Page 11 of Kindled

  “Cassie, Cassie look at me.”

  Her head remained bowed, her body curled in on itself. He knew this feeling, vividly recalled what it felt like to die. Vividly recalled the pain that had encompassed him, it had swamped him and driving him to the brink of madness before blessed release finally took him under. Except, she wasn’t dying, not completely. No, what she was doing was something even worse.

  “No,” he moaned softly, hating the vulnerability of his situation. He needed to reach her, needed to stop this before he couldn’t bring her back. “Cassie.”

  He reached for her again, this time barely grasping hold of her chin. He felt the inflexibility of her muscles as he gently lifted her chin. Dread filled him as her eyes met his. The normally bright, beautiful violet blue of them was gone. It had been replaced by a violent, malevolent shade of red. His breath froze in his lungs, she didn’t seem to see him, didn’t seem to focus as she stared unblinkingly.

  “Cassie, you need to focus on me,” he said softly, reaching out with his mind to try and grasp hold of hers. He had never knowingly exerted his power over her, had never intended too. Even when she had left him, he had never seriously considered taking control of her mind. But now… well now he had no choice. She could not make the change completely, not without his blood, and he was not willing to do that to her.

  He would not condemn her to his life unless she made the choice willingly. Something that she was not doing right now. Now it had been forced upon her by birth, and by who she was. This was not a choice that she had made, this was a cruel twist of fate, and he could not allow it to continue.

  “Cassie,” he said softly, pushing through the waves of agony washing over her. “Focus on me, look at me.”

  She shuddered again, a soft mewl of pain escaped her. Her muscles contracted tightly, her teeth clenched together. It took everything he had not to drag her against him to soothe and comfort her. But his touch would only hurt her more. Frustration filled him, but he continued to reach out to her, probing gently against her mind, trying to force his way in. She was awash in the painful sensations consuming her; reasonable thought was all but gone.

  “What’s going on? What’s wrong with her?” Chris demanded.

  Devon spun defensively as Chris and Melissa raced toward them. Their hair was still standing slightly on end, the smell of burnt hair and flesh radiated from them. Devon’s lips pulled back, his teeth elongated. A snarl ripped from him as his protective urges sprang forth. If they came any closer they would hurt her, they would ruin everything. If they came any closer they would see her like this, something he knew she would hate. And he could not allow that.

  “Stay back!” he snarled. They skidded to a halt a few feet away from him; their eyes were wide in shock as they took him in. Dani slid to a halt beside them; her mouth parted slightly, her eyes widened on Devon. “Get away from her!”

  They remained frozen in the snow, unmoving as their eyes darted back and forth between the two of them. Cassie moaned again, a tremor wracked through her. Devon moved closer to her, trying to shelter her from their worried eyes without touching her. Luther appeared suddenly, his face hard, his eyes knowing and sad as he met Devon’s gaze.

  “Get inside,” he ordered the others.


  “I said get inside!” he interrupted Melissa sharply. “There is nothing that you can do here. You’re only making it worse. Get inside!”

  He pushed and shoved at them, turning them forcefully when they still would not move. “What is going on?” Chris asked softly.

  “I’ll explain later. Go.”

  “The boy,” Melissa reminded them.

  Devon turned his full attention back to Cassie as Luther and Chris lifted the prone boy from the snow, hurrying with him toward the house. Devon would have to take care of the child later, but for now his attention was focused upon Cassie. She was still staring unseeingly at him, but she had wrapped her arms around her stomach and was curling into the fetal position.

  “Listen to me Cassie, you can beat this. You are strong enough to beat this. You can do this Cassie. I know you can,” he urged.

  His fingers tightened on her chin. He fought against her pain; it threatened to consume him as he took complete control of her mind. He whispered soothing words to her, trying to find the flicker of her spirit that he knew had to be buried beneath all of the pain, fear, confusion, fury, and hatred. It took longer than he would have liked, but eventually he found it.

  Seizing hold of it, he wrapped his presence around hers, attempting to shelter her from the changes trying to take her over. He comforted her, nurturing her as he blocked the emotions beating down on her. He felt her coming back, his strength helping her to fight against the centuries of blood and heritage that had pushed her to this point. To this brink of insanity and anguish.

  “You can do this,” he whispered aloud.

  Slowly, subtly, the pain began to subside, her muscles began to ease. She blinked, her eyes flickering between the volatile red and the beautiful violet blue he loved so dearly. Blinking again, her eyes locked onto his, recognition bloomed within them. Tears sprang forth, spilling swiftly down her reddened cheeks.

  “Devon,” she whispered.

  He caught her as she collapsed into the snow, unconsciousness dragging her under.


  Devon kept Cassie on his lap, the blanket wrapped tightly around her. Though she had showered, she was still chilled, her skin abnormally pale. It was not the lingering effects of the snow that held her in its grasp, but the lingering remnants of pain. He shifted her slightly, pulling her more firmly against him as he cradled her gently. She rested her head in the hollow of his neck; a small shiver worked its way through her.

  Kissing the top of her head softly, he rubbed her arms gently, trying to return some heat to her body. She wiggled slightly against him, trying to get even closer. He wondered how long that would last once she heard what he and Luther had to say. He glanced up at Luther, uncertain where to start, or if they should start at all. They had all been traumatized tonight. Chris and Melissa jerked involuntarily every once in awhile, the effects of Isla’s electrical current still affecting their bodies. Dani just looked plain terrified as she glanced rapidly between him and Cassie.

  Luther was still distraught over the boy, who thankfully had not sustained enough blood loss to warrant a hospital, but whose parents had been frantic with worry when they had been called. Isla’s body had been swiftly disposed of, hidden in the woods in a clearing where the sun would hit it first thing, turning it to cinder. Devon was surprised to find himself at full strength, if still not slightly beyond what he was used to feeling. Especially after having to exert his will over Cassie and the boy, but Cassie’s blood in his veins had kept him stronger than he would have been at any other point in time.

  An uneasy feeling settled over Devon as he watched Dani. She was too antsy, especially for someone that didn’t know the full details of what had occurred outside. She glanced quickly away from him, her eyes darting over the room as she began to pace swiftly back and forth.

  Chris slipped into the loveseat, his right hand jerked on the armrest. He scowled down at the offending extremity, slapping hold of it with his other hand. “How long are the effects going to last?” he muttered miserably.

  “Probably till tomorrow,” Luther answered absently.

  Chris’s scowl deepened as he looked disgustedly at Luther. “Wonderful.”

  Melissa fisted her hands, jerking slightly her eyes narrowed angrily as she tried to keep herself still. She was fighting a losing battle. “Are you going to tell us what happened out there?” she demanded through clenched teeth.

  Luther glanced at him; Devon gave him a brief nod. Luther knew more about what was going on than he did. Sighing softly, Luther paced over to the fireplace mantel and rested his arm on top of it. “A few weeks ago Devon came to me with some doubts and worries.” Cassie glanced sharply up at him, her deli
cate forehead furrowed questioningly. “I agreed that there were some things that we needed to look into.”

  “What kind of doubts?” Cassie asked softly.

  Devon sighed softly, hating to do this to her, but knowing that it had to be done. “I had some questions about you.”

  Her eyes widened in surprise, her small hands fisted in her lap. “I don’t understand,” she whispered.

  “Devon had some questions about the Hunter line, specifically questions about Hunters with your abilities,” Luther qualified.

  “I don’t have any abilities.”

  “But you do. I have told you this many times, your highly enhanced speed, hearing, sight, and strength are all abilities.”

  “Ok fine,” Cassie relented. “But why would there be any questions about that?”

  “Because,” Devon said softly. “Your abilities are so very close to mine, and to other vampire’s.”

  Cassie jolted slightly, but her face was still marred with confusion. Chris and Melissa looked just as baffled; Dani still radiated a strange terror. “All of us have enhanced speed, hearing, and sight, so what the hell are you saying?” Chris demanded, not at all in the mood to be patient.

  “The day that Cassie’s grandmother died, Cassie was so angry at me, so infuriated that when she turned on me, her eyes flashed red.” Cassie stiffened against him. “That was when I went to Luther with,” Devon explained.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” she whispered.

  “You weren’t exactly talking to me at the time.” She turned away, her head bowing slightly as her fingers picked at the blanket.

  “We decided to do some research,” Luther said softly. “We began to look for information about the Hunter’s that had been like Cassie. There was very little information to find though as there hasn’t been any in the past three hundred years. I decided to go to some of my Guardian friends for help. One of them had a book that was of great interest to me, and that helped to answer some questions, but also raised more.”

  Luther broke off, frowning thoughtfully as he thought over his next words. “Please stop speaking in riddles and just tell us what the hell is going on,” Cassie demanded.

  Luther shifted; looking slightly uncomfortable as he wearily met her gaze. “The last Hunter like you, that was actually recorded, came along three hundred years ago. Her name was Gertrude, and during a large battle Gertrude became so enraged and blood thirsty that she began to change into a vampire.”

  Cassie’s eyes widened, her gaze darted frantically between Devon and Luther. Devon remained perfectly still, terrified that she would turn against him as soon as this was all over. “Wait, wait.” Chris held up a hand. “Are you saying that this woman actually became a vampire?”

  Luther sighed softly as he shook his head. “No. She began the change, but was unable to complete it. She didn’t have enough vampire blood in her to make the change successfully. She was caught in between.”

  Cassie’s mouth dropped, her eyes widened in horror as her hands clenched tight upon the blanket in her lap. “She became one of those things, those monsters that get stuck in between?” she croaked out.

  “Yes,” Devon said softly, wishing that he could take her terror from her but knowing that he couldn’t.

  “Are you saying that I could do the same?”

  “Yes.” Devon winced at the horrified, pain filled look that filled her eyes. Chris and Melissa gasped loudly; Dani remained unmoving, her eyes wide with fear. “That is what happened outside; it’s also how you were able to defeat Isla. Your powers increased when your fury became so intense that it allowed your vampire DNA to take hold of you.”

  The room became so silent that he could hear the subtle crackling of the power lines outside. Cassie remained as unmoving as a block of ice on his lap, her skin as pale as a ghost. Her eyes flickered slightly; hopelessness filled them as she slowly absorbed everything that she was hearing.

  “This woman, Gertrude, what happened to her?” she inquired in a tight, strangled voice.

  “Unfortunately, she had to be destroyed. She could not be allowed to survive,” Luther said softly.

  Chris’s breath exploded from him in a rush as he leapt to his feet. He ran his hand angrily through his hair, tugging at the slightly singed shaggy blond strands as he cursed viciously. “Are you kidding me?” Melissa demanded sharply. “That’s bull! I don’t even understand why all of this would happen; we were all created the same way!”

  Luther glanced wearily around the room, looking defeated as he pulled his glasses off to clean them. “I’m not one hundred percent certain, but I believe that when a Hunter has an ability the vampire blood in them is more dispersed in order to help fuel the gift the Hunter possesses. When a Hunter doesn’t have a gift, the vampire blood in them is more concentrated and intense. They are stronger, faster, with better senses. More like a vampire themselves.”

  They sat in stunned silence, Cassie remained unmoving. “Are you saying that I am going to turn into one of those things that get stuck in the middle?” she asked after a few minutes.

  Luther heaved another large sigh. “It’s impossible to tell Cassie, but it could happen.”

  Devon heard the increased beat of her heart, felt the chill that washed over her skin. She turned slowly back to him, her eyes tumultuous and lost. He wished there was something he could do to ease the torment radiating from her, but there was nothing. All he could do was be here for her, and try to comfort her.

  “I… I don’t understand, what does all this mean? Am I a danger? Am I going to turn into one of these things at a moment’s notice? Or will it take something more, like Isla telling me that she killed my grandmother?”

  Devon stiffened, his hands tightened on her. “Isla killed your grandmother?” he asked sharply.

  Cassie nodded, licking her lips nervously. “Yes, she told me that tonight. That was when…” she broke off, her voice failing her for a few moments. “That was when I lost control, when the rage took over. It was awful.”

  He rubbed her back gently, wishing that he could soothe her hurt, but knowing that there was nothing he could do to take this away from her. He’d never considered the fact that Isla had been the one that killed her grandmother; they had all just assumed it was Julian. Anger boiled through him, but he kept it hidden from her, not wanting to upset her any further.

  “But I don’t understand,” Cassie mused softly. “Wouldn’t I still be weaker than a vampire? I mean I am not fully one of them, I’m stuck in the middle so wouldn’t they still be able to beat me? Shouldn’t Isla have still won?”

  This was the one thing that Devon had been hoping Cassie wouldn’t wonder about. The one thing he had hoped to keep from her. He met Luther’s gaze, but he knew that Luther would not be the one to explain this. “No Cassie,” Devon said gently, continuing to rub her back, but knowing it would do little to comfort her soon. “You would think so, but the things that get stuck in the middle, they’re mindless. A vampire may be more powerful, but they still have a survival instinct, these things…” he trailed off, simply because this was the part that he didn’t want to think about. “These things do not. All they want is the kill; all they experience is the bloodlust. They care nothing for their own lives, all they want is to destroy and massacre.”

  Cassie gaped at him, her beautiful eyes lost and wounded as confusion swam through them. Then horror filled her face, the color drained swiftly out of it. For a moment he thought she was going to fall over. His hands on her tightened as he tried to keep her with him, tried to keep her from withdrawing from him again.


  “I’m a monster,” she breathed.


  She jerked away from him suddenly and launched to her feet with a grace and speed that was startling. He tried to reach for her again, but she had already moved beyond his grasp as she paced to the doorway. Her hands were shaking, her skin so white now that he could see the small blue veins running through her porc
elain complexion. Her lips had turned nearly as white as the rest of her.

  “I really am a monster,” she whispered.

  “Cassie no…”

  Chris cut off as she turned toward him; her lips pursed tight, her eyes flat and cold. “I’m not even like you guys,” she said flatly. “I’m nothing. I’m a walking danger to this planet…”

  “That is not true!” Luther cut in sharply. “There were other Hunters like you before Gertrude, who never had any problems. Gertrude was a one in a million chance, the rest were fine.”

  Devon rose as Cassie turned away from them. Though it looked as if she were about to leave, she did not. She simply stood stiffly, her eyes focused on the window. “But it’s already happened to me. It will happen again.”

  “You don’t know that!” Chris protested instantly.

  Her eyes turned slowly toward him, though she still looked shell shocked there was a cold acceptance about her. Devon felt his stomach drop as he realized that the Cassie he knew, the Cassie he had wanted back, was gone. That Cassie, though she’d had a hard life and had lost a lot, had still maintained some of her innocence.

  This Cassie, well this Cassie knew the hardships of the world, had been devastated, changed, wounded, beaten down, and had survived it all. This Cassie was still the same, and yet she was so very different. She was harder, more resilient, more knowing. This Cassie would not turn against him; she would not hide from the world behind a wall of pain. This Cassie would face it head on and beat it down with her bare fists if she had too.

  Though he had desperately wanted to keep her sheltered from this harsh reality of life, for he had never wanted her to know such pain, he knew now that it had been inevitable. She knew about the pain and the cruelty of the world now, she knew far more of it than most people. At first she had been destroyed by it, but not now, now she was like a phoenix rising from the ashes, more mature, more solid, an adult. A woman.