Page 21 of Shameless

  “So what’s the story with that Rhys guy?”

  “No story. We dated a few years,” I replied with a shrug. “It ended.”

  “Come on. It’s obvious this guy broke your heart.”

  I walked back over to the bar, leaning closer to him so our words wouldn’t be overheard. “Why do you assume he broke my heart?”

  “Because I could see the sadness in your eyes when he showed up.”

  I shook my head. “You don’t know the first thing about me.”

  “Then tell me.”

  “It’s none of your business.”

  “You can’t have it both ways. You don’t get to have me hold you while you cry and not let me know what is wrong.”

  “I didn’t ask you to hold me.”

  “You didn’t have to,” he shot back, his voice rising and causing another customer to glance our way. I narrowed my eyes at the stranger, and his gaze went back to the bowl of nuts he’d been picking through.

  “I broke his heart, okay. I told him I’d spend forever with him, and I lied.”

  He leaned back on his stool, his eyes widening fractionally before he picked up a bottle and took a sip of his beer. “Why?”

  “Why did I lie?” I shrugged. “I dunno. Because it was easier than the truth.”

  “What was the truth?”

  “The truth was we didn’t have a future, okay?”


  “Are you writing a book or something?”

  He laughed as he held up his bottle to peer inside. I grabbed another from the cooler and twisted off the cap before sitting it in front of him.

  “I just want to get to know you.”

  “It’s a waste of time.”

  “To get to know you?”

  “Can we please stop with the twenty questions already. I have to work, or Milo is going to fire me, and I need the money.”

  His eyebrows pulled together as he studied my face.

  “I thought you only took this job because your dad wanted you to have some responsibility.”

  I took a step back, angry at myself for not watching my words and angry at Lucas for calling me out on it. “I warned you, I’m a liar.” I threw up my hands, earning me a smile from Lucas as I turned and pushed open the door to the backroom. Once out of sight I leaned back against the wall, blinking back tears that threatened to spill over. I was overwhelmed, and Rhys couldn’t have picked a worst time to come back into my life.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  I pulled out my mobile and sent a quick text to Harper as Henley grabbed me a beer from the cooler –

  I need a favour.

  It only took a moment before a reply came back, causing my phone to vibrate. My eyes danced over the screen, and I smirked as I read her response –

  It’ll cost you.

  – I wrote back–

  At 5 Henley and some guy named Rhys will be coming into Swank.

  Can you let me know how it goes?

  – She replied –

  What will you give me?

  “Who are you texting?”

  My eyes shot up when Henley spoke.

  “A friend.”

  She made a face, scrunching up her nose in disgust.

  “It’s not my girlfriend if that’s what you’re implying. Not all of us have secret significant others.” I clicked to close out of messages, groaning when my picture library popped up, showing an image of me drunk hanging on Payton. I vaguely remembered her snapping the picture.

  “Right. I forgot. You don’t need to have a significant other to sleep with people,” she shot back before she grabbed a few clean glasses and hung them on the rack behind the bar. “And he’s not my boyfriend.”

  “Maybe you should tell him that,” I replied before taking another drink of my beer. I watched as Milo made his way down the bar, laying out stacks of coasters. “And him for that matter.”

  She turned around to glare at me, groaning audibly. “How much longer are you going to be here?”

  “What time are you getting off work?” I asked.


  “Is that what you’re wearing for your date?” I bit out the last word.

  Her eyes drifted down over her body before snapping back to me. “Why?”

  “No reason.” I shrugged before taking another sip. “I guess you really are over him.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I mean, you obviously aren’t trying to impress him or show him what he’s been missing.”

  “Are you really trying to give me fashion advice?” She crossed her arms over her chest as her eyebrow rose.

  “I do have a sister.”

  She eyed me for a moment, her lower lip pulled between her teeth as if trying to figure out my game. “So... what should I wear?” She asked.

  “What message are you trying to send?”

  She glanced back over her shoulder at her boss. “Milo, do you mind if I head out?”

  He looked to me and back to her before nodding once.

  I dropped my cash on the bar and walked Henley back to her room to get ready for the evening. She didn’t have a lot of time, but I wanted to make sure she spent as much of it with me as possible before she went out with this guy and he tried to win her back.


  “That looks like something for a funeral,” I said, making a face as she groaned, apparently not happy with my advice.

  “This is stupid. I should just wear my regular clothing.”

  I closed my eyes as she pulled the dress up over her head and tossed it on her bed beside me. I couldn’t help letting them flutter open and taking in the sight of Henley in her undergarments. They were pale blue and peach colored, no frills or lace.

  “You’re not supposed to look,” she groaned as she turned to dig another outfit out of her small closet.

  I pushed from the bed, walking up behind her to look over her clothing. Her body stiffened as the fabric of my shirt brushed against her back. “You don’t have anything I hadn't seen before,” I joked to ease her discomfort, but when she glanced over her shoulder at me, I knew I’d made a mistake by bringing up my past.

  “Here,” I reached passed her, my arm brushing hers as I grabbed a short baby blue strapless dress.

  “Oh no. That’s Gigi’s.” She turned around, her chest brushing against mine but I didn’t take a step back as she craned her neck to look up at me.

  “I want to see how it looks on you.” I pulled it from its hanger and held it between us.

  Folding her arms across her chest, she simply shook her head no like a defiant child. I couldn’t help but laugh as I lowered the zipper on the back.

  “Try it on, or I’ll put it on for you.” I raised an eyebrow in challenge. Her gaze fell to the fabric before narrowing, calling my bluff. “You don’t think I will?”

  Holding the dress in one hand, I snaked my other arm around her waist and began to tickle her, causing her body to bow and buck beneath me until she was screaming with laughter.

  “Okay. I’ll try on the stupid dress!”

  “I knew you’d see it my way.”

  She turned to face me, her eyes locked onto mine as she slid her arms through the holes on the dress before I raised it over her head. It all felt so intimate even though I was putting clothing on her instead of taking them off.

  “Turn around,” I whispered. She did, pulling her hair from the back of her neck so I could zip her up. My finger skimmed against her soft flesh, slowly dragging up her spine as goosebumps erupted below my touch. She sucked in a sharp breath as we both stared ahead in the small mirror propped on her stand. I thought to the prom picture of her with Rhys, the scowl she’d worn on her face wasn’t present now. That’s when the realization that I was preparing to send her off with him hit me, and I took a step back.

  “Looks nice,” I mumbled as she turned around to face me.

  “Do you think he’ll like it?”

  “He’d be a fool not
to,” I replied, struggling not to wince even though it felt like a knife twisting in my gut. Her mother was right, and as much as I wanted to prove everyone wrong, I was finding it increasingly difficult to validate my actions. “You should wear this one.”

  She had nodded before her gaze fell to the floor between us. “I should probably get going. I don’t want to be late.”

  “I’ll talk to you later?” It came out as a question, and she chewed her lip as she nodded again.

  I knew I should let her walk out of the dorm room and into his arms because I couldn’t offer her anything and he already had his life planned out, but I couldn’t ignore the aching in my chest. I wanted her to wear that dress for me, not someone else.

  “I knew he was coming,” I blurted out the confession as her face contorted with confusion.

  “What? How could you possibly know that?”

  “Your mother told me she was going to try to get the two of you back together.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  I shrugged, shoving my hands into the pockets of my jeans as I took a step back. “I’m sorry.”

  She shook her head, the look of betrayal on her face unmistakable. “So you’re plotting against me with my mother? Unbelievable.” She took a step to the side to walk around me, and I grabbed her arm, not wanting her to leave angry. “I expect this kind of craziness from her, but you’re supposed to be my friend.”

  “I am your friend.”

  She yanked free from my grip as she scoffed. “I know we mess with each other but this... this is beyond reproach. And to think I actually believed you cared about me.”

  I stepped in front of the door to block her exit, not thinking. “I do care about you, Henley. I care about you more than anyone.” There it was, my bleeding heart held out for her to take.

  “You don’t care about anyone but yourself. Goodbye, Lucas.” She grabbed the door handle, and I stepped to the side to let her pass before following her out into the hallway.

  “Goodbye, Henley,” I muttered as she made her way down the corridor, slipping into the elevator. Her eyes never met mine as she wiped a tear from her cheek. As much as I wanted to run to her and tell her she was wrong, I couldn’t move. She was right. I’d messed with her from the moment I’d met her. Somehow I’d gotten so caught up in the game, I lost sight of what was important.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  I pushed the argument with Lucas to the back of my mind as I struggled to prepare myself for a long talk with Rhys. The fact that I’d lied to him about who my roommate was nagged at me as I drove my mother’s car over to the restaurant, parking next to a black motorcycle in the corner.

  I shook my head, swallowing back the aching in the pit of my stomach. I was a fool for hoping Lucas may have liked me. I should have known he was behind Rhys’ sudden reappearance.

  The parking lot was full, and I wished I’d met with Rhys outside so I wouldn’t have to go in by myself. Taking a deep breath, I walked up the pathway, through the lush greenery to the front door.

  “How may I help you?” I young woman asked from behind her podium as I entered.

  “I’m meeting someone. Rhys Porter.”

  She smiled as her eyes fell to the iPad in front of her and she began to scroll through a list of names. “Right this way.”

  I followed behind her, my eyes scanning over the room full of couples before they landed on Rhys. He smiled when he noticed me and the waitress who was bringing him a beverage turned around. Her large doe eyes landed on mine, and I immediately recognized her from the bar. When Lucas told me he knew someone who could help me get a job here, he was talking about Harper.

  “Henley,” Rhys stood, a broad smile on his face as he gestured for me to sit across from him.

  “My name is Harper, and I’ll be your server. Can I start you off with something to drink?” There was something behind her smile, and I knew she must have recognized me too.

  “Just water. Thanks,” I mumbled as I flashed Rhys a smile, hoping to appear more confident than I actually was.

  “I’ll be right back with your drink,” she replied, winking at me before disappearing across the dining room.

  “You look incredible,” Rhys said as he placed his hand over mine. My mind immediately went to Lucas’ fingers skimming up my spine as he put the garment on me. I pulled back my hand, placing it on my lap.

  “Thank you. I’m sorry. I still can’t believe you’re here.”

  He took that as a compliment, smiling broadly. “I have to admit, I didn’t think you’d want to see me, but your mother can be pretty convincing.”

  I rolled my eyes as Harper appeared, setting a glass of water down in front of me.

  “That’s one way to describe her.”

  His shoulders fell. “She just wants you to be happy.”

  “If she really wanted me to be happy she would stop meddling in my life.”

  “So you’re not happy to see me?”

  My heart sank as my eyes searched his. I was mad at Lucas, not him and I wasn’t being fair. “That’s not what I meant. I just wished she’d make these decisions on my own.”

  “Well, that’s kind of why I’m here.”

  Harper was back at our sides, pen and pad in hand. “Have you decided on what you’d like or do you still need a few more minutes to look over the menu?”

  “We need a few minutes –” I began, but Rhys cut me off.

  “We’ll have the lobster tail and asparagus.” He held out the menus for her to take. She glanced at me, and I forced a smile even though what I really wanted was the stuffed mushrooms I’d shared with Lucas.

  I watched as Harper walked away before responding. “Are we celebrating something?”

  “I know this is going to sound crazy, but hear me out.”

  Oh God.

  “I have a career now and a steady income, with a decent place to live, and medical insurance.” He reached into his pocket, and I felt the world begin to go black around me. “The only thing missing from my life now is you.”

  “I brought you a basket of our fresh baked cheddar rolls,” Harper spoke up as she sat the plate down on the table, knocking over Rhys’s drink and spilling the contents over the front of his khaki pants.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” he growled.

  “I’m so sorry, sir.” She grabbed his cloth napkin and pressed it against the crotch of his pants causing him to push back from the table and stand. My face began to heat as I glanced around at the other patrons who were now staring at his soaking wet pants.

  “Could you stop,” he snapped to Harper who was still trying to dry his pants. She glanced back over her shoulder at me with a grimace. “Where is your bathroom?”

  “Right back that hall to the left,” she replied. “I’ll go get you a fresh drink.” I didn’t miss the smirk on her lips as she walked away.

  With that, they were both gone, and I was finally able to breathe. Was he going to ask me to marry him? To move in with him? To be his girlfriend again?

  I pulled my phone from my purse and began to text Gigi, but before I could hit send my mind went to Lucas. And the more I thought about the coincidence of Harper working here, the more I wanted to scream. I backed out of my messages to Gigi and began to write to him.

  Ran into your friend.

  It was only a few seconds before he replied –


  My fingers began to tap angrily against the phone screen.

  This isn’t funny.

  “Sorry about that,” Rhys said as he walked up behind me, startling me. I shoved my phone back in my bag, wincing as it continued to vibrate from more messages from Lucas.

  “Accidents happen,” I waved off his apology.

  He eyed me for a long moment before smiling. “You want to get out of here, just grab some burgers or something?”

  I smiled broadly as I tossed my napkin on the table. “I was starting to think you’d never ask.”
br />

  Rhys and I spent the rest of the evening together and even though I knew it had to be bothering him, he never brought up that I’d lied to him about my roommate. Instead, we talked about the good times we’d had together, the seemingly insignificant moments that made us inseparable, ignoring the circumstances that led to our demise.

  “Do you remember that time Ms. Willis made you spend the entire lunch period in the library sorting books?” He asked with a laugh.

  “That was your fault. You still owe me.”

  “I’ll make it up to you. We have all the time in the world.”

  “Why did you come back, Rhys?” My stomach twisted the moment the words left my mouth, but I needed to know if he was here because of my mom or because he really missed me.

  “I know you wouldn’t agree with me enlisting, but it was the only opportunity I had to provide you with the life you deserve.”

  I tried to ignore the tears pricking my eyes. Did I deserve a life of loneliness and worry? Did he feel like he owed me? Did he pity me?

  He grabbed my hand, the pad of his thumb sliding over the knuckle of my ring finger and the rampant speculation in my mind ceased from the contact. “I missed you. I missed us.”

  “It’s not that simple.” I swallowed back the guilt I felt as I thought of Lucas’ arms wrapped around me as I slept last night.

  “If this is about what happened to us, it’s in the past. I forgave you.” His smile broadened, and my heart sank as I pulled my hand from his.

  “No... I know. This is just so crazy and unexpected –”

  “I’d like to come see you again. Just... spend some time together.”

  I dug my teeth into my lower lip as I thought that over. I wasn’t promising anything and Rhys was the only person who I felt like knew me, the real me, not the person I pretended to be after leaving home. His arms looped around my body and held me tightly against him as a tear fell from my lashes and rolled over the apple of my cheek.

  “Okay,” I whispered into his neck.


  The moment I was alone. I pulled out my phone and called Lucas. As the ringing stopped and the call connected, I didn’t bother to wait for him to speak.