Page 1 of Pure Bliss

  Nights in Bliss, Colorado 6

  Pure Bliss

  Bliss, Colorado, gave Hope McLean a second chance at life, but she's hiding a dark secret.

  Raised as brothers, James Glen and Noah Bennett always dreamed of finding a woman to share their lives on the Circle G ranch. James would run the ranch, while Noah served the town of Bliss as the resident vet. But when a woman came between the brothers, Noah fled for New York City and James was left to struggle for the ranch's survival alone.

  Now that Noah has returned, he will do anything to repay his debt to James. When he sees Hope, he knows she is the woman they both have been waiting for. But just as their love begins to bloom, a nightmare from Hope's past returns to claim her.

  To save Hope, and themselves, they will have to reclaim the brotherhood that was shattered and fight for their future.

  Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among the men.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 103,170 words


  Nights in Bliss, Colorado 6

  Sophie Oak


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2012 by Sophie Oak

  E-book ISBN: 1-61926-633-4

  First E-book Publication: March 2012

  Cover design by Les Byerley

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  To my husband, for taking this amazing journey with me. Special thanks to Chloe Vale, Shayla Black, and Kris Cook for listening to me talk endlessly about this book.

  As a note to readers unfamiliar with the Texas Sirens series, Trev McNamara’s story is told in full in a book titled Siren in Waiting.


  Nights in Bliss, Colorado 6


  Copyright © 2012


  Five years before

  James looked at his brother, his heart in his throat. They didn’t share a drop of blood, but they’d shared every damn thing else since the day Noah’s father and James’s father had decided to marry the same woman. For almost seventeen years, it had been just him and Noah and the odd family their parents had created.

  How could Noah be walking away when James needed him most? How could he not understand how much trouble they were all going to be in soon?

  “You promised to come back here and start a practice.” James had said the words about three hundred times since his brother had announced he was leaving Bliss at his father’s funeral the day before. James was down a dad. How the hell was he supposed to get through this? Brian Bennett’s grave was in the small private cemetery on Glen land. Their mom had died the year before, and he really didn’t give his own biological dad more than a year or so. Fred Glen already looked lost without the two people he’d spent his life with. He wouldn’t eat. He barely slept. He was going to fade away. James just knew it.

  And then he would be utterly alone with a huge herd. He was going to have to keep the ranch up all on his own. So many people depending on him. So much history riding on his dumb-ass shoulders. He wasn’t ready for it. He needed his brother.

  Noah frowned, but he didn’t stop shoving clothes into his suitcase. “I can’t, Jamie. You know how bad I feel about this. I can’t let Ally go all the way to New York without me. You know I’ll do anything else I can to help out.”

  Ally. Ally was the reason his whole world was falling apart. And he had no one to blame but himself. He’d been the one to bring Ally into their lives. She was a gorgeous raven-haired beauty with a banging bod and an open mind. She had seemed like the perfect girl to share with Noah. Seemingly fun loving, and with a healthy enough sex drive to keep up with two men, Ally was a good-time girl.

  Except she’d decided she was serious about them. And Noah had bought it.

  “You know she hit on Rye Harper two days ago. Callie saw it happen.” James believed Callie Shepherd. Callie had never lied to him, had no reason to. Rye had turned Ally down, but it proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that they couldn’t trust Ally.

  Noah’s eyes narrowed. “That’s a lie. The way I heard it, Rye hit on her. I should never have let her go into that bar alone.”

  “She didn’t even tell you she was going.” Ally didn’t tell Noah very much. And Noah was being disturbingly stubborn. Noah was the smartest man James knew, but he was being damn dumb when it came to Ally. How could he not see that Ally had gotten serious about him once she realized Noah had just come into a ten-million-dollar trust fund?

  “It doesn’t matter. I should have protected her. She can be very naïve.”

  James felt his fists clench. Noah was the naïve one.

  It had been six months since James had brought that gold digger into their lives, and Noah still couldn’t see what was right in front of his face. For months, James had been forced to watch his brother fall under this woman’s spell, and he was utterly helpless to stop it. He’d stopped joining them in bed three months before when he’d caught Ally making out with a biker at Hell on Wheels. He’d overheard her telling the biker all about how she’d found t
wo rich boys to fleece. He’d told Noah. They hadn’t spoken for a month. “Can’t you see what she’s doing? Why the hell won’t you believe me? I heard her. She’s using us for money.”

  Noah’s face flushed. He was only a year younger, but he’d been so smart he’d managed to graduate in the same class as James. Noah had a brilliant mind, but a wickedly stubborn heart. “You’re just mad because for once a woman loves me more than you.”

  And that was the goddamn heart of the matter. Ally was smart. She’d seen the weak spot in their relationship, and like the cancer she was, she’d zeroed in and started a festering sore between them. “Noah, I don’t care about her. I never really did. She was fun, but that was all she ever was to me.”

  Noah’s face went red, his shoulders squared. “Yeah, I get that. You just wanted to fuck her.”

  “Don’t you talk to me like that. How many women have we gotten between us? Hell, Noah, I can count on one damn hand how many times I’ve slept with a woman without you. Why won’t you believe me?”

  His younger brother’s face was a mottled red as he scrubbed a hand through his scruffy hair. “She’s beautiful. She’s smart, and you can’t handle the fact that she only really wants me.”

  “She only wants you because I turned her down. You think she didn’t try to pull this shit on me first? She came to me because she knew I’m going to inherit this ranch.” The land had been in the Glen family for three generations. Before his father had formally started a relationship, he’d made sure the Circle G wouldn’t pass to anyone but his son.

  Of course, he’d loved Noah as his own. He’d set up a trust for Noah, and Ally knew all about it. Noah had come into his trust two months before. And that was just about the time Ally had decided she wanted to get married.

  “Fuck you, Jamie. She loves me. She only slept with you to get to me. I never told you that because I didn’t want to hurt you, but it’s the truth. I am so sick of living in your shadow. Ally sees the real me.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about? My shadow? Are you insane?” Had Noah forgotten their childhood?

  “You were the football star. You were the rodeo star. You were the one every girl wanted, and I just went along for the ride.” Noah’s voice was low, as though he didn’t want anyone to know just how jealous he was.

  But James had his own envies. “And every teacher we ever had wondered how you got all the brains in the family. I barely made Bs while you were a Merit Scholar. I didn’t get to go to college.”

  Their stepmother had gotten sick. James could remember the day he and Noah sat down and decided that one of them had to stay behind to take care of the ranch while their dads cared for the woman they both loved. It had been a no-brainer. Noah was brilliant. He’d always wanted to be a vet, and there was no doubt the Circle G could use a vet.

  Noah’s jaw tightened. He picked up the suitcase, locking it shut with a horrible finality. “That wasn’t my fault. And you never really wanted to leave this ranch anyway.”

  “I never got the chance.” He’d had everything in place. He’d been ready to go to the University of Colorado with Noah. They had picked out a place to live. He’d been standing in the driveway as Noah had driven off.

  “Well, you got the ranch, and I get the girl. I would say we’re even.”

  “Not anywhere close, Noah.” James felt his blood pressure starting to rise. “We paid for your college, Noah. All of that money came straight out of ranch funds with the agreement that you would come back here and start a practice. Doc Harris is retiring next year. We won’t have a vet, much less one who can deal with large animals. You can’t walk out on us.”

  Noah’s face went a little white. “You’ll find another vet. Stef Talbot will import one if you get Max or Rye to ask him. They’ll need a vet, too.”

  “Everyone is waiting for you, Noah.” Everyone in Bliss had been thrilled when Noah had returned to do his internship with Doc Harris a year earlier than anyone had expected, but then that was Noah. He was a type A overachiever to his core.

  Noah’s face fell. “That’s not my problem. Damn it, I can’t stay here. I love her.”

  How was this happening? “She is using you. She wants your money.”

  “You don’t understand. She’s an actress. She needs to be in New York.”

  She was an actress all right. She had played them both to perfection. “And who’s paying for this trip?”

  He shook his head. “It’s not a trip. I believe in her. We’re going to live in New York while she builds her career. I can work anywhere.”

  “You’re just going to leave your family over her?”

  “I love her. And I don’t have much of a family anymore. Not since Mom and Dad died.”

  “You still have a father.” How the hell was he going to tell his father that Noah was leaving? Hadn’t their father lost enough?

  Noah turned away. He looked out the window. Even from where James stood, he could see what Noah was looking at. This room had a glorious view of the ranch and the mountains. They would sit for hours as kids just looking out over the country. “I love your dad. He’s my dad, too, but you know as well as I do that Ally isn’t cut out for ranch life. You aren’t going to talk me out of this. You can make up all the crap you want about her, but I know the truth. She loves me, and we’re getting married. We’re stopping in Vegas.”

  “Don’t do this. Don’t leave. I need you here, Noah. I don’t think Dad is going to last more than a year, and the ranch is in trouble. Please stay.” He was just about ready to get down on his hands and knees if it meant keeping his brother away from Ally.

  “I’m sorry.” Noah brushed past him. “I love you, brother, but I have to do this.”

  He was left standing in the hall of the house where they’d grown up.

  “Guess he’s not going to listen to you.” A voice came from down the hall. It was soft and sweet and completely poisonous.

  James turned. Ally had been listening in. Most likely, she’d been laughing the whole time. “You’re a bitch, Ally. I swear to god, I will protect him from you if it’s the last thing I do.”

  Her lips curved up in a secret little smile. Ally was gorgeous, but there was a coldness to her that no man would ever thaw. James could see that now. Ally stood there in her designer jeans and a tight sweater that showed off a perfectly altered pair of breasts. James should have been able to see this coming. This was his fault. He was supposed to look after his little brother, but he was the one who had brought him here.

  Ally leaned casually against the wall, as though she owned the place. Ally always looked comfortable, as though she belonged everywhere and could take you along for the ride. “He doesn’t want your protection, Jamie. He loves me. He’ll do anything for me. Part of that is because of you. He wants something you can’t have. That was the key to Noah. Once I realized you would never leave this ranch, I decided that Noah would suit me just fine. And he was a breeze. Baby brother wants something of his own. So desperately. He wants to be the big man for once. He wants to be the winner. And don’t bother telling him any of this. He won’t believe you.”

  Unfortunately, she was right about that. “His trust fund won’t last forever.”

  She shrugged, staying just out of James’s reach. “Then you can have him back in a couple of years. Bye, Jamie. It really was good while it lasted. You know, a girl could get used to the whole ménage thing.”

  A few minutes later, he heard the truck pull away. He was alone.

  He walked out and saddled up. The ranch didn’t care that his heart hurt. The ranch didn’t care that his rage threatened to explode out of his chest. The ranch just kept going.

  And the ranch was the only thing that mattered now.

  Chapter One

  “God, man, I can’t believe you’re leaving.” James held a hand out to Logan Green.

  Logan shook his hand briefly before letting it go. In the past, James would have pulled the younger man in for a big bear hug, but the last
year had changed something fundamental in Logan. He looked far older than his years since that day when he’d been tortured and left for dead by a member of the Russian mob.

  “I don’t know what else to do,” Logan admitted. He turned back slightly to where Wolf Meyer stood by his enormous black truck. James had already said good-bye to Wolf. Wolf was anxious to get to Dallas. He’d been talking to a woman online and over the phone for weeks. Wolf Meyer was going to Dallas in the hopes that things might work out between him and the woman he’d been set up with. Another friend leaving. “I have to do something, man. I can’t keep on like this.” Logan smiled slightly, a hint of the sarcastic friend James knew so well. “If I don’t get my ass fixed, I’m going to end up in jail or dead.”

  Despite the fact that he really didn’t want to lose another friend, James knew Logan was right. Logan had been on the edge of something dark and nasty for months and months. Still, it seemed like everyone in the whole goddamn world was moving on, and he was standing utterly still, watching it all go by. “So you think Wolf’s brother can fix you?”

  Logan shrugged. “Wolf seems really sure. I don’t know. He seems to either cuss his brother out or talk about him like he’s some kind of saint. It’s weird.”

  “No, it’s not. That’s just what happens with brothers.” It had certainly been the way it was with him and Noah before they weren’t anything at all. How long had it been since he’d even talked to Noah? Noah had shown up for James’s father’s funeral, but he’d been a different man. Bitter and sarcastic and distant. He’d stayed a single night and then he’d gotten back on a plane for New York.