Page 6 of Ascend

Another Markis came over and cut in to dance with me, but I barely noticed when I switched partners from Tove. I tried to focus on the person I was dancing with. But there was something about the way Loki looked at me, and I couldn’t shake it.

  The song had switched to something contemporary. That was probably the sheet music that Willa had slipped the orchestra. She’d insisted the whole thing would be far too dull if they only played classical.

  The murmur died down, and people returned to their dancing and talking. Loki took another swig of his champagne, then set the glass down and walked across the dance floor. Everyone parted around him, but I’m not sure if it was out of fear or respect.

  He wore all black, even his shirt. I’m not sure where he got the clothes from, but he did look debonair.

  “May I have this dance?” Loki asked my dance partner, but his eyes were on me.

  “Um, I don’t know if you should,” the Markis fumbled, but I was already moving away from him.

  “No, it’s alright,” I said.

  Uncertainly, the Markis stepped back, and Loki took my hand. When he placed his hand on my back, a shiver ran up my spine, but I tried to hide it and put my hand on his shoulder.

  “You know, you weren’t invited to this,” I told him, but he merely smirked as we danced.

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  “So throw me out. ”

  “I might. ” I raised my head defiantly, and that only made him laugh.

  “Oh, this party would be so dull without me,” Loki said.

  “You didn’t hear about the ceremony, then?” I asked. “Oren came to wish me well. ”

  “I heard one of the guards talking about it,” Loki said, his caramel eyes growing serious. “They said you did well and that you stood up for yourself. ”

  “I tried to anyway,” I shrugged. “He’s looking for you. ”

  “The King?” Loki asked, and I nodded. “Are you going to hand me over to him?”

  “I haven’t decided yet,” I teased, and he smiled again, erasing his momentary seriousness. “So, where’d you get the suit?”

  “Believe it or not, that lovely friend of yours, Willa,” Loki said. “She brought me a whole slew of clothes last night. When I asked her why she was being so generous, she said it was out of fear that I would run around naked. ”

  “That does sound like something you would do,” I smiled. “Why are you wearing all black, though? Didn’t you know you were going to a wedding?”

  “On the contrary,” he said, doing his best to look unhappy. “I’m in mourning over the wedding. ”

  “Oh, because it’s too late?” I asked.

  “No, Princess, it’s never too late. ” His voice was light, but his eyes were solemn.

  “May I cut in?” the Best Man asked.

  “No, you may not,” Loki said. I’d started to move away from him, but he held fast onto me.

  “Loki,” I said, and my eyes widened.

  “I’m still dancing with her,” Loki said, turning to look at him. “You can have her when I’m done. ”

  “Loki,” I said again, but he was already twirling me away. “You can’t do that. ”

  “I just did,” he grinned. “Oh, Princess, don’t look so appalled. I’m already the rebel Prince of thine enemy. I can’t do much more to tarnish my image. ”

  “You can certainly tarnish mine,” I pointed out.

  “Never,” Loki said, and it was his turn to look appalled. “I’m merely showing them how to dance. ”

  He began spinning me around the dance floor in grand arcs, my gown swirling around me. He was a brilliant dancer. We moved with grace and speed, and everyone had stopped to watch us, but I didn’t care. This was the way a Princess was supposed to dance on her wedding day.

  The song ended, switching to something by Mozart, and he slowed, almost to a stop, but he kept me in his arms.

  “Thank you,” I smiled. My skin felt flushed from dancing, and I was a little out of breath. “That was a wonderful dance. ”

  “You’re welcome,” he said, staring intently at me. “You are so beautiful. ”

  “Stop,” I said, looking away from his compliment as my cheeks reddened.

  “How can you blush?” Loki asked, laughing gently. “People must tell you how beautiful you are a thousand times a day. ”

  “It’s not the same,” I said.

  “It’s not the same?” Loki echoed. “Why? Because you know they don’t mean it like I do?”

  We did stop dancing then, and neither of us said anything. Garrett came up to us. He smiled, but his eyes didn’t appear happy.

  “Can I cut in?” Garrett asked.

  “Yes,” Loki said, shaking off the intensity he’d had a moment ago, and grinned broadly at Garrett. “She’s all yours, good sir. Take care of her. ”

  He patted Garrett on the arm once for good measure and gave me a quick smile before heading back over to the refreshment table.

  “Was he bothering you?” Garrett asked me as we began to dance.

  “Um, no,” I shook my head. “He’s just…” I trailed off because I didn’t know what he was.

  I watched Loki as he drained another glass of champagne, and then he left the ballroom just as abruptly as he’d entered.

  “Are you sure?” Garrett asked.

  “Yes, everything is fine,” I smiled reassuringly at him. “Why? Am I in trouble for dancing with him?”

  “I don’t think so,” he said. “It’s your wedding. You’re supposed to have a little fun. It would’ve been nice if it was with the groom, but…” He shrugged.

  “Elora’s not mad, is she?” I asked.

  “Elora doesn’t have the strength to be mad anymore,” Garrett said, almost sadly. “Don’t worry about her. You’ve got enough to deal with. ”

  “Thank you,” I said.

  I looked around the dance floor. Willa was dancing with Tove again, and when she caught my eyes, she gave me a what the hell look. I’m assuming that was referring to my dance with Loki, but Tove didn’t seem upset. That was something at least.

  8. Morning After

  Even though I had on a wedding gown that had to weigh at least twenty pounds, I’d never felt so naked in my life.

  I stood at the foot of my new bed in my new bedroom. These had been Elora’s chambers, but they were mine now, mine to share with my husband. Tove was next to me, and we both just stared at the bed.

  When the reception started winding down, Tove’s parents, my mother, Willa, Garrett, and a few other ranking officials, including that disgusting Chancellor, had ushered us up to the room. They were all laughing, talking about how magical this would be, then they shut and locked the door behind us.

  “On wedding nights, when a Prince or a King were married, they used to close the curtains around the four poster bed,” Tove said. “Then the family and officials would sit around all night, so they could be sure that they were having sex. ”

  “That is really disturbing,” I said. “Why on Earth would they do that?”

  “To ensure they would produce offspring,” he shrugged. “That is the only reason why they arranged marriages. ”

  “I guess I should be happy they’re not doing that with us. ”

  “Do you think they’re listening outside the door?”

  “I really, really hope not. ”

  We kept staring at the bed, refusing to look at one another, and I don’t think either of us knew what to do. I wanted to wait long enough until I was certain everyone had grown bored and left, but past that, I had no idea how this night would go.

  “This dress is really heavy,” I said finally.

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  “It looks like it. ” Tove glanced over at my dress and the piles of train that had been tacked up on the back so I could dance. “The train itself has to weigh like ten pounds. ”

  “At least,” I agreed. “So… I’d like to get out of it.

  “Oh, right. ” He paused. “Go ahead. I guess. ”

  “Well… I need your help. ” I gestured to the back of it. “There’s like a thousand buttons and snaps to undo, and I can’t reach them. ”

  “Oh, right, of course. ” Tove shook his head. “I should’ve known. ”

  I turned my back to him and stood patiently while he undid all the buttons and snaps. It seemed ridiculous when I thought about it. This dress was meant to come off, but it took him at least fifteen minutes to get them all undone. And the whole time, neither of us said anything.

  “There you go,” he said. “All done. ”

  “Thank you. ” I held the dress in the front to keep it from falling off, and I turned to face him. “Should I… do I need to put pajamas on?”

  “Oh. ” He rubbed his hands on his pants. “Um, if you want to. ”

  “Are you going to?” I asked.

  “I… yeah. ” He bit the inside of his cheek and lowered his eyes. “We don’t have to. I mean, you know, have sex. We can if you want to. I guess. But we don’t have to. ”

  “Oh,” I said, because that seemed like the only thing to say.

  “Do you want to?” Tove asked, looking at me.

  “Uh… not really, no,” I admitted. “But we could try kissing, maybe. ”

  “No, that’s okay. ” He scratched the back of his head and looked around the room. “We can take this slow. Tonight’s only the first night. We have our whole lives to… figure out how to sleep with each other. ”

  “Yeah,” I said, and laughed nervously. “So, I’ll go put on pajamas?”

  “Yeah, me too. ”

  Still holding my dress around me, I went into the closet only to find a problem. I had no clothes here. None of Elora’s clothes were even in here. The closet was bare.

  “Do you have any clothes?” Tove asked from the bedroom. “Because these dressers are empty. ”

  “Oh, hell, I bet they did that on purpose,” I sighed and walked back out.

  “They didn’t give us clothes because…” He trailed off and smiled thinly.

  “So I have nothing to sleep in. ”

  “You can wear my tee shirt,” Tove offered. He undid the top buttons of his dress shirt, then pulled it over his head, revealing a plain white tee shirt. “Do you want to?”

  “Yes, thank you,” I said.

  He took off his shirt, then handed it to me. I turned around, so my back was to him, and I pulled on his tee shirt. I stepped out of my dress, and it felt amazing to be free of it. Everything about me felt lighter.

  When I’d finished, I saw that Tove had taken off his pants, so he was wearing only his boxers. I went around to my side of the bed and sat down on the edge. I peeled off the jewelry I’d been wearing, except for my new wedding ring with a giant diamond.

  I climbed into bed, sliding underneath the mounds of covers. The bed was massive, so even after Tove got in it, there was still plenty of room between us. I waited until he was settled, then I leaned over and turned off my bedside lamp, submerging the room in darkness.

  “Is it okay?” Tove asked.


  “That I don’t love you. ”

  “Uh, yeah,” I said carefully. “I think it’s okay. ”

  “I wasn’t sure if I should tell you. I didn’t want to hurt your feelings, but I thought you should know. ” He moved in the bed, and I felt a subtle motion on my side.

  “No, it’s okay. I’m glad you told me. ” I paused for a minute. “I don’t love you. ”

  “And that’s okay?”

  “I think so. ”

  “It was a nice wedding,” Tove said, somewhat randomly. “Except for the part with your dad. ”

  “Yeah. It was really nice,” I agreed. “Willa and Aurora did a good job. ”

  “They did. ”

  The day had been exhausting, and I hadn’t slept much the night before. So it didn’t take long for sleep to overtake me. I fell asleep on my wedding night, still a virgin.

  The doors burst open, startling me awake. I nearly jumped out of bed. Tove groaned next to me, since I did this weird mindslap thing whenever I woke up scared, and it always hit him the worst.

  “Good morning, good morning, good morning,” Loki chirped, wheeling in a table covered with silver domes.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, squinting at him. He’d pulled up the shades. I was tired as hell, and I was not happy.

  “I thought you two lovebirds would like breakfast,” Loki said. “So I had the chef whip you up something fantastic. ” As he set up the table in the sitting area, he looked over at us. “Although, you two are sleeping awfully far apart for newlyweds. ”

  “Oh my god,” I groaned and pulled the covers over my head.

  “You know, I think you’re being a dick,” Tove told him as he got out of bed. “But I’m starving. So I’m willing to overlook it. This time. ”

  “A dick?” Loki pretended to be offended. “I’m merely worried about your health. If you’re bodies aren’t used to extraneous activities, like a long night of lovemaking, you could waste away if you don’t get plenty of protein and rehydrate. I’m concerned for you. ”

  “Yes, we both believe that’s why you’re here,” Tove said sarcastically and took a glass of orange juice that Loki poured from him.

  “What about you, Princess?”  Loki looked up at me as he filled another glass.

  “I’m not hungry,” I sighed and sat up.

  “Oh really?” Loki arched an eyebrow. “Does that mean that last night-”

  “It means that last night is none of your business,” I snapped.

  I got up and hobbled over to Elora’s satin robe that had been left on a nearby chair. My feet and ankles ached from all the dancing I’d done the night before.

  “Don’t cover up on my account,” Loki said as I put on the robe. “You don’t have anything I haven’t seen. ”

  “Oh, I have plenty you haven’t seen,” I said and pulled the robe around me.

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  “You should get married more often,” Loki teased. “It makes you feisty. ”

  I rolled my eyes and went over to the table. Loki had set it all up, complete with a flower in a vase in the center, and he’d pulled off the domed lids to reveal a plentiful breakfast. I took a seat across from Tove, only to realize that Loki had pulled up a third chair for himself.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Well, I went to all the trouble of preparing it, so I might as well eat it. ” Loki sat down and handed me a flute filled with orange liquid. “I made mimosas. ”

  “Thanks,” I said, and I exchanged a look with Tove to see if it was okay if Loki stayed.

  “He’s a dick,” Tove said with a mouthful of food and shrugged. “But I don’t care. ”

  In all honesty, I think we both preferred having Loki there. He was a buffer between the two of us so we didn’t have to deal with any awkward morning after conversations.

  “So, how did everyone sleep last night?” Loki asked between sips of his mimosa.

  There was a quick knock at the bedroom doors, but they opened before I could answer. Finn strode inside, and my stomach dropped. He was the last person I’d expected to see. I didn’t even think he would be here anymore. After the other night I assumed he’d left, especially when I didn’t see him at the wedding.

  “Princess, I’m sorry-” Finn started to say as he hurried in, but then he saw Loki and stopped abruptly.

  “Finn?” I asked, stunned.

  “What are you doing here?” Finn looked appalled and pointed at Loki.

  “I’m drinking a mimosa. ” Loki leaned back in his chair. “What are you doing here?”

  “What is he doing here?” Finn asked, turning his attention to me.

  “Never mind him. ” I waved it off. “What’s going on?”

  “See, Finn, you s
hould’ve told me when I asked,” Loki said between sips of his drink.

  “Hey, did you guys…” Duncan was saying when he walked into my room. Apparently, since Finn had left the door open, he thought he could waltz on in.

  “Sure, everybody just walk on in. It’s not like I’m a Princess or anything, and this is my private chamber,” I sighed.

  When Duncan saw the bizarre scene, he stopped and motioned to Loki. “Wait. Why is he here? He didn’t spend the night with you two, did he?”

  “Wendy is into some very kinky things that you wouldn’t understand,” Loki told him with a wink.

  “Why are you here?” Finn demanded, and his eyes blazed.

  “Will somebody please tell us what the hell is going on?” Tove asked, exasperated.

  “I would, but this is a private conversation,” Finn kept his icy gaze locked on Loki, who looked completely unabashed by it.

  “Come now, Finn, there are no secrets between us,” Loki grinned and gestured widely to Tove and me.

  “Is it private as in Tove and Duncan should leave?” I asked carefully. I didn’t know if Finn’s visit was about me, and if it was, I wasn’t sure if I should let him have a moment alone with me.

  “No,” Finn shook his head. “It’s about the kingdom, and I don’t trust the Markis Staad. ”

  “I have amnesty, you know. ” Loki leaned forward, sounding irritated. “That means she trusts me. I’m an accepted member of your society. ”

  “No one will ever accept you,” Finn said coolly. “And I sincerely doubt that –”

  “Just spit it out!” I snapped. “I am very tired. I’ve had a very long weekend. So if there’s something I need to know, you should hurry up and tell me. ”

  “My apologies. ” Finn lowered his eyes. “I was in a security briefing this morning with my father. Apparently there’s been a Vittra attack on Oslinna, and it was brutal. ”

  “Oslinna?” I asked. “I have a meeting with their head Markis tomorrow morning. ”

  “I doubt that anymore,” Finn said quietly. “He’s dead. ”

  “They killed him?” I gasped, and I heard Tove swear under his breath. “When did this happen? How many others were killed?”

  “We’re not certain of the total loss yet,” Finn said. “It happened sometime during the night, and we’re still getting word on it. But so far, the death toll is in the thousands. ”

  “Oh my god. ” I put my hand to my mouth, and I wanted to throw up or cry.

  Thousands of people had been killed while I was dancing. My people, who I was sworn to protect. And it might have been my father after he left the wedding. It was a ten-hour drive to Oslinna from here, but it would be possible for him to get there. He could have slaughtered them all because he was angry with me.

  Or maybe not. This might have been his plan all along. He agreed to peace with Förening, and then went after our changelings, and now he’s attacking the other Trylle communities. This could be his first step toward total war.

  I swallowed back any emotion I had, because that would only get in the way. I needed a clear head if I wanted to help what was left of the people of Oslinna.

  “We have to do something,” I said numbly.

  “My father is arranging a defense meeting now,” Finn said.

  “Is that why he didn’t come to get me?” I asked. Finn’s father, Thomas, was head of security, and he was the one who usually reported the problems to me.