, drove my daughter mad and left me, an old man to raise her children. You are a butcher, a murderer.'

  "The man said, 'I have done no such thing. I was liberating the people from a brutal enemy. Some must be sacrificed so the many can be saved.' He had John taken away.

  "This went on for many years. The man grew in wealth and power was always satisfied with his life and what he had accomplished. Each day he thanked his god for giving him the power and the insight to pursue his vision, even unto death.

  "After the man died he looked down on his funeral and was surprised. His immediate family and those who had benefitted directly from his enterprises attended, those of influence and those who wanted to gain it. None of the commoners had come, not one of those he thought he was helping.

  "An old woman was passing by on her way to the great beyond.

  "The man ask of her, 'Do you see the funeral down there? That is for me and yet, none of the commoners have come. I don't understand. I have accomplished great things for them.'

  "And the woman said, 'You have built fine buildings and harvested the oil from many an olive. Your hand is on much in the land. But in so doing you ruined, even took the lives of many, of much. Your accomplishments are for naught.'

  "'What? How can that be? I looked to God for my answers,' the man said. 'I followed my destiny, my vision. I was true to it. I was true to all I knew. How can this not be right?'

  "And the woman said, 'The problem lies in how you did it. Yes, you were born to do great things. But you forgot the most important ingredient. You forgot about the light. Had you fanned the light inside yourself, radiated it out to all around you, what you did would have been a great blessing to everyone, instead of a great curse.'

  "'Are you saying I am cursed to eternal damnation,' the man said suddenly afraid.

  "The old woman said, 'Only if that is your choice. You have the choice to be born again, life after life until you embrace your inner light. Light is life. Light is love. Light is all of creation, the creator.'

  "She walked away, leaving the man to ponder."

  Yeshua studied the crowd. "The light within us is the source of love. Love is the source of light. They are the same. That which is not created with love and light will cease to exist, leaving shadows on what remains."

  "Is that what we have now, Master Yeshua?" said a woman up the hillside a ways. Her husband glared at her, silently reminding her a woman should not speak out.

  "Yes, sister," Yeshua said, "and so it has been for all time. Please, don't call me master. Brother would be better. I am your brother. I'm here to let you know that the darkness can be changed into light, and you can help."

  "Me? I don't understand ho
w I, a woman, can do anything," she said.

  "By fanning the flame of light within and showing forth the resulting love to others," Yeshua said. "Light and love are products of God, All-That-Is, The Divine. You are the light. You are the heart of God. You are the soul of the One. It is so for you. It is so for each of us, those of every race, religion and philosophical persuasion.

  "Each day when I awaken, and throughout the day when I lose my focus, I repeat those word, 'I am the light. I am the heart of God. I am the soul of the One.' It brings a welling of love inside me. It reconnects me, or rather I should say, it reminds me of my connection to everything and everyone. It helps me center myself. You can do it, too."

  "Okay, let's say I try this, just in case you're right," said a man down near the water. "How do I find this light and ignite it?"

  "I know it's hard at first to believe this," Yeshua said, "and when something is hard to believe it's almost impossible to make happen. That's where imagination comes in. As children we used our imaginations. We pretended we were great warriors, new mothers, great cooks, great builders or great farmers, whatever. We directed our play with these imaginings. To see the light, the flame, use your imagination like you did when you were a child.

  "Close your eyes and focus your thoughts on the middle of your chest. Go inside yourself. Imagine a small flame burning there, not the kind that would burn and consume you, but the kind that would bring you warmth. See that flame with your mind. Let it be. Practice each day during your quiet time seeing that flame. Bestow it with all things good and pure--beautiful flowers, green meadows, love of the highest kind. Start by picturing it as small. Make it larger and larger each time you see it. Allow it to spread throughout your body, warming, comforting and inspiring you. One day, as you are ready, encourage it to flow from you, encasing your entire body. Over time, make that light larger and larger until it encompasses you and everything around you, ultimately embracing the entire world."

  "I don't see how that can make any difference," another man said. "It sounds like bunk. You are not preaching the ways of the prophets. What you're saying is blasphemy. Only God can give us light." He got up, grabbed his wife and yanked her and their children away from the group.

  "Could you show us how to do this, Brother Yeshua?" said a woman seated a distance away. The man with her looked skeptical. The baby on her lap squirmed.

  "I'd be pleased to," Yeshua said.

  The crowd mumbled affirmation.

  "Okay, close your eyes. Picture a flame in your heart," Yeshua said, guiding them through the process he had described.

  Finally there was a hush. The only sounds were of restless children and of birds twittering nearby. The sun blazed overhead. A breeze arose, bringing refreshment.

  "Before you open your eyes," Yeshua said, "focus on the flame and bring the positive feeling you have into your consciousness. If you have felt and seen nothing, do not be alarmed. It's about practice, persistence. Forward from this day, focus on the feelings of love. Focus on expressing that love. In the great scheme of things it is all that matters. In the company of light we can dissolve darkness, corruption, that which we call evil.

  "Now, open your eyes. When you leave this place, in all the things you do, practice the light. This is it. This is the secret of the ages, that which all great masters have striven toward."

  Chapter 23