The door knob jingled. He spoke in more of a growl than a human voice. "Open the door, Dakota."

  I unbuttoned my dress jeans. "Maybe after I'm done with my shower."

  I started back when his shoulder slammed into the door. The lock gave way, as did the rest of the entrance. The wood flew open and slammed into the wall. David stepped inside. His yellow eyes glared at me. His hands ended in long, sharp nails. That familiar, sensual husky scent of his wafted over me. He slammed the door shut. The force of the slam was all that kept it in place.

  I held up my hands and stepped back. "Down, boy, down." He stalked towards me. Those heated yellow eyes sent a thrill of passion through me that made me shudder. "I'm not a pig shifter, remember? No eating the girlfriend."

  The back of my knees hit the foot of the bed and I fell onto the covers. David leapt at me and placed his hands on either side of me. He leaned close so our faces nearly touched. His lips curled back in a feral grin. One of his hands slid onto my thigh. I closed my eyes and turned my face away.

  His warm breath wafted over my cheek. "So you want to play hard-to-get?" he growled.

  I swallowed. "M-maybe."

  He pressed a hot kiss against my neck. His wandering hand slid up my side and cupped my bra-covered breast. I gasped as he massaged the mound of flesh. "You've certainly made things hard for me."

  I grasped the sheets between my hands and smiled at him. "There's a way you can fix that."

  A sly grin slipped onto his lips. "Then let's begin."

  He pressed our lips together in a hot, passionate kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and groaned. He pulled me further onto the bed so I could lay down, and he stretched his body over mine. His hard, thick manhood pressed against my inner thigh. I squirmed. The friction didn't help either of us.

  The beast inside him awakened. He tore away my open shirt and bra. His wet lips rained hot kisses over my half-naked body. I moaned and clenched the sheets between my fingers. My body felt like it was on fire. I ached for his lips and his teasing fingers as they danced along my quivering skin.

  He fed the fire within me with his sensual touch. His lips suckled at my breasts. His hand opened my pants and slipped into my underwear. I jumped when his finger glided between my warm, wet folds. The deep, consuming hunger inside me exploded into a blind lust. I arched my hips and rubbed myself against his teasing finger. The delicious friction heightened my pleasure, but my body demanded more. I needed him to take me and possess me, to satiate this carnal desire that ate away at both of us.

  He grunted and lifted his head. His nostrils flared as he took in my scent. Those wonderfully heated eyes stared down at me with a primal lust that made me shiver. He tore off his clothing and took mine with his. In a few moments our sweat-soaked bodies lay naked on the covers.

  He covered me with him and thrust hard and deep into my hot, wet core. I grasped his shoulders and smiled. This was what I wanted, what I craved so deeply. This consummation of our love and lust for one another. A union of body and soul that would consume us.

  "Yes," I groaned.

  He pushed in and out in a deliriously slow pace. I rocked my hips in time with him and reveled in the feel of him inside me. The tension in my body tightened. I panted for breath. My lust threatened to overwhelm me. I had no fear of that. It could sweep me away on its wonderfully exotic wings, if only my lover never stopped his sensual caresses.

  His deep groans teased my ears. His hands reached up and massaged my swollen breasts. His thick, pulsing manhood stroked my trembling nerves. I whimpered and squirmed. The heat inside me was unbearable.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist and deepened our union. My hands petted his wet hair as my chants filled the room. "Oh god. Oh god, yes." I leaned my head back and groaned. "Faster. Deeper. Oh god, more."

  He grunted and thrust harder into me. My trembling pleasure tightened. Our sensual love-making turned into a wild, feral rut. I clutched onto him and closed my eyes as he took me with the passion of a lover starved for my body. My body strained against him. The delicious pleasure grew more and more intense.

  My own strained voice sounded foreign to my ears and grew louder with each of his wild thrusts. "Yes. Oh god, take me. Take me! Make me yours!"

  He raised his head. Those beautiful yellow eyes penetrated me to my very soul. He curled his lips back in a sly, possessive smile. "Mine and only mine."

  I shuddered. The pleasure inside me burst open. A wave of lust and desire swept over me, consuming me in their deliciously warm arms. My lover thrust long and hard into me. I was his, and he would take me hot and hard.

  My calls of pleasure rang off the walls. "Oh god. Oh my god. So close." I was almost there. My body strained to reach the bliss his feral lust promised me. "Harder! Faster!"

  An explosion of pleasure overtook me. I cried out to the heavens my wonder as my body was enveloped in the bliss created by our union. My lover came soon after me, and we collapsed as a mess of wet bodies atop the sheets. David pressed me close to him and managed to wrap the top cover over us.

  I nestled against his hard chest and sighed. That is, until my stomach grumbled. I sighed. "You're going to drive me into an early hunger grave."

  He chuckled. "There are worse ways to go."

  I closed my eyes. "Well, wake me when food's ready or you'll find out how worse it is to be munched to death by a hungry mate."

  "Your wish is my command."


  The rest of the day was swept away in similar fashion, and at around six o'clock we started to prepare for our meeting with Latro.

  At least, I did.

  "Come on! There's enough time for a quickie!" David pleaded as he tried to catch me before I slid out of bed.

  I dodged his needy hand and took a sheet with me. "We've got dressing and dinner before we meet Latro at this Wolf Den." I paused and furrowed my brow. "Come to think of it, I don't even know where that place is."

  David sat up and chuckled. "Fortunately, I do. It's a fashionable club in the red-light district of the city."

  I whipped my head to him and narrowed my eyes. "One of your usual haunts?"

  He held up his hands. It blocked my view of his muscular chest. "In a previous life. Now that's no more."

  I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. Or rather, I tried to. My fingers got stuck in the nest. "Any idea if maybe the club owned by the pig shifter and this one are connected?"

  He shook his head. "They're not. The owner of this club is a lovely woman by the name of Lilith, and she's one of the last people to allow a pig into her place of business."

  I grinned and folded my arms over my chest. "So does that mean you have to stay outside?"

  He chuckled. "She makes an exception for me. I do have money, after all."

  I swept my eyes over the room. "I wouldn't know. You haven't showered me with diamonds and jewels yet."

  He feigned an aghast expression and leapt out of bed. "I haven't? Then let's remedy that situation right now."

  I pointed at the area below his waist. "You might want to get some clothes on."

  He held up a finger. "Wait. I have a compromise."

  David hurried into the bathroom and came out with a robe. He strode to the vanity and opened one of the top drawers. I watched him pull out a tall, wide box covered in purple velvet and gold. He set the box on the top of the vanity and opened the lid.

  I crept over and looked inside. My eyes widened as I beheld small compartments filled with shimmering jewels and diamonds. Other precious stones were set into rings and broaches.

  His eyes studied me and a smile teased the corners of his lips. "What do you think?"

  I nodded at the box. "I think you need to find a safer place to put that box."

  He chuckled. "If I can't protect a small box of jewels then you might be in trouble."

  "I can protect myself," I argued.

  "This morning's episode would seem to contradict that, but we'll say I'm not only my own best friend, b
ut a very good guard hound." He pulled off the top compartment to reveal the interior. Gold bracelets and watches were stacked atop each other, but there was a small, velvet case among the trinkets. He pulled took it and held it out to me. "See this."

  I accepted the case and opened the lid. My eyes fell on a gold necklace that was graced with stones of pure amethysts. The stones that lay higher on the necklace were small, but became progressively larger the close they came to the neckline. A single large, translucent stone was set in the center.

  "Do you like it?" David asked me.

  I couldn't pull my eyes away, but I swallowed and nodded. "It's beautiful."

  He leaned close to me. "It's yours."

  I whipped my head up and blinked at him. "Mine?"

  He smiled and nodded. "Yes. It belonged to my mother, and I can't think of a better person to give it to then my mate."

  I shook my head. "But I-" He pressed a finger against my lips.

  "Don't make me call a justice of the peace and make us late to meet Latro. Her 'sunny' disposition would be ruined." He nodded at the case in my hand. "It's a little fancy to wear for clubbing, but it'll attract the leprechaun."

  I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. He stumbled back, but kept us upright. "Thank you so much," I whispered into his ear.

  He pulled me off and chuckled. "Any more whispering like that and we will be late to meet Latro. Besides-" he pointed down at me, "-your sheet is slipping."

  I gathered my sheet about me and gathered some clothes for the evening. David did the same, and in a few minutes we were dressed for a night on the town. We ate a meal provided by Puer, and drove to our meeting place.

  The Four Horsemen Club was in the red light district of the city where old, four-floor brick buildings stood side-by-side and towered over the narrow road. The alleys behind them were almost as crowded as the sidewalks in front. People clamored to get into the more popular joints, with lines that stretched around blocks. We double-parked in front of one of those tall buildings and stepped out. The line into that place snaked around the block. The sign over the door read The Four Horsemen. A giant of a man guarded the door. I noticed Latro in the long line. She was twenty people away from the door, and the line wasn't moving.

  Our companion stepped out of line and strode over to us. She'd traded her usual leather in for a black skirt and blouse. She jerked her head towards the door and its giant. "We're not getting in any time soon. That guy's got a list, and I doubt we're on it."

  David smiled. "Let's see." He walked over to the door, and Latro and I followed. My mate bowed his head to the guard. "Good evening. I was wondering if I could get in." The giant glared at him and shook his head. David pulled out his wallet and slid a hundred from its brothers. "Not even for this?" He got the same reply. David shrugged, tucked the bill into his wallet, and turned to us. "Looks like we'll have to try a different route."

  He looped his arms through ours and marched us away from the door. Latro tried to free herself, but his werewolf grip was too powerful. "What the hell are you doing?" she hissed.

  "Getting us in through a different route," he reminded her.

  He led us to the alley along the right wall of the building and into its dark depths. There was a side door there. Loud music wafted through the entrance. He released us at the entrance and rapped on the flimsy old wood.

  "The place is full. Get lost," a voice barked.

  David leaned close to the door. "I've got some brooms to deliver."

  There was a pause. The door unlocked and was opened by a disagreeable-looking man with dark shadows beneath his eyes. Behind him was a short hallway that led to a square dance floor.

  He sneered at us, but stepped aside. "Don't stick to the human area. Get down to the lower level and stay there."

  David smiled and saluted. He led us down the narrow hall that ended with a janitor's closet to our right. Around the walls of the club were thick curtains that brushed against the round tables. People danced and talked, and imbibed in enough alcohol to fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool.

  David's eyes flickered to Latro. "Which bathroom was it?"

  She frowned at him. "What is that supposed to mean?"

  "It means there's two bathrooms. Was it the upper or lower one?" he persisted.

  She furrowed her brow. "I think they said it was the top bathroom, but I just thought that meant the more prestigious one."

  He chuckled. "Not in this place. Come on."

  David guided us to the far left corner of the place where the doors to the bathrooms lay. Women were on the right, men on the left. He turned to us and swept his hand towards the one marked for our sex.

  "Ladies first," he offered.

  Latro held out her hand. "The bracelet."

  David's eyes widened. "Oh, right. The right attire." He rummaged through his pants pocket and pulled out another gold bracelet. I already wore mine. He dropped the article into Latro's palm and smiled at her. "Remember to return that when you're done playing with it."

  She frowned at him as she slipped the piece of jewelry onto her left wrist. The bold shimmered in the dim light of the shadowed room. Her eyes flickered to me and she jerked her head towards the bathroom door. "Come on."

  I followed her, but David caught my arm. He looked me in the eyes and pursed his lips. "Whatever happens, remember I'm right outside."

  I gave him a coy smile. "I'm make sure toss you a line of toilet paper so you can get me out."

  He returned my smile with a grin. "That's my girl." He released my arm and gave my rear a pat to get me going.

  I scowled at him and slipped into the bathroom. The dozen stalls ran along the left-hand wall, and in front of us was a long counter with sinks buried in the top. A mirror graced the wall above the counter. On the opposite wall from the entrance and six feet off the floor was a small, square window. Bars and a lack of space meant that wasn't an exit. The room was clean and quiet. A quick look under the stalls told us no one else was there.

  Latro turned to me and jerked her head towards one of the stalls. "Go in there. Whatever you hear, don't come out until I yell for you, got that?"

  I arched an eyebrow. "What exactly is the plan here? And what's the back story?"

  She rolled her eyes and sighed. "The story is the last girl to disappear disappeared from this bathroom. You're going to stay in the stall because the girls have only been taken when there was no one else in sight. Understand?"

  Now I almost hoped something would make her disappear. I strode over to the stall and opened the door, but paused and glanced over my shoulder. "All right, but don't expect me to jump out and not have some toilet paper stuck to my shoe."

  She pursed her lips. "I'll risk it, now get in there."

  I stepped into the stall and shut the door. The toilet was clean, but like all public ones there wasn't a lid. I was forced to lean against the wall or face the indignity of sitting on a toilet without the need to go.

  The seconds passed by. A faucet turned on. I scraped the toe of my shoe against the small tiles. "Can I at least talk?"

  Latro sighed. "Yes."

  "How long did it take for the women to disappear?"

  "Less than a-aah!"


  I pushed off the wall and flew out of the stall. Latro stood in front of the sink, or at least what of her that wasn't being dragged into the running water of the turned-on faucet. Her left arm up to her elbow disappeared into the clear, moving water, but didn't come out the other end. A bright light emanated from the top of the faucet to the point of contact. She grasped the end of the faucet with her other hand and her heels were dug into the small, slick tiles. I leapt at her and grabbed what I could see of her left arm. We both pulled and little by little her arm appeared.

  So did a pair of tiny human hands. They were wrapped around her wrist and the bracelet.

  The door to the bathroom flew open and David lunged inside. He wasn't transformed but for his bright yellow eyes. His abrupt entrance
and Latro's slippery skin meant I lost my grip. Her feet flew out from beneath her and she dove head-first into the running water. Her body warped like a reflection in water and shrank to fit into the small flowing stream that dropped from the faucet.

  David rushed to my side just as the last bit of her disappeared. He grasped my upper arms and we both stared for a long moment at the running water.

  I creakily glanced up into David's wide eyes. My words came out in a hushed, choked tone. "Did what I saw happen really happen?"

  He nodded his head without shifting his eyes away from the water. "Yeah."

  I swallowed and jerked my head towards the faucet. "Any idea what that was?"

  He shook his head. His eyes were still glued to the faucet. "No." I frowned and stomped my foot on his. He yelped and glared at me. "What'd you do that for?"

  "Stop speaking in single syllable words and start giving me some answers," I growled.

  He shrugged. "I can't. I can't even give me some answers because I honestly don't know what happened."

  I glanced back at the faucet. "You know anything about plumbing?"

  "Only how to take it apart, but if you want it back together you might want to hire someone," he replied.

  I nodded at the faucet head. "There was some sort of a light from the head of that faucet. Let's see if there's something in there that might've taken her."

  He stepped past me and up to the sink. "It's going to get really wet," he warned me.

  I stepped back and grabbed some towels from the dispenser. "I'm ready."

  David shrugged and tore off the head of the faucet. Water shot out of the cold and hot taps that ran beneath the counter and rained down on us. He held the faucet away from the counter and I saw something drop to the floor with a nice tinkle sound of metal on tile. I knelt down and spotted my prey beneath the counter.

  That's when the door opened and a woman stepped inside. David and I stared at her. She blinked at us. We blinked at her. She threw up her arms and screamed. David used his hand to angle the spouting water at her. The woman was drenched in a second. She gargled instead of screamed, but that didn't stop her from running out of the room.

  David threw down the faucet and grabbed my hand. "Time to go."

  I snatched up the object on the floor and he pulled me to my feet. We raced out of the room, but skidded to a wet stop a yard from the door. The club was almost empty. I saw the last few patrons ushered out the front door by the giant.