Page 10 of Shameless

  I glared over at her as I gathered my damp hair in my hand and secured it into a ponytail with an elastic hair tie.

  “She’s not new. She switched out because her roommate was a jerk or whatever... I dunno. Her name is Addy something.”

  “Addy Cross? As in ‘Double-Cross Addy’? The girl who will stab you in the back just to have a place to store her knife?”

  “Oh, good. You’ve heard of her,” I deadpanned as I flopped back onto Gigi’s bed, exhaling loudly. “She decided to celebrate her new room with a booty call while I was in the shower.”

  Gigi laughed as she fell back onto the bed beside me.

  “Do you have a nickname like that for me?”

  She laughed, shaking her head. “Henley Babbling Brooks because you never stop talking.”

  I grabbed her pillow and slapped it over her face. “College is the best years of your life, they say.”

  “Yeah, they are lying assholes.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  “You owe me,” Laney yelled through the phone. I pulled it away from my ear, closing my eyes as a sharp stinging radiated through my brain.

  “What did I do now?”

  “Don’t you mean who?”

  “I could make you a list, but I doubt you have that kind of time,” I joked, but when I didn’t hear a laugh, I knew she was really pissed. “I’m sorry. Who did I fuck and why is it making you so high pitched and screechy like that?”

  “You told Seth you were screwing Addy and kicked his ass. He had to get six stitches in his eyebrow. Ring any bells?”

  I pretended to think it over for a moment. “Yeah, that does sound like me.”

  “Why wouldn’t you just tell him you were with me?”

  “You’re a lesbian. Seth never would have believed I was shagging you.”

  “This isn’t funny! He flipped out, and Addy had her room changed. You’re lucky they didn’t drop your name.”

  “Good, you said that girl was mental. Now you don’t have to put up with her.”

  “She dumped an entire bottle of her perfume into my drawers. I smell like a hooker after her body has been lying in the sun for three days.”

  I chuckled, pushing from the couch as I slipped into the kitchen.

  “How can I make it up to you?”

  “You can buy me dinner... and some new eyeliner, since mine was used to write cunt in giant letters across my sheet. Oh, and a new sheet!”

  “Okay. For fuck's sake, Laney. I get it. At least you don’t need to put up with Addy or that bloody wanker anymore. You should thank me.”

  “I’ll thank you when you get my new eyeliner. I’ll blow you if you throw in some lipstick.”

  I hung up the phone before dragging my palm over my face and laughing.

  “What’s so funny?” Noah asked as he slipped out of his room, sinking down on the couch to put on his shoes.

  “The size of your dick. Where you off to?” I asked as I grabbed a soda from the fridge, cracking open the can before leaning against the counter.

  “Meeting a friend.”

  “Fuck buddy?”

  “Jay from my calc class.”

  “So that’s a yes,” I said as I took a drink, earning me a glare from Noah as he pushed to his feet, walking toward me with a scowl.

  “That shits not fucking funny, Luc.”

  I held up my hands in mock surrender as he stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him. I shook my head as Beef came out of his room wearing nothing but an American football helmet with his shorts in his hand.

  “For fuck’s sake, put your todger away before it bites somebody.”

  “They don’t call me Beef for nothin’. What’s all the noise?” he asked as he pulled the helmet off his head and slid on his shorts. A tiny blonde slipped out of his room and around him, giving me a quick smile before she hurried out of the front door.

  “Noah is being tetchy,” I shrugged as I took another drink.

  “What’s new?”

  I shook my head.

  “How’d things go with you and that girl last night?”

  “We just hung out.”

  “She has a boyfriend or something?” His eyebrow raised and I knew he was thinking of Payton, who technically wasn’t his girlfriend anymore when she used me to get revenge.

  “Standards,” I replied causing Beef to laugh.

  “Too bad.”

  “I’m not giving up just yet.” I shrugged. “Can you drop me off at the pharmacy? I need to buy some makeup.”

  “Are you trying to impress the girl or Noah?” He laughed.

  I shook my head, stifling a laugh. “I don’t see why he just doesn’t admit that he likes girls and guys. Not like we would give a fuck. D’ you know what I mean?”

  “It’s not guys he wants, it’s you.”

  “That’s a load of tosh.”

  “I’m serious. It’s fucking weird because I’m so much better looking.” Beef walked back into his room, grabbing a t-shirt and shrugging it on before raising the bottom and sniffing it.

  “Would it kill you to do laundry? Because it’s killing all of us to have to smell you.”

  “That skanky girl from 2B likes to corner me in the laundry room.”

  “You shouldn’t have shagged her on the washing machine.”

  “Don’t knock it ‘til you try it. My balls felt like they were vibrating for a week. Wash a load while blowing a load. Two birds, dude. I couldn’t pass it up. But it burned when I pissed for days. So not worth it.” He grabbed his keys, and I followed him out of the apartment and down to his SUV.

  Sliding into the passenger seat, I fumbled with the buttons on the radio as we pulled out onto the road.

  “So... that girl?” He asked, his eyebrow raised as his fingers drummed against the steering wheel.

  “Henley? Just a girl,” I replied, clearing my throat.

  “I’ve never seen you bring home a girl that you didn’t want to bag, besides Laney.”

  I stared out of the passenger window, lost in thought. I couldn’t get the image of Henley’s back tattoo out of my mind.

  Beef sighed loudly as he flipped through the radio stations until he found a song he liked.

  “I spoke to Coach this morning.”

  “Your father?” I asked, never certain if he meant his actual football coach or his dad. He nodded once.

  “He said my mother slipped getting out of the shower the other day and sprained her arm.”

  “What does she say?” I asked, knowing Beef had alluded to his father being physical with his mother before, but he never came right out and said it.

  His eyes had cut to mine before he shook his head. “She said she fell going up the stairs.” The muscles in his jaw flexed as he clenched his jaw.

  “What are you going to do?”

  He shrugged as he stared ahead. I’ve never known Beef to be afraid of anyone but his relationship with his father was something different.

  “I’m going to take a flight back to Ohio for a few days during break. I’ll leave the keys so if you need the car for anything you can get around.”

  “Do you want me to come with you?”

  He glanced over at me before shaking his head. “Nah. I need to do this on my own. Whatever is going on, it isn’t good.”

  My mobile began to vibrate in my hand as my sister’s face with violet hair flashed across the screen.

  “All right?” I greeted her as I answered the call.

  “My mum is out of her bloody mind,” she snapped before adding an exaggerated groan. I smiled as I pictured her pacing the floor in anger. Her short purple hair falling into her face. I’m sure it was different now or even a rainbow of colors. She was always trying to reinvent herself.

  “What did she do now?” I asked.

  “She told me that if I wanted to come see you, I’d have to pay for it with my own money. I can barely afford to pay for anything now that she is making me chip in with the utiliti

  “Welcome to adulthood,” I joked, but I knew it would only make her angrier.

  “I would have just come with you to uni if I knew she would still treat me like a baby.”

  “If our father would have paid child support we wouldn’t have to work so hard now.”

  “I’ve learned a long time ago that if I waited on a man to do anything for me, I’d be an old spinster.”

  I laughed, but it quickly died in my throat. I missed Amelia. She was my best friend, and we’d never gone this long without seeing each other. The only thing we had in common was a father who’d ran out on us, but somehow our friendship worked. She was the only person in the world I could say anything to without having to worry about judgment.

  “Come see me.”

  “You know I would if I could afford it.” I knew why she never came, even if she would never admit it. It took everything I had to get myself here for college, and Amelia worried she would only run me so far into debt, we would both be back in London before the end of the first semester.

  I thought of the stack of bills tucked away in a sock in my top drawer of my dresser. I needed to be able to pay my portion of the bills, but any amount I could spare for Amelia would be well spent.

  “I’m working on it,” I reassured her as I glanced out of the window at the city streaking by. “I promise.”

  “I know you are.” She sighed. “Two peas?”

  “One pod,” I replied with a smile. The line went dead, and I shoved my phone back into my pocket.

  Chapter Seventeen


  After hanging out in Gigi’s room until I was practically rabid with starvation, we headed to Slice of Heaven Pizza shop to grab an early dinner and meet up with Milo.

  My phone began to vibrate, and I couldn’t help but smile when I glanced down at my phone and saw a picture of Lucas flash across the screen. He must have added himself as a contact while I was still asleep at his place.


  “All right?”

  “Umm... I’m fine. How are you?”

  “I’ve had bugger all to do all day. I’m bored,” he groaned, and I shook my head even though he couldn’t see me.

  “And that’s my problem?”

  “Beef is at the gym, and Noah is studying with some bloke from one of his classes.”

  “Maybe you should study. Do you even go to any of your classes?”

  “When I don’t have anything better to do.”

  I rolled my eyes at his careless attitude. “You’re going to end up losing your student visa.”

  “Are you going to miss me if I get shipped back across the pond, love?” I could hear the smile in his voice.

  “You wish.”

  “What do you know about eyeliner?” He asked.

  “Um... I think you would look like a pirate.”

  “Not for me. For Laney.”

  “Oh. Why are you buying Laney makeup?”

  “Long story. Can you meet me over at the store on Laymen Road?”

  “I’m kind of busy.”

  “Was that a car horn? Where are you?”

  “Avoiding my new roommate at all costs. I’m walking to Slice of Heaven to grab some pizza,” I replied, omitting the fact that I’d be meeting Milo.

  “Brilliant. I’ll be there in five. My shout. I owe you for not giving you a proper breakfast this morning.”

  “Actually –” The line went dead before I could make up an excuse for him not to show. I frowned as I shoved my phone back in my bag.

  “What was that about?” Gigi asked with more enthusiasm than necessary.

  “Lucas is meeting us at the restaurant.”

  “Henley,” she laughed, shaking her head, “You sure do know how to make things interesting.”

  “I should warn Milo or tell him I can’t make it today.” I started to fish around inside of my bag when Gigi grabbed my wrist.

  “Why? This is perfect. Two hot guys and pizza with your bestie.”

  “I miss the days when I used to ignore you and never leave my room.”

  She shrugged as we continued down the sidewalk, separating momentarily to let a bicyclist pass between us. “Shut up. You love me.”


  The rest of the walk to the restaurant all I could picture was the gold cross necklace that had hung from Lucas’ neck and the wicked smile on Payton’s face as she told me that he’d left it in her room.

  “What is it? Do I smell?” Gigi pulled her shirt up to her nose and took a sniff.

  “No,” I groaned as I pulled open the pizza shop door and waited for her to enter.

  “Why is your nose all scrunched up like that?”

  “I was just thinking.”

  “About this Milo guy or Lucas?” She asked with a smirk.

  “Do you really think Lucas just wants to be my friend so he can sleep with me?”

  “I don’t know, but I can’t wait to find out.”

  “This was a bad idea.” I began to panic and turned back to the door when I heard Lucas from across the room, his accent unmistakable. I closed my eyes, silently begging Gigi to save me. She grabbed my shoulders and turned me around as my eyes opened to a smiling Lucas.

  “I didn’t know you was bringing a friend on our date,” he said with a laugh and my eyes scanned the room for Milo, but he was nowhere to be found. “Hello,” he glanced past me to Gigi.

  I fought the urge to correct his grammar again. “Not a date,” I mumbled. “This is Gigi.”

  “Don’t mind me. I’m just here for the train wreck,” Gigi replied dryly as she guided me toward a large booth in the corner.

  “So you’re here to see me. I’m flattered,” he replied, holding out his hand to motion for me to slide into the booth first. I scooted around the semi-circle as Lucas followed, moving closer than I’d hoped he would. Gigi couldn’t wipe the smirk from her face as she slid in on my other side.

  “What toppings do you like because if you’re into anything weird I’ll just get my own,” Lucas began to ramble as he flipped open a menu to scan the contents.

  “Says the guy who eats beans for breakfast,” I replied with a wave of my hand. Keeping my eyes locked on the front door. My heart was thudding so loudly I could hear it drumming in my ears.

  “How do you know what he eats for breakfast?” Gigi whispered entirely too loud, and I could see Lucas fighting against a smirk.

  Gigi cleared her throat as her eyes danced between us. “So, Lucas, what have you been up to lately? Selling off puppies to make fur coats?”

  My head snapped to Gigi, and I glared at her as Payton’s face popped into my mind with her wicked smile and Cruella DeVille-esque hair.

  She shrugged, her attention going back to a very confused Lucas.

  “I ran into Payton this morning,” I spoke up but my voice wavered.


  “Payton, the girl who looks like she might have been struck by lightning,” Gigi interrupted again, and I swung my hand out to the side, smacking her on the arm. “Or has seen a ghost?”

  “Oh,” he laughed, but I could tell he wasn’t proud of his private encounter becoming public knowledge. “What did she have to say?”

  I shrugged as a waitress made her way to our table to take our drink orders. “She told me you left your sister’s necklace in her room,” I whispered before turning my attention to the server. “I’ll have two Sprites... I have another friend coming.”

  I could see the confused expression on Lucas’ face out of my peripheral vision, but I didn’t look at him. He ordered a beer and Gigi asked for bottled water.

  I forced a smile as Milo walked through the door.

  “What the –” Lucas began to speak when he recognized him.

  “Milo,” I called out, struggling to stand up but I was blocked in on both sides by Lucas and Gigi.

  Milo’s gaze went to Lucas’, his eyebrows pulled together before he rubbed his palm against the stubble on his face. “Henley,” h
e replied, wiping away any hint of confusion as Gigi slid out of the booth and sat on the other side of Lucas who hadn’t moved away from my side.

  Milo slid in on my right side and cleared his throat.

  “This is Gigi, my best friend, and partner in crime, and this is... Lucas.”

  “An actual criminal,” Milo joked, and I cringed at his not so subtle jab.

  “Bartender,” Lucas acknowledged him with a nod.

  “Drunk guy,” Milo greeted him back, and under any other circumstances the exchange would have made me laugh but it was at that moment I realized Milo thought I liked Lucas and now having to be sandwiched between them while they had a you-know-what measuring contest made me feel like a jerk.

  “So,” I spoke up as the waitress returned with our drinks. “I didn’t know what you’d like so I got you soda.”

  “Thank you,” Milo replied as Lucas picked up his bottle of beer and took a long pull. I could feel his eyes burning into the side of my face, and my cheeks began to heat under the scrutiny.

  We ordered pizza for the table as I begged Gigi with my eyes to strike up a conversation.

  “So... Milo, how long have you worked at the Dive Bar?” Gigi asked, breaking the awkward silence.

  “A few years. I bought it last year, actually.”

  “Wow, you own your own business,” I added, impressed.

  “Yeah, it’s really time-consuming, but I love it. I get to meet a lot of new people.”

  “A lot of college girls,” Lucas quipped earning him a glare from Milo.

  “Do you work?” Milo turned his attention back to me, ignoring the jab.

  “Not currently but I am looking for a job,” I replied with a shrug. “My dad wants me to learn responsibility,” I lied. I’d been holding my family together for the last few years. But I was too proud to admit in front of my friends that I needed some cash. “Not many places are hiring around campus.”

  “Well, if you want I could always use some help around the bar. It would only be part time.”

  “Really?” I asked with a squeal.

  Lucas began drumming his fingers against the table. “You really want to work in a bar with a bunch of crazy drunk men? Why not look into playing your violin at Swank?”